forked from jiuyuan/JYCache
943 lines
36 KiB
943 lines
36 KiB
#include "fdcache_entity.h"
#include "fdcache.h"
#include "hybridcache_accessor_4_s3fs.h"
#include "hybridcache_disk_data_adaptor.h"
#include "hybridcache_s3_data_adaptor.h"
#include "s3fs_logger.h"
#include "time.h"
#include "Common.h"
#include "FileSystemDataAdaptor.h"
#include "GlobalDataAdaptor.h"
using HybridCache::ByteBuffer;
using HybridCache::WriteCache;
using HybridCache::ReadCache;
using HybridCache::ErrCode::SUCCESS;
using HybridCache::EnableLogging;
const HybridCache::HybridCacheConfig& cfg) : HybridCacheAccessor(cfg) {
HybridCacheAccessor4S3fs::~HybridCacheAccessor4S3fs() {
void HybridCacheAccessor4S3fs::Init() {
if (cfg_.UseGlobalCache) {
std::shared_ptr<EtcdClient> etcd_client = nullptr;
if (cfg_.GlobalCacheCfg.EnableWriteCache) {
GetGlobalConfig().default_policy.write_cache_type = REPLICATION;
GetGlobalConfig().default_policy.write_replication_factor = 1;
etcd_client = std::make_shared<EtcdClient>(cfg_.GlobalCacheCfg.EtcdAddress);
if (!cfg_.GlobalCacheCfg.GflagFile.empty()) {
dataAdaptor_ = std::make_shared<GlobalDataAdaptor>(
cfg_.GlobalCacheCfg.GlobalServers, etcd_client);
} else {
dataAdaptor_ = std::make_shared<DiskDataAdaptor>(
executor_ = std::make_shared<HybridCache::ThreadPool>(cfg_.ThreadNum);
// ---deleted by tqy
// writeCache_ = std::make_shared<WriteCache>(cfg_.WriteCacheCfg);
// readCache_ = std::make_shared<ReadCache>(cfg_.ReadCacheCfg, dataAdaptor_,
// executor_);
tokenBucket_ = std::make_shared<folly::TokenBucket>(
cfg_.UploadNormalFlowLimit, cfg_.UploadBurstFlowLimit);
||, std::memory_order_release);
bgFlushThread_ = std::thread(&HybridCacheAccessor4S3fs::BackGroundFlush, this);
//added by tqy referring to xyq
stopLinUCBThread = false;
LinUCBThread = std::thread(&HybridCacheAccessor4S3fs::LinUCBClient, this);
LOG(WARNING) << "[Accessor]Init, useGlobalCache:" << cfg_.UseGlobalCache;
//added by tqy referring to xyq
int HybridCacheAccessor4S3fs::InitCache()
// LOG(WARNING) << "ENABLERESIZE : " << cfg_.EnableResize;
if(cfg_.EnableResize || cfg_.EnableLinUCB) //放进同一个cachelib
//in page implement
const uint64_t REDUNDANT_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
const unsigned bucketsPower = 25;
const unsigned locksPower = 15;
const std::string COM_CACHE_NAME = "ComCache";//WriteCache和ReadCache都变为其中一部分
const std::string WRITE_POOL_NAME = "WritePool";
const std::string READ_POOL_NAME = "ReadPool";
//Resize Total Cache
Cache::Config config;
.setCacheSize(cfg_.WriteCacheCfg.CacheCfg.MaxCacheSize + cfg_.ReadCacheCfg.CacheCfg.MaxCacheSize + 2 * REDUNDANT_SIZE)
.setAccessConfig({bucketsPower, locksPower})
std::shared_ptr<Cache> comCache_ = std::make_unique<Cache>(config);
ResizeWriteCache_ = comCache_;
if (comCache_->getPoolId(WRITE_POOL_NAME) != -1)
LOG(WARNING) << "Pool with the same name "<<WRITE_POOL_NAME<<" already exists.";
writePoolId_ = comCache_->getPoolId(WRITE_POOL_NAME);
writePoolId_ = comCache_->addPool(WRITE_POOL_NAME, cfg_.WriteCacheCfg.CacheCfg.MaxCacheSize);
writeCache_ = std::make_shared<WriteCache>(cfg_.WriteCacheCfg, writePoolId_, comCache_);
Cache::NvmCacheConfig nvmConfig;
std::vector<std::string> raidPaths;
//Read Path
for (int i=0; i<cfg_.ReadCacheCfg.CacheCfg.CacheLibCfg.RaidFileNum; ++i)
raidPaths.push_back(cfg_.ReadCacheCfg.CacheCfg.CacheLibCfg.RaidPath + std::to_string(i));
cfg_.ReadCacheCfg.CacheCfg.CacheLibCfg.RaidFileSize, false);
nvmConfig.navyConfig.setReaderAndWriterThreads(1, 1, 0, 0);
ResizeReadCache_ = comCache_;
if (comCache_->getPoolId(READ_POOL_NAME) != -1)
LOG(WARNING) << "Pool with the same name "<<READ_POOL_NAME<<" already exists.";
readPoolId_ = comCache_->getPoolId(READ_POOL_NAME);
readPoolId_ = comCache_->addPool(READ_POOL_NAME, cfg_.ReadCacheCfg.CacheCfg.MaxCacheSize);
readCache_ = std::make_shared<ReadCache>(cfg_.ReadCacheCfg, dataAdaptor_,
executor_, readPoolId_, comCache_);
LOG(WARNING) << "[Accessor]Init Cache in Combined Way.";
else //沿用原来的方式
writeCache_ = std::make_shared<WriteCache>(cfg_.WriteCacheCfg);
readCache_ = std::make_shared<ReadCache>(cfg_.ReadCacheCfg, dataAdaptor_,
ResizeWriteCache_ = nullptr;
ResizeReadCache_ = nullptr;
LOG(WARNING) << "[Accessor]Init Cache in Initial Way.";
writeCacheSize_ = cfg_.WriteCacheCfg.CacheCfg.MaxCacheSize;
readCacheSize_ = cfg_.ReadCacheCfg.CacheCfg.MaxCacheSize;
return SUCCESS;
void HybridCacheAccessor4S3fs::Stop() {
||, std::memory_order_release);
if (bgFlushThread_.joinable()) {
// added by tqy referring to xyq
||, std::memory_order_release);
if(cfg_.EnableLinUCB && LinUCBThread.joinable()){
LOG(WARNING) << "[Accessor]Stop";
int HybridCacheAccessor4S3fs::Put(const std::string &key, size_t start,
size_t len, const char* buf) {
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point startTime;
if (EnableLogging) startTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
// When the write cache is full,
// block waiting for asynchronous flush to release the write cache space.
// while(IsWriteCacheFull(len)) {
// std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1));
// }
if(cfg_.EnableLinUCB || cfg_.EnableResize)
while(IsWritePoolFull(len)) {
while(IsWriteCacheFull(len)) {
// shared lock
auto fileLock = fileLock_.find(key);
while(true) {
if (fileLock_.end() != fileLock) break;
auto res = fileLock_.insert(key, std::make_shared<std::atomic<int>>(0));
if (res.second) {
fileLock = std::move(res.first);
fileLock = fileLock_.find(key);
while(true) {
int lock = fileLock->second->load();
if (lock >= 0 && fileLock->second->compare_exchange_weak(lock, lock + 1))
// LOG(WARNING) << "[TestOutPut]Accessor Put, Get File "<<key<<"'s Lock";
int res = writeCache_->Put(key, start, len, ByteBuffer(const_cast<char *>(buf), len));
int fd = -1;
FdEntity* ent = nullptr;
if (SUCCESS == res && nullptr == (ent = FdManager::get()->GetFdEntity(
key.c_str(), fd, false, AutoLock::ALREADY_LOCKED))) {
res = -EIO;
LOG(ERROR) << "[Accessor]Put, can't find opened path, file:" << key;
if (SUCCESS == res) {
ent->UpdateRealsize(start + len); // TODO: size如何获取?并发情况下的一致性?
fileLock->second->fetch_sub(1); // release shared lock
// LOG(WARNING) << "[TestOutPut]Accessor Put, Release File "<<key<<"'s Lock";
double totalTime = std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli>(
std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - startTime).count();
if (EnableLogging) {
LOG(INFO) << "[Accessor]Put, key:" << key << ", start:" << start
<< ", len:" << len << ", res:" << res
<< ", time:" << totalTime << "ms";
// added by tqy referring to xyq
writeByteAcc_ += len;
writeTimeAcc_ += totalTime;
return res;
int HybridCacheAccessor4S3fs::Get(const std::string &key, size_t start,
size_t len, char* buf) {
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point startTime;
if (EnableLogging) startTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
// LOG(INFO) << "[TestOutPut] Get start, key:" << key;
int res = SUCCESS;
ByteBuffer buffer(buf, len);
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> dataBoundary;
res = writeCache_->Get(key, start, len, buffer, dataBoundary);
size_t remainLen = len;
for (auto it : dataBoundary) {
remainLen -= it.second;
// handle cache misses
size_t readLen = 0;
size_t stepStart = 0;
size_t fileStartOff = 0;
std::vector<folly::Future<int>> fs;
auto it = dataBoundary.begin();
while (remainLen > 0 && SUCCESS == res) {
ByteBuffer buffer(buf + stepStart);
fileStartOff = start + stepStart;
if (it != dataBoundary.end()) {
readLen = it->first - stepStart;
if (!readLen) {
stepStart = it->first + it->second;
stepStart = it->first + it->second;
} else {
readLen = remainLen;
buffer.len = readLen;
remainLen -= readLen;
fs.emplace_back(std::move(readCache_->Get(key, fileStartOff, readLen, buffer)));
if (!fs.empty()) {
auto collectRes = folly::collectAll(fs).get();
for (auto& entry: collectRes) {
int tmpRes = entry.value();
if (SUCCESS != tmpRes && -ENOENT != tmpRes)
res = tmpRes;
double totalTime = std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli>(
std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - startTime).count();
if (EnableLogging) {
LOG(INFO) << "[Accessor]Get, key:" << key << ", start:" << start
<< ", len:" << len << ", res:" << res
<< ", time:" << totalTime << "ms";
// added by tqy referring to xyq
readByteAcc_ += len;
readTimeAcc_ += totalTime;
return res;
int HybridCacheAccessor4S3fs::Flush(const std::string &key) {
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point startTime;
if (EnableLogging) {
startTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
LOG(INFO) << "[Accessor]Flush start, key:" << key;
// LOG(WARNING) << "[TestOutPut] Flush start, key:" << key;
// exclusive lock
auto fileLock = fileLock_.find(key);
while(true) {
if (fileLock_.end() != fileLock) break;
auto res = fileLock_.insert(key, std::make_shared<std::atomic<int>>(0));
if (res.second) {
fileLock = std::move(res.first);
fileLock = fileLock_.find(key);
while(true) {
int expected = 0;
if (fileLock->second->compare_exchange_weak(expected, -1))
int res = SUCCESS;
int fd = -1;
FdEntity* ent = nullptr;
if (nullptr == (ent = FdManager::get()->GetFdEntity(
key.c_str(), fd, false, AutoLock::ALREADY_LOCKED))) {
res = -EIO;
LOG(ERROR) << "[Accessor]Flush, can't find opened path, file:" << key;//error here
// LOG(ERROR) << "[TestOutPut]Accessor Flush, fileLock is "<<fileLock->second->load();
size_t realSize = 0;
std::map<std::string, std::string> realHeaders;
if (SUCCESS == res) {
realSize = ent->GetRealsize();
// file size >= 10G stop LinUCB
if(realSize >= 10737418240)
||, std::memory_order_release);
for (auto &it : ent->GetOriginalHeaders()) {
realHeaders[it.first] = it.second;
if (SUCCESS == res && cfg_.UseGlobalCache) {
// first head S3,upload a empty file when the file does not exist
size_t size;
std::map<std::string, std::string> headers;
S3DataAdaptor s3Adaptor;
res = s3Adaptor.Head(key, size, headers).get();
if (-ENOENT == res) {
res = s3Adaptor.UpLoad(key, 0, ByteBuffer(nullptr, 0), realHeaders).get();
if (SUCCESS != res) {
LOG(ERROR) << "[Accessor]Flush, upload empty file error, file:" << key
<< ", res:" << res;
} else if (SUCCESS != res) {
LOG(ERROR) << "[Accessor]Flush, head error, file:" << key
<< ", res:" << res;
char *buf = nullptr;
while(0 != posix_memalign((void **) &buf, 4096, realSize));
ByteBuffer buffer(buf, realSize);
if (SUCCESS == res) {//try to get
const size_t chunkSize = GetGlobalConfig().write_chunk_size * 2;
const uint64_t chunkNum = realSize / chunkSize + (realSize % chunkSize == 0 ? 0 : 1);
std::vector<Json::Value> jsonRoots(chunkNum);
std::vector<folly::Future<int>> fs;
uint64_t cur = 0;
for (size_t offset = 0; offset < realSize; offset += chunkSize) {
size_t len = std::min(chunkSize, realSize - offset);
fs.emplace_back(folly::via(executor_.get(), [this, key, offset, len, buf, &realHeaders, &jsonRoots, cur]() {
int getRes = Get(key, offset, len, buf + offset);
if (!cfg_.UseGlobalCache || SUCCESS != getRes) return getRes;
while(!tokenBucket_->consume(len)); // upload flow control
ByteBuffer buffer(buf + offset, len);
GlobalDataAdaptor* adaptor = dynamic_cast<GlobalDataAdaptor*>(dataAdaptor_.get());
return adaptor->UpLoadPart(key, offset, len, buffer, realHeaders, jsonRoots[cur]).get();
auto collectRes = folly::collectAll(fs).get();
for (auto& entry: collectRes) {
int tmpRes = entry.value();
if (SUCCESS != tmpRes) res = tmpRes;
if (cfg_.UseGlobalCache && SUCCESS == res) {
GlobalDataAdaptor* adaptor = dynamic_cast<GlobalDataAdaptor*>(dataAdaptor_.get());
res = adaptor->Completed(key, jsonRoots, realSize).get();
// LOG(WARNING) << "[TestOutPut]Flush, Get File "<<key<<" From WriteCache/ReadCache res : "<< res;
if (SUCCESS == res && !cfg_.UseGlobalCache) { // Get success
while(!tokenBucket_->consume(realSize)); // upload flow control
res = dataAdaptor_->UpLoad(key, realSize, buffer, realHeaders).get();
if (SUCCESS != res){
LOG(ERROR) << "[Accessor]Flush, upload error, file:" << key
<< ", res:" << res;
// folly via is not executed immediately, so use separate thread
std::thread t([this, key, res]() {
if (SUCCESS == res) // upload success
writeCache_->Delete(key); //delete here
auto fileLock = fileLock_.find(key);
if (fileLock_.end() != fileLock) {
fileLock_.erase(fileLock); // release exclusive lock
// LOG(WARNING) << "[TestOutPut]Flush, Delete File "<<key<<" From WriteCache success";
if (SUCCESS == res && cfg_.FlushToRead) { // upload success
// TODO: 为提升性能,解锁可能会先于put readCache,可能导致并发flush时写脏数据
std::vector<folly::Future<int>> fs;
const size_t chunkSize = 32 * 1024 * 1024;
for (size_t offset = 0; offset < realSize; offset += chunkSize) {
size_t len = std::min(chunkSize, realSize - offset);
fs.emplace_back(folly::via(executor_.get(), [this, key, offset, len, buf]() {
return readCache_->Put(key, offset, len, ByteBuffer(buf + offset, len));
folly::collectAll(fs).via(executor_.get()).thenValue([this, buf](
std::vector<folly::Try<int>, std::allocator<folly::Try<int>>>&& tups) {
if (buf) free(buf);
return 0;
} else {
folly::via(executor_.get(), [this, buf]() {
if (buf) free(buf);
// LOG(WARNING) << "[TestOutPut]Flush, Flush File "<<key<<" To ReadCache success";
if (EnableLogging) {
double totalTime = std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli>(
std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - startTime).count();
LOG(INFO) << "[Accessor]Flush end, key:" << key << ", size:" << realSize
<< ", res:" << res << ", time:" << totalTime << "ms";
LOG(WARNING) << "[Accessor]Flush end, key:" << key << ", size:" << realSize
<< ", res:" << res << ", time:" << totalTime << "ms";
return res;
int HybridCacheAccessor4S3fs::DeepFlush(const std::string &key) {
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point startTime;
if (EnableLogging) startTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
int res = SUCCESS;
if (cfg_.UseGlobalCache) {
res = dataAdaptor_->DeepFlush(key).get();
if (EnableLogging) {
double totalTime = std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli>(
std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - startTime).count();
LOG(INFO) << "[Accessor]DeepFlush, key:" << key << ", res:" << res
<< ", time:" << totalTime << "ms";
return res;
int HybridCacheAccessor4S3fs::Delete(const std::string &key) {
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point startTime;
if (EnableLogging) startTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
// exclusive lock
auto fileLock = fileLock_.find(key);
while(true) {
if (fileLock_.end() != fileLock) break;
auto res = fileLock_.insert(key, std::make_shared<std::atomic<int>>(0));
if (res.second) {
fileLock = std::move(res.first);
fileLock = fileLock_.find(key);
while(true) {
int expected = 0;
if (fileLock->second->compare_exchange_weak(expected, -1))
int res = writeCache_->Delete(key);
if (SUCCESS == res) {
res = readCache_->Delete(key);
if (SUCCESS == res) {
res = dataAdaptor_->Delete(key).get();
fileLock_.erase(fileLock); // release exclusive lock
if (EnableLogging) {
double totalTime = std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli>(
std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - startTime).count();
LOG(INFO) << "[Accessor]Delete, key:" << key << ", res:" << res
<< ", time:" << totalTime << "ms";
return res;
int HybridCacheAccessor4S3fs::Truncate(const std::string &key, size_t size) {
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point startTime;
if (EnableLogging) startTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
// exclusive lock
auto fileLock = fileLock_.find(key);
while(true) {
if (fileLock_.end() != fileLock) break;
auto res = fileLock_.insert(key, std::make_shared<std::atomic<int>>(0));
if (res.second) {
fileLock = std::move(res.first);
fileLock = fileLock_.find(key);
while(true) {
int expected = 0;
if (fileLock->second->compare_exchange_weak(expected, -1))
int res = SUCCESS;
int fd = -1;
FdEntity* ent = nullptr;
if (nullptr == (ent = FdManager::get()->GetFdEntity(key.c_str(), fd,
false, AutoLock::ALREADY_LOCKED))) {
res = -EIO;
LOG(ERROR) << "[Accessor]Flush, can't find opened path, file:" << key;
size_t realSize = 0;
if (SUCCESS == res) {
realSize = ent->GetRealsize();
if (size < realSize) {
res = writeCache_->Truncate(key, size);
} else if (size > realSize) {
// fill write cache
size_t fillSize = size - realSize;
std::unique_ptr<char[]> buf = std::make_unique<char[]>(fillSize);
res = writeCache_->Put(key, realSize, fillSize,
ByteBuffer(buf.get(), fillSize));
if (SUCCESS == res && size != realSize) {
// release exclusive lock
if (EnableLogging) {
double totalTime = std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli>(
std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - startTime).count();
LOG(INFO) << "[Accessor]Truncate, key:" << key << ", size:" << size
<< ", res:" << res << ", time:" << totalTime << "ms";
return res;
int HybridCacheAccessor4S3fs::Invalidate(const std::string &key) {
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point startTime;
if (EnableLogging) startTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
int res = SUCCESS;
if (cfg_.CleanCacheByOpen) {
res = readCache_->Delete(key);
if (EnableLogging) {
double totalTime = std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli>(
std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - startTime).count();
LOG(INFO) << "[Accessor]Invalidate, key:" << key
<< ", res:" << res << ", time:" << totalTime << "ms";
return res;
int HybridCacheAccessor4S3fs::Head(const std::string &key, size_t& size,
std::map<std::string, std::string>& headers) {
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point startTime;
if (EnableLogging) startTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
int res = dataAdaptor_->Head(key, size, headers).get();
if (EnableLogging) {
double totalTime = std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli>(
std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - startTime).count();
LOG(INFO) << "[Accessor]Head, key:" << key << ", res:" << res
<< ", size:" << size << ", headerCnt:" << headers.size()
<< ", time:" << totalTime << "ms";
return res;
int HybridCacheAccessor4S3fs::FsSync() {
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point startTime;
if (EnableLogging) startTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
if (EnableLogging) {
LOG(WARNING) << "[Accessor]FsSync start";
while(true) {
bool expected = false;
if (backFlushRunning_.compare_exchange_weak(expected, true))
// LOG(WARNING) << "[TestOutPut] expected locked";
std::map<std::string, time_t> files;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, time_t>> filesVec(files.begin(), files.end());
std::sort(filesVec.begin(), filesVec.end(),
[](std::pair<std::string, time_t> lhs, std::pair<std::string, time_t> rhs) {
return lhs.second < rhs.second;
// LOG(WARNING) << "[TestOutPut] Sorting finished";
std::vector<folly::Future<int>> fs;
for (auto& file : filesVec) {
std::string key = file.first;
// LOG(WARNING) << "[TestOutPut] FsSync, start flush file:" << key;
fs.emplace_back(folly::via(executor_.get(), [this, key]() {
int res = this->Flush(key);
if (res) {
LOG(ERROR) << "[Accessor]FsSync, flush error in FsSync, file:" << key
<< ", res:" << res;
// else
// LOG(WARNING) << "[TestOutPut] FsSync, flush success in FsSync, file:" << key;
return res;
if (fs.size()) {
if (EnableLogging) {
double totalTime = std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli>(
std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - startTime).count();
LOG(WARNING) << "[Accessor]FsSync end, fileCnt:" << filesVec.size()
<< ", time:" << totalTime << "ms";
return SUCCESS;
bool HybridCacheAccessor4S3fs::UseGlobalCache() {
return cfg_.UseGlobalCache;
void HybridCacheAccessor4S3fs::BackGroundFlush()
LOG(WARNING) << "[Accessor]BackGroundFlush start";
// while (!toStop_.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) {
// if (WriteCacheRatio() < cfg_.BackFlushCacheRatio) {
// std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1));
// continue;
// }
// LOG(WARNING) << "[Accessor]BackGroundFlush radically, write cache ratio:"
// << WriteCacheRatio();
// FsSync();
// }
// if (0 < writeCache_->GetCacheSize()) {
// FsSync();
// }
// LOG(WARNING) << "[Accessor]BackGroundFlush end";
if(cfg_.EnableResize || cfg_.EnableResize)
while (!toStop_.load(std::memory_order_acquire))
if (WritePoolRatio() < cfg_.BackFlushCacheRatio)
LOG(WARNING) << "[Accessor]BackGroundFlush radically, write pool ratio:"<< WritePoolRatio();
// LOG(WARNING) << "[TestOutPut] Before Flush, Write Pool size : " <<writeCache_->GetCacheSize();
// LOG(WARNING) << "[TestOutPut] After Flush, Write Pool size : "<<writeCache_->GetCacheSize()<<" , Ratio : "<<WritePoolRatio();
if (0 < writeCache_->GetCacheSize())
while (!toStop_.load(std::memory_order_acquire))
if (WriteCacheRatio() < cfg_.BackFlushCacheRatio)
LOG(WARNING) << "[Accessor]BackGroundFlush radically, write cache ratio:"<< WriteCacheRatio();
// LOG(WARNING) << "[TestOutPut] Before Flush, Write cache size : "<<writeCache_->GetCacheSize();
// LOG(WARNING) << "[TestOutPut] After Flush, Write cache size : "<<writeCache_->GetCacheSize()<<" , Ratio : "<<WriteCacheRatio();
if (0 < writeCache_->GetCacheSize()) //仍有文件未存储
// LOG(WARNING) << "[TestOutPut] Final BackGroundFlush ";
LOG(WARNING) << "[Accessor]BackGroundFlush end";
void HybridCacheAccessor4S3fs::InitLog() {
FLAGS_log_dir = cfg_.LogPath;
FLAGS_minloglevel = cfg_.LogLevel;
EnableLogging = cfg_.EnableLog;
uint32_t HybridCacheAccessor4S3fs::WriteCacheRatio()
return writeCache_->GetCacheSize() * 100 / writeCache_->GetCacheMaxSize();
//cfg_.EnableResize || cfg_.EnableResize
uint32_t HybridCacheAccessor4S3fs::WritePoolRatio()
return writeCache_->GetCacheSize() * 100 / writeCacheSize_ ;
bool HybridCacheAccessor4S3fs::IsWriteCacheFull(size_t len)
return writeCache_->GetCacheSize() + len >=
(writeCache_->GetCacheMaxSize() * cfg_.WriteCacheCfg.CacheSafeRatio / 100);
//if(cfg_.EnableResize || cfg_.EnableLinUCB)
bool HybridCacheAccessor4S3fs::IsWritePoolFull(size_t len)
return writeCache_->GetCacheSize() + len >=
(writeCacheSize_ * cfg_.WriteCacheCfg.CacheSafeRatio / 100);
//--------------------added by tqy referring to xyq-----------
void HybridCacheAccessor4S3fs::LinUCBClient()
LOG(WARNING) << "[LinUCB] LinUCBThread start";
uint32_t resizeInterval_ = 5;//暂定5s
int client_socket;
struct sockaddr_in server_address;
if(writeByteAcc_ == 0 && readByteAcc_ == 0)
if ((client_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
LOG(WARNING) << "[LinUCB] Socket creation error";
memset(&server_address, '0', sizeof(server_address));
server_address.sin_family = AF_INET;
server_address.sin_port = htons(IP_PORT);
if (inet_pton(AF_INET, IP_ADDR, &server_address.sin_addr) <= 0) {
LOG(WARNING) << "[LinUCB] Invalid address/ Address not supported";
// 连接服务器
if (connect(client_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&server_address, sizeof(server_address)) < 0) {
LOG(WARNING) << "[LinUCB] Connection Failed";
LOG(INFO) << "[LinUCB] poolStats begin sent";
// 发送每个Pool的Throughput
LOG(INFO) << "[LinUCB] writeByteAcc_ : " << writeByteAcc_ << ", writeTimeAcc_ :" << writeTimeAcc_;
LOG(INFO) << "[LinUCB] readByteAcc_ : " << readByteAcc_ << ", readTimeAcc_ :" << readTimeAcc_;
if(writeTimeAcc_ == 0) writeTimeAcc_ = 1;
if(readTimeAcc_ == 0) readTimeAcc_ = 1;
// double writeThroughput = (double)writeByteAcc_/(double)writeTimeAcc_/1024/1024;
// double readThroughput = (double)readByteAcc_/(double)readTimeAcc_/ 1024/1024;
double writeThroughput = (double)writeByteAcc_/(double)writeTimeAcc_/1024 / 1024 ;// 20643184640
double readThroughput = (double)readByteAcc_/(double)readTimeAcc_/ 1024 / 1024;
writeThroughput = std::tanh(writeThroughput);
readThroughput = std::tanh(readThroughput);
LOG(INFO) << "[LinUCB] writeThroughput : " << writeThroughput
<< " readThroughput : " << readThroughput;
// 清空
writeByteAcc_ = 0;
writeTimeAcc_ = 0;
readByteAcc_ = 0;
readTimeAcc_ = 0;
// 发送poolStats数据
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "WritePool" << ":" << writeCacheSize_/fixSize << ";" // 当前配置
<< "ReadPool" << ":" << readCacheSize_/fixSize << ";"
<< "WritePool" << ":" << writeThroughput << ";" // 吞吐量
<< "ReadPool" << ":" << readThroughput << ";"
<< "WritePool" << ":" << writeCount_ << ";" // context
<< "ReadPool" << ":" << readCount_ << ";";
writeCount_ = 0;
readCount_ = 0;
std::string poolStats = oss.str();
LOG(INFO) << "[LinUCB] " << oss.str(); // log
if(send(client_socket, poolStats.c_str(), poolStats.size(), 0) < 0){
LOG(INFO) << "[LinUCB] Error sending data.";
LOG(INFO) << "[LinUCB] poolStats message sent successfully";
// 接收new pool size数据
char newSize[1024] = {0};
auto readLen = read(client_socket, newSize, 1024);
std::string serialized_data(newSize);
LOG(INFO) << "[LinUCB] Received data: " << serialized_data << std::endl; // log
std::istringstream iss(serialized_data);
// 解析poolName
std::vector<std::string> workloads;
std::string line;
std::getline(iss, line); // 读取第一行
std::istringstream lineStream(line);
std::string poolName;
while (lineStream >> poolName) {
// 解析cache_size
std::vector<int64_t> cache_sizes;
std::getline(iss, line); // 读取第二行
std::istringstream cacheSizeStream(line);
int64_t cacheSize;
while (cacheSizeStream >> cacheSize) {
// for(int i = 0; i < workloads.size(); ++i){
// LOG(INFO) << "[LinUCB] " << workloads[i] << ":" << cache_sizes[i];
// }
// LOG(WARNING) << "[LinUCB] newConfig end recv";
LOG(INFO) << "[LinUCB] Before Resize, Write Pool Size is "<<writeCacheSize_
<<" , Read Pool Size is "<<readCacheSize_;
// 调整 pool size
int64_t deltaWrite = (int64_t)cache_sizes[0]*fixSize - ResizeWriteCache_->getPoolStats(writePoolId_).poolSize;
int64_t deltaRead = (int64_t)cache_sizes[1]*fixSize - ResizeReadCache_->getPoolStats(readPoolId_).poolSize;
bool writeRes = false;
bool readRes = false;
int64_t shrinkSize = 0;
if (deltaWrite < 0) {
// LOG(WARNING) << "[LinUCB]Request FsSync first";
// FsSync();
int64_t freeSize = ResizeWriteCache_->getPoolStats(writePoolId_).poolSize - writeCache_->GetCacheSize();
LOG(INFO) << "[LinUCB] WritePool Free Size : " << freeSize;
if(freeSize - reserveSize < -deltaWrite){
deltaWrite = -(freeSize - reserveSize)/fixSize * fixSize ;
LOG(INFO) << "[LinUCB] WriteCache shrinkPool size:" << deltaWrite;
writeRes = ResizeWriteCache_->shrinkPool(writePoolId_, -deltaWrite);
LOG(INFO) << "[LinUCB] WriteCache shrinkPool succ";
shrinkSize = shrinkSize +(-deltaWrite);
LOG(ERROR) << "[LinUCB] WriteCache shrinkPool failed";
if (deltaRead < 0) {
if(ResizeReadCache_->getPoolStats(readPoolId_).poolSize - 2*reserveSize < -deltaRead)
deltaRead = -(ResizeReadCache_->getPoolStats(readPoolId_).poolSize - 2*reserveSize)/fixSize*fixSize;
LOG(INFO) << "[LinUCB] ReadCache shrinkPool size:" << deltaRead;
readRes = ResizeReadCache_->shrinkPool(readPoolId_, -deltaRead);
LOG(INFO) << "[LinUCB] ReadCache shrinkPool succ";
shrinkSize = shrinkSize + (-deltaRead);
LOG(ERROR) << "[LinUCB] ReadCache shrinkPool failed";
if (deltaWrite > 0)
if(deltaWrite > shrinkSize){
deltaWrite = shrinkSize;
LOG(INFO) << "[LinUCB] WriteCache growPool size:" << deltaWrite;
writeRes = ResizeWriteCache_->growPool(writePoolId_, deltaWrite);
shrinkSize = shrinkSize - deltaWrite;
if (deltaRead > 0) {
if(deltaRead > shrinkSize){
deltaRead = shrinkSize;
LOG(INFO) << "[LinUCB] ReadCache growPool size:" << deltaRead;
readRes = ResizeReadCache_->growPool(readPoolId_, deltaRead);
shrinkSize = shrinkSize - deltaRead;
writeCacheSize_ = ResizeWriteCache_->getPoolStats(writePoolId_).poolSize;
readCacheSize_ = ResizeReadCache_->getPoolStats(readPoolId_).poolSize;
LOG(INFO) << "[LinUCB] After Resize, Write Pool Size is "<<writeCacheSize_
<<" , Read Pool Size is "<<readCacheSize_;
// 每隔 resizeInterval_ 秒调整一次
// LOG(INFO) << "[LinUCB] " << butil::cpuwide_time_us();
LOG(WARNING) << "[LinUCB] LinUCBThread stop";