# __Nasal Scripting Language__ ![GitHub code size](https://img.shields.io/github/languages/code-size/ValKmjolnir/Nasal-Interpreter?style=flat-square&logo=github) ![GitHub release(latest by date)](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/ValKmjolnir/Nasal-Interpreter?style=flat-square&logo=github) ![in dev](https://img.shields.io/badge/dev-v10.1-blue?style=flat-square&logo=github) [![license](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-green?style=flat-square&logo=github)](./LICENSE) > This document is also available in: [__中文__](./doc/README_zh.md) | [__English__](./README.md) ## __Contents__ * [__Introduction__](#introduction) * [__Compile__](#how-to-compile) * [__Usage__](#how-to-use) * [__Tutorial__](#tutorial) * [__Release Notes__](./doc/dev.md#release-notes) * [__Development History__](./doc/dev.md) * [__Benchmark__](./doc/benchmark.md) * [__Difference__](#difference-between-andys-and-this-interpreter) * [__Trace Back Info__](#trace-back-info) * [__Debugger__](#debugger) __Contact us if having great ideas to share!__ * __E-mail__: __lhk101lhk101@qq.com__ ## __Introduction__ [Nasal](http://wiki.flightgear.org/Nasal_scripting_language) is an ECMAscript-like language that used in [FlightGear](https://www.flightgear.org/). The designer is [Andy Ross](https://github.com/andyross). This interpreter is totally rewritten by [ValKmjolnir](https://github.com/ValKmjolnir) using `C++`(`-std=c++14`) without reusing the code in [Andy Ross's nasal interpreter](https://github.com/andyross/nasal). But we really appreciate that Andy created this amazing programming language and his interpreter project. This project uses __MIT license__ (2021/5/4). __Why writing this nasal interpreter?__ In 2019 summer holiday, members in [FGPRC](https://www.fgprc.org/) told me that it is hard to debug with nasal-console in Flightgear, especially when checking syntax errors. So i wrote a new interpreter to help them checking syntax error and even, runtime error. I wrote the lexer, parser and bytecode virtual machine to help checking errors. We found it much easier to check syntax and runtime errors. You could also use this language to write some interesting programs and run them without the lib of Flightgear. You could add your own modules to make the interpreter a useful tool in your own projects. ## __How to Compile__ ![windows](https://img.shields.io/badge/Microsoft-Windows-green?style=flat-square&logo=windows) ![macOS](https://img.shields.io/badge/Apple%20Inc.-MacOS-green?style=flat-square&logo=apple) ![linux](https://img.shields.io/badge/GNU-Linux-green?style=flat-square&logo=GNU) ![g++](https://img.shields.io/badge/GNU-g++-A42E2B?style=flat-square&logo=GNU) ![clang++](https://img.shields.io/badge/LLVM-clang++-262D3A?style=flat-square&logo=LLVM) ![vs](https://img.shields.io/badge/Visual_Studio-MSVC-5C2D91?style=flat-square&logo=visualstudio) Better download the latest update source of the interpreter and build it! It's quite easy to build this interpreter. __CAUTION__: If want to use the release zip/tar.gz file to build the interpreter, please read the [__Release Notes__](./doc/dev.md#release-notes) to make sure this release file has no fatal bugs. Use g++(`MinGW-w64`) or MSVC(`Visual Studio`) on `Windows` . Use g++/clang++ on `Linux/macOS/Unix` platform (we suggest `clang`). On `Windows (MinGW-w64)`: > mingw32-make nasal.exe You could create project in `Visual Studio` by this way: [__Click__](./doc/vs.md). On `Linux/macOS/Unix`: > make nasal You could choose which compiler you want to use: > make nasal CXX=... If you think `-O3` isn't that safe and stable, you could choose: > make stable-release ## __How to Use__ ![usage](./doc/gif/help.gif) If your system is `Windows` and you want to output unicode,please use this command before running nasal: > chcp 65001 or you could write this in nasal code: ```javascript if(os.platform()=="windows") system("chcp 65001"); ``` ## __Tutorial__ Nasal is really __easy__ to learn. Reading this tutorial will not takes you over 15 minutes. __If you have learnt C/C++/Javascript before, this will take less time.__ You could totally use it after reading this simple tutorial:
Basic type __`none`__ is error type used to interrupt the execution. This type is not created by user program. __`nil`__ is a null type. Just like `null`. ```javascript var spc=nil; ``` __`num`__ has 3 formats: `dec`, `hex` and `oct`. Using IEEE754 `double` to store. ```javascript # this language use '#' to write notes var n=2.71828; # dec var n=2.147e16; # dec var n=1e-10; # dec var n=0xAA55; # hex var n=0o170001; # oct ``` __`str`__ has 3 formats. The third one is used to declare a character. ```javascript var s='str'; var s="another string"; var s=`c`; # some special characters is allowed in this language: '\a'; '\b'; '\e'; '\f'; '\n'; '\r'; '\t'; '\v'; '\0'; '\\'; '\?'; '\''; '\"'; ``` __`vec`__ has unlimited length and can store all types of values. ```javascript var vec=[]; var vec=[0,nil,{},[],func(){return 0}]; append(vec,0,1,2); ``` __`hash`__ is a hashmap (or like a `dict` in `python`) that stores values with strings/identifiers as the key. ```javascript var hash={ member1:nil, member2:"str", "member3":"member\'s name can also be a string constant", funct:func(){ return me.member2~me.member3; } }; ``` __`func`__ is a function type (in fact it is `lambda`). ```javascript var f=func(x,y,z){ return nil; } # function could be declared without parameters and `(`, `)` var f=func{ return 114514; } var f=func(x,y,z,deft=1){ return x+y+z+deft; } var f=func(args...){ var sum=0; foreach(var i;args) sum+=i; return sum; } ``` __`upval`__ is used to store upvalues, used in __`nasal_vm`__ to make sure closure runs correctly. __`obj`__ is used to store other complex `C/C++` data types. This type is created by native-function of nasal. If want to define a new data type, see how to add native-functions by editing code.
Operators Nasal has basic math operators `+` `-` `*` `/` and a special operator `~` that joints strings. ```javascript 1+2-(1+3)*(2+4)/(16-9); "str1"~"str2"; ``` For conditional expressions, operators `==` `!=` `<` `>` `<=` `>=` are used to compare two values. `and` `or` have the same function as C/C++ `&&` `||`. ```javascript 1+1 and (1<0 or 1>0); 1<=0 and 1>=0; 1==0 or 1!=0; ``` Unary operators `-` `!` have the same function as C/C++. ```javascript -1; !0; ``` Operators `=` `+=` `-=` `*=` `/=` `~=` are used in assignment expressions. ```javascript a=b=c=d=1; a+=1; a-=1; a*=1; a/=1; a~="string"; ```
Definition As follows. ```javascript var a=1; # define single variable var (a,b,c)=[0,1,2]; # define multiple variables from a vector var (a,b,c)=(0,1,2); # define multiple variables from a tuple ```
Multi-assignment The last one is often used to swap two variables. ```javascript (a,b[0],c.d)=[0,1,2]; (a,b[1],c.e)=(0,1,2); (a,b)=(b,a); ```
Conditional expression In nasal there's a new key word `elsif`. It has the same functions as `else if`. ```javascript if(1){ ; }elsif(2){ ; }else if(3){ ; }else{ ; } ```
Loop While loop and for loop is simalar to C/C++. ```javascript while(condition) continue; for(var i=0;i<10;i+=1) break; ``` Nasal has another two kinds of loops that iterates through a vector: `forindex` will get the index of a vector. Index will be `0` to `size(elem)-1`. ```javascript forindex(var i;elem) print(elem[i]); ``` `foreach` will get the element of a vector. Element will be `elem[0]` to `elem[size(elem)-1]`. ```javascript foreach(var i;elem) print(i); ```
Subvec Nasal provides this special syntax to help user generate a new vector by getting values by one index or getting values by indexes in a range from an old vector. If there's only one index in the bracket, then we will get the value directly. Use index to search one element in the string will get the __ascii number__ of this character. If you want to get the character, use built-in function `chr()`. ```javascript a[0]; a[-1,1,0:2,0:,:3,:,nil:8,3:nil,nil:nil]; "hello world"[0]; ```
Special function call This is not very efficient, because hashmap use string as the key to compare. But if it really useful, the efficientcy may not be so important... ```javascript f(x:0,y:nil,z:[]); ```
Lambda Also functions have this kind of use: ```javascript func(x,y){ return x+y }(0,1); func(x){ return 1/(1+math.exp(-x)); }(0.5); ``` There's an interesting test file `y-combinator.nas`, try it for fun: ```javascript var fib=func(f){ return f(f); }( func(f){ return func(x){ if(x<2) return x; return f(f)(x-1)+f(f)(x-2); } } ); ```
Closure Closure means you could get the variable that is not in the local scope of a function that you called. Here is an example, result is `1`: ```javascript var f=func(){ var a=1; return func(){return a;}; } print(f()()); ``` Using closure makes it easier to OOP. ```javascript var student=func(n,a){ var (name,age)=(n,a); return { print_info:func() {println(name,' ',age);}, set_age: func(a){age=a;}, get_age: func() {return age;}, set_name: func(n){name=n;}, get_name: func() {return name;} }; } ```
Trait Also there's another way to OOP, that is `trait`. When a hash has a member named `parents` and the value type is vector, then when you are trying to find a member that is not in this hash, virtual machine will search the member in `parents`. If there is a hash that has the member, you will get the member's value. Using this mechanism, we could OOP like this, the result is `114514`: ```javascript var trait={ get:func{return me.val;}, set:func(x){me.val=x;} }; var class={ new:func(){ return { val:nil, parents:[trait] }; } }; var a=class.new(); a.set(114514); println(a.get()); ``` First virtual machine cannot find member `set` in hash `a`, but in `a.parents` there's a hash `trait` has the member `set`, so we get the `set`. variable `me` points to hash `a`, so we change the `a.val`. And `get` has the same process. And we must remind you that if you do this: ```javascript var trait={ get:func{return me.val;}, set:func(x){me.val=x;} }; var class={ new:func(){ return { val:nil, parents:[trait] }; } }; var a=class.new(); var b=class.new(); a.set(114); b.set(514); println(a.get()); println(b.get()); var c=a.get; var d=b.get; println(c()); println(c()); println(d()); println(d()); ``` You will get this result now: ```bash 114 514 514 514 514 514 ``` Because `a.get` will set `me=a` in the `trait.get`. Then `b.get` do the `me=b`. So in fact c is `b.get` too after running `var d=b.get`. If you want to use this trick to make the program running more efficiently, you must know this special mechanism.
Native functions and module import This part shows how we add native functions in this interpreter. If you are interested in this part, this may help you. And... __CAUTION:__ If you want to add your own functions __without__ changing the source code, see the __`module`__ after this part. If you really want to change source code, check built-in functions in `lib.nas` and see the example below. Definition: ```C++ // you could also use a macro to define one. nas_native(builtin_print); ``` Then complete this function using C++: ```C++ nas_ref builtin_print(nas_ref* local,nasal_gc& gc) { // find value with index begin from 1 // because local[0] is reserved for value 'me' nas_ref vec=local[1]; // main process // also check number of arguments and type here // if get an error,use nas_err for(auto& i:vec.vec().elems) switch(i.type) { case vm_none: std::cout<<"undefined"; break; case vm_nil: std::cout<<"nil"; break; case vm_num: std::cout<"; break; } std::cout<
Modules(for lib developers) If there is only one way to add your own functions into nasal, that is really inconvenient. Luckily, we have developed some useful native-functions to help you add modules that created by you. After 2021/12/3, there are some new functions added to `lib.nas`: ```javascript var dylib= { dlopen: func(libname){return __dlopen;}, dlsym: func(lib,sym){return __dlsym; }, dlclose: func(lib){return __dlclose; }, dlcall: func(funcptr,args...){return __dlcall;} }; ``` Aha, as you could see, these functions are used to load dynamic libraries into the nasal runtime and execute. Let's see how they work. First, write a cpp file that you want to generate the dynamic lib, take the `fib.cpp` as the example(example codes are in `./module`): ```C++ // add header file nasal.h to get api #include "nasal.h" double fibonaci(double x){ if(x<=2) return x; return fibonaci(x-1)+fibonaci(x-2); } // remember to use extern "C", // so you could search the symbol quickly extern "C" nas_ref fib(std::vector& args,nasal_gc& gc){ // the arguments are generated into a vm_vec: args // get values from the vector that must be used here nas_ref num=args[0]; // if you want your function safer, try this // nas_err will print the error info on screen // and return vm_null for runtime to interrupt if(num.type!=vm_num) return nas_err("extern_fib","\"num\" must be number"); // ok, you must know that vm_num now is not managed by gc // if want to return a gc object, use gc.alloc(type) // usage of gc is the same as adding a native function return {vm_num,fibonaci(num.tonum())}; } ``` Next, compile this `fib.cpp` into dynamic lib. Linux(`.so`): `clang++ -c -O3 fib.cpp -fPIC -o fib.o` `clang++ -shared -o libfib.so fib.o` Mac(`.so` & `.dylib`): same as Linux. Windows(`.dll`): `g++ -c -O3 fib.cpp -fPIC -o fib.o` `g++ -shared -o libfib.dll fib.o` Then we write a test nasal file to run this fib function, using `os.platform()` we could write a cross-platform program: ```javascript var dlhandle=dylib.dlopen("libfib."~(os.platform()=="windows"?"dll":"so")); var fib=dylib.dlsym(dlhandle,"fib"); for(var i=1;i<30;i+=1) println(dylib.dlcall(fib,i)); dylib.dlclose(dlhandle); ``` `dylib.dlopen` is used to load dynamic library. `dylib.dlsym` is used to get the function address. `dylib.dlcall` is used to call the function, the first argument is the function address, make sure this argument is vm_obj and type=obj_extern. `dylib.dlclose` is used to unload the library, at the moment that you call the function, all the function addresses that got from it are invalid. If get this, Congratulations! ```bash ./nasal a.nas 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181 6765 10946 17711 28657 46368 75025 121393 196418 317811 514229 832040 ```
## __Difference Between Andy's and This Interpreter__ ![error](./doc/gif/error.gif)
Must use `var` to define variables This interpreter uses more strict syntax to make sure it is easier for you to program and debug. In Andy's interpreter: ```javascript foreach(i;[0,1,2,3]) print(i) ``` This program can run normally. But take a look at the iterator `i`, it is defined in foreach without using keyword `var`. I think this design will make programmers feeling confused that they maybe hard to find the `i` is defined here. Without `var`, they may think this `i` is defined anywhere else. So in this interpreter i use a more strict syntax to force users to use `var` to define iterator of forindex and foreach. If you forget to add the keyword `var`, you will get this: ```javascript code: undefined symbol "i" --> test.nas:1:9 | 1 | foreach(i;[0,1,2,3]) | ^ undefined symbol "i" code: undefined symbol "i" --> test.nas:2:11 | 2 | print(i) | ^ undefined symbol "i" ```
Default dynamic arguments not supported In this interpreter, function doesn't put dynamic args into vector `arg` by default. So if you use `arg` without definition, you'll get an error of `undefined symbol`. ```javascript var f=func(){ println(arg) } f(1,2,3); ``` Compilation result: ```javascript code: undefined symbol "arg" --> test.nas:2:15 | 2 | println(arg) | ^ undefined symbol "arg" ```
## __Trace Back Info__ ![stackoverflow](./doc/gif/stackoverflow.gif) When interpreter crashes, it will print trace back information:
Native function `die` Function `die` is used to throw error and crash immediately. ```javascript func() { println("hello"); die("error occurred this line"); return; }(); ``` ```javascript hello [vm] error: error occurred this line [vm] native function error. trace back: 0x000000ac 40 00 00 00 25 callb 0x25 <__die@0x41afc0> (lib.nas:131) 0x000004f6 3e 00 00 00 01 callfv 0x1 (a.nas:4) 0x000004fa 3e 00 00 00 00 callfv 0x0 (a.nas:6) vm stack (0x7fffcd21bc68 , limit 10, total 12): 0x0000005b | null | ... 0x00000057 | str | <0x138ff60> error occurred t... ... 0x00000052 | nil | ```
Stack overflow Here is an example of stack overflow: ```javascript func(f){ return f(f); }( func(f){ f(f); } )(); ``` ```javascript [vm] stack overflow trace back: 0x000004fb 3e 00 00 00 01 callfv 0x1 (a.nas:5) 0x000004fb 1349 same call(s) 0x000004f3 3e 00 00 00 01 callfv 0x1 (a.nas:2) 0x000004ff 3e 00 00 00 01 callfv 0x1 (a.nas:3) vm stack (0x7fffd3781d58 , limit 10, total 8108): 0x00001ffb | func | <0x15f8d90> entry:0x4f9 0x00001ffa | func | <0x15f8d90> entry:0x4f9 0x00001ff9 | pc | 0x4fb ... 0x00001ff2 | addr | 0x7fffd37a16e8 ```
Normal vm error crash info Error will be thrown if there's a fatal error when executing: ```javascript func(){ return 0; }()[1]; ``` ```javascript [vm] callv: must call a vector/hash/string trace back: 0x000004f4 3b 00 00 00 00 callv 0x0 (a.nas:3) vm stack (0x7fffff539c28 , limit 10, total 1): 0x00000050 | num | 0 ```
Detailed crash info Use command __`-d`__ or __`--detail`__ the trace back info will show more details: ```javascript hello [vm] error: error occurred this line [vm] error: native function error trace back (main) 0x000000b0 40 00 00 00 2b callb 0x2b <__die@0x41c380> (lib.nas:131) 0x00000553 3e 00 00 00 01 callfv 0x1 (test.nas:4) 0x00000557 3e 00 00 00 00 callfv 0x0 (test.nas:6) vm stack (0x7fffe0ffed90 , limit 10, total 12) 0x0000004a | null | 0x00000049 | pc | 0x553 0x00000048 | addr | 0x7fffe0ffeda0 ... 0x00000041 | nil | registers (main) [ pc ] | pc | 0xb0 [ global ] | addr | 0x7fffe0ffe9a0 [ localr ] | addr | 0x7fffe0ffedf0 [ memr ] | addr | 0x0 [ canary ] | addr | 0x7fffe1002990 [ top ] | addr | 0x7fffe0ffee40 [ funcr ] | func | <0x677cd0> entry:0xb0 [ upvalr ] | nil | global (0x7fffe0ffe9a0 ) 0x00000000 | func | <0x65fb00> entry:0x5 0x00000001 | func | <0x65fb20> entry:0xd ... 0x0000003d | func | <0x66bf00> entry:0x51f 0x0000003e | hash | <0x65ffa0> {5 val} local (0x7fffe0ffedf0 ) 0x00000000 | nil | 0x00000001 | str | <0x6cb630> error occurred t... ```
## __Debugger__ ![dbg](./doc/gif/dbg.gif) We added a debugger in `v8.0`. Use command `./nasal -dbg xxx.nas` to use the debugger, and the debugger will print this:
Click to unfold ```javascript [debug] nasal debug mode input 'h' to get help source code: --> var fib=func(x) { if(x<2) return x; return fib(x-1)+fib(x-2); } for(var i=0;i<31;i+=1) print(fib(i),'\n'); next bytecode: --> 0x00000000 01 00 00 00 41 intg 0x41 (test/fib.nas:0) 0x00000001 0b 00 00 00 05 newf 0x5 (lib.nas:6) 0x00000002 02 00 00 00 02 intl 0x2 (lib.nas:6) 0x00000003 0f 00 00 00 00 dyn 0x0 ("elems") (lib.nas:6) 0x00000004 32 00 00 00 07 jmp 0x7 (lib.nas:6) 0x00000005 40 00 00 00 00 callb 0x0 <__print@0x419c80> (lib.nas:7) 0x00000006 4a 00 00 00 00 ret 0x0 (lib.nas:7) 0x00000007 03 00 00 00 00 loadg 0x0 (lib.nas:6) vm stack (0x7fffd0259138 , limit 10, total 0) >> ```
If want help, input `h` to get help. When running the debugger, you could see what is on stack. This will help you debugging or learning how the vm works:
Click to unfold ```javascript source code: var fib=func(x) { --> if(x<2) return x; return fib(x-1)+fib(x-2); } for(var i=0;i<31;i+=1) print(fib(i),'\n'); next bytecode: 0x00000548 0c 00 00 00 aa happ 0xaa ("running") (lib.nas:503) 0x00000549 03 00 00 00 3e loadg 0x3e (lib.nas:498) 0x0000054a 0b 00 00 05 4e newf 0x54e (test/fib.nas:1) 0x0000054b 02 00 00 00 02 intl 0x2 (test/fib.nas:1) 0x0000054c 0d 00 00 00 1b para 0x1b ("x") (test/fib.nas:1) 0x0000054d 32 00 00 05 5d jmp 0x55d (test/fib.nas:1) --> 0x0000054e 39 00 00 00 01 calll 0x1 (test/fib.nas:3) 0x0000054f 2d 00 00 00 03 lessc 0x3 (2) (test/fib.nas:3) vm stack (0x7fffd0259138 , limit 10, total 7) 0x00000047 | pc | 0x566 0x00000046 | addr | 0x0 0x00000045 | nil | 0x00000044 | num | 0 0x00000043 | nil | 0x00000042 | nil | 0x00000041 | func | <0x88d2f0> entry:0x5 >> ```