
21 KiB

Development History




LL(1) parser with special check.

(var a,b,c)=[{b:nil},[1,2],func return 0;];

These two expressions have the same first set,so LL(1) is useless for this language. We add some special checks in it.

Problems mentioned above have been solved for a long time, but recently i found a new problem here:

var f=func(x,y,z){return x+y+z}

This will be recognized as this:

var f=func(x,y,z){return x+y+z}(a,b,c)

and causes fatal syntax error. And i tried this program in flightgear nasal console. It also found this is a syntax error. I think this is a serious design fault. To avoid this syntax error, change program like this, just add a semicolon:

var f=func(x,y,z){return x+y+z};
                               ^ here

version 1.0 parser (last update 2019/10/14)

First fully functional version of parser.

Before version 1.0,i tried many times to create a correct parser.

Finally i learned LL(1) and LL(k) and wrote a parser for math formulas in version 0.16(last update 2019/9/14).

In version 0.17(2019/9/15) 0.18(2019/9/18) 0.19(2019/10/1)i was playing the parser happily and after that i wrote version 1.0.

This project began at 2019/7/25.

Abstract Syntax Tree

version 1.2 ast (last update 2019/10/31)

The ast has been completed in this version.

version 2.0 ast (last update 2020/8/31)

A completed ast-interpreter with unfinished lib functions.

version 3.0 ast (last update 2020/10/23)

The ast is refactored and is now easier to read and maintain.

Ast-interpreter uses new techniques so it can run codes more efficiently.

Now you can add your own functions as builtin-functions in this interpreter!

I decide to save the ast interpreter after releasing v4.0. Because it took me a long time to think and write...

version 5.0 ast (last update 2021/3/7)

I change my mind. AST interpreter leaves me too much things to do.

If i continue saving this interpreter, it will be harder for me to make the bytecode vm become more efficient.

version 11.0 ast (latest)

Change ast framework. Now we use visitor pattern.

Bytecode Virtual Machine


version 4.0 vm (last update 2020/12/17)

I have just finished the first version of bytecode-interpreter.

This interpreter is still in test. After this test, i will release version 4.0!

Now i am trying to search hidden bugs in this interpreter. Hope you could help me! :)

There's an example of byte code below:

for(var i=0;i<4000000;i+=1);
.number 0
.number 4e+006
.number 1
.symbol i
0x00000000: pzero  0x00000000
0x00000001: loadg  0x00000000 (i)
0x00000002: callg  0x00000000 (i)
0x00000003: pnum   0x00000001 (4e+006)
0x00000004: less   0x00000000
0x00000005: jf     0x0000000b
0x00000006: pone   0x00000000
0x00000007: mcallg 0x00000000 (i)
0x00000008: addeq  0x00000000
0x00000009: pop    0x00000000
0x0000000a: jmp    0x00000002
0x0000000b: nop    0x00000000

version 5.0 vm (last update 2021/3/7)

I decide to optimize bytecode vm in this version.

Because it takes more than 1.5s to count i from 0 to 4000000-1.This is not efficient at all!

2021/1/23 update: Now it can count from 0 to 4000000-1 in 1.5s.

version 6.0 vm (last update 2021/6/1)

Use loadg/loadl/callg/calll/mcallg/mcalll to avoid branches.

Delete type vm_scop.

Use const vm_num to avoid frequently new & delete.

Change garbage collector from reference-counting to mark-sweep.

vapp and newf operand use .num to reduce the size of exec_code.

2021/4/3 update: Now it can count from 0 to 4e6-1 in 0.8s.

2021/4/19 update: Now it can count from 0 to 4e6-1 in 0.4s.

In this update i changed global and local scope from unordered_map to vector.

So the bytecode generator changed a lot.

for(var i=0;i<4000000;i+=1);
.number 4e+006
0x00000000: intg   0x00000001
0x00000001: pzero  0x00000000
0x00000002: loadg  0x00000000
0x00000003: callg  0x00000000
0x00000004: pnum   0x00000000 (4e+006)
0x00000005: less   0x00000000
0x00000006: jf     0x0000000c
0x00000007: pone   0x00000000
0x00000008: mcallg 0x00000000
0x00000009: addeq  0x00000000
0x0000000a: pop    0x00000000
0x0000000b: jmp    0x00000003
0x0000000c: nop    0x00000000

version 6.5 vm (last update 2021/6/24)

2021/5/31 update:

Now gc can collect garbage correctly without re-collecting, which will cause fatal error.

Add builtin_alloc to avoid mark-sweep when running a built-in function, which will mark useful items as useless garbage to collect.

Better use setsize and assignment to get a big array, append is very slow in this situation.

2021/6/3 update:

Fixed a bug that gc still re-collects garbage, this time i use three mark states to make sure garbage is ready to be collected.

Change callf to callfv and callfh. And callfv fetches arguments from val_stack directly instead of using vm_vec, a not very efficient way.

Better use callfv instead of callfh, callfh will fetch a vm_hash from stack and parse it, making this process slow.

var f=func(x,y){return x+y;}
.number 1024
.number 2048
.symbol x   
.symbol y
0x00000000: intg   0x00000001
0x00000001: newf   0x00000007
0x00000002: intl   0x00000003
0x00000003: offset 0x00000001
0x00000004: para   0x00000000 (x)
0x00000005: para   0x00000001 (y)
0x00000006: jmp    0x0000000b
0x00000007: calll  0x00000001
0x00000008: calll  0x00000002
0x00000009: add    0x00000000
0x0000000a: ret    0x00000000
0x0000000b: loadg  0x00000000
0x0000000c: callg  0x00000000
0x0000000d: pnum   0x00000000 (1024)
0x0000000e: pnum   0x00000001 (2048)
0x0000000f: callfv 0x00000002
0x00000010: pop    0x00000000
0x00000011: nop    0x00000000

2021/6/21 update: Now gc will not collect nullptr. And the function of assignment is complete, now these kinds of assignment is allowed:

var f=func()
    var _=[{_:0},{_:1}];
    return func(x)
        return _[x];
var m=f();


In the old version, parser will check this left-value and tells that these kinds of left-value are not allowed(bad lvalue).

But now it can work. And you could see its use by reading the code above. To make sure this assignment works correctly, codegen will generate byte code by codegen::call_gen() instead of codegen::mcall_gen(), and the last child of the ast will be generated by codegen::mcall_gen(). So the bytecode is totally different now:

.number 10
.number 2
.symbol _
.symbol x
0x00000000: intg   0x00000002
0x00000001: newf   0x00000005
0x00000002: intl   0x00000002
0x00000003: offset 0x00000001
0x00000004: jmp    0x00000017
0x00000005: newh   0x00000000
0x00000006: pzero  0x00000000
0x00000007: happ   0x00000000 (_)
0x00000008: newh   0x00000000
0x00000009: pone   0x00000000
0x0000000a: happ   0x00000000 (_)
0x0000000b: newv   0x00000002
0x0000000c: loadl  0x00000001
0x0000000d: newf   0x00000012
0x0000000e: intl   0x00000003
0x0000000f: offset 0x00000002
0x00000010: para   0x00000001 (x)
0x00000011: jmp    0x00000016
0x00000012: calll  0x00000001
0x00000013: calll  0x00000002
0x00000014: callv  0x00000000
0x00000015: ret    0x00000000
0x00000016: ret    0x00000000
0x00000017: loadg  0x00000000
0x00000018: callg  0x00000000
0x00000019: callfv 0x00000000
0x0000001a: loadg  0x00000001
0x0000001b: pnum   0x00000000 (10.000000)
0x0000001c: callg  0x00000001
0x0000001d: pone   0x00000000
0x0000001e: callfv 0x00000001
0x0000001f: mcallh 0x00000000 (_)
0x00000020: meq    0x00000000
0x00000021: callg  0x00000001
0x00000022: pzero  0x00000000
0x00000023: callfv 0x00000001
0x00000024: mcallh 0x00000000 (_)
0x00000025: meq    0x00000000
0x00000026: pop    0x00000000
0x00000027: pzero  0x00000000
0x00000028: pzero  0x00000000
0x00000029: pone   0x00000000
0x0000002a: pnum   0x00000001 (2.000000)
0x0000002b: newv   0x00000003
0x0000002c: slcbeg 0x00000000
0x0000002d: pone   0x00000000
0x0000002e: pnum   0x00000001 (2.000000)
0x0000002f: slc2   0x00000000
0x00000030: slcend 0x00000000
0x00000031: pzero  0x00000000
0x00000032: mcallv 0x00000000
0x00000033: meq    0x00000000
0x00000034: pop    0x00000000
0x00000035: nop    0x00000000

As you could see from the bytecode above, mcall/mcallv/mcallh operands' using frequency will reduce, call/callv/callh/callfv/callfh at the opposite.

And because of the new structure of mcall, addr_stack, a stack used to store the memory address, is deleted from vm, and now vm use nas_val** mem_addr to store the memory address. This will not cause fatal errors because the memory address is used immediately after getting it.

version 7.0 vm (last update 2021/10/8)

2021/6/26 update:

Instruction dispatch is changed from call-threading to computed-goto(with inline function). After changing the way of instruction dispatch, there is a great improvement in vm. Now vm can run test/bigloop and test/pi in 0.2s! And vm runs test/fib in 0.8s on linux. You could see the time use data below, in Test data section.

This version uses g++ extension "labels as values", which is also supported by clang++. (But i don't know if MSVC supports this)

There is also a change in gc: std::vector global is deleted, now the global values are all stored on stack(from val_stack+0 to val_stack+intg-1).

2021/6/29 update:

Add some instructions that execute const values: op_addc,op_subc,op_mulc,op_divc,op_lnkc,op_addeqc,op_subeqc,op_muleqc,op_diveqc,op_lnkeqc.

Now the bytecode of test/bigloop.nas seems like this:

.number 4e+006
.number 1
0x00000000: intg   0x00000001
0x00000001: pzero  0x00000000
0x00000002: loadg  0x00000000
0x00000003: callg  0x00000000
0x00000004: pnum   0x00000000 (4000000)
0x00000005: less   0x00000000
0x00000006: jf     0x0000000b
0x00000007: mcallg 0x00000000
0x00000008: addeqc 0x00000001 (1)
0x00000009: pop    0x00000000
0x0000000a: jmp    0x00000003
0x0000000b: nop    0x00000000

And this test file runs in 0.1s after this update. Most of the calculations are accelerated.

Also, assignment bytecode has changed a lot. Now the first identifier that called in assignment will use op_load to assign, instead of op_meq,op_pop.

var (a,b)=(1,2);
.number 2
0x00000000: intg   0x00000002
0x00000001: pone   0x00000000
0x00000002: loadg  0x00000000
0x00000003: pnum   0x00000000 (2)
0x00000004: loadg  0x00000001
0x00000005: pzero  0x00000000
0x00000006: mcallg 0x00000001
0x00000007: meq    0x00000000 (b=2 use meq,pop->a)
0x00000008: loadg  0x00000000 (a=b use loadg)
0x00000009: nop    0x00000000

version 8.0 vm (last update 2022/2/12)

2021/10/8 update:

In this version vm_nil and vm_num now is not managed by gc, this will decrease the usage of gc::alloc and increase the efficiency of execution.

New value type is added: vm_obj. This type is reserved for user to define their own value types. Related API will be added in the future.

Fully functional closure: Add new operands that get and set upvalues. Delete an old operand op_offset.

2021/10/13 update:

The format of output information of bytecodes changes to this:

0x000002f2: newf   0x2f6
0x000002f3: intl   0x2
0x000002f4: para   0x3e ("x")
0x000002f5: jmp    0x309
0x000002f6: calll  0x1
0x000002f7: lessc  0x0 (2)
0x000002f8: jf     0x2fb
0x000002f9: calll  0x1
0x000002fa: ret
0x000002fb: upval  0x0[0x1]
0x000002fc: upval  0x0[0x1]
0x000002fd: callfv 0x1
0x000002fe: calll  0x1
0x000002ff: subc   0x1d (1)
0x00000300: callfv 0x1
0x00000301: upval  0x0[0x1]
0x00000302: upval  0x0[0x1]
0x00000303: callfv 0x1
0x00000304: calll  0x1
0x00000305: subc   0x0 (2)
0x00000306: callfv 0x1
0x00000307: add
0x00000308: ret
0x00000309: ret
0x0000030a: callfv 0x1
0x0000030b: loadg  0x32

2022/1/22 update:

Delete op_pone and op_pzero. Both of them are meaningless and will be replaced by op_pnum.

version 9.0 vm (last update 2022/5/18)

2022/2/12 update:

Local values now are stored on stack. So function calling will be faster than before. Because in v8.0 when calling a function, new vm_vec will be allocated by gc, this makes gc doing mark-sweep too many times and spends a quite lot of time. In test file test/bf.nas, it takes too much time to test the file because this file has too many function calls(see test data below in table version 8.0 (R9-5900HX ubuntu-WSL 2022/1/23)).

Upvalue now is generated when creating first new function in the local scope, using vm_vec. And after that when creating new functions, they share the same upvalue, and the upvalue will synchronize with the local scope each time creating a new function.

2022/3/27 update:

In this month's updates we change upvalue from vm_vec to vm_upval, a special gc-managed object, which has almost the same structure of that upvalue object in another programming language Lua.

Today we change the output format of bytecode. New output format looks like objdump:

  0x0000029b:       0a 00 00 00 00        newh

func <0x29c>:
  0x0000029c:       0b 00 00 02 a0        newf    0x2a0
  0x0000029d:       02 00 00 00 02        intl    0x2
  0x0000029e:       0d 00 00 00 66        para    0x66 ("libname")
  0x0000029f:       32 00 00 02 a2        jmp     0x2a2
  0x000002a0:       40 00 00 00 42        callb   0x42 <__dlopen@0x41dc40>
  0x000002a1:       4a 00 00 00 00        ret

  0x000002a2:       0c 00 00 00 67        happ    0x67 ("dlopen")

func <0x2a3>:
  0x000002a3:       0b 00 00 02 a8        newf    0x2a8
  0x000002a4:       02 00 00 00 03        intl    0x3
  0x000002a5:       0d 00 00 00 68        para    0x68 ("lib")
  0x000002a6:       0d 00 00 00 69        para    0x69 ("sym")
  0x000002a7:       32 00 00 02 aa        jmp     0x2aa
  0x000002a8:       40 00 00 00 43        callb   0x43 <__dlsym@0x41df00>
  0x000002a9:       4a 00 00 00 00        ret

  0x000002aa:       0c 00 00 00 6a        happ    0x6a ("dlsym")

version 10.0 vm (last update 2022/8/16)

2022/5/19 update:

Now we add coroutine in this runtime:

var coroutine={
    create: func(function){return __cocreate;},
    resume: func(co)      {return __coresume;},
    yield:  func(args...) {return __coyield; },
    status: func(co)      {return __costatus;},
    running:func()        {return __corun;   }

coroutine.create is used to create a new coroutine object using a function. But this coroutine will not run immediately.

coroutine.resume is used to continue running a coroutine.

coroutine.yield is used to interrupt the running of a coroutine and throw some values. These values will be accepted and returned by coroutine.resume. And coroutine.yield it self returns vm_nil in the coroutine function.

coroutine.status is used to see the status of a coroutine. There are 3 types of status:suspended means waiting for running,running means is running,dead means finished running.

coroutine.running is used to judge if there is a coroutine running now.

CAUTION: coroutine should not be created or running inside another coroutine.

We will explain how resume and yield work here:

When op_callb is called, the stack frame is like this:

+----------------------+(main stack)
| old pc(vm_ret)       | <- top[0]
| old localr(vm_addr)  | <- top[-1]
| old upvalr(vm_upval) | <- top[-2]
| local scope(var)     |
| ...                  |
+----------------------+ <- local pointer stored in localr
| old funcr(vm_func)   | <- old function stored in funcr

In op_callb's progress, next step the stack frame is:

+----------------------+(main stack)
| nil(vm_nil)          | <- push nil
| old pc(vm_ret)       |
| old localr(vm_addr)  |
| old upvalr(vm_upval) |
| local scope(var)     |
| ...                  |
+----------------------+ <- local pointer stored in localr
| old funcr(vm_func)   | <- old function stored in funcr

Then we call resume, this function will change stack. As we can see, coroutine stack already has some values on it, but if we first enter it, the stack top will be vm_ret, and the return pc is 0.

So for safe running, when first calling the coroutine, resume will return[0]. op_callb will do top[0]=resume(), so the value does not change.

+----------------------+(coroutine stack)
| pc:0(vm_ret)         | <- now[0]

When we call yield, the function will do like this. And we find that op_callb has put the nil at the top. but where is the returned local[1] sent?

+----------------------+(coroutine stack)
| nil(vm_nil)          | <- push nil
| old pc(vm_ret)       |
| old localr(vm_addr)  |
| old upvalr(vm_upval) |
| local scope(var)     |
| ...                  |
+----------------------+ <- local pointer stored in localr
| old funcr(vm_func)   | <- old function stored in funcr

When builtin_coyield is finished, the stack is set to main stack, and the returned local[1] in fact is set to the top of the main stack by op_callb:

+----------------------+(main stack)
| return_value(var)    |
| old pc(vm_ret)       |
| old localr(vm_addr)  |
| old upvalr(vm_upval) |
| local scope(var)     |
| ...                  |
+----------------------+ <- local pointer stored in localr
| old funcr(vm_func)   | <- old function stored in funcr

so the main progress feels the value on the top is the returned value of resume. but in fact the resume's returned value is set on coroutine stack. so we conclude this:

resume (main->coroutine) return[0].[0] =[0];
yield  (coroutine->main) return a vector.[0]      = vector;

Release Notes

version 8.0 release

I made a big mistake in v8.0 release:

in nasal_dbg.h:215: auto canary=gc.stack+STACK_MAX_DEPTH-1;

this will cause incorrect stackoverflow error. please change it to:


If do not change this line, only the debugger runs abnormally. this bug is fixed in v9.0.

Another bug is that in nasal_err.h:class nasal_err, we should add a constructor for this class:

    nasal_err(): error(0) {}

This bug is fixed in v9.0. So we suggest that do not use v8.0.

version 11.0 release

  1. Use C++ std=c++17.

  2. Change framework of ast, using visitor pattern.

  3. New ast structure dump info format.

  4. Change the way of module export, split library into different modules. Symbols begin with _ will not be exported.

  5. Change stl to std.

  6. Add REPL interpreter.

  7. Improve structure of virtual machine, split global symbol stack(stores global symbols' values) and value stack(using in process).

  8. Delete operand op_intg, add operand op_repl.

  9. Add CMakeLists.txt for cmake user(including Visual Studio).

  10. New ghost type register process.

version 11.1 release

  1. Bug fix: debugger in v11.0 is malfunctional.

  2. Bug fix: symbol_finder does not check definition in foreach/forindex loop.

  3. Change extension syntax import.xx.xx to use xx.xx.