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# lib.nas
# import is used to link another file, this lib function will do nothing.
# because nasal_import will recognize this and link files before generating bytecode.
var import=func(filename){
return __builtin_import(filename);
# print is used to print all things in nasal, try and see how it works.
# this function uses std::cout/printf to output logs.
var print=func(elems...){
return __builtin_print(elems);
# append is used to add values into a vector.
var append=func(vec,elems...){
return __builtin_append(vec,elems);
# setsize is used to change the size of vector.
# if the size is larger than before,
# this function will fill vm_nil into uninitialized space.
var setsize=func(vec,size){
return __builtin_setsize(vec,size);
# system has the same use in C.
var system=func(str){
return __builtin_system(str);
# input uses std::cin and returns what we input.
var input=func(){
return __builtin_input();
# split a string by separator for example:
# split("ll","hello world") -> ["he","o world"]
# this function will return a vector.
var split=func(separator,str){
return __builtin_split(separator,str);
# rand has the same function as the rand in C
# if seed is nil, it will return the random number.
# if seed is not nil, it will be initialized by this seed.
var rand=func(seed=nil){
return __builtin_rand(seed);
# id will return the pointer of an gc-object.
# if this object is not managed by gc, it will return 0.
var id=func(object){
return __builtin_id(object);
# int will get the integer of input number.
# but carefully use it, because int has range between -2147483648~2147483647
var int=func(val){
return __builtin_int(val);
# floor will get the integral number of input argument
# which is less than or equal to this argument
var floor=func(val){
return __builtin_floor(val);
# abort using std::abort
var abort=func(){
# abs gets absolute number.
var abs=func(n){
return n>0?n:-n;
# num will change all the other types into number.
# mostly used to change a numerable string.
var num=func(val){
return __builtin_num(val);
# pop used to pop the last element in a vector.
# this function will return the value that poped if vector has element(s).
# if the vector is empty, it will return nil.
var pop=func(vec){
return __builtin_pop(vec);
# str is used to change number into string.
var str=func(num){
return __builtin_str(num);
# size can get the size of a string/vector/hashmap.
# in fact it can also get the size of number, and the result is the number itself.
# so don't do useless things, though it really works.
var size=func(object){
return __builtin_size(object);
# contains is used to check if a key exists in a hashmap/dict.
var contains=func(hash,key){
return __builtin_contains(hash,key);
# delete is used to delete a pair in a hashmap/dict by key.
var delete=func(hash,key){
return __builtin_delete(hash,key);
# keys is used to get all keys in a hashmap/dict.
# this function will return a vector.
var keys=func(hash){
return __builtin_keys(hash);
# time has the same function in C.
var time=func(begin){
return __builtin_time(begin);
var systime=func(){
return time(0);
# die is a special native function.
# use it at where you want the program to crash immediately.
var die=func(str){
return __builtin_die(str);
# find will give the first position of the needle in haystack
var find=func(needle,haystack){
return __builtin_find(needle,haystack);
# typeof is used to get the type of an object.
# this function returns a string.
var typeof=func(object){
return __builtin_type(object);
# subvec is used to get part of a vector
var subvec=func(vec,begin,length=nil){
return vec[begin:(length==nil?nil:begin+length-1)];
# substr will get the sub-string.
# it gets the string, the begin index and sub-string's length as arguments.
var substr=func(str,begin,len){
return __builtin_substr(str,begin,len);
# streq is used to compare if two strings are the same.
var streq=func(a,b){
return __builtin_streq(a,b);
# left is used to get the sub-string like substr.
# but the begin index is 0.
var left=func(str,len){
return __builtin_left(str,len);
# right i used to get the sub-string like substr.
# but the begin index is strlen-len.
var right=func(str,len){
return __builtin_right(str,len);
# cmp is used to compare two strings.
# normal string will not be correctly compared by operators < > <= >=
# because these operators will turn strings into numbers then compare.
var cmp=func(a,b){
return __builtin_cmp(a,b);
# chr is used to get the character by ascii-number.
# for example chr(65) -> 'A'
var chr=func(code){
return __builtin_chr(code);
# mut is used to change unmutable strings to mutable.
var mut=func(str){
return str~"";
# srand wraps up rand, using time(0) as the seed.
var srand=func(){
return 0;
# values() gets all values in a hash.
var values=func(hash){
return __builtin_values(hash);
# println has the same function as print.
# but it will output a '\n' after using print.
var println=func(elems...){
return __builtin_print(elems);
var isfunc=func(f){
return typeof(f)=="func";
var isghost=func(g){
die("this runtime has no ghost object");
return 0;
var ishash=func(h){
return typeof(h)=="hash";
var isint=func(x){
return x==floor(x);
var isnum=func(x){
return typeof(x)=="num" or !math.isnan(num(x));
var isscalar=func(s){
var t=typeof(s);
return (t=="num" or t=="str")?1:0;
var isstr=func(s){
return typeof(s)=="str";
var isvec=func(v){
return typeof(v)=="vec";
# get the index of val in the vec
var vecindex=func(vec,val){
forindex(var i;vec)
return i;
return nil;
# check if the object is an instance of the class
var isa=func(object,class){
if(!contains(object,"parents") or typeof(object.parents)!="vec")
return 0;
foreach(var elem;object.parents)
return 1;
return 0;
# assert aborts when condition is not true
var assert=func(condition,message="assertion failed!"){
return 1;
# md5
var md5=func(str){
return __builtin_md5(str);
var io=
# get content of a file by filename. returns a string.
fin: func(filename){return __builtin_fin(filename);},
# input a string as the content of a file.
fout: func(filename,str){return __builtin_fout(filename,str);},
# same as C fopen. open file and get the FILE*.
open: func(filename,mode="r"){return __builtin_open(filename,mode);},
# same as C fclose. close file by FILE*.
close: func(filehandle){return __builtin_close(filehandle);},
# same as C fread. read file by FILE*.
# caution: buf must be a mutable string.use mut("") to get an empty mutable string.
read: func(filehandle,buf,len){return __builtin_read(filehandle,buf,len);},
# same as C fwrite. write file by FILE*.
write: func(filehandle,str){return __builtin_write(filehandle,str);},
# same as C fseek. seek place by FILE*.
seek: func(filehandle,pos,whence){return __builtin_seek(filehandle,pos,whence);},
# same as C ftell.
tell: func(filehandle){return __builtin_tell(filehandle);},
# read file by lines. use FILE*.
# get nil if EOF
readln:func(filehandle){return __builtin_readln(filehandle);},
# same as C stat.
stat: func(filename){return __builtin_stat(filename);},
# same as C feof. check if FILE* gets the end of file(EOF).
eof: func(filehandle){return __builtin_eof(filehandle);}
# get file status. using data from io.stat
var fstat=func(filename){
var s=io.stat(filename);
return {
st_dev: s[0],
st_ino: s[1],
st_mode: s[2],
st_uid: s[4],
st_gid: s[5],
st_rdev: s[6],
st_size: s[7],
# functions that do bitwise calculation.
# carefully use it, all the calculations are based on integer.
var bits=
# xor
bitxor: func(a,b){return __builtin_xor(a,b); },
# and
bitand: func(a,b){return __builtin_and(a,b); },
# or
bitor: func(a,b){return __builtin_or(a,b); },
# nand
bitnand: func(a,b){return __builtin_nand(a,b);},
# not
bitnot: func(a) {return __builtin_not(a); },
# get bit data from a special string. for example:
# bits.fld(s,0,3);
# if s stores 10100010(162)
# will get 101(5).
fld: func(str,startbit,len){return __builtin_fld;},
# get sign-extended data from a special string. for example:
# bits.sfld(s,0,3);
# if s stores 10100010(162)
# will get 101(5) then this will be signed extended to
# 11111101(-3).
sfld: func(str,startbit,len){return __builtin_sfld;},
# set value into a special string to store it. little-endian, for example:
# bits.setfld(s,0,8,69);
# set 01000101(69) to string will get this:
# 10100010(162)
# so s[0]=162.
setfld: func(str,startbit,len,val){return __builtin_setfld;},
# get a special string filled by '\0' to use in setfld.
buf: func(len){return __builtin_buf;}
# mostly used math functions and special constants, you know.
var math=
e: 2.7182818284590452354,
pi: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288,
inf: 1/0,
nan: 0/0,
abs: func(x) {return x>0?x:-x; },
floor: func(x) {return __builtin_floor(x); },
pow: func(x,y){return __builtin_pow(x,y); },
sin: func(x) {return __builtin_sin(x); },
cos: func(x) {return __builtin_cos(x); },
tan: func(x) {return __builtin_tan(x); },
exp: func(x) {return __builtin_exp(x); },
lg: func(x) {return __builtin_lg(x); },
ln: func(x) {return __builtin_ln(x); },
sqrt: func(x) {return __builtin_sqrt(x); },
atan2: func(x,y){return __builtin_atan2(x,y);},
isnan: func(x) {return __builtin_isnan(x); },
max: func(x,y){return x>y?x:y; },
min: func(x,y){return x<y?x:y; }
var unix=
pipe: func(){return __builtin_pipe;},
fork: func(){return __builtin_fork;},
dup2: func(fd0,fd1){die("not supported yet");},
exec: func(filename,argv,envp){die("not supported yet");},
waitpid: func(pid,nohang=0){return __builtin_waitpid;},
isdir: func(path){return bits.bitand(io.stat(path)[2],0x4000);}, # S_IFDIR 0x4000
isfile: func(path){return bits.bitand(io.stat(path)[2],0x8000);}, # S_IFREG 0x8000
opendir: func(path){return __builtin_opendir;},
readdir: func(handle){return __builtin_readdir;},
closedir: func(handle){return __builtin_closedir;},
time: func(){return time(0);},
sleep: func(secs){return __builtin_sleep(secs);},
chdir: func(path){return __builtin_chdir(path);},
environ: func(){return __builtin_environ();},
getcwd: func(){return __builtin_getcwd();},
getenv: func(envvar){return __builtin_getenv(envvar);}
# dylib is the core hashmap for developers to load their own library.
# for safe using dynamic library, you could use 'module' in stl/module.nas
var dylib=
# open dynamic lib.
dlopen: func(libname){return __builtin_dlopen;},
# load symbol from an open dynamic lib.
dlsym: func(lib,sym){return __builtin_dlsym; },
# close dynamic lib, this operation will make all the symbols loaded from it invalid.
dlclose: func(lib){return __builtin_dlclose; },
# call the loaded symbol.
dlcall: func(funcptr,args...){return __builtin_dlcall}
# os is used to use or get some os-related info/functions.
# windows/macOS/linux are supported.
var os=
# get a string that tell which os it runs on.
platform: func(){return __builtin_platform;}
# runtime gives us some functions that we could manage it manually.
var runtime=
# do garbage collection manually.
# carefully use it because using it frequently may make program running slower.
gc: func(){return __builtin_gc;}
# important global constants
var D2R=math.pi/180;
var FPS2KT=0.5925;
var FT2M=0.3048;
var GAL2L=3.7854;
var IN2M=0.0254;
var KG2LB=2.2046;
var KT2FPS=1.6878;
var KT2MPS=0.5144;
var L2GAL=0.2642;
var LB2KG=0.4536;
var M2FT=3.2808;
var M2IN=39.3701;
var M2NM=0.00054;
var MPS2KT=1.9438;
var NM2M=1852;
var R2D=180/math.pi;
# functions that not supported in this runtime:
var bind=func(function,locals,outer_scope={}){
die("this runtime does not support bind");
var call=func(function,args=[],_me=nil,locals={},error=[]){
die("this runtime does not support call");
var caller=func(level=1){
die("this runtime does not support caller");
var closure=func(function,level=1){
die("this runtime uses \"vm_upval\" instead of \"vm_hash\" as the closure");
var compile=func(code,filename="<compile>"){
die("this runtime uses static code generator");