package { default_applicable_licenses: ["external_curl_license"], } // Added automatically by a large-scale-change that took the approach of // 'apply every license found to every target'. While this makes sure we respect // every license restriction, it may not be entirely correct. // // e.g. GPL in an MIT project might only apply to the contrib/ directory. // // Please consider splitting the single license below into multiple licenses, // taking care not to lose any license_kind information, and overriding the // default license using the 'licenses: [...]' property on targets as needed. // // For unused files, consider creating a 'fileGroup' with "//visibility:private" // to attach the license to, and including a comment whether the files may be // used in the current project. // // large-scale-change filtered out the below license kinds as false-positives: // SPDX-license-identifier-GPL // See: http://go/android-license-faq license { name: "external_curl_license", visibility: [":__subpackages__"], license_kinds: [ "SPDX-license-identifier-BSD", "SPDX-license-identifier-ISC", "SPDX-license-identifier-MIT", "SPDX-license-identifier-OpenSSL", "legacy_notice", "legacy_unencumbered", ], license_text: [ "COPYING", ], } cc_defaults { name: "curl_common_defaults", cflags: [ "-Wpointer-arith", "-Wwrite-strings", "-Wunused", "-Winline", "-Wnested-externs", "-Wmissing-declarations", "-Wmissing-prototypes", "-Wno-long-long", "-Wfloat-equal", "-Wno-multichar", "-Wno-sign-compare", "-Wno-format-nonliteral", "-Wendif-labels", "-Wstrict-prototypes", "-Wdeclaration-after-statement", "-Wno-system-headers", "-DHAVE_CONFIG_H", // TODO(avakulenko): had this for OS version string: // "Android $(PLATFORM_VERSION) $(TARGET_ARCH_VARIANT)" // but Soong doesn't have access to those config variables yet. "-DOS=\"Android\"", "-Werror", // Bug: http://b/29823425 Disable -Wvarargs for Clang update to r271374 "-Wno-varargs", ], local_include_dirs: ["include", "lib"], multilib: { lib32: { cflags: [ "-DSIZEOF_LONG=4", "-DSIZEOF_LONG_LONG=8", "-DSIZEOF_SIZE_T=4", "-DSIZEOF_TIME_T=4", ], }, lib64: { cflags: [ "-DSIZEOF_LONG=8", "-DSIZEOF_LONG_LONG=8", "-DSIZEOF_SIZE_T=8", "-DSIZEOF_TIME_T=8", ], }, }, } cc_library { name: "libcurl", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, defaults: ["curl_common_defaults"], export_include_dirs: ["include"], host_supported: true, cflags: [ "-DBUILDING_LIBCURL", ], srcs:[ "lib/**/*.c", ], shared_libs: [ "libcrypto", "libssl", "libz", ], target: { host: { cflags: ["-D_GNU_SOURCE=1"], }, darwin: { enabled: false, }, }, unique_host_soname: true, } cc_binary { name: "curl", defaults: ["curl_common_defaults"], srcs: [ "src/*.c", "lib/dynbuf.c", ], shared_libs: [ "libcrypto", "libssl", "libz", ], static_libs: ["libcurl"], }