5182 lines
159 KiB
5182 lines
159 KiB
* PPD cache implementation for CUPS.
* Copyright © 2010-2019 by Apple Inc.
* Licensed under Apache License v2.0. See the file "LICENSE" for more
* information.
* Include necessary headers...
#include "cups-private.h"
#include "ppd-private.h"
#include "debug-internal.h"
#include <math.h>
* Macro to test for two almost-equal PWG measurements.
#define _PWG_EQUIVALENT(x, y) (abs((x)-(y)) < 2)
* Local functions...
static int cups_get_url(http_t **http, const char *url, char *name, size_t namesize);
static void pwg_add_finishing(cups_array_t *finishings, ipp_finishings_t template, const char *name, const char *value);
static void pwg_add_message(cups_array_t *a, const char *msg, const char *str);
static int pwg_compare_finishings(_pwg_finishings_t *a, _pwg_finishings_t *b);
static int pwg_compare_sizes(cups_size_t *a, cups_size_t *b);
static cups_size_t *pwg_copy_size(cups_size_t *size);
static void pwg_free_finishings(_pwg_finishings_t *f);
static void pwg_ppdize_name(const char *ipp, char *name, size_t namesize);
static void pwg_ppdize_resolution(ipp_attribute_t *attr, int element, int *xres, int *yres, char *name, size_t namesize);
static void pwg_unppdize_name(const char *ppd, char *name, size_t namesize,
const char *dashchars);
* '_cupsConvertOptions()' - Convert printer options to standard IPP attributes.
* This functions converts PPD and CUPS-specific options to their standard IPP
* attributes and values and adds them to the specified IPP request.
int /* O - New number of copies */
ipp_t *request, /* I - IPP request */
ppd_file_t *ppd, /* I - PPD file */
_ppd_cache_t *pc, /* I - PPD cache info */
ipp_attribute_t *media_col_sup, /* I - media-col-supported values */
ipp_attribute_t *doc_handling_sup, /* I - multiple-document-handling-supported values */
ipp_attribute_t *print_color_mode_sup,
/* I - Printer supports print-color-mode */
const char *user, /* I - User info */
const char *format, /* I - document-format value */
int copies, /* I - Number of copies */
int num_options, /* I - Number of options */
cups_option_t *options) /* I - Options */
int i; /* Looping var */
const char *keyword, /* PWG keyword */
*password; /* Password string */
pwg_size_t *size; /* PWG media size */
ipp_t *media_col, /* media-col value */
*media_size; /* media-size value */
const char *media_source, /* media-source value */
*media_type, /* media-type value */
*collate_str, /* multiple-document-handling value */
*color_attr_name, /* Supported color attribute */
*mandatory, /* Mandatory attributes */
*finishing_template; /* Finishing template */
int num_finishings = 0, /* Number of finishing values */
finishings[10]; /* Finishing enum values */
ppd_choice_t *choice; /* Marked choice */
int finishings_copies = copies;
/* Number of copies for finishings */
* Send standard IPP attributes...
if (pc->password && (password = cupsGetOption("job-password", num_options, options)) != NULL && ippGetOperation(request) != IPP_OP_VALIDATE_JOB)
ipp_attribute_t *attr = NULL; /* job-password attribute */
if ((keyword = cupsGetOption("job-password-encryption", num_options, options)) == NULL)
keyword = "none";
if (!strcmp(keyword, "none"))
* Add plain-text job-password...
attr = ippAddOctetString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, "job-password", password, (int)strlen(password));
* Add hashed job-password...
unsigned char hash[64]; /* Hash of password */
ssize_t hashlen; /* Length of hash */
if ((hashlen = cupsHashData(keyword, password, strlen(password), hash, sizeof(hash))) > 0)
attr = ippAddOctetString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, "job-password", hash, (int)hashlen);
if (attr)
ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "job-password-encryption", NULL, keyword);
if (pc->account_id)
if ((keyword = cupsGetOption("job-account-id", num_options, options)) == NULL)
keyword = cupsGetOption("job-billing", num_options, options);
if (keyword)
ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_NAME, "job-account-id", NULL, keyword);
if (pc->accounting_user_id)
if ((keyword = cupsGetOption("job-accounting-user-id", num_options, options)) == NULL)
keyword = user;
if (keyword)
ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_NAME, "job-accounting-user-id", NULL, keyword);
for (mandatory = (const char *)cupsArrayFirst(pc->mandatory); mandatory; mandatory = (const char *)cupsArrayNext(pc->mandatory))
if (strcmp(mandatory, "copies") &&
strcmp(mandatory, "destination-uris") &&
strcmp(mandatory, "finishings") &&
strcmp(mandatory, "finishings-col") &&
strcmp(mandatory, "finishing-template") &&
strcmp(mandatory, "job-account-id") &&
strcmp(mandatory, "job-accounting-user-id") &&
strcmp(mandatory, "job-password") &&
strcmp(mandatory, "job-password-encryption") &&
strcmp(mandatory, "media") &&
strncmp(mandatory, "media-col", 9) &&
strcmp(mandatory, "multiple-document-handling") &&
strcmp(mandatory, "output-bin") &&
strcmp(mandatory, "print-color-mode") &&
strcmp(mandatory, "print-quality") &&
strcmp(mandatory, "sides") &&
(keyword = cupsGetOption(mandatory, num_options, options)) != NULL)
_ipp_option_t *opt = _ippFindOption(mandatory);
/* Option type */
ipp_tag_t value_tag = opt ? opt->value_tag : IPP_TAG_NAME;
/* Value type */
switch (value_tag)
ippAddInteger(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, value_tag, mandatory, atoi(keyword));
ippAddBoolean(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, mandatory, !_cups_strcasecmp(keyword, "true"));
int lower, upper; /* Range */
if (sscanf(keyword, "%d-%d", &lower, &upper) != 2)
lower = upper = atoi(keyword);
ippAddRange(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, mandatory, lower, upper);
ippAddOctetString(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, mandatory, keyword, (int)strlen(keyword));
default :
if (!strcmp(mandatory, "print-color-mode") && !strcmp(keyword, "monochrome"))
if (ippContainsString(print_color_mode_sup, "auto-monochrome"))
keyword = "auto-monochrome";
else if (ippContainsString(print_color_mode_sup, "process-monochrome") && !ippContainsString(print_color_mode_sup, "monochrome"))
keyword = "process-monochrome";
ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, value_tag, mandatory, NULL, keyword);
if ((keyword = cupsGetOption("PageSize", num_options, options)) == NULL)
keyword = cupsGetOption("media", num_options, options);
media_source = _ppdCacheGetSource(pc, cupsGetOption("InputSlot", num_options, options));
media_type = _ppdCacheGetType(pc, cupsGetOption("MediaType", num_options, options));
size = _ppdCacheGetSize(pc, keyword);
if (size || media_source || media_type)
* Add a media-col value...
media_col = ippNew();
if (size)
media_size = ippNew();
ippAddInteger(media_size, IPP_TAG_ZERO, IPP_TAG_INTEGER,
"x-dimension", size->width);
ippAddInteger(media_size, IPP_TAG_ZERO, IPP_TAG_INTEGER,
"y-dimension", size->length);
ippAddCollection(media_col, IPP_TAG_ZERO, "media-size", media_size);
for (i = 0; i < media_col_sup->num_values; i ++)
if (size && !strcmp(media_col_sup->values[i].string.text, "media-left-margin"))
ippAddInteger(media_col, IPP_TAG_ZERO, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "media-left-margin", size->left);
else if (size && !strcmp(media_col_sup->values[i].string.text, "media-bottom-margin"))
ippAddInteger(media_col, IPP_TAG_ZERO, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "media-bottom-margin", size->bottom);
else if (size && !strcmp(media_col_sup->values[i].string.text, "media-right-margin"))
ippAddInteger(media_col, IPP_TAG_ZERO, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "media-right-margin", size->right);
else if (size && !strcmp(media_col_sup->values[i].string.text, "media-top-margin"))
ippAddInteger(media_col, IPP_TAG_ZERO, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "media-top-margin", size->top);
else if (media_source && !strcmp(media_col_sup->values[i].string.text, "media-source"))
ippAddString(media_col, IPP_TAG_ZERO, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "media-source", NULL, media_source);
else if (media_type && !strcmp(media_col_sup->values[i].string.text, "media-type"))
ippAddString(media_col, IPP_TAG_ZERO, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "media-type", NULL, media_type);
ippAddCollection(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, "media-col", media_col);
if ((keyword = cupsGetOption("output-bin", num_options, options)) == NULL)
if ((choice = ppdFindMarkedChoice(ppd, "OutputBin")) != NULL)
keyword = _ppdCacheGetBin(pc, choice->choice);
if (keyword)
ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "output-bin", NULL, keyword);
color_attr_name = print_color_mode_sup ? "print-color-mode" : "output-mode";
if ((keyword = cupsGetOption("print-color-mode", num_options, options)) == NULL)
if ((choice = ppdFindMarkedChoice(ppd, "ColorModel")) != NULL)
if (!_cups_strcasecmp(choice->choice, "Gray"))
keyword = "monochrome";
keyword = "color";
if (keyword && !strcmp(keyword, "monochrome"))
if (ippContainsString(print_color_mode_sup, "auto-monochrome"))
keyword = "auto-monochrome";
else if (ippContainsString(print_color_mode_sup, "process-monochrome") && !ippContainsString(print_color_mode_sup, "monochrome"))
keyword = "process-monochrome";
if (keyword)
ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, color_attr_name, NULL, keyword);
if ((keyword = cupsGetOption("print-quality", num_options, options)) != NULL)
ippAddInteger(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_ENUM, "print-quality", atoi(keyword));
else if ((choice = ppdFindMarkedChoice(ppd, "cupsPrintQuality")) != NULL)
if (!_cups_strcasecmp(choice->choice, "draft"))
ippAddInteger(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_ENUM, "print-quality", IPP_QUALITY_DRAFT);
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(choice->choice, "normal"))
ippAddInteger(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_ENUM, "print-quality", IPP_QUALITY_NORMAL);
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(choice->choice, "high"))
ippAddInteger(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_ENUM, "print-quality", IPP_QUALITY_HIGH);
if ((keyword = cupsGetOption("sides", num_options, options)) != NULL)
ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "sides", NULL, keyword);
else if (pc->sides_option && (choice = ppdFindMarkedChoice(ppd, pc->sides_option)) != NULL)
if (pc->sides_1sided && !_cups_strcasecmp(choice->choice, pc->sides_1sided))
ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "sides", NULL, "one-sided");
else if (pc->sides_2sided_long && !_cups_strcasecmp(choice->choice, pc->sides_2sided_long))
ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "sides", NULL, "two-sided-long-edge");
else if (pc->sides_2sided_short && !_cups_strcasecmp(choice->choice, pc->sides_2sided_short))
ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "sides", NULL, "two-sided-short-edge");
* Copies...
if ((keyword = cupsGetOption("multiple-document-handling", num_options, options)) != NULL)
if (strstr(keyword, "uncollated"))
keyword = "false";
keyword = "true";
else if ((keyword = cupsGetOption("collate", num_options, options)) == NULL)
keyword = "true";
if (format)
if (!_cups_strcasecmp(format, "image/gif") ||
!_cups_strcasecmp(format, "image/jp2") ||
!_cups_strcasecmp(format, "image/jpeg") ||
!_cups_strcasecmp(format, "image/png") ||
!_cups_strcasecmp(format, "image/tiff") ||
!_cups_strncasecmp(format, "image/x-", 8))
* Collation makes no sense for single page image formats...
keyword = "false";
else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(format, "image/", 6) ||
!_cups_strcasecmp(format, "application/vnd.cups-raster"))
* Multi-page image formats will have copies applied by the upstream
* filters...
copies = 1;
if (doc_handling_sup)
if (!_cups_strcasecmp(keyword, "true"))
collate_str = "separate-documents-collated-copies";
collate_str = "separate-documents-uncollated-copies";
for (i = 0; i < doc_handling_sup->num_values; i ++)
if (!strcmp(doc_handling_sup->values[i].string.text, collate_str))
ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "multiple-document-handling", NULL, collate_str);
if (i >= doc_handling_sup->num_values)
copies = 1;
* Map finishing options...
if ((finishing_template = cupsGetOption("cupsFinishingTemplate", num_options, options)) == NULL)
finishing_template = cupsGetOption("finishing-template", num_options, options);
if (finishing_template && strcmp(finishing_template, "none"))
ipp_t *fin_col = ippNew(); /* finishings-col value */
ippAddString(fin_col, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "finishing-template", NULL, finishing_template);
ippAddCollection(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, "finishings-col", fin_col);
if (copies != finishings_copies && (keyword = cupsGetOption("job-impressions", num_options, options)) != NULL)
* Send job-pages-per-set attribute to apply finishings correctly...
ippAddInteger(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "job-pages-per-set", atoi(keyword) / finishings_copies);
num_finishings = _ppdCacheGetFinishingValues(ppd, pc, (int)(sizeof(finishings) / sizeof(finishings[0])), finishings);
if (num_finishings > 0)
ippAddIntegers(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_ENUM, "finishings", num_finishings, finishings);
if (copies != finishings_copies && (keyword = cupsGetOption("job-impressions", num_options, options)) != NULL)
* Send job-pages-per-set attribute to apply finishings correctly...
ippAddInteger(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "job-pages-per-set", atoi(keyword) / finishings_copies);
return (copies);
* '_ppdCacheCreateWithFile()' - Create PPD cache and mapping data from a
* written file.
* Use the @link _ppdCacheWriteFile@ function to write PWG mapping data to a
* file.
_ppd_cache_t * /* O - PPD cache and mapping data */
const char *filename, /* I - File to read */
ipp_t **attrs) /* IO - IPP attributes, if any */
cups_file_t *fp; /* File */
_ppd_cache_t *pc; /* PWG mapping data */
pwg_size_t *size; /* Current size */
pwg_map_t *map; /* Current map */
_pwg_finishings_t *finishings; /* Current finishings option */
int linenum, /* Current line number */
num_bins, /* Number of bins in file */
num_sizes, /* Number of sizes in file */
num_sources, /* Number of sources in file */
num_types; /* Number of types in file */
char line[2048], /* Current line */
*value, /* Pointer to value in line */
*valueptr, /* Pointer into value */
pwg_keyword[128], /* PWG keyword */
/* PPD keyword */
_pwg_print_color_mode_t print_color_mode;
/* Print color mode for preset */
_pwg_print_quality_t print_quality; /* Print quality for preset */
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile(filename=\"%s\")", filename));
* Range check input...
if (attrs)
*attrs = NULL;
if (!filename)
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, strerror(EINVAL), 0);
return (NULL);
* Open the file...
if ((fp = cupsFileOpen(filename, "r")) == NULL)
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, strerror(errno), 0);
return (NULL);
* Read the first line and make sure it has "#CUPS-PPD-CACHE-version" in it...
if (!cupsFileGets(fp, line, sizeof(line)))
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, strerror(errno), 0);
DEBUG_puts("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: Unable to read first line.");
return (NULL);
if (strncmp(line, "#CUPS-PPD-CACHE-", 16))
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad PPD cache file."), 1);
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: Wrong first line \"%s\".", line));
return (NULL);
if (atoi(line + 16) != _PPD_CACHE_VERSION)
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Out of date PPD cache file."), 1);
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: Cache file has version %s, "
"expected %d.", line + 16, _PPD_CACHE_VERSION));
return (NULL);
* Allocate the mapping data structure...
if ((pc = calloc(1, sizeof(_ppd_cache_t))) == NULL)
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, strerror(errno), 0);
DEBUG_puts("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: Unable to allocate _ppd_cache_t.");
goto create_error;
pc->max_copies = 9999;
* Read the file...
linenum = 0;
num_bins = 0;
num_sizes = 0;
num_sources = 0;
num_types = 0;
while (cupsFileGetConf(fp, line, sizeof(line), &value, &linenum))
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: line=\"%s\", value=\"%s\", "
"linenum=%d", line, value, linenum));
if (!value)
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: Missing value on line %d.",
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad PPD cache file."), 1);
goto create_error;
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "Filter"))
if (!pc->filters)
pc->filters = cupsArrayNew3(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, (cups_acopy_func_t)strdup, (cups_afree_func_t)free);
cupsArrayAdd(pc->filters, value);
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "PreFilter"))
if (!pc->prefilters)
pc->prefilters = cupsArrayNew3(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, (cups_acopy_func_t)strdup, (cups_afree_func_t)free);
cupsArrayAdd(pc->prefilters, value);
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "Product"))
pc->product = strdup(value);
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "SingleFile"))
pc->single_file = !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "true");
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "IPP"))
off_t pos = cupsFileTell(fp), /* Position in file */
length = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
/* Length of IPP attributes */
if (attrs && *attrs)
DEBUG_puts("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: IPP listed multiple times.");
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad PPD cache file."), 1);
goto create_error;
else if (length <= 0)
DEBUG_puts("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: Bad IPP length.");
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad PPD cache file."), 1);
goto create_error;
if (attrs)
* Read IPP attributes into the provided variable...
*attrs = ippNew();
if (ippReadIO(fp, (ipp_iocb_t)cupsFileRead, 1, NULL,
*attrs) != IPP_STATE_DATA)
DEBUG_puts("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: Bad IPP data.");
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad PPD cache file."), 1);
goto create_error;
* Skip the IPP data entirely...
cupsFileSeek(fp, pos + length);
if (cupsFileTell(fp) != (pos + length))
DEBUG_puts("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: Bad IPP data.");
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad PPD cache file."), 1);
goto create_error;
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "NumBins"))
if (num_bins > 0)
DEBUG_puts("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: NumBins listed multiple times.");
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad PPD cache file."), 1);
goto create_error;
if ((num_bins = atoi(value)) <= 0 || num_bins > 65536)
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: Bad NumBins value %d on line "
"%d.", num_sizes, linenum));
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad PPD cache file."), 1);
goto create_error;
if ((pc->bins = calloc((size_t)num_bins, sizeof(pwg_map_t))) == NULL)
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: Unable to allocate %d bins.",
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, strerror(errno), 0);
goto create_error;
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "Bin"))
if (sscanf(value, "%127s%40s", pwg_keyword, ppd_keyword) != 2)
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: Bad Bin on line %d.", linenum));
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad PPD cache file."), 1);
goto create_error;
if (pc->num_bins >= num_bins)
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: Too many Bin's on line %d.",
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad PPD cache file."), 1);
goto create_error;
map = pc->bins + pc->num_bins;
map->pwg = strdup(pwg_keyword);
map->ppd = strdup(ppd_keyword);
pc->num_bins ++;
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "NumSizes"))
if (num_sizes > 0)
DEBUG_puts("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: NumSizes listed multiple times.");
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad PPD cache file."), 1);
goto create_error;
if ((num_sizes = atoi(value)) < 0 || num_sizes > 65536)
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: Bad NumSizes value %d on line "
"%d.", num_sizes, linenum));
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad PPD cache file."), 1);
goto create_error;
if (num_sizes > 0)
if ((pc->sizes = calloc((size_t)num_sizes, sizeof(pwg_size_t))) == NULL)
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: Unable to allocate %d sizes.",
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, strerror(errno), 0);
goto create_error;
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "Size"))
if (pc->num_sizes >= num_sizes)
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: Too many Size's on line %d.",
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad PPD cache file."), 1);
goto create_error;
size = pc->sizes + pc->num_sizes;
if (sscanf(value, "%127s%40s%d%d%d%d%d%d", pwg_keyword, ppd_keyword,
&(size->width), &(size->length), &(size->left),
&(size->bottom), &(size->right), &(size->top)) != 8)
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: Bad Size on line %d.",
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad PPD cache file."), 1);
goto create_error;
size->map.pwg = strdup(pwg_keyword);
size->map.ppd = strdup(ppd_keyword);
pc->num_sizes ++;
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "CustomSize"))
if (pc->custom_max_width > 0)
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: Too many CustomSize's on line "
"%d.", linenum));
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad PPD cache file."), 1);
goto create_error;
if (sscanf(value, "%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d", &(pc->custom_max_width),
&(pc->custom_max_length), &(pc->custom_min_width),
&(pc->custom_min_length), &(pc->custom_size.left),
&(pc->custom_size.bottom), &(pc->custom_size.right),
&(pc->custom_size.top)) != 8)
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: Bad CustomSize on line %d.",
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad PPD cache file."), 1);
goto create_error;
pwgFormatSizeName(pwg_keyword, sizeof(pwg_keyword), "custom", "max",
pc->custom_max_width, pc->custom_max_length, NULL);
pc->custom_max_keyword = strdup(pwg_keyword);
pwgFormatSizeName(pwg_keyword, sizeof(pwg_keyword), "custom", "min",
pc->custom_min_width, pc->custom_min_length, NULL);
pc->custom_min_keyword = strdup(pwg_keyword);
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "SourceOption"))
pc->source_option = strdup(value);
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "NumSources"))
if (num_sources > 0)
DEBUG_puts("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: NumSources listed multiple "
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad PPD cache file."), 1);
goto create_error;
if ((num_sources = atoi(value)) <= 0 || num_sources > 65536)
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: Bad NumSources value %d on "
"line %d.", num_sources, linenum));
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad PPD cache file."), 1);
goto create_error;
if ((pc->sources = calloc((size_t)num_sources, sizeof(pwg_map_t))) == NULL)
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: Unable to allocate %d sources.",
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, strerror(errno), 0);
goto create_error;
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "Source"))
if (sscanf(value, "%127s%40s", pwg_keyword, ppd_keyword) != 2)
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: Bad Source on line %d.",
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad PPD cache file."), 1);
goto create_error;
if (pc->num_sources >= num_sources)
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: Too many Source's on line %d.",
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad PPD cache file."), 1);
goto create_error;
map = pc->sources + pc->num_sources;
map->pwg = strdup(pwg_keyword);
map->ppd = strdup(ppd_keyword);
pc->num_sources ++;
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "NumTypes"))
if (num_types > 0)
DEBUG_puts("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: NumTypes listed multiple times.");
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad PPD cache file."), 1);
goto create_error;
if ((num_types = atoi(value)) <= 0 || num_types > 65536)
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: Bad NumTypes value %d on "
"line %d.", num_types, linenum));
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad PPD cache file."), 1);
goto create_error;
if ((pc->types = calloc((size_t)num_types, sizeof(pwg_map_t))) == NULL)
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: Unable to allocate %d types.",
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, strerror(errno), 0);
goto create_error;
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "Type"))
if (sscanf(value, "%127s%40s", pwg_keyword, ppd_keyword) != 2)
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: Bad Type on line %d.",
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad PPD cache file."), 1);
goto create_error;
if (pc->num_types >= num_types)
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: Too many Type's on line %d.",
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad PPD cache file."), 1);
goto create_error;
map = pc->types + pc->num_types;
map->pwg = strdup(pwg_keyword);
map->ppd = strdup(ppd_keyword);
pc->num_types ++;
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "Preset"))
* Preset output-mode print-quality name=value ...
print_color_mode = (_pwg_print_color_mode_t)strtol(value, &valueptr, 10);
print_quality = (_pwg_print_quality_t)strtol(valueptr, &valueptr, 10);
if (print_color_mode < _PWG_PRINT_COLOR_MODE_MONOCHROME ||
print_color_mode >= _PWG_PRINT_COLOR_MODE_MAX ||
print_quality < _PWG_PRINT_QUALITY_DRAFT ||
print_quality >= _PWG_PRINT_QUALITY_MAX ||
valueptr == value || !*valueptr)
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: Bad Preset on line %d.",
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad PPD cache file."), 1);
goto create_error;
pc->num_presets[print_color_mode][print_quality] =
cupsParseOptions(valueptr, 0,
pc->presets[print_color_mode] + print_quality);
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "SidesOption"))
pc->sides_option = strdup(value);
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "Sides1Sided"))
pc->sides_1sided = strdup(value);
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "Sides2SidedLong"))
pc->sides_2sided_long = strdup(value);
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "Sides2SidedShort"))
pc->sides_2sided_short = strdup(value);
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "Finishings"))
if (!pc->finishings)
pc->finishings =
if ((finishings = calloc(1, sizeof(_pwg_finishings_t))) == NULL)
goto create_error;
finishings->value = (ipp_finishings_t)strtol(value, &valueptr, 10);
finishings->num_options = cupsParseOptions(valueptr, 0,
cupsArrayAdd(pc->finishings, finishings);
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "FinishingTemplate"))
if (!pc->templates)
pc->templates = cupsArrayNew3((cups_array_func_t)strcmp, NULL, NULL, 0, (cups_acopy_func_t)strdup, (cups_afree_func_t)free);
cupsArrayAdd(pc->templates, value);
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "MaxCopies"))
pc->max_copies = atoi(value);
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "ChargeInfoURI"))
pc->charge_info_uri = strdup(value);
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "JobAccountId"))
pc->account_id = !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "true");
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "JobAccountingUserId"))
pc->accounting_user_id = !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "true");
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "JobPassword"))
pc->password = strdup(value);
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "Mandatory"))
if (pc->mandatory)
_cupsArrayAddStrings(pc->mandatory, value, ' ');
pc->mandatory = _cupsArrayNewStrings(value, ' ');
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "SupportFile"))
if (!pc->support_files)
pc->support_files = cupsArrayNew3(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, (cups_acopy_func_t)strdup, (cups_afree_func_t)free);
cupsArrayAdd(pc->support_files, value);
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: Unknown %s on line %d.", line,
if (pc->num_sizes < num_sizes)
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: Not enough sizes (%d < %d).",
pc->num_sizes, num_sizes));
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad PPD cache file."), 1);
goto create_error;
if (pc->num_sources < num_sources)
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: Not enough sources (%d < %d).",
pc->num_sources, num_sources));
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad PPD cache file."), 1);
goto create_error;
if (pc->num_types < num_types)
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithFile: Not enough types (%d < %d).",
pc->num_types, num_types));
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad PPD cache file."), 1);
goto create_error;
return (pc);
* If we get here the file was bad - free any data and return...
if (attrs)
*attrs = NULL;
return (NULL);
* '_ppdCacheCreateWithPPD()' - Create PWG mapping data from a PPD file.
_ppd_cache_t * /* O - PPD cache and mapping data */
_ppdCacheCreateWithPPD(ppd_file_t *ppd) /* I - PPD file */
int i, j, k; /* Looping vars */
_ppd_cache_t *pc; /* PWG mapping data */
ppd_option_t *input_slot, /* InputSlot option */
*media_type, /* MediaType option */
*output_bin, /* OutputBin option */
*color_model, /* ColorModel option */
*duplex, /* Duplex option */
*ppd_option; /* Other PPD option */
ppd_choice_t *choice; /* Current InputSlot/MediaType */
pwg_map_t *map; /* Current source/type map */
ppd_attr_t *ppd_attr; /* Current PPD preset attribute */
int num_options; /* Number of preset options and props */
cups_option_t *options; /* Preset options and properties */
ppd_size_t *ppd_size; /* Current PPD size */
pwg_size_t *pwg_size; /* Current PWG size */
char pwg_keyword[3 + PPD_MAX_NAME + 1 + 12 + 1 + 12 + 3],
/* PWG keyword string */
/* Normalized PPD name */
const char *pwg_name; /* Standard PWG media name */
pwg_media_t *pwg_media; /* PWG media data */
_pwg_print_color_mode_t pwg_print_color_mode;
/* print-color-mode index */
_pwg_print_quality_t pwg_print_quality;
/* print-quality index */
int similar; /* Are the old and new size similar? */
pwg_size_t *old_size; /* Current old size */
int old_imageable, /* Old imageable length in 2540ths */
old_borderless, /* Old borderless state */
old_known_pwg; /* Old PWG name is well-known */
int new_width, /* New width in 2540ths */
new_length, /* New length in 2540ths */
new_left, /* New left margin in 2540ths */
new_bottom, /* New bottom margin in 2540ths */
new_right, /* New right margin in 2540ths */
new_top, /* New top margin in 2540ths */
new_imageable, /* New imageable length in 2540ths */
new_borderless, /* New borderless state */
new_known_pwg; /* New PWG name is well-known */
pwg_size_t *new_size; /* New size to add, if any */
const char *filter; /* Current filter */
_pwg_finishings_t *finishings; /* Current finishings value */
char msg_id[256]; /* Message identifier */
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithPPD(ppd=%p)", ppd));
* Range check input...
if (!ppd)
return (NULL);
* Allocate memory...
if ((pc = calloc(1, sizeof(_ppd_cache_t))) == NULL)
DEBUG_puts("_ppdCacheCreateWithPPD: Unable to allocate _ppd_cache_t.");
goto create_error;
pc->strings = _cupsMessageNew(NULL);
* Copy and convert size data...
if (ppd->num_sizes > 0)
if ((pc->sizes = calloc((size_t)ppd->num_sizes, sizeof(pwg_size_t))) == NULL)
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithPPD: Unable to allocate %d "
"pwg_size_t's.", ppd->num_sizes));
goto create_error;
for (i = ppd->num_sizes, pwg_size = pc->sizes, ppd_size = ppd->sizes;
i > 0;
i --, ppd_size ++)
* Don't copy over custom size...
if (!_cups_strcasecmp(ppd_size->name, "Custom"))
* Convert the PPD size name to the corresponding PWG keyword name.
if ((pwg_media = pwgMediaForSize(PWG_FROM_POINTS(ppd_size->width), PWG_FROM_POINTS(ppd_size->length))) != NULL)
* Standard name, do we have conflicts?
for (j = 0; j < pc->num_sizes; j ++)
if (!strcmp(pc->sizes[j].map.pwg, pwg_media->pwg))
pwg_media = NULL;
if (pwg_media)
* Standard name and no conflicts, use it!
pwg_name = pwg_media->pwg;
new_known_pwg = 1;
* Not a standard name; convert it to a PWG vendor name of the form:
* pp_lowerppd_WIDTHxHEIGHTuu
pwg_name = pwg_keyword;
new_known_pwg = 0;
pwg_unppdize_name(ppd_size->name, ppd_name, sizeof(ppd_name), "_.");
pwgFormatSizeName(pwg_keyword, sizeof(pwg_keyword), NULL, ppd_name,
PWG_FROM_POINTS(ppd_size->length), NULL);
* If we have a similar paper with non-zero margins then we only want to
* keep it if it has a larger imageable area length. The NULL check is for
* dimensions that are <= 0...
if ((pwg_media = _pwgMediaNearSize(PWG_FROM_POINTS(ppd_size->width),
0)) == NULL)
new_width = pwg_media->width;
new_length = pwg_media->length;
new_left = PWG_FROM_POINTS(ppd_size->left);
new_bottom = PWG_FROM_POINTS(ppd_size->bottom);
new_right = PWG_FROM_POINTS(ppd_size->width - ppd_size->right);
new_top = PWG_FROM_POINTS(ppd_size->length - ppd_size->top);
new_imageable = new_length - new_top - new_bottom;
new_borderless = new_bottom == 0 && new_top == 0 &&
new_left == 0 && new_right == 0;
for (k = pc->num_sizes, similar = 0, old_size = pc->sizes, new_size = NULL;
k > 0 && !similar;
k --, old_size ++)
old_imageable = old_size->length - old_size->top - old_size->bottom;
old_borderless = old_size->left == 0 && old_size->bottom == 0 &&
old_size->right == 0 && old_size->top == 0;
old_known_pwg = strncmp(old_size->map.pwg, "oe_", 3) &&
strncmp(old_size->map.pwg, "om_", 3);
similar = old_borderless == new_borderless &&
_PWG_EQUIVALENT(old_size->width, new_width) &&
_PWG_EQUIVALENT(old_size->length, new_length);
if (similar &&
(new_known_pwg || (!old_known_pwg && new_imageable > old_imageable)))
* The new paper has a larger imageable area so it could replace
* the older paper. Regardless of the imageable area, we always
* prefer the size with a well-known PWG name.
new_size = old_size;
if (!similar)
* The paper was unique enough to deserve its own entry so add it to the
* end.
new_size = pwg_size ++;
pc->num_sizes ++;
if (new_size)
* Save this size...
new_size->map.ppd = strdup(ppd_size->name);
new_size->map.pwg = strdup(pwg_name);
new_size->width = new_width;
new_size->length = new_length;
new_size->left = new_left;
new_size->bottom = new_bottom;
new_size->right = new_right;
new_size->top = new_top;
if (ppd->variable_sizes)
* Generate custom size data...
pwgFormatSizeName(pwg_keyword, sizeof(pwg_keyword), "custom", "max",
PWG_FROM_POINTS(ppd->custom_max[1]), NULL);
pc->custom_max_keyword = strdup(pwg_keyword);
pc->custom_max_width = PWG_FROM_POINTS(ppd->custom_max[0]);
pc->custom_max_length = PWG_FROM_POINTS(ppd->custom_max[1]);
pwgFormatSizeName(pwg_keyword, sizeof(pwg_keyword), "custom", "min",
PWG_FROM_POINTS(ppd->custom_min[1]), NULL);
pc->custom_min_keyword = strdup(pwg_keyword);
pc->custom_min_width = PWG_FROM_POINTS(ppd->custom_min[0]);
pc->custom_min_length = PWG_FROM_POINTS(ppd->custom_min[1]);
pc->custom_size.left = PWG_FROM_POINTS(ppd->custom_margins[0]);
pc->custom_size.bottom = PWG_FROM_POINTS(ppd->custom_margins[1]);
pc->custom_size.right = PWG_FROM_POINTS(ppd->custom_margins[2]);
pc->custom_size.top = PWG_FROM_POINTS(ppd->custom_margins[3]);
* Copy and convert InputSlot data...
if ((input_slot = ppdFindOption(ppd, "InputSlot")) == NULL)
input_slot = ppdFindOption(ppd, "HPPaperSource");
if (input_slot)
pc->source_option = strdup(input_slot->keyword);
if ((pc->sources = calloc((size_t)input_slot->num_choices, sizeof(pwg_map_t))) == NULL)
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithPPD: Unable to allocate %d "
"pwg_map_t's for InputSlot.", input_slot->num_choices));
goto create_error;
pc->num_sources = input_slot->num_choices;
for (i = input_slot->num_choices, choice = input_slot->choices,
map = pc->sources;
i > 0;
i --, choice ++, map ++)
if (!_cups_strncasecmp(choice->choice, "Auto", 4) ||
!_cups_strcasecmp(choice->choice, "Default"))
pwg_name = "auto";
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(choice->choice, "Cassette"))
pwg_name = "main";
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(choice->choice, "PhotoTray"))
pwg_name = "photo";
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(choice->choice, "CDTray"))
pwg_name = "disc";
else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(choice->choice, "Multipurpose", 12) ||
!_cups_strcasecmp(choice->choice, "MP") ||
!_cups_strcasecmp(choice->choice, "MPTray"))
pwg_name = "by-pass-tray";
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(choice->choice, "LargeCapacity"))
pwg_name = "large-capacity";
else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(choice->choice, "Lower", 5))
pwg_name = "bottom";
else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(choice->choice, "Middle", 6))
pwg_name = "middle";
else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(choice->choice, "Upper", 5))
pwg_name = "top";
else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(choice->choice, "Side", 4))
pwg_name = "side";
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(choice->choice, "Roll"))
pwg_name = "main-roll";
* Convert PPD name to lowercase...
pwg_name = pwg_keyword;
pwg_unppdize_name(choice->choice, pwg_keyword, sizeof(pwg_keyword),
map->pwg = strdup(pwg_name);
map->ppd = strdup(choice->choice);
* Add localized text for PWG keyword to message catalog...
snprintf(msg_id, sizeof(msg_id), "media-source.%s", pwg_name);
pwg_add_message(pc->strings, msg_id, choice->text);
* Copy and convert MediaType data...
if ((media_type = ppdFindOption(ppd, "MediaType")) != NULL)
if ((pc->types = calloc((size_t)media_type->num_choices, sizeof(pwg_map_t))) == NULL)
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithPPD: Unable to allocate %d "
"pwg_map_t's for MediaType.", media_type->num_choices));
goto create_error;
pc->num_types = media_type->num_choices;
for (i = media_type->num_choices, choice = media_type->choices,
map = pc->types;
i > 0;
i --, choice ++, map ++)
if (!_cups_strncasecmp(choice->choice, "Auto", 4) ||
!_cups_strcasecmp(choice->choice, "Any") ||
!_cups_strcasecmp(choice->choice, "Default"))
pwg_name = "auto";
else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(choice->choice, "Card", 4))
pwg_name = "cardstock";
else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(choice->choice, "Env", 3))
pwg_name = "envelope";
else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(choice->choice, "Gloss", 5))
pwg_name = "photographic-glossy";
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(choice->choice, "HighGloss"))
pwg_name = "photographic-high-gloss";
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(choice->choice, "Matte"))
pwg_name = "photographic-matte";
else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(choice->choice, "Plain", 5))
pwg_name = "stationery";
else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(choice->choice, "Coated", 6))
pwg_name = "stationery-coated";
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(choice->choice, "Inkjet"))
pwg_name = "stationery-inkjet";
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(choice->choice, "Letterhead"))
pwg_name = "stationery-letterhead";
else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(choice->choice, "Preprint", 8))
pwg_name = "stationery-preprinted";
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(choice->choice, "Recycled"))
pwg_name = "stationery-recycled";
else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(choice->choice, "Transparen", 10))
pwg_name = "transparency";
* Convert PPD name to lowercase...
pwg_name = pwg_keyword;
pwg_unppdize_name(choice->choice, pwg_keyword, sizeof(pwg_keyword),
map->pwg = strdup(pwg_name);
map->ppd = strdup(choice->choice);
* Add localized text for PWG keyword to message catalog...
snprintf(msg_id, sizeof(msg_id), "media-type.%s", pwg_name);
pwg_add_message(pc->strings, msg_id, choice->text);
* Copy and convert OutputBin data...
if ((output_bin = ppdFindOption(ppd, "OutputBin")) != NULL)
if ((pc->bins = calloc((size_t)output_bin->num_choices, sizeof(pwg_map_t))) == NULL)
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheCreateWithPPD: Unable to allocate %d "
"pwg_map_t's for OutputBin.", output_bin->num_choices));
goto create_error;
pc->num_bins = output_bin->num_choices;
for (i = output_bin->num_choices, choice = output_bin->choices,
map = pc->bins;
i > 0;
i --, choice ++, map ++)
pwg_unppdize_name(choice->choice, pwg_keyword, sizeof(pwg_keyword), "_");
map->pwg = strdup(pwg_keyword);
map->ppd = strdup(choice->choice);
* Add localized text for PWG keyword to message catalog...
snprintf(msg_id, sizeof(msg_id), "output-bin.%s", pwg_keyword);
pwg_add_message(pc->strings, msg_id, choice->text);
if ((ppd_attr = ppdFindAttr(ppd, "APPrinterPreset", NULL)) != NULL)
* Copy and convert APPrinterPreset (output-mode + print-quality) data...
const char *quality, /* com.apple.print.preset.quality value */
*output_mode, /* com.apple.print.preset.output-mode value */
*color_model_val, /* ColorModel choice */
*graphicsType, /* com.apple.print.preset.graphicsType value */
*media_front_coating; /* com.apple.print.preset.media-front-coating value */
* Add localized text for PWG keyword to message catalog...
snprintf(msg_id, sizeof(msg_id), "preset-name.%s", ppd_attr->spec);
pwg_add_message(pc->strings, msg_id, ppd_attr->text);
* Get the options for this preset...
num_options = _ppdParseOptions(ppd_attr->value, 0, &options,
if ((quality = cupsGetOption("com.apple.print.preset.quality",
num_options, options)) != NULL)
* Get the print-quality for this preset...
if (!strcmp(quality, "low"))
pwg_print_quality = _PWG_PRINT_QUALITY_DRAFT;
else if (!strcmp(quality, "high"))
pwg_print_quality = _PWG_PRINT_QUALITY_HIGH;
pwg_print_quality = _PWG_PRINT_QUALITY_NORMAL;
* Ignore graphicsType "Photo" presets that are not high quality.
graphicsType = cupsGetOption("com.apple.print.preset.graphicsType",
num_options, options);
if (pwg_print_quality != _PWG_PRINT_QUALITY_HIGH && graphicsType &&
!strcmp(graphicsType, "Photo"))
* Ignore presets for normal and draft quality where the coating
* isn't "none" or "autodetect".
media_front_coating = cupsGetOption(
num_options, options);
if (pwg_print_quality != _PWG_PRINT_QUALITY_HIGH &&
media_front_coating &&
strcmp(media_front_coating, "none") &&
strcmp(media_front_coating, "autodetect"))
* Get the output mode for this preset...
output_mode = cupsGetOption("com.apple.print.preset.output-mode",
num_options, options);
color_model_val = cupsGetOption("ColorModel", num_options, options);
if (output_mode)
if (!strcmp(output_mode, "monochrome"))
pwg_print_color_mode = _PWG_PRINT_COLOR_MODE_MONOCHROME;
pwg_print_color_mode = _PWG_PRINT_COLOR_MODE_COLOR;
else if (color_model_val)
if (!_cups_strcasecmp(color_model_val, "Gray"))
pwg_print_color_mode = _PWG_PRINT_COLOR_MODE_MONOCHROME;
pwg_print_color_mode = _PWG_PRINT_COLOR_MODE_COLOR;
pwg_print_color_mode = _PWG_PRINT_COLOR_MODE_COLOR;
* Save the options for this combination as needed...
if (!pc->num_presets[pwg_print_color_mode][pwg_print_quality])
pc->num_presets[pwg_print_color_mode][pwg_print_quality] =
_ppdParseOptions(ppd_attr->value, 0,
pc->presets[pwg_print_color_mode] +
pwg_print_quality, _PPD_PARSE_OPTIONS);
cupsFreeOptions(num_options, options);
while ((ppd_attr = ppdFindNextAttr(ppd, "APPrinterPreset", NULL)) != NULL);
* Try adding some common color options to create grayscale presets. These
* are listed in order of popularity...
const char *color_option = NULL, /* Color control option */
*gray_choice = NULL; /* Choice to select grayscale */
if ((color_model = ppdFindOption(ppd, "ColorModel")) != NULL &&
ppdFindChoice(color_model, "Gray"))
color_option = "ColorModel";
gray_choice = "Gray";
else if ((color_model = ppdFindOption(ppd, "HPColorMode")) != NULL &&
ppdFindChoice(color_model, "grayscale"))
color_option = "HPColorMode";
gray_choice = "grayscale";
else if ((color_model = ppdFindOption(ppd, "BRMonoColor")) != NULL &&
ppdFindChoice(color_model, "Mono"))
color_option = "BRMonoColor";
gray_choice = "Mono";
else if ((color_model = ppdFindOption(ppd, "CNIJSGrayScale")) != NULL &&
ppdFindChoice(color_model, "1"))
color_option = "CNIJSGrayScale";
gray_choice = "1";
else if ((color_model = ppdFindOption(ppd, "HPColorAsGray")) != NULL &&
ppdFindChoice(color_model, "True"))
color_option = "HPColorAsGray";
gray_choice = "True";
if (color_option && gray_choice)
* Copy and convert ColorModel (output-mode) data...
cups_option_t *coption, /* Color option */
*moption; /* Monochrome option */
for (pwg_print_quality = _PWG_PRINT_QUALITY_DRAFT;
pwg_print_quality < _PWG_PRINT_QUALITY_MAX;
pwg_print_quality ++)
if (pc->num_presets[_PWG_PRINT_COLOR_MODE_COLOR][pwg_print_quality])
* Copy the color options...
num_options = pc->num_presets[_PWG_PRINT_COLOR_MODE_COLOR]
options = calloc(sizeof(cups_option_t), (size_t)num_options);
if (options)
for (i = num_options, moption = options,
coption = pc->presets[_PWG_PRINT_COLOR_MODE_COLOR]
i > 0;
i --, moption ++, coption ++)
moption->name = _cupsStrRetain(coption->name);
moption->value = _cupsStrRetain(coption->value);
pc->num_presets[_PWG_PRINT_COLOR_MODE_MONOCHROME][pwg_print_quality] =
pc->presets[_PWG_PRINT_COLOR_MODE_MONOCHROME][pwg_print_quality] =
else if (pwg_print_quality != _PWG_PRINT_QUALITY_NORMAL)
* Add the grayscale option to the preset...
pc->num_presets[_PWG_PRINT_COLOR_MODE_MONOCHROME][pwg_print_quality] =
cupsAddOption(color_option, gray_choice,
* Copy and convert Duplex (sides) data...
if ((duplex = ppdFindOption(ppd, "Duplex")) == NULL)
if ((duplex = ppdFindOption(ppd, "JCLDuplex")) == NULL)
if ((duplex = ppdFindOption(ppd, "EFDuplex")) == NULL)
if ((duplex = ppdFindOption(ppd, "EFDuplexing")) == NULL)
duplex = ppdFindOption(ppd, "KD03Duplex");
if (duplex)
pc->sides_option = strdup(duplex->keyword);
for (i = duplex->num_choices, choice = duplex->choices;
i > 0;
i --, choice ++)
if ((!_cups_strcasecmp(choice->choice, "None") ||
!_cups_strcasecmp(choice->choice, "False")) && !pc->sides_1sided)
pc->sides_1sided = strdup(choice->choice);
else if ((!_cups_strcasecmp(choice->choice, "DuplexNoTumble") ||
!_cups_strcasecmp(choice->choice, "LongEdge") ||
!_cups_strcasecmp(choice->choice, "Top")) && !pc->sides_2sided_long)
pc->sides_2sided_long = strdup(choice->choice);
else if ((!_cups_strcasecmp(choice->choice, "DuplexTumble") ||
!_cups_strcasecmp(choice->choice, "ShortEdge") ||
!_cups_strcasecmp(choice->choice, "Bottom")) &&
pc->sides_2sided_short = strdup(choice->choice);
* Copy filters and pre-filters...
pc->filters = cupsArrayNew3(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, (cups_acopy_func_t)strdup, (cups_afree_func_t)free);
"application/vnd.cups-raw application/octet-stream 0 -");
if ((ppd_attr = ppdFindAttr(ppd, "cupsFilter2", NULL)) != NULL)
cupsArrayAdd(pc->filters, ppd_attr->value);
while ((ppd_attr = ppdFindNextAttr(ppd, "cupsFilter2", NULL)) != NULL);
else if (ppd->num_filters > 0)
for (i = 0; i < ppd->num_filters; i ++)
cupsArrayAdd(pc->filters, ppd->filters[i]);
cupsArrayAdd(pc->filters, "application/vnd.cups-postscript 0 -");
* See if we have a command filter...
for (filter = (const char *)cupsArrayFirst(pc->filters);
filter = (const char *)cupsArrayNext(pc->filters))
if (!_cups_strncasecmp(filter, "application/vnd.cups-command", 28) &&
if (!filter &&
((ppd_attr = ppdFindAttr(ppd, "cupsCommands", NULL)) == NULL ||
_cups_strcasecmp(ppd_attr->value, "none")))
* No command filter and no cupsCommands keyword telling us not to use one.
* See if this is a PostScript printer, and if so add a PostScript command
* filter...
for (filter = (const char *)cupsArrayFirst(pc->filters);
filter = (const char *)cupsArrayNext(pc->filters))
if (!_cups_strncasecmp(filter, "application/vnd.cups-postscript", 31) &&
if (filter)
"application/vnd.cups-command application/postscript 100 "
if ((ppd_attr = ppdFindAttr(ppd, "cupsPreFilter", NULL)) != NULL)
pc->prefilters = cupsArrayNew3(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, (cups_acopy_func_t)strdup, (cups_afree_func_t)free);
cupsArrayAdd(pc->prefilters, ppd_attr->value);
while ((ppd_attr = ppdFindNextAttr(ppd, "cupsPreFilter", NULL)) != NULL);
if ((ppd_attr = ppdFindAttr(ppd, "cupsSingleFile", NULL)) != NULL)
pc->single_file = !_cups_strcasecmp(ppd_attr->value, "true");
* Copy the product string, if any...
if (ppd->product)
pc->product = strdup(ppd->product);
* Copy finishings mapping data...
if ((ppd_attr = ppdFindAttr(ppd, "cupsIPPFinishings", NULL)) != NULL)
* Have proper vendor mapping of IPP finishings values to PPD options...
pc->finishings = cupsArrayNew3((cups_array_func_t)pwg_compare_finishings,
if ((finishings = calloc(1, sizeof(_pwg_finishings_t))) == NULL)
goto create_error;
finishings->value = (ipp_finishings_t)atoi(ppd_attr->spec);
finishings->num_options = _ppdParseOptions(ppd_attr->value, 0,
cupsArrayAdd(pc->finishings, finishings);
while ((ppd_attr = ppdFindNextAttr(ppd, "cupsIPPFinishings",
NULL)) != NULL);
* No IPP mapping data, try to map common/standard PPD keywords...
pc->finishings = cupsArrayNew3((cups_array_func_t)pwg_compare_finishings, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, (cups_afree_func_t)pwg_free_finishings);
if ((ppd_option = ppdFindOption(ppd, "StapleLocation")) != NULL)
* Add staple finishings...
if (ppdFindChoice(ppd_option, "SinglePortrait"))
pwg_add_finishing(pc->finishings, IPP_FINISHINGS_STAPLE_TOP_LEFT, "StapleLocation", "SinglePortrait");
if (ppdFindChoice(ppd_option, "UpperLeft")) /* Ricoh extension */
pwg_add_finishing(pc->finishings, IPP_FINISHINGS_STAPLE_TOP_LEFT, "StapleLocation", "UpperLeft");
if (ppdFindChoice(ppd_option, "UpperRight")) /* Ricoh extension */
pwg_add_finishing(pc->finishings, IPP_FINISHINGS_STAPLE_TOP_RIGHT, "StapleLocation", "UpperRight");
if (ppdFindChoice(ppd_option, "SingleLandscape"))
pwg_add_finishing(pc->finishings, IPP_FINISHINGS_STAPLE_BOTTOM_LEFT, "StapleLocation", "SingleLandscape");
if (ppdFindChoice(ppd_option, "DualLandscape"))
pwg_add_finishing(pc->finishings, IPP_FINISHINGS_STAPLE_DUAL_LEFT, "StapleLocation", "DualLandscape");
if ((ppd_option = ppdFindOption(ppd, "RIPunch")) != NULL)
* Add (Ricoh) punch finishings...
if (ppdFindChoice(ppd_option, "Left2"))
pwg_add_finishing(pc->finishings, IPP_FINISHINGS_PUNCH_DUAL_LEFT, "RIPunch", "Left2");
if (ppdFindChoice(ppd_option, "Left3"))
pwg_add_finishing(pc->finishings, IPP_FINISHINGS_PUNCH_TRIPLE_LEFT, "RIPunch", "Left3");
if (ppdFindChoice(ppd_option, "Left4"))
pwg_add_finishing(pc->finishings, IPP_FINISHINGS_PUNCH_QUAD_LEFT, "RIPunch", "Left4");
if (ppdFindChoice(ppd_option, "Right2"))
pwg_add_finishing(pc->finishings, IPP_FINISHINGS_PUNCH_DUAL_RIGHT, "RIPunch", "Right2");
if (ppdFindChoice(ppd_option, "Right3"))
pwg_add_finishing(pc->finishings, IPP_FINISHINGS_PUNCH_TRIPLE_RIGHT, "RIPunch", "Right3");
if (ppdFindChoice(ppd_option, "Right4"))
pwg_add_finishing(pc->finishings, IPP_FINISHINGS_PUNCH_QUAD_RIGHT, "RIPunch", "Right4");
if (ppdFindChoice(ppd_option, "Upper2"))
pwg_add_finishing(pc->finishings, IPP_FINISHINGS_PUNCH_DUAL_TOP, "RIPunch", "Upper2");
if (ppdFindChoice(ppd_option, "Upper3"))
pwg_add_finishing(pc->finishings, IPP_FINISHINGS_PUNCH_TRIPLE_TOP, "RIPunch", "Upper3");
if (ppdFindChoice(ppd_option, "Upper4"))
pwg_add_finishing(pc->finishings, IPP_FINISHINGS_PUNCH_QUAD_TOP, "RIPunch", "Upper4");
if ((ppd_option = ppdFindOption(ppd, "BindEdge")) != NULL)
* Add bind finishings...
if (ppdFindChoice(ppd_option, "Left"))
pwg_add_finishing(pc->finishings, IPP_FINISHINGS_BIND_LEFT, "BindEdge", "Left");
if (ppdFindChoice(ppd_option, "Right"))
pwg_add_finishing(pc->finishings, IPP_FINISHINGS_BIND_RIGHT, "BindEdge", "Right");
if (ppdFindChoice(ppd_option, "Top"))
pwg_add_finishing(pc->finishings, IPP_FINISHINGS_BIND_TOP, "BindEdge", "Top");
if (ppdFindChoice(ppd_option, "Bottom"))
pwg_add_finishing(pc->finishings, IPP_FINISHINGS_BIND_BOTTOM, "BindEdge", "Bottom");
if ((ppd_option = ppdFindOption(ppd, "FoldType")) != NULL)
* Add (Adobe) fold finishings...
if (ppdFindChoice(ppd_option, "ZFold"))
pwg_add_finishing(pc->finishings, IPP_FINISHINGS_FOLD_Z, "FoldType", "ZFold");
if (ppdFindChoice(ppd_option, "Saddle"))
pwg_add_finishing(pc->finishings, IPP_FINISHINGS_FOLD_HALF, "FoldType", "Saddle");
if (ppdFindChoice(ppd_option, "DoubleGate"))
pwg_add_finishing(pc->finishings, IPP_FINISHINGS_FOLD_DOUBLE_GATE, "FoldType", "DoubleGate");
if (ppdFindChoice(ppd_option, "LeftGate"))
pwg_add_finishing(pc->finishings, IPP_FINISHINGS_FOLD_LEFT_GATE, "FoldType", "LeftGate");
if (ppdFindChoice(ppd_option, "RightGate"))
pwg_add_finishing(pc->finishings, IPP_FINISHINGS_FOLD_RIGHT_GATE, "FoldType", "RightGate");
if (ppdFindChoice(ppd_option, "Letter"))
pwg_add_finishing(pc->finishings, IPP_FINISHINGS_FOLD_LETTER, "FoldType", "Letter");
if (ppdFindChoice(ppd_option, "XFold"))
pwg_add_finishing(pc->finishings, IPP_FINISHINGS_FOLD_POSTER, "FoldType", "XFold");
if ((ppd_option = ppdFindOption(ppd, "RIFoldType")) != NULL)
* Add (Ricoh) fold finishings...
if (ppdFindChoice(ppd_option, "OutsideTwoFold"))
pwg_add_finishing(pc->finishings, IPP_FINISHINGS_FOLD_LETTER, "RIFoldType", "OutsideTwoFold");
if (cupsArrayCount(pc->finishings) == 0)
pc->finishings = NULL;
if ((ppd_option = ppdFindOption(ppd, "cupsFinishingTemplate")) != NULL)
pc->templates = cupsArrayNew3((cups_array_func_t)strcmp, NULL, NULL, 0, (cups_acopy_func_t)strdup, (cups_afree_func_t)free);
for (choice = ppd_option->choices, i = ppd_option->num_choices; i > 0; choice ++, i --)
cupsArrayAdd(pc->templates, (void *)choice->choice);
* Add localized text for PWG keyword to message catalog...
snprintf(msg_id, sizeof(msg_id), "finishing-template.%s", choice->choice);
pwg_add_message(pc->strings, msg_id, choice->text);
* Max copies...
if ((ppd_attr = ppdFindAttr(ppd, "cupsMaxCopies", NULL)) != NULL)
pc->max_copies = atoi(ppd_attr->value);
else if (ppd->manual_copies)
pc->max_copies = 1;
pc->max_copies = 9999;
* cupsChargeInfoURI, cupsJobAccountId, cupsJobAccountingUserId,
* cupsJobPassword, and cupsMandatory.
if ((ppd_attr = ppdFindAttr(ppd, "cupsChargeInfoURI", NULL)) != NULL)
pc->charge_info_uri = strdup(ppd_attr->value);
if ((ppd_attr = ppdFindAttr(ppd, "cupsJobAccountId", NULL)) != NULL)
pc->account_id = !_cups_strcasecmp(ppd_attr->value, "true");
if ((ppd_attr = ppdFindAttr(ppd, "cupsJobAccountingUserId", NULL)) != NULL)
pc->accounting_user_id = !_cups_strcasecmp(ppd_attr->value, "true");
if ((ppd_attr = ppdFindAttr(ppd, "cupsJobPassword", NULL)) != NULL)
pc->password = strdup(ppd_attr->value);
if ((ppd_attr = ppdFindAttr(ppd, "cupsMandatory", NULL)) != NULL)
pc->mandatory = _cupsArrayNewStrings(ppd_attr->value, ' ');
* Support files...
pc->support_files = cupsArrayNew3(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, (cups_acopy_func_t)strdup, (cups_afree_func_t)free);
for (ppd_attr = ppdFindAttr(ppd, "cupsICCProfile", NULL);
ppd_attr = ppdFindNextAttr(ppd, "cupsICCProfile", NULL))
cupsArrayAdd(pc->support_files, ppd_attr->value);
if ((ppd_attr = ppdFindAttr(ppd, "APPrinterIconPath", NULL)) != NULL)
cupsArrayAdd(pc->support_files, ppd_attr->value);
* Return the cache data...
return (pc);
* If we get here we need to destroy the PWG mapping data and return NULL...
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Out of memory."), 1);
return (NULL);
* '_ppdCacheDestroy()' - Free all memory used for PWG mapping data.
_ppdCacheDestroy(_ppd_cache_t *pc) /* I - PPD cache and mapping data */
int i; /* Looping var */
pwg_map_t *map; /* Current map */
pwg_size_t *size; /* Current size */
* Range check input...
if (!pc)
* Free memory as needed...
if (pc->bins)
for (i = pc->num_bins, map = pc->bins; i > 0; i --, map ++)
if (pc->sizes)
for (i = pc->num_sizes, size = pc->sizes; i > 0; i --, size ++)
if (pc->sources)
for (i = pc->num_sources, map = pc->sources; i > 0; i --, map ++)
if (pc->types)
for (i = pc->num_types, map = pc->types; i > 0; i --, map ++)
* '_ppdCacheGetBin()' - Get the PWG output-bin keyword associated with a PPD
* OutputBin.
const char * /* O - output-bin or NULL */
_ppd_cache_t *pc, /* I - PPD cache and mapping data */
const char *output_bin) /* I - PPD OutputBin string */
int i; /* Looping var */
* Range check input...
if (!pc || !output_bin)
return (NULL);
* Look up the OutputBin string...
for (i = 0; i < pc->num_bins; i ++)
if (!_cups_strcasecmp(output_bin, pc->bins[i].ppd))
return (pc->bins[i].pwg);
return (NULL);
* '_ppdCacheGetFinishingOptions()' - Get PPD finishing options for the given
* IPP finishings value(s).
int /* O - New number of options */
_ppd_cache_t *pc, /* I - PPD cache and mapping data */
ipp_t *job, /* I - Job attributes or NULL */
ipp_finishings_t value, /* I - IPP finishings value of IPP_FINISHINGS_NONE */
int num_options, /* I - Number of options */
cups_option_t **options) /* IO - Options */
int i; /* Looping var */
_pwg_finishings_t *f, /* PWG finishings options */
key; /* Search key */
ipp_attribute_t *attr; /* Finishings attribute */
cups_option_t *option; /* Current finishings option */
* Range check input...
if (!pc || cupsArrayCount(pc->finishings) == 0 || !options ||
(!job && value == IPP_FINISHINGS_NONE))
return (num_options);
* Apply finishing options...
if (job && (attr = ippFindAttribute(job, "finishings", IPP_TAG_ENUM)) != NULL)
int num_values = ippGetCount(attr); /* Number of values */
for (i = 0; i < num_values; i ++)
key.value = (ipp_finishings_t)ippGetInteger(attr, i);
if ((f = cupsArrayFind(pc->finishings, &key)) != NULL)
int j; /* Another looping var */
for (j = f->num_options, option = f->options; j > 0; j --, option ++)
num_options = cupsAddOption(option->name, option->value,
num_options, options);
else if (value != IPP_FINISHINGS_NONE)
key.value = value;
if ((f = cupsArrayFind(pc->finishings, &key)) != NULL)
int j; /* Another looping var */
for (j = f->num_options, option = f->options; j > 0; j --, option ++)
num_options = cupsAddOption(option->name, option->value,
num_options, options);
return (num_options);
* '_ppdCacheGetFinishingValues()' - Get IPP finishings value(s) from the given
* PPD options.
int /* O - Number of finishings values */
ppd_file_t *ppd, /* I - Marked PPD file */
_ppd_cache_t *pc, /* I - PPD cache and mapping data */
int max_values, /* I - Maximum number of finishings values */
int *values) /* O - Finishings values */
int i, /* Looping var */
num_values = 0; /* Number of values */
_pwg_finishings_t *f; /* Current finishings option */
cups_option_t *option; /* Current option */
ppd_choice_t *choice; /* Marked PPD choice */
* Range check input...
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheGetFinishingValues(ppd=%p, pc=%p, max_values=%d, values=%p)", ppd, pc, max_values, values));
if (!ppd || !pc || max_values < 1 || !values)
DEBUG_puts("_ppdCacheGetFinishingValues: Bad arguments, returning 0.");
return (0);
else if (!pc->finishings)
DEBUG_puts("_ppdCacheGetFinishingValues: No finishings support, returning 0.");
return (0);
* Go through the finishings options and see what is set...
for (f = (_pwg_finishings_t *)cupsArrayFirst(pc->finishings);
f = (_pwg_finishings_t *)cupsArrayNext(pc->finishings))
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheGetFinishingValues: Checking %d (%s)", (int)f->value, ippEnumString("finishings", (int)f->value)));
for (i = f->num_options, option = f->options; i > 0; i --, option ++)
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheGetFinishingValues: %s=%s?", option->name, option->value));
if ((choice = ppdFindMarkedChoice(ppd, option->name)) == NULL || _cups_strcasecmp(option->value, choice->choice))
DEBUG_puts("_ppdCacheGetFinishingValues: NO");
if (i == 0)
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheGetFinishingValues: Adding %d (%s)", (int)f->value, ippEnumString("finishings", (int)f->value)));
values[num_values ++] = (int)f->value;
if (num_values >= max_values)
if (num_values == 0)
* Always have at least "finishings" = 'none'...
DEBUG_puts("_ppdCacheGetFinishingValues: Adding 3 (none).");
num_values ++;
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheGetFinishingValues: Returning %d.", num_values));
return (num_values);
* '_ppdCacheGetInputSlot()' - Get the PPD InputSlot associated with the job
* attributes or a keyword string.
const char * /* O - PPD InputSlot or NULL */
_ppd_cache_t *pc, /* I - PPD cache and mapping data */
ipp_t *job, /* I - Job attributes or NULL */
const char *keyword) /* I - Keyword string or NULL */
* Range check input...
if (!pc || pc->num_sources == 0 || (!job && !keyword))
return (NULL);
if (job && !keyword)
* Lookup the media-col attribute and any media-source found there...
ipp_attribute_t *media_col, /* media-col attribute */
*media_source; /* media-source attribute */
pwg_size_t size; /* Dimensional size */
int margins_set; /* Were the margins set? */
media_col = ippFindAttribute(job, "media-col", IPP_TAG_BEGIN_COLLECTION);
if (media_col &&
(media_source = ippFindAttribute(ippGetCollection(media_col, 0),
* Use the media-source value from media-col...
keyword = ippGetString(media_source, 0, NULL);
else if (pwgInitSize(&size, job, &margins_set))
* For media <= 5x7, look for a photo tray...
if (size.width <= (5 * 2540) && size.length <= (7 * 2540))
keyword = "photo";
if (keyword)
int i; /* Looping var */
for (i = 0; i < pc->num_sources; i ++)
if (!_cups_strcasecmp(keyword, pc->sources[i].pwg))
return (pc->sources[i].ppd);
return (NULL);
* '_ppdCacheGetMediaType()' - Get the PPD MediaType associated with the job
* attributes or a keyword string.
const char * /* O - PPD MediaType or NULL */
_ppd_cache_t *pc, /* I - PPD cache and mapping data */
ipp_t *job, /* I - Job attributes or NULL */
const char *keyword) /* I - Keyword string or NULL */
* Range check input...
if (!pc || pc->num_types == 0 || (!job && !keyword))
return (NULL);
if (job && !keyword)
* Lookup the media-col attribute and any media-source found there...
ipp_attribute_t *media_col, /* media-col attribute */
*media_type; /* media-type attribute */
media_col = ippFindAttribute(job, "media-col", IPP_TAG_BEGIN_COLLECTION);
if (media_col)
if ((media_type = ippFindAttribute(media_col->values[0].collection,
media_type = ippFindAttribute(media_col->values[0].collection,
"media-type", IPP_TAG_NAME);
if (media_type)
keyword = media_type->values[0].string.text;
if (keyword)
int i; /* Looping var */
for (i = 0; i < pc->num_types; i ++)
if (!_cups_strcasecmp(keyword, pc->types[i].pwg))
return (pc->types[i].ppd);
return (NULL);
* '_ppdCacheGetOutputBin()' - Get the PPD OutputBin associated with the keyword
* string.
const char * /* O - PPD OutputBin or NULL */
_ppd_cache_t *pc, /* I - PPD cache and mapping data */
const char *output_bin) /* I - Keyword string */
int i; /* Looping var */
* Range check input...
if (!pc || !output_bin)
return (NULL);
* Look up the OutputBin string...
for (i = 0; i < pc->num_bins; i ++)
if (!_cups_strcasecmp(output_bin, pc->bins[i].pwg))
return (pc->bins[i].ppd);
return (NULL);
* '_ppdCacheGetPageSize()' - Get the PPD PageSize associated with the job
* attributes or a keyword string.
const char * /* O - PPD PageSize or NULL */
_ppd_cache_t *pc, /* I - PPD cache and mapping data */
ipp_t *job, /* I - Job attributes or NULL */
const char *keyword, /* I - Keyword string or NULL */
int *exact) /* O - 1 if exact match, 0 otherwise */
int i; /* Looping var */
pwg_size_t *size, /* Current size */
*closest, /* Closest size */
jobsize; /* Size data from job */
int margins_set, /* Were the margins set? */
dwidth, /* Difference in width */
dlength, /* Difference in length */
dleft, /* Difference in left margins */
dright, /* Difference in right margins */
dbottom, /* Difference in bottom margins */
dtop, /* Difference in top margins */
dmin, /* Minimum difference */
dclosest; /* Closest difference */
const char *ppd_name; /* PPD media name */
DEBUG_printf(("_ppdCacheGetPageSize(pc=%p, job=%p, keyword=\"%s\", exact=%p)",
pc, job, keyword, exact));
* Range check input...
if (!pc || (!job && !keyword))
return (NULL);
if (exact)
*exact = 0;
ppd_name = keyword;
if (job)
* Try getting the PPD media name from the job attributes...
ipp_attribute_t *attr; /* Job attribute */
if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(job, "PageSize", IPP_TAG_ZERO)) == NULL)
if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(job, "PageRegion", IPP_TAG_ZERO)) == NULL)
attr = ippFindAttribute(job, "media", IPP_TAG_ZERO);
#ifdef DEBUG
if (attr)
DEBUG_printf(("1_ppdCacheGetPageSize: Found attribute %s (%s)",
attr->name, ippTagString(attr->value_tag)));
DEBUG_puts("1_ppdCacheGetPageSize: Did not find media attribute.");
#endif /* DEBUG */
if (attr && (attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_NAME ||
attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_KEYWORD))
ppd_name = attr->values[0].string.text;
DEBUG_printf(("1_ppdCacheGetPageSize: ppd_name=\"%s\"", ppd_name));
if (ppd_name)
* Try looking up the named PPD size first...
for (i = pc->num_sizes, size = pc->sizes; i > 0; i --, size ++)
DEBUG_printf(("2_ppdCacheGetPageSize: size[%d]=[\"%s\" \"%s\"]",
(int)(size - pc->sizes), size->map.pwg, size->map.ppd));
if (!_cups_strcasecmp(ppd_name, size->map.ppd) ||
!_cups_strcasecmp(ppd_name, size->map.pwg))
if (exact)
*exact = 1;
DEBUG_printf(("1_ppdCacheGetPageSize: Returning \"%s\"", ppd_name));
return (size->map.ppd);
if (job && !keyword)
* Get the size using media-col or media, with the preference being
* media-col.
if (!pwgInitSize(&jobsize, job, &margins_set))
return (NULL);
* Get the size using a media keyword...
pwg_media_t *media; /* Media definition */
if ((media = pwgMediaForPWG(keyword)) == NULL)
if ((media = pwgMediaForLegacy(keyword)) == NULL)
if ((media = pwgMediaForPPD(keyword)) == NULL)
return (NULL);
jobsize.width = media->width;
jobsize.length = media->length;
margins_set = 0;
* Now that we have the dimensions and possibly the margins, look at the
* available sizes and find the match...
closest = NULL;
dclosest = 999999999;
if (!ppd_name || _cups_strncasecmp(ppd_name, "Custom.", 7) ||
_cups_strncasecmp(ppd_name, "custom_", 7))
for (i = pc->num_sizes, size = pc->sizes; i > 0; i --, size ++)
* Adobe uses a size matching algorithm with an epsilon of 5 points, which
* is just about 176/2540ths...
dwidth = size->width - jobsize.width;
dlength = size->length - jobsize.length;
if (dwidth <= -176 || dwidth >= 176 || dlength <= -176 || dlength >= 176)
if (margins_set)
* Use a tighter epsilon of 1 point (35/2540ths) for margins...
dleft = size->left - jobsize.left;
dright = size->right - jobsize.right;
dtop = size->top - jobsize.top;
dbottom = size->bottom - jobsize.bottom;
if (dleft <= -35 || dleft >= 35 || dright <= -35 || dright >= 35 ||
dtop <= -35 || dtop >= 35 || dbottom <= -35 || dbottom >= 35)
dleft = dleft < 0 ? -dleft : dleft;
dright = dright < 0 ? -dright : dright;
dbottom = dbottom < 0 ? -dbottom : dbottom;
dtop = dtop < 0 ? -dtop : dtop;
dmin = dleft + dright + dbottom + dtop;
if (dmin < dclosest)
dclosest = dmin;
closest = size;
if (exact)
*exact = 1;
DEBUG_printf(("1_ppdCacheGetPageSize: Returning \"%s\"", size->map.ppd));
return (size->map.ppd);
if (closest)
DEBUG_printf(("1_ppdCacheGetPageSize: Returning \"%s\" (closest)",
return (closest->map.ppd);
* If we get here we need to check for custom page size support...
if (jobsize.width >= pc->custom_min_width &&
jobsize.width <= pc->custom_max_width &&
jobsize.length >= pc->custom_min_length &&
jobsize.length <= pc->custom_max_length)
* In range, format as Custom.WWWWxLLLL (points).
snprintf(pc->custom_ppd_size, sizeof(pc->custom_ppd_size), "Custom.%dx%d",
(int)PWG_TO_POINTS(jobsize.width), (int)PWG_TO_POINTS(jobsize.length));
if (margins_set && exact)
dleft = pc->custom_size.left - jobsize.left;
dright = pc->custom_size.right - jobsize.right;
dtop = pc->custom_size.top - jobsize.top;
dbottom = pc->custom_size.bottom - jobsize.bottom;
if (dleft > -35 && dleft < 35 && dright > -35 && dright < 35 &&
dtop > -35 && dtop < 35 && dbottom > -35 && dbottom < 35)
*exact = 1;
else if (exact)
*exact = 1;
DEBUG_printf(("1_ppdCacheGetPageSize: Returning \"%s\" (custom)",
return (pc->custom_ppd_size);
* No custom page size support or the size is out of range - return NULL.
DEBUG_puts("1_ppdCacheGetPageSize: Returning NULL");
return (NULL);
* '_ppdCacheGetSize()' - Get the PWG size associated with a PPD PageSize.
pwg_size_t * /* O - PWG size or NULL */
_ppd_cache_t *pc, /* I - PPD cache and mapping data */
const char *page_size) /* I - PPD PageSize */
int i; /* Looping var */
pwg_media_t *media; /* Media */
pwg_size_t *size; /* Current size */
* Range check input...
if (!pc || !page_size)
return (NULL);
if (!_cups_strncasecmp(page_size, "Custom.", 7))
* Custom size; size name can be one of the following:
* Custom.WIDTHxLENGTHin - Size in inches
* Custom.WIDTHxLENGTHft - Size in feet
* Custom.WIDTHxLENGTHcm - Size in centimeters
* Custom.WIDTHxLENGTHmm - Size in millimeters
* Custom.WIDTHxLENGTHm - Size in meters
* Custom.WIDTHxLENGTH[pt] - Size in points
double w, l; /* Width and length of page */
char *ptr; /* Pointer into PageSize */
struct lconv *loc; /* Locale data */
loc = localeconv();
w = (float)_cupsStrScand(page_size + 7, &ptr, loc);
if (!ptr || *ptr != 'x')
return (NULL);
l = (float)_cupsStrScand(ptr + 1, &ptr, loc);
if (!ptr)
return (NULL);
if (!_cups_strcasecmp(ptr, "in"))
w *= 2540.0;
l *= 2540.0;
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(ptr, "ft"))
w *= 12.0 * 2540.0;
l *= 12.0 * 2540.0;
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(ptr, "mm"))
w *= 100.0;
l *= 100.0;
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(ptr, "cm"))
w *= 1000.0;
l *= 1000.0;
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(ptr, "m"))
w *= 100000.0;
l *= 100000.0;
w *= 2540.0 / 72.0;
l *= 2540.0 / 72.0;
pc->custom_size.width = (int)w;
pc->custom_size.length = (int)l;
return (&(pc->custom_size));
* Not a custom size - look it up...
for (i = pc->num_sizes, size = pc->sizes; i > 0; i --, size ++)
if (!_cups_strcasecmp(page_size, size->map.ppd) ||
!_cups_strcasecmp(page_size, size->map.pwg))
return (size);
* Look up standard sizes...
if ((media = pwgMediaForPPD(page_size)) == NULL)
if ((media = pwgMediaForLegacy(page_size)) == NULL)
media = pwgMediaForPWG(page_size);
if (media)
pc->custom_size.width = media->width;
pc->custom_size.length = media->length;
return (&(pc->custom_size));
return (NULL);
* '_ppdCacheGetSource()' - Get the PWG media-source associated with a PPD
* InputSlot.
const char * /* O - PWG media-source keyword */
_ppd_cache_t *pc, /* I - PPD cache and mapping data */
const char *input_slot) /* I - PPD InputSlot */
int i; /* Looping var */
pwg_map_t *source; /* Current source */
* Range check input...
if (!pc || !input_slot)
return (NULL);
for (i = pc->num_sources, source = pc->sources; i > 0; i --, source ++)
if (!_cups_strcasecmp(input_slot, source->ppd))
return (source->pwg);
return (NULL);
* '_ppdCacheGetType()' - Get the PWG media-type associated with a PPD
* MediaType.
const char * /* O - PWG media-type keyword */
_ppd_cache_t *pc, /* I - PPD cache and mapping data */
const char *media_type) /* I - PPD MediaType */
int i; /* Looping var */
pwg_map_t *type; /* Current type */
* Range check input...
if (!pc || !media_type)
return (NULL);
for (i = pc->num_types, type = pc->types; i > 0; i --, type ++)
if (!_cups_strcasecmp(media_type, type->ppd))
return (type->pwg);
return (NULL);
* '_ppdCacheWriteFile()' - Write PWG mapping data to a file.
int /* O - 1 on success, 0 on failure */
_ppd_cache_t *pc, /* I - PPD cache and mapping data */
const char *filename, /* I - File to write */
ipp_t *attrs) /* I - Attributes to write, if any */
int i, j, k; /* Looping vars */
cups_file_t *fp; /* Output file */
pwg_size_t *size; /* Current size */
pwg_map_t *map; /* Current map */
_pwg_finishings_t *f; /* Current finishing option */
cups_option_t *option; /* Current option */
const char *value; /* String value */
char newfile[1024]; /* New filename */
* Range check input...
if (!pc || !filename)
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, strerror(EINVAL), 0);
return (0);
* Open the file and write with compression...
snprintf(newfile, sizeof(newfile), "%s.N", filename);
if ((fp = cupsFileOpen(newfile, "w9")) == NULL)
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, strerror(errno), 0);
return (0);
* Standard header...
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "#CUPS-PPD-CACHE-%d\n", _PPD_CACHE_VERSION);
* Output bins...
if (pc->num_bins > 0)
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "NumBins %d\n", pc->num_bins);
for (i = pc->num_bins, map = pc->bins; i > 0; i --, map ++)
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "Bin %s %s\n", map->pwg, map->ppd);
* Media sizes...
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "NumSizes %d\n", pc->num_sizes);
for (i = pc->num_sizes, size = pc->sizes; i > 0; i --, size ++)
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "Size %s %s %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", size->map.pwg,
size->map.ppd, size->width, size->length, size->left,
size->bottom, size->right, size->top);
if (pc->custom_max_width > 0)
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "CustomSize %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
pc->custom_max_width, pc->custom_max_length,
pc->custom_min_width, pc->custom_min_length,
pc->custom_size.left, pc->custom_size.bottom,
pc->custom_size.right, pc->custom_size.top);
* Media sources...
if (pc->source_option)
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "SourceOption %s\n", pc->source_option);
if (pc->num_sources > 0)
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "NumSources %d\n", pc->num_sources);
for (i = pc->num_sources, map = pc->sources; i > 0; i --, map ++)
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "Source %s %s\n", map->pwg, map->ppd);
* Media types...
if (pc->num_types > 0)
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "NumTypes %d\n", pc->num_types);
for (i = pc->num_types, map = pc->types; i > 0; i --, map ++)
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "Type %s %s\n", map->pwg, map->ppd);
* Presets...
if (pc->num_presets[i][j])
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "Preset %d %d", i, j);
for (k = pc->num_presets[i][j], option = pc->presets[i][j];
k > 0;
k --, option ++)
cupsFilePrintf(fp, " %s=%s", option->name, option->value);
cupsFilePutChar(fp, '\n');
* Duplex/sides...
if (pc->sides_option)
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "SidesOption %s\n", pc->sides_option);
if (pc->sides_1sided)
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "Sides1Sided %s\n", pc->sides_1sided);
if (pc->sides_2sided_long)
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "Sides2SidedLong %s\n", pc->sides_2sided_long);
if (pc->sides_2sided_short)
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "Sides2SidedShort %s\n", pc->sides_2sided_short);
* Product, cupsFilter, cupsFilter2, and cupsPreFilter...
if (pc->product)
cupsFilePutConf(fp, "Product", pc->product);
for (value = (const char *)cupsArrayFirst(pc->filters);
value = (const char *)cupsArrayNext(pc->filters))
cupsFilePutConf(fp, "Filter", value);
for (value = (const char *)cupsArrayFirst(pc->prefilters);
value = (const char *)cupsArrayNext(pc->prefilters))
cupsFilePutConf(fp, "PreFilter", value);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "SingleFile %s\n", pc->single_file ? "true" : "false");
* Finishing options...
for (f = (_pwg_finishings_t *)cupsArrayFirst(pc->finishings);
f = (_pwg_finishings_t *)cupsArrayNext(pc->finishings))
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "Finishings %d", f->value);
for (i = f->num_options, option = f->options; i > 0; i --, option ++)
cupsFilePrintf(fp, " %s=%s", option->name, option->value);
cupsFilePutChar(fp, '\n');
for (value = (const char *)cupsArrayFirst(pc->templates); value; value = (const char *)cupsArrayNext(pc->templates))
cupsFilePutConf(fp, "FinishingTemplate", value);
* Max copies...
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "MaxCopies %d\n", pc->max_copies);
* Accounting/quota/PIN/managed printing values...
if (pc->charge_info_uri)
cupsFilePutConf(fp, "ChargeInfoURI", pc->charge_info_uri);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "JobAccountId %s\n", pc->account_id ? "true" : "false");
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "JobAccountingUserId %s\n",
pc->accounting_user_id ? "true" : "false");
if (pc->password)
cupsFilePutConf(fp, "JobPassword", pc->password);
for (value = (char *)cupsArrayFirst(pc->mandatory);
value = (char *)cupsArrayNext(pc->mandatory))
cupsFilePutConf(fp, "Mandatory", value);
* Support files...
for (value = (char *)cupsArrayFirst(pc->support_files);
value = (char *)cupsArrayNext(pc->support_files))
cupsFilePutConf(fp, "SupportFile", value);
* IPP attributes, if any...
if (attrs)
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "IPP " CUPS_LLFMT "\n", CUPS_LLCAST ippLength(attrs));
attrs->state = IPP_STATE_IDLE;
ippWriteIO(fp, (ipp_iocb_t)cupsFileWrite, 1, NULL, attrs);
* Close and return...
if (cupsFileClose(fp))
return (0);
return (!rename(newfile, filename));
* '_ppdCreateFromIPP()' - Create a PPD file describing the capabilities
* of an IPP printer.
char * /* O - PPD filename or @code NULL@ on error */
_ppdCreateFromIPP(char *buffer, /* I - Filename buffer */
size_t bufsize, /* I - Size of filename buffer */
ipp_t *response) /* I - Get-Printer-Attributes response */
cups_file_t *fp; /* PPD file */
cups_array_t *sizes; /* Media sizes supported by printer */
cups_size_t *size; /* Current media size */
ipp_attribute_t *attr, /* xxx-supported */
*defattr, /* xxx-default */
*quality, /* print-quality-supported */
*x_dim, *y_dim; /* Media dimensions */
ipp_t *media_col, /* Media collection */
*media_size; /* Media size collection */
char make[256], /* Make and model */
*model, /* Model name */
/* PPD keyword */
int i, j, /* Looping vars */
count, /* Number of values */
bottom, /* Largest bottom margin */
left, /* Largest left margin */
right, /* Largest right margin */
top, /* Largest top margin */
max_length = 0, /* Maximum custom size */
max_width = 0,
min_length = INT_MAX,
/* Minimum custom size */
min_width = INT_MAX,
is_apple = 0, /* Does the printer support Apple raster? */
is_pdf = 0, /* Does the printer support PDF? */
is_pwg = 0; /* Does the printer support PWG Raster? */
pwg_media_t *pwg; /* PWG media size */
int xres, yres; /* Resolution values */
int resolutions[1000];
/* Array of resolution indices */
char msgid[256]; /* Message identifier (attr.value) */
const char *keyword, /* Keyword value */
*msgstr; /* Localized string */
cups_lang_t *lang = cupsLangDefault();
/* Localization info */
cups_array_t *strings = NULL;/* Printer strings file */
struct lconv *loc = localeconv();
/* Locale data */
cups_array_t *fin_options = NULL;
/* Finishing options */
* Range check input...
if (buffer)
*buffer = '\0';
if (!buffer || bufsize < 1)
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, strerror(EINVAL), 0);
return (NULL);
if (!response)
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("No IPP attributes."), 1);
return (NULL);
* Open a temporary file for the PPD...
if ((fp = cupsTempFile2(buffer, (int)bufsize)) == NULL)
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, strerror(errno), 0);
return (NULL);
* Standard stuff for PPD file...
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*PPD-Adobe: \"4.3\"\n");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*FormatVersion: \"4.3\"\n");
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*FileVersion: \"%d.%d\"\n", CUPS_VERSION_MAJOR, CUPS_VERSION_MINOR);
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*LanguageVersion: English\n");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*LanguageEncoding: ISOLatin1\n");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*PSVersion: \"(3010.000) 0\"\n");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*LanguageLevel: \"3\"\n");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*FileSystem: False\n");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*PCFileName: \"ippeve.ppd\"\n");
if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "printer-make-and-model", IPP_TAG_TEXT)) != NULL)
strlcpy(make, ippGetString(attr, 0, NULL), sizeof(make));
strlcpy(make, "Unknown Printer", sizeof(make));
if (!_cups_strncasecmp(make, "Hewlett Packard ", 16) ||
!_cups_strncasecmp(make, "Hewlett-Packard ", 16))
model = make + 16;
strlcpy(make, "HP", sizeof(make));
else if ((model = strchr(make, ' ')) != NULL)
*model++ = '\0';
model = make;
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*Manufacturer: \"%s\"\n", make);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*ModelName: \"%s\"\n", model);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*Product: \"(%s)\"\n", model);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*NickName: \"%s - IPP Everywhere\"\n", model);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*ShortNickName: \"%s - IPP Everywhere\"\n", model);
if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "color-supported", IPP_TAG_BOOLEAN)) != NULL && ippGetBoolean(attr, 0))
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*ColorDevice: True\n");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*ColorDevice: False\n");
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsVersion: %d.%d\n", CUPS_VERSION_MAJOR, CUPS_VERSION_MINOR);
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*cupsSNMPSupplies: False\n");
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsLanguages: \"%s\"\n", lang->language);
if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "printer-more-info", IPP_TAG_URI)) != NULL)
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*APSupplies: \"%s\"\n", ippGetString(attr, 0, NULL));
if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "printer-charge-info-uri", IPP_TAG_URI)) != NULL)
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsChargeInfoURI: \"%s\"\n", ippGetString(attr, 0, NULL));
if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "printer-strings-uri", IPP_TAG_URI)) != NULL)
http_t *http = NULL; /* Connection to printer */
char stringsfile[1024]; /* Temporary strings file */
if (cups_get_url(&http, ippGetString(attr, 0, NULL), stringsfile, sizeof(stringsfile)))
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsStringsURI: \"%s\"\n", ippGetString(attr, 0, NULL));
strings = _cupsMessageLoad(stringsfile, _CUPS_MESSAGE_STRINGS | _CUPS_MESSAGE_UNQUOTE);
if (http)
* Accounting...
if (ippGetBoolean(ippFindAttribute(response, "job-account-id-supported", IPP_TAG_BOOLEAN), 0))
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*cupsJobAccountId: True\n");
if (ippGetBoolean(ippFindAttribute(response, "job-accounting-user-id-supported", IPP_TAG_BOOLEAN), 0))
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*cupsJobAccountingUserId: True\n");
* Password/PIN printing...
if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "job-password-supported", IPP_TAG_INTEGER)) != NULL)
char pattern[33]; /* Password pattern */
int maxlen = ippGetInteger(attr, 0);
/* Maximum length */
const char *repertoire = ippGetString(ippFindAttribute(response, "job-password-repertoire-configured", IPP_TAG_KEYWORD), 0, NULL);
/* Type of password */
if (maxlen > (int)(sizeof(pattern) - 1))
maxlen = (int)sizeof(pattern) - 1;
if (!repertoire || !strcmp(repertoire, "iana_us-ascii_digits"))
memset(pattern, '1', (size_t)maxlen);
else if (!strcmp(repertoire, "iana_us-ascii_letters"))
memset(pattern, 'A', (size_t)maxlen);
else if (!strcmp(repertoire, "iana_us-ascii_complex"))
memset(pattern, 'C', (size_t)maxlen);
else if (!strcmp(repertoire, "iana_us-ascii_any"))
memset(pattern, '.', (size_t)maxlen);
else if (!strcmp(repertoire, "iana_utf-8_digits"))
memset(pattern, 'N', (size_t)maxlen);
else if (!strcmp(repertoire, "iana_utf-8_letters"))
memset(pattern, 'U', (size_t)maxlen);
memset(pattern, '*', (size_t)maxlen);
pattern[maxlen] = '\0';
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsJobPassword: \"%s\"\n", pattern);
* Filters...
if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "document-format-supported", IPP_TAG_MIMETYPE)) != NULL)
is_apple = ippContainsString(attr, "image/urf");
is_pdf = ippContainsString(attr, "application/pdf");
is_pwg = ippContainsString(attr, "image/pwg-raster") && !is_apple;
if (ippContainsString(attr, "image/jpeg"))
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*cupsFilter2: \"image/jpeg image/jpeg 0 -\"\n");
if (ippContainsString(attr, "image/png"))
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*cupsFilter2: \"image/png image/png 0 -\"\n");
if (is_pdf)
* Don't locally filter PDF content when printing to a CUPS shared
* printer, otherwise the options will be applied twice...
if (ippContainsString(attr, "application/vnd.cups-pdf"))
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*cupsFilter2: \"application/pdf application/pdf 0 -\"\n");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*cupsFilter2: \"application/vnd.cups-pdf application/pdf 10 -\"\n");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*cupsManualCopies: true\n");
if (is_apple)
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*cupsFilter2: \"image/urf image/urf 100 -\"\n");
if (is_pwg)
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*cupsFilter2: \"image/pwg-raster image/pwg-raster 100 -\"\n");
if (!is_apple && !is_pdf && !is_pwg)
goto bad_ppd;
* PageSize/PageRegion/ImageableArea/PaperDimension
if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "media-bottom-margin-supported", IPP_TAG_INTEGER)) != NULL)
for (i = 1, bottom = ippGetInteger(attr, 0), count = ippGetCount(attr); i < count; i ++)
if (ippGetInteger(attr, i) > bottom)
bottom = ippGetInteger(attr, i);
bottom = 1270;
if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "media-left-margin-supported", IPP_TAG_INTEGER)) != NULL)
for (i = 1, left = ippGetInteger(attr, 0), count = ippGetCount(attr); i < count; i ++)
if (ippGetInteger(attr, i) > left)
left = ippGetInteger(attr, i);
left = 635;
if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "media-right-margin-supported", IPP_TAG_INTEGER)) != NULL)
for (i = 1, right = ippGetInteger(attr, 0), count = ippGetCount(attr); i < count; i ++)
if (ippGetInteger(attr, i) > right)
right = ippGetInteger(attr, i);
right = 635;
if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "media-top-margin-supported", IPP_TAG_INTEGER)) != NULL)
for (i = 1, top = ippGetInteger(attr, 0), count = ippGetCount(attr); i < count; i ++)
if (ippGetInteger(attr, i) > top)
top = ippGetInteger(attr, i);
top = 1270;
if ((defattr = ippFindAttribute(response, "media-col-default", IPP_TAG_BEGIN_COLLECTION)) != NULL)
if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(ippGetCollection(defattr, 0), "media-size", IPP_TAG_BEGIN_COLLECTION)) != NULL)
media_size = ippGetCollection(attr, 0);
x_dim = ippFindAttribute(media_size, "x-dimension", IPP_TAG_INTEGER);
y_dim = ippFindAttribute(media_size, "y-dimension", IPP_TAG_INTEGER);
if (x_dim && y_dim && (pwg = pwgMediaForSize(ippGetInteger(x_dim, 0), ippGetInteger(y_dim, 0))) != NULL)
strlcpy(ppdname, pwg->ppd, sizeof(ppdname));
strlcpy(ppdname, "Unknown", sizeof(ppdname));
strlcpy(ppdname, "Unknown", sizeof(ppdname));
else if ((pwg = pwgMediaForPWG(ippGetString(ippFindAttribute(response, "media-default", IPP_TAG_ZERO), 0, NULL))) != NULL)
strlcpy(ppdname, pwg->ppd, sizeof(ppdname));
strlcpy(ppdname, "Unknown", sizeof(ppdname));
sizes = cupsArrayNew3((cups_array_func_t)pwg_compare_sizes, NULL, NULL, 0, (cups_acopy_func_t)pwg_copy_size, (cups_afree_func_t)free);
if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "media-col-database", IPP_TAG_BEGIN_COLLECTION)) != NULL)
for (i = 0, count = ippGetCount(attr); i < count; i ++)
cups_size_t temp; /* Current size */
ipp_attribute_t *margin; /* media-xxx-margin attribute */
media_col = ippGetCollection(attr, i);
media_size = ippGetCollection(ippFindAttribute(media_col, "media-size", IPP_TAG_BEGIN_COLLECTION), 0);
x_dim = ippFindAttribute(media_size, "x-dimension", IPP_TAG_ZERO);
y_dim = ippFindAttribute(media_size, "y-dimension", IPP_TAG_ZERO);
pwg = pwgMediaForSize(ippGetInteger(x_dim, 0), ippGetInteger(y_dim, 0));
if (pwg)
temp.width = pwg->width;
temp.length = pwg->length;
if ((margin = ippFindAttribute(media_col, "media-bottom-margin", IPP_TAG_INTEGER)) != NULL)
temp.bottom = ippGetInteger(margin, 0);
temp.bottom = bottom;
if ((margin = ippFindAttribute(media_col, "media-left-margin", IPP_TAG_INTEGER)) != NULL)
temp.left = ippGetInteger(margin, 0);
temp.left = left;
if ((margin = ippFindAttribute(media_col, "media-right-margin", IPP_TAG_INTEGER)) != NULL)
temp.right = ippGetInteger(margin, 0);
temp.right = right;
if ((margin = ippFindAttribute(media_col, "media-top-margin", IPP_TAG_INTEGER)) != NULL)
temp.top = ippGetInteger(margin, 0);
temp.top = top;
if (temp.bottom == 0 && temp.left == 0 && temp.right == 0 && temp.top == 0)
snprintf(temp.media, sizeof(temp.media), "%s.Borderless", pwg->ppd);
strlcpy(temp.media, pwg->ppd, sizeof(temp.media));
if (!cupsArrayFind(sizes, &temp))
cupsArrayAdd(sizes, &temp);
else if (ippGetValueTag(x_dim) == IPP_TAG_RANGE || ippGetValueTag(y_dim) == IPP_TAG_RANGE)
* Custom size - record the min/max values...
int lower, upper; /* Range values */
if (ippGetValueTag(x_dim) == IPP_TAG_RANGE)
lower = ippGetRange(x_dim, 0, &upper);
lower = upper = ippGetInteger(x_dim, 0);
if (lower < min_width)
min_width = lower;
if (upper > max_width)
max_width = upper;
if (ippGetValueTag(y_dim) == IPP_TAG_RANGE)
lower = ippGetRange(y_dim, 0, &upper);
lower = upper = ippGetInteger(y_dim, 0);
if (lower < min_length)
min_length = lower;
if (upper > max_length)
max_length = upper;
if ((max_width == 0 || max_length == 0) && (attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "media-size-supported", IPP_TAG_BEGIN_COLLECTION)) != NULL)
* Some printers don't list custom size support in media-col-database...
for (i = 0, count = ippGetCount(attr); i < count; i ++)
media_size = ippGetCollection(attr, i);
x_dim = ippFindAttribute(media_size, "x-dimension", IPP_TAG_ZERO);
y_dim = ippFindAttribute(media_size, "y-dimension", IPP_TAG_ZERO);
if (ippGetValueTag(x_dim) == IPP_TAG_RANGE || ippGetValueTag(y_dim) == IPP_TAG_RANGE)
* Custom size - record the min/max values...
int lower, upper; /* Range values */
if (ippGetValueTag(x_dim) == IPP_TAG_RANGE)
lower = ippGetRange(x_dim, 0, &upper);
lower = upper = ippGetInteger(x_dim, 0);
if (lower < min_width)
min_width = lower;
if (upper > max_width)
max_width = upper;
if (ippGetValueTag(y_dim) == IPP_TAG_RANGE)
lower = ippGetRange(y_dim, 0, &upper);
lower = upper = ippGetInteger(y_dim, 0);
if (lower < min_length)
min_length = lower;
if (upper > max_length)
max_length = upper;
else if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "media-size-supported", IPP_TAG_BEGIN_COLLECTION)) != NULL)
for (i = 0, count = ippGetCount(attr); i < count; i ++)
cups_size_t temp; /* Current size */
media_size = ippGetCollection(attr, i);
x_dim = ippFindAttribute(media_size, "x-dimension", IPP_TAG_ZERO);
y_dim = ippFindAttribute(media_size, "y-dimension", IPP_TAG_ZERO);
pwg = pwgMediaForSize(ippGetInteger(x_dim, 0), ippGetInteger(y_dim, 0));
if (pwg)
temp.width = pwg->width;
temp.length = pwg->length;
temp.bottom = bottom;
temp.left = left;
temp.right = right;
temp.top = top;
if (temp.bottom == 0 && temp.left == 0 && temp.right == 0 && temp.top == 0)
snprintf(temp.media, sizeof(temp.media), "%s.Borderless", pwg->ppd);
strlcpy(temp.media, pwg->ppd, sizeof(temp.media));
if (!cupsArrayFind(sizes, &temp))
cupsArrayAdd(sizes, &temp);
else if (ippGetValueTag(x_dim) == IPP_TAG_RANGE || ippGetValueTag(y_dim) == IPP_TAG_RANGE)
* Custom size - record the min/max values...
int lower, upper; /* Range values */
if (ippGetValueTag(x_dim) == IPP_TAG_RANGE)
lower = ippGetRange(x_dim, 0, &upper);
lower = upper = ippGetInteger(x_dim, 0);
if (lower < min_width)
min_width = lower;
if (upper > max_width)
max_width = upper;
if (ippGetValueTag(y_dim) == IPP_TAG_RANGE)
lower = ippGetRange(y_dim, 0, &upper);
lower = upper = ippGetInteger(y_dim, 0);
if (lower < min_length)
min_length = lower;
if (upper > max_length)
max_length = upper;
else if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "media-supported", IPP_TAG_ZERO)) != NULL)
for (i = 0, count = ippGetCount(attr); i < count; i ++)
const char *pwg_size = ippGetString(attr, i, NULL);
/* PWG size name */
cups_size_t temp; /* Current size */
if ((pwg = pwgMediaForPWG(pwg_size)) != NULL)
if (strstr(pwg_size, "_max_") || strstr(pwg_size, "_max."))
if (pwg->width > max_width)
max_width = pwg->width;
if (pwg->length > max_length)
max_length = pwg->length;
else if (strstr(pwg_size, "_min_") || strstr(pwg_size, "_min."))
if (pwg->width < min_width)
min_width = pwg->width;
if (pwg->length < min_length)
min_length = pwg->length;
temp.width = pwg->width;
temp.length = pwg->length;
temp.bottom = bottom;
temp.left = left;
temp.right = right;
temp.top = top;
if (temp.bottom == 0 && temp.left == 0 && temp.right == 0 && temp.top == 0)
snprintf(temp.media, sizeof(temp.media), "%s.Borderless", pwg->ppd);
strlcpy(temp.media, pwg->ppd, sizeof(temp.media));
if (!cupsArrayFind(sizes, &temp))
cupsArrayAdd(sizes, &temp);
if (cupsArrayCount(sizes) > 0)
* List all of the standard sizes...
char tleft[256], /* Left string */
tbottom[256], /* Bottom string */
tright[256], /* Right string */
ttop[256], /* Top string */
twidth[256], /* Width string */
tlength[256]; /* Length string */
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*OpenUI *PageSize: PickOne\n"
"*OrderDependency: 10 AnySetup *PageSize\n"
"*DefaultPageSize: %s\n", ppdname);
for (size = (cups_size_t *)cupsArrayFirst(sizes); size; size = (cups_size_t *)cupsArrayNext(sizes))
_cupsStrFormatd(twidth, twidth + sizeof(twidth), size->width * 72.0 / 2540.0, loc);
_cupsStrFormatd(tlength, tlength + sizeof(tlength), size->length * 72.0 / 2540.0, loc);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*PageSize %s: \"<</PageSize[%s %s]>>setpagedevice\"\n", size->media, twidth, tlength);
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*CloseUI: *PageSize\n");
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*OpenUI *PageRegion: PickOne\n"
"*OrderDependency: 10 AnySetup *PageRegion\n"
"*DefaultPageRegion: %s\n", ppdname);
for (size = (cups_size_t *)cupsArrayFirst(sizes); size; size = (cups_size_t *)cupsArrayNext(sizes))
_cupsStrFormatd(twidth, twidth + sizeof(twidth), size->width * 72.0 / 2540.0, loc);
_cupsStrFormatd(tlength, tlength + sizeof(tlength), size->length * 72.0 / 2540.0, loc);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*PageRegion %s: \"<</PageSize[%s %s]>>setpagedevice\"\n", size->media, twidth, tlength);
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*CloseUI: *PageRegion\n");
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*DefaultImageableArea: %s\n"
"*DefaultPaperDimension: %s\n", ppdname, ppdname);
for (size = (cups_size_t *)cupsArrayFirst(sizes); size; size = (cups_size_t *)cupsArrayNext(sizes))
_cupsStrFormatd(tleft, tleft + sizeof(tleft), size->left * 72.0 / 2540.0, loc);
_cupsStrFormatd(tbottom, tbottom + sizeof(tbottom), size->bottom * 72.0 / 2540.0, loc);
_cupsStrFormatd(tright, tright + sizeof(tright), (size->width - size->right) * 72.0 / 2540.0, loc);
_cupsStrFormatd(ttop, ttop + sizeof(ttop), (size->length - size->top) * 72.0 / 2540.0, loc);
_cupsStrFormatd(twidth, twidth + sizeof(twidth), size->width * 72.0 / 2540.0, loc);
_cupsStrFormatd(tlength, tlength + sizeof(tlength), size->length * 72.0 / 2540.0, loc);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*ImageableArea %s: \"%s %s %s %s\"\n", size->media, tleft, tbottom, tright, ttop);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*PaperDimension %s: \"%s %s\"\n", size->media, twidth, tlength);
* Custom size support...
if (max_width > 0 && min_width < INT_MAX && max_length > 0 && min_length < INT_MAX)
char tmax[256], tmin[256]; /* Min/max values */
_cupsStrFormatd(tleft, tleft + sizeof(tleft), left * 72.0 / 2540.0, loc);
_cupsStrFormatd(tbottom, tbottom + sizeof(tbottom), bottom * 72.0 / 2540.0, loc);
_cupsStrFormatd(tright, tright + sizeof(tright), right * 72.0 / 2540.0, loc);
_cupsStrFormatd(ttop, ttop + sizeof(ttop), top * 72.0 / 2540.0, loc);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*HWMargins: \"%s %s %s %s\"\n", tleft, tbottom, tright, ttop);
_cupsStrFormatd(tmax, tmax + sizeof(tmax), max_width * 72.0 / 2540.0, loc);
_cupsStrFormatd(tmin, tmin + sizeof(tmin), min_width * 72.0 / 2540.0, loc);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*ParamCustomPageSize Width: 1 points %s %s\n", tmin, tmax);
_cupsStrFormatd(tmax, tmax + sizeof(tmax), max_length * 72.0 / 2540.0, loc);
_cupsStrFormatd(tmin, tmin + sizeof(tmin), min_length * 72.0 / 2540.0, loc);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*ParamCustomPageSize Height: 2 points %s %s\n", tmin, tmax);
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*ParamCustomPageSize WidthOffset: 3 points 0 0\n");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*ParamCustomPageSize HeightOffset: 4 points 0 0\n");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*ParamCustomPageSize Orientation: 5 int 0 3\n");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*CustomPageSize True: \"pop pop pop <</PageSize[5 -2 roll]/ImagingBBox null>>setpagedevice\"\n");
goto bad_ppd;
* InputSlot...
if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(ippGetCollection(defattr, 0), "media-source", IPP_TAG_ZERO)) != NULL)
pwg_ppdize_name(ippGetString(attr, 0, NULL), ppdname, sizeof(ppdname));
strlcpy(ppdname, "Unknown", sizeof(ppdname));
if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "media-source-supported", IPP_TAG_ZERO)) != NULL && (count = ippGetCount(attr)) > 1)
static const char * const sources[] =
{ /* Standard "media-source" strings */
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*OpenUI *InputSlot: PickOne\n"
"*OrderDependency: 10 AnySetup *InputSlot\n"
"*DefaultInputSlot: %s\n", ppdname);
for (i = 0, count = ippGetCount(attr); i < count; i ++)
keyword = ippGetString(attr, i, NULL);
pwg_ppdize_name(keyword, ppdname, sizeof(ppdname));
for (j = 0; j < (int)(sizeof(sources) / sizeof(sources[0])); j ++)
if (!strcmp(sources[j], keyword))
snprintf(msgid, sizeof(msgid), "media-source.%s", keyword);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*InputSlot %s: \"<</MediaPosition %d>>setpagedevice\"\n", ppdname, j);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.InputSlot %s/%s: \"\"\n", lang->language, ppdname, _cupsLangString(lang, msgid));
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*CloseUI: *InputSlot\n");
* MediaType...
if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(ippGetCollection(defattr, 0), "media-type", IPP_TAG_ZERO)) != NULL)
pwg_ppdize_name(ippGetString(attr, 0, NULL), ppdname, sizeof(ppdname));
strlcpy(ppdname, "Unknown", sizeof(ppdname));
if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "media-type-supported", IPP_TAG_ZERO)) != NULL && (count = ippGetCount(attr)) > 1)
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*OpenUI *MediaType: PickOne\n"
"*OrderDependency: 10 AnySetup *MediaType\n"
"*DefaultMediaType: %s\n", ppdname);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++)
keyword = ippGetString(attr, i, NULL);
pwg_ppdize_name(keyword, ppdname, sizeof(ppdname));
snprintf(msgid, sizeof(msgid), "media-type.%s", keyword);
if ((msgstr = _cupsLangString(lang, msgid)) == msgid || !strcmp(msgid, msgstr))
if ((msgstr = _cupsMessageLookup(strings, msgid)) == msgid)
msgstr = keyword;
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*MediaType %s: \"<</MediaType(%s)>>setpagedevice\"\n", ppdname, ppdname);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.MediaType %s/%s: \"\"\n", lang->language, ppdname, msgstr);
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*CloseUI: *MediaType\n");
* ColorModel...
if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "urf-supported", IPP_TAG_KEYWORD)) == NULL)
if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "pwg-raster-document-type-supported", IPP_TAG_KEYWORD)) == NULL)
if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "print-color-mode-supported", IPP_TAG_KEYWORD)) == NULL)
attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "output-mode-supported", IPP_TAG_KEYWORD);
if (attr)
int wrote_color = 0;
const char *default_color = NULL; /* Default */
for (i = 0, count = ippGetCount(attr); i < count; i ++)
keyword = ippGetString(attr, i, NULL);
#define PRINTF_COLORMODEL if (!wrote_color) { cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*OpenUI *ColorModel: PickOne\n*OrderDependency: 10 AnySetup *ColorModel\n*%s.Translation ColorModel/%s: \"\"\n", lang->language, _cupsLangString(lang, _("Color Mode"))); wrote_color = 1; }
#define PRINTF_COLOROPTION(name,text,cspace,bpp) { cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*ColorModel %s: \"<</cupsColorSpace %d/cupsBitsPerColor %d/cupsColorOrder 0/cupsCompression 0>>setpagedevice\"\n", name, cspace, bpp); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.ColorModel %s/%s: \"\"\n", lang->language, name, _cupsLangString(lang, text)); }
if (!strcasecmp(keyword, "black_1") || !strcmp(keyword, "bi-level") || !strcmp(keyword, "process-bi-level"))
PRINTF_COLOROPTION("FastGray", _("Fast Grayscale"), CUPS_CSPACE_K, 1)
if (!default_color)
default_color = "FastGray";
else if (!strcasecmp(keyword, "sgray_8") || !strcmp(keyword, "W8") || !strcmp(keyword, "monochrome") || !strcmp(keyword, "process-monochrome"))
if (!default_color || !strcmp(default_color, "FastGray"))
default_color = "Gray";
else if (!strcasecmp(keyword, "sgray_16") || !strcmp(keyword, "W8-16"))
if (!strcmp(keyword, "W8-16"))
if (!default_color || !strcmp(default_color, "FastGray"))
default_color = "Gray";
PRINTF_COLOROPTION("Gray16", _("Deep Gray"), CUPS_CSPACE_SW, 16)
else if (!strcasecmp(keyword, "srgb_8") || !strncmp(keyword, "SRGB24", 7) || !strcmp(keyword, "color"))
default_color = "RGB";
else if (!strcasecmp(keyword, "adobe-rgb_16") || !strcmp(keyword, "ADOBERGB48") || !strcmp(keyword, "ADOBERGB24-48"))
if (!default_color)
default_color = "AdobeRGB";
else if ((!strcasecmp(keyword, "adobe-rgb_8") && !ippContainsString(attr, "adobe-rgb_16")) || !strcmp(keyword, "ADOBERGB24"))
if (!default_color)
default_color = "AdobeRGB";
else if ((!strcasecmp(keyword, "black_8") && !ippContainsString(attr, "black_16")) || !strcmp(keyword, "DEVW8"))
PRINTF_COLOROPTION("DeviceGray", _("Device Gray"), CUPS_CSPACE_W, 8)
else if (!strcasecmp(keyword, "black_16") || !strcmp(keyword, "DEVW16") || !strcmp(keyword, "DEVW8-16"))
PRINTF_COLOROPTION("DeviceGray", _("Device Gray"), CUPS_CSPACE_W, 16)
else if ((!strcasecmp(keyword, "cmyk_8") && !ippContainsString(attr, "cmyk_16")) || !strcmp(keyword, "DEVCMYK32"))
else if (!strcasecmp(keyword, "cmyk_16") || !strcmp(keyword, "DEVCMYK32-64") || !strcmp(keyword, "DEVCMYK64"))
else if ((!strcasecmp(keyword, "rgb_8") && ippContainsString(attr, "rgb_16")) || !strcmp(keyword, "DEVRGB24"))
else if (!strcasecmp(keyword, "rgb_16") || !strcmp(keyword, "DEVRGB24-48") || !strcmp(keyword, "DEVRGB48"))
if (default_color)
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*DefaultColorModel: %s\n", default_color);
if (wrote_color)
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*CloseUI: *ColorModel\n");
* Duplex...
if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "sides-supported", IPP_TAG_KEYWORD)) != NULL && ippContainsString(attr, "two-sided-long-edge"))
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*OpenUI *Duplex: PickOne\n"
"*OrderDependency: 10 AnySetup *Duplex\n"
"*%s.Translation Duplex/%s: \"\"\n"
"*DefaultDuplex: None\n"
"*Duplex None: \"<</Duplex false>>setpagedevice\"\n"
"*%s.Duplex None/%s: \"\"\n"
"*Duplex DuplexNoTumble: \"<</Duplex true/Tumble false>>setpagedevice\"\n"
"*%s.Duplex DuplexNoTumble/%s: \"\"\n"
"*Duplex DuplexTumble: \"<</Duplex true/Tumble true>>setpagedevice\"\n"
"*%s.Duplex DuplexTumble/%s: \"\"\n"
"*CloseUI: *Duplex\n", lang->language, _cupsLangString(lang, _("2-Sided Printing")), lang->language, _cupsLangString(lang, _("Off (1-Sided)")), lang->language, _cupsLangString(lang, _("Long-Edge (Portrait)")), lang->language, _cupsLangString(lang, _("Short-Edge (Landscape)")));
if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "urf-supported", IPP_TAG_KEYWORD)) != NULL)
for (i = 0, count = ippGetCount(attr); i < count; i ++)
const char *dm = ippGetString(attr, i, NULL);
/* DM value */
if (!_cups_strcasecmp(dm, "DM1"))
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*cupsBackSide: Normal\n");
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(dm, "DM2"))
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*cupsBackSide: Flipped\n");
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(dm, "DM3"))
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*cupsBackSide: Rotated\n");
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(dm, "DM4"))
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*cupsBackSide: ManualTumble\n");
else if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "pwg-raster-document-sheet-back", IPP_TAG_KEYWORD)) != NULL)
keyword = ippGetString(attr, 0, NULL);
if (!strcmp(keyword, "flipped"))
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*cupsBackSide: Flipped\n");
else if (!strcmp(keyword, "manual-tumble"))
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*cupsBackSide: ManualTumble\n");
else if (!strcmp(keyword, "normal"))
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*cupsBackSide: Normal\n");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*cupsBackSide: Rotated\n");
* Output bin...
if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "output-bin-default", IPP_TAG_ZERO)) != NULL)
pwg_ppdize_name(ippGetString(attr, 0, NULL), ppdname, sizeof(ppdname));
strlcpy(ppdname, "Unknown", sizeof(ppdname));
if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "output-bin-supported", IPP_TAG_ZERO)) != NULL && (count = ippGetCount(attr)) > 1)
ipp_attribute_t *trays = ippFindAttribute(response, "printer-output-tray", IPP_TAG_STRING);
/* printer-output-tray attribute, if any */
const char *tray_ptr; /* printer-output-tray value */
int tray_len; /* Len of printer-output-tray value */
/* printer-output-tray string value */
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*OpenUI *OutputBin: PickOne\n"
"*OrderDependency: 10 AnySetup *OutputBin\n"
"*DefaultOutputBin: %s\n", ppdname);
if (!strcmp(ppdname, "FaceUp"))
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*DefaultOutputOrder: Reverse\n");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*DefaultOutputOrder: Normal\n");
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++)
keyword = ippGetString(attr, i, NULL);
pwg_ppdize_name(keyword, ppdname, sizeof(ppdname));
snprintf(msgid, sizeof(msgid), "output-bin.%s", keyword);
if ((msgstr = _cupsLangString(lang, msgid)) == msgid || !strcmp(msgid, msgstr))
if ((msgstr = _cupsMessageLookup(strings, msgid)) == msgid)
msgstr = keyword;
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*OutputBin %s: \"\"\n", ppdname);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.OutputBin %s/%s: \"\"\n", lang->language, ppdname, msgstr);
if ((tray_ptr = ippGetOctetString(trays, i, &tray_len)) != NULL)
if (tray_len >= (int)sizeof(tray))
tray_len = (int)sizeof(tray) - 1;
memcpy(tray, tray_ptr, (size_t)tray_len);
tray[tray_len] = '\0';
if (strstr(tray, "stackingorder=lastToFirst;"))
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*PageStackOrder %s: Reverse\n", ppdname);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*PageStackOrder %s: Normal\n", ppdname);
else if (!strcmp(ppdname, "FaceUp"))
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*PageStackOrder %s: Reverse\n", ppdname);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*PageStackOrder %s: Normal\n", ppdname);
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*CloseUI: *OutputBin\n");
* Finishing options...
if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "finishings-supported", IPP_TAG_ENUM)) != NULL)
int value; /* Enum value */
const char *ppd_keyword; /* PPD keyword for enum */
cups_array_t *names; /* Names we've added */
static const char * const base_keywords[] =
{ /* Base STD 92 keywords */
NULL, /* none */
"SingleAuto", /* staple */
"SingleAuto", /* punch */
NULL, /* cover */
"BindAuto", /* bind */
"SaddleStitch", /* saddle-stitch */
"EdgeStitchAuto", /* edge-stitch */
"Auto", /* fold */
NULL, /* trim */
NULL, /* bale */
NULL, /* booklet-maker */
NULL, /* jog-offset */
NULL, /* coat */
NULL /* laminate */
count = ippGetCount(attr);
names = cupsArrayNew3((cups_array_func_t)strcmp, NULL, NULL, 0, (cups_acopy_func_t)strdup, (cups_afree_func_t)free);
fin_options = cupsArrayNew((cups_array_func_t)strcmp, NULL);
* Staple/Bind/Stitch
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++)
value = ippGetInteger(attr, i);
keyword = ippEnumString("finishings", value);
if (!strncmp(keyword, "staple-", 7) || !strncmp(keyword, "bind-", 5) || !strncmp(keyword, "edge-stitch-", 12) || !strcmp(keyword, "saddle-stitch"))
if (i < count)
static const char * const staple_keywords[] =
{ /* StapleLocation keywords */
static const char * const bind_keywords[] =
{ /* StapleLocation binding keywords */
cupsArrayAdd(fin_options, "*StapleLocation");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*OpenUI *StapleLocation: PickOne\n");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*OrderDependency: 10 AnySetup *StapleLocation\n");
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.Translation StapleLocation/%s: \"\"\n", lang->language, _cupsLangString(lang, _("Staple")));
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*DefaultStapleLocation: None\n");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*StapleLocation None: \"\"\n");
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.StapleLocation None/%s: \"\"\n", lang->language, _cupsLangString(lang, _("None")));
for (; i < count; i ++)
value = ippGetInteger(attr, i);
keyword = ippEnumString("finishings", value);
if (strncmp(keyword, "staple-", 7) && strncmp(keyword, "bind-", 5) && strncmp(keyword, "edge-stitch-", 12) && strcmp(keyword, "saddle-stitch"))
if (cupsArrayFind(names, (char *)keyword))
continue; /* Already did this finishing template */
cupsArrayAdd(names, (char *)keyword);
snprintf(msgid, sizeof(msgid), "finishings.%d", value);
if ((msgstr = _cupsLangString(lang, msgid)) == msgid || !strcmp(msgid, msgstr))
if ((msgstr = _cupsMessageLookup(strings, msgid)) == msgid)
msgstr = keyword;
ppd_keyword = base_keywords[value - IPP_FINISHINGS_NONE];
ppd_keyword = staple_keywords[value - IPP_FINISHINGS_STAPLE_TOP_LEFT];
ppd_keyword = bind_keywords[value - IPP_FINISHINGS_BIND_LEFT];
ppd_keyword = NULL;
if (!ppd_keyword)
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*StapleLocation %s: \"\"\n", ppd_keyword);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.StapleLocation %s/%s: \"\"\n", lang->language, ppd_keyword, msgstr);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsIPPFinishings %d/%s: \"*StapleLocation %s\"\n", value, keyword, ppd_keyword);
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*CloseUI: *StapleLocation\n");
* Fold
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++)
value = ippGetInteger(attr, i);
keyword = ippEnumString("finishings", value);
if (!strncmp(keyword, "cups-fold-", 10) || !strcmp(keyword, "fold") || !strncmp(keyword, "fold-", 5))
if (i < count)
static const char * const fold_keywords[] =
{ /* FoldType keywords */
cupsArrayAdd(fin_options, "*FoldType");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*OpenUI *FoldType: PickOne\n");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*OrderDependency: 10 AnySetup *FoldType\n");
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.Translation FoldType/%s: \"\"\n", lang->language, _cupsLangString(lang, _("Fold")));
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*DefaultFoldType: None\n");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*FoldType None: \"\"\n");
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.FoldType None/%s: \"\"\n", lang->language, _cupsLangString(lang, _("None")));
for (; i < count; i ++)
value = ippGetInteger(attr, i);
keyword = ippEnumString("finishings", value);
if (!strncmp(keyword, "cups-fold-", 10))
keyword += 5;
else if (strcmp(keyword, "fold") && strncmp(keyword, "fold-", 5))
if (cupsArrayFind(names, (char *)keyword))
continue; /* Already did this finishing template */
cupsArrayAdd(names, (char *)keyword);
snprintf(msgid, sizeof(msgid), "finishings.%d", value);
if ((msgstr = _cupsLangString(lang, msgid)) == msgid || !strcmp(msgid, msgstr))
if ((msgstr = _cupsMessageLookup(strings, msgid)) == msgid)
msgstr = keyword;
ppd_keyword = base_keywords[value - IPP_FINISHINGS_NONE];
ppd_keyword = fold_keywords[value - IPP_FINISHINGS_FOLD_ACCORDION];
ppd_keyword = fold_keywords[value - IPP_FINISHINGS_CUPS_FOLD_ACCORDION];
ppd_keyword = NULL;
if (!ppd_keyword)
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*FoldType %s: \"\"\n", ppd_keyword);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.FoldType %s/%s: \"\"\n", lang->language, ppd_keyword, msgstr);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsIPPFinishings %d/%s: \"*FoldType %s\"\n", value, keyword, ppd_keyword);
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*CloseUI: *FoldType\n");
* Punch
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++)
value = ippGetInteger(attr, i);
keyword = ippEnumString("finishings", value);
if (!strncmp(keyword, "cups-punch-", 11) || !strncmp(keyword, "punch-", 6))
if (i < count)
static const char * const punch_keywords[] =
{ /* PunchMedia keywords */
cupsArrayAdd(fin_options, "*PunchMedia");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*OpenUI *PunchMedia: PickOne\n");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*OrderDependency: 10 AnySetup *PunchMedia\n");
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.Translation PunchMedia/%s: \"\"\n", lang->language, _cupsLangString(lang, _("Punch")));
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*DefaultPunchMedia: None\n");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*PunchMedia None: \"\"\n");
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.PunchMedia None/%s: \"\"\n", lang->language, _cupsLangString(lang, _("None")));
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++)
value = ippGetInteger(attr, i);
keyword = ippEnumString("finishings", value);
if (!strncmp(keyword, "cups-punch-", 11))
keyword += 5;
else if (strncmp(keyword, "punch-", 6))
if (cupsArrayFind(names, (char *)keyword))
continue; /* Already did this finishing template */
cupsArrayAdd(names, (char *)keyword);
snprintf(msgid, sizeof(msgid), "finishings.%d", value);
if ((msgstr = _cupsLangString(lang, msgid)) == msgid || !strcmp(msgid, msgstr))
if ((msgstr = _cupsMessageLookup(strings, msgid)) == msgid)
msgstr = keyword;
ppd_keyword = base_keywords[value - IPP_FINISHINGS_NONE];
ppd_keyword = punch_keywords[value - IPP_FINISHINGS_PUNCH_TOP_LEFT];
ppd_keyword = punch_keywords[value - IPP_FINISHINGS_CUPS_PUNCH_TOP_LEFT];
ppd_keyword = NULL;
if (!ppd_keyword)
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*PunchMedia %s: \"\"\n", ppd_keyword);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.PunchMedia %s/%s: \"\"\n", lang->language, ppd_keyword, msgstr);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsIPPFinishings %d/%s: \"*PunchMedia %s\"\n", value, keyword, ppd_keyword);
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*CloseUI: *PunchMedia\n");
* Booklet
if (ippContainsInteger(attr, IPP_FINISHINGS_BOOKLET_MAKER))
cupsArrayAdd(fin_options, "*Booklet");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*OpenUI *Booklet: Boolean\n");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*OrderDependency: 10 AnySetup *Booklet\n");
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.Translation Booklet/%s: \"\"\n", lang->language, _cupsLangString(lang, _("Booklet")));
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*DefaultBooklet: False\n");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*Booklet False: \"\"\n");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*Booklet True: \"\"\n");
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsIPPFinishings %d/booklet-maker: \"*Booklet True\"\n", IPP_FINISHINGS_BOOKLET_MAKER);
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*CloseUI: *Booklet\n");
* CutMedia
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++)
value = ippGetInteger(attr, i);
keyword = ippEnumString("finishings", value);
if (!strcmp(keyword, "trim") || !strncmp(keyword, "trim-", 5))
if (i < count)
static const char * const trim_keywords[] =
{ /* CutMedia keywords */
cupsArrayAdd(fin_options, "*CutMedia");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*OpenUI *CutMedia: PickOne\n");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*OrderDependency: 10 AnySetup *CutMedia\n");
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.Translation CutMedia/%s: \"\"\n", lang->language, _cupsLangString(lang, _("Cut")));
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*DefaultCutMedia: None\n");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*CutMedia None: \"\"\n");
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.CutMedia None/%s: \"\"\n", lang->language, _cupsLangString(lang, _("None")));
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++)
value = ippGetInteger(attr, i);
keyword = ippEnumString("finishings", value);
if (strcmp(keyword, "trim") && strncmp(keyword, "trim-", 5))
if (cupsArrayFind(names, (char *)keyword))
continue; /* Already did this finishing template */
cupsArrayAdd(names, (char *)keyword);
snprintf(msgid, sizeof(msgid), "finishings.%d", value);
if ((msgstr = _cupsLangString(lang, msgid)) == msgid || !strcmp(msgid, msgstr))
if ((msgstr = _cupsMessageLookup(strings, msgid)) == msgid)
msgstr = keyword;
ppd_keyword = "Auto";
ppd_keyword = trim_keywords[value - IPP_FINISHINGS_TRIM_AFTER_PAGES];
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*CutMedia %s: \"\"\n", ppd_keyword);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.CutMedia %s/%s: \"\"\n", lang->language, ppd_keyword, msgstr);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsIPPFinishings %d/%s: \"*CutMedia %s\"\n", value, keyword, ppd_keyword);
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*CloseUI: *CutMedia\n");
if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "finishings-col-database", IPP_TAG_BEGIN_COLLECTION)) != NULL)
ipp_t *finishing_col; /* Current finishing collection */
ipp_attribute_t *finishing_attr; /* Current finishing member attribute */
cups_array_t *templates; /* Finishing templates */
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*OpenUI *cupsFinishingTemplate: PickOne\n");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*OrderDependency: 10 AnySetup *cupsFinishingTemplate\n");
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.Translation cupsFinishingTemplate/%s: \"\"\n", lang->language, _cupsLangString(lang, _("Finishing Preset")));
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*DefaultcupsFinishingTemplate: none\n");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*cupsFinishingTemplate none: \"\"\n");
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.cupsFinishingTemplate none/%s: \"\"\n", lang->language, _cupsLangString(lang, _("None")));
templates = cupsArrayNew((cups_array_func_t)strcmp, NULL);
count = ippGetCount(attr);
for (i = 0; i < count; i ++)
finishing_col = ippGetCollection(attr, i);
keyword = ippGetString(ippFindAttribute(finishing_col, "finishing-template", IPP_TAG_ZERO), 0, NULL);
if (!keyword || cupsArrayFind(templates, (void *)keyword))
if (!strcmp(keyword, "none"))
cupsArrayAdd(templates, (void *)keyword);
snprintf(msgid, sizeof(msgid), "finishing-template.%s", keyword);
if ((msgstr = _cupsLangString(lang, msgid)) == msgid || !strcmp(msgid, msgstr))
if ((msgstr = _cupsMessageLookup(strings, msgid)) == msgid)
msgstr = keyword;
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsFinishingTemplate %s: \"\n", keyword);
for (finishing_attr = ippFirstAttribute(finishing_col); finishing_attr; finishing_attr = ippNextAttribute(finishing_col))
if (ippGetValueTag(finishing_attr) == IPP_TAG_BEGIN_COLLECTION)
const char *name = ippGetName(finishing_attr);
/* Member attribute name */
if (strcmp(name, "media-size"))
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "%% %s\n", name);
cupsFilePuts(fp, "\"\n");
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.cupsFinishingTemplate %s/%s: \"\"\n", lang->language, keyword, msgstr);
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*End\n");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*CloseUI: *cupsFinishingTemplate\n");
if (cupsArrayCount(fin_options))
const char *fin_option; /* Current finishing option */
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*cupsUIConstraint finishing-template: \"*cupsFinishingTemplate");
for (fin_option = (const char *)cupsArrayFirst(fin_options); fin_option; fin_option = (const char *)cupsArrayNext(fin_options))
cupsFilePrintf(fp, " %s", fin_option);
cupsFilePuts(fp, "\"\n");
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*cupsUIResolver finishing-template: \"*cupsFinishingTemplate None");
for (fin_option = (const char *)cupsArrayFirst(fin_options); fin_option; fin_option = (const char *)cupsArrayNext(fin_options))
cupsFilePrintf(fp, " %s None", fin_option);
cupsFilePuts(fp, "\"\n");
* cupsPrintQuality and DefaultResolution...
quality = ippFindAttribute(response, "print-quality-supported", IPP_TAG_ENUM);
if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "urf-supported", IPP_TAG_KEYWORD)) != NULL)
int lowdpi = 0, hidpi = 0; /* Lower and higher resolution */
for (i = 0, count = ippGetCount(attr); i < count; i ++)
const char *rs = ippGetString(attr, i, NULL);
/* RS value */
if (_cups_strncasecmp(rs, "RS", 2))
lowdpi = atoi(rs + 2);
if ((rs = strrchr(rs, '-')) != NULL)
hidpi = atoi(rs + 1);
hidpi = lowdpi;
if (lowdpi == 0)
* Invalid "urf-supported" value...
goto bad_ppd;
* Generate print qualities based on low and high DPIs...
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*DefaultResolution: %ddpi\n", lowdpi);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*OpenUI *cupsPrintQuality: PickOne\n"
"*OrderDependency: 10 AnySetup *cupsPrintQuality\n"
"*%s.Translation cupsPrintQuality/%s: \"\"\n"
"*DefaultcupsPrintQuality: Normal\n", lang->language, _cupsLangString(lang, _("Print Quality")));
if ((lowdpi & 1) == 0)
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsPrintQuality Draft: \"<</HWResolution[%d %d]>>setpagedevice\"\n*%s.cupsPrintQuality Draft/%s: \"\"\n", lowdpi, lowdpi / 2, lang->language, _cupsLangString(lang, _("Draft")));
else if (ippContainsInteger(quality, IPP_QUALITY_DRAFT))
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsPrintQuality Draft: \"<</HWResolution[%d %d]>>setpagedevice\"\n*%s.cupsPrintQuality Draft/%s: \"\"\n", lowdpi, lowdpi, lang->language, _cupsLangString(lang, _("Draft")));
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsPrintQuality Normal: \"<</HWResolution[%d %d]>>setpagedevice\"\n*%s.cupsPrintQuality Normal/%s: \"\"\n", lowdpi, lowdpi, lang->language, _cupsLangString(lang, _("Normal")));
if (hidpi > lowdpi || ippContainsInteger(quality, IPP_QUALITY_HIGH))
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsPrintQuality High: \"<</HWResolution[%d %d]>>setpagedevice\"\n*%s.cupsPrintQuality High/%s: \"\"\n", hidpi, hidpi, lang->language, _cupsLangString(lang, _("High")));
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*CloseUI: *cupsPrintQuality\n");
else if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "pwg-raster-document-resolution-supported", IPP_TAG_RESOLUTION)) != NULL)
* Make a sorted list of resolutions.
count = ippGetCount(attr);
if (count > (int)(sizeof(resolutions) / sizeof(resolutions[0])))
count = (int)(sizeof(resolutions) / sizeof(resolutions[0]));
resolutions[0] = 0; /* Not in loop to silence Clang static analyzer... */
for (i = 1; i < count; i ++)
resolutions[i] = i;
for (i = 0; i < (count - 1); i ++)
for (j = i + 1; j < count; j ++)
int ix, iy, /* First X and Y resolution */
jx, jy, /* Second X and Y resolution */
temp; /* Swap variable */
ipp_res_t units; /* Resolution units */
ix = ippGetResolution(attr, resolutions[i], &iy, &units);
jx = ippGetResolution(attr, resolutions[j], &jy, &units);
if (ix > jx || (ix == jx && iy > jy))
* Swap these two resolutions...
temp = resolutions[i];
resolutions[i] = resolutions[j];
resolutions[j] = temp;
* Generate print quality options...
pwg_ppdize_resolution(attr, resolutions[count / 2], &xres, &yres, ppdname, sizeof(ppdname));
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*DefaultResolution: %s\n", ppdname);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*OpenUI *cupsPrintQuality: PickOne\n"
"*OrderDependency: 10 AnySetup *cupsPrintQuality\n"
"*%s.Translation cupsPrintQuality/%s: \"\"\n"
"*DefaultcupsPrintQuality: Normal\n", lang->language, _cupsLangString(lang, _("Print Quality")));
if (count > 2 || ippContainsInteger(quality, IPP_QUALITY_DRAFT))
pwg_ppdize_resolution(attr, resolutions[0], &xres, &yres, NULL, 0);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsPrintQuality Draft: \"<</HWResolution[%d %d]>>setpagedevice\"\n", xres, yres);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.cupsPrintQuality Draft/%s: \"\"\n", lang->language, _cupsLangString(lang, _("Draft")));
pwg_ppdize_resolution(attr, resolutions[count / 2], &xres, &yres, NULL, 0);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsPrintQuality Normal: \"<</HWResolution[%d %d]>>setpagedevice\"\n", xres, yres);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.cupsPrintQuality Normal/%s: \"\"\n", lang->language, _cupsLangString(lang, _("Normal")));
if (count > 1 || ippContainsInteger(quality, IPP_QUALITY_HIGH))
pwg_ppdize_resolution(attr, resolutions[count - 1], &xres, &yres, NULL, 0);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsPrintQuality High: \"<</HWResolution[%d %d]>>setpagedevice\"\n", xres, yres);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.cupsPrintQuality High/%s: \"\"\n", lang->language, _cupsLangString(lang, _("High")));
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*CloseUI: *cupsPrintQuality\n");
else if (is_apple || is_pwg)
goto bad_ppd;
if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "printer-resolution-default", IPP_TAG_RESOLUTION)) != NULL)
pwg_ppdize_resolution(attr, 0, &xres, &yres, ppdname, sizeof(ppdname));
xres = yres = 300;
strlcpy(ppdname, "300dpi", sizeof(ppdname));
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*DefaultResolution: %s\n", ppdname);
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*OpenUI *cupsPrintQuality: PickOne\n"
"*OrderDependency: 10 AnySetup *cupsPrintQuality\n"
"*%s.Translation cupsPrintQuality/%s: \"\"\n"
"*DefaultcupsPrintQuality: Normal\n", lang->language, _cupsLangString(lang, _("Print Quality")));
if (ippContainsInteger(quality, IPP_QUALITY_DRAFT))
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsPrintQuality Draft: \"<</HWResolution[%d %d]>>setpagedevice\"\n*%s.cupsPrintQuality Draft/%s: \"\"\n", xres, yres, lang->language, _cupsLangString(lang, _("Draft")));
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsPrintQuality Normal: \"<</HWResolution[%d %d]>>setpagedevice\"\n*%s.cupsPrintQuality Normal/%s: \"\"\n", xres, yres, lang->language, _cupsLangString(lang, _("Normal")));
if (ippContainsInteger(quality, IPP_QUALITY_HIGH))
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsPrintQuality High: \"<</HWResolution[%d %d]>>setpagedevice\"\n*%s.cupsPrintQuality High/%s: \"\"\n", xres, yres, lang->language, _cupsLangString(lang, _("High")));
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*CloseUI: *cupsPrintQuality\n");
* Presets...
if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "job-presets-supported", IPP_TAG_BEGIN_COLLECTION)) != NULL)
for (i = 0, count = ippGetCount(attr); i < count; i ++)
ipp_t *preset = ippGetCollection(attr, i);
/* Preset collection */
const char *preset_name = ippGetString(ippFindAttribute(preset, "preset-name", IPP_TAG_ZERO), 0, NULL),
/* Preset name */
*localized_name; /* Localized preset name */
ipp_attribute_t *member; /* Member attribute in preset */
const char *member_name; /* Member attribute name */
char member_value[256]; /* Member attribute value */
if (!preset || !preset_name)
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*APPrinterPreset %s: \"\n", preset_name);
for (member = ippFirstAttribute(preset); member; member = ippNextAttribute(preset))
member_name = ippGetName(member);
if (!member_name || !strcmp(member_name, "preset-name"))
if (!strcmp(member_name, "finishings"))
for (i = 0, count = ippGetCount(member); i < count; i ++)
const char *option = NULL; /* PPD option name */
keyword = ippEnumString("finishings", ippGetInteger(member, i));
if (!strcmp(keyword, "booklet-maker"))
option = "Booklet";
keyword = "True";
else if (!strncmp(keyword, "fold-", 5))
option = "FoldType";
else if (!strncmp(keyword, "punch-", 6))
option = "PunchMedia";
else if (!strncmp(keyword, "bind-", 5) || !strncmp(keyword, "edge-stitch-", 12) || !strcmp(keyword, "saddle-stitch") || !strncmp(keyword, "staple-", 7))
option = "StapleLocation";
if (option && keyword)
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s %s\n", option, keyword);
else if (!strcmp(member_name, "finishings-col"))
ipp_t *fin_col; /* finishings-col value */
for (i = 0, count = ippGetCount(member); i < count; i ++)
fin_col = ippGetCollection(member, i);
if ((keyword = ippGetString(ippFindAttribute(fin_col, "finishing-template", IPP_TAG_ZERO), 0, NULL)) != NULL)
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsFinishingTemplate %s\n", keyword);
else if (!strcmp(member_name, "media"))
* Map media to PageSize...
if ((pwg = pwgMediaForPWG(ippGetString(member, 0, NULL))) != NULL && pwg->ppd)
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*PageSize %s\n", pwg->ppd);
else if (!strcmp(member_name, "media-col"))
media_col = ippGetCollection(member, 0);
if ((media_size = ippGetCollection(ippFindAttribute(media_col, "media-size", IPP_TAG_BEGIN_COLLECTION), 0)) != NULL)
x_dim = ippFindAttribute(media_size, "x-dimension", IPP_TAG_INTEGER);
y_dim = ippFindAttribute(media_size, "y-dimension", IPP_TAG_INTEGER);
if ((pwg = pwgMediaForSize(ippGetInteger(x_dim, 0), ippGetInteger(y_dim, 0))) != NULL && pwg->ppd)
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*PageSize %s\n", pwg->ppd);
if ((keyword = ippGetString(ippFindAttribute(media_col, "media-source", IPP_TAG_ZERO), 0, NULL)) != NULL)
pwg_ppdize_name(keyword, ppdname, sizeof(ppdname));
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*InputSlot %s\n", keyword);
if ((keyword = ippGetString(ippFindAttribute(media_col, "media-type", IPP_TAG_ZERO), 0, NULL)) != NULL)
pwg_ppdize_name(keyword, ppdname, sizeof(ppdname));
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*MediaType %s\n", keyword);
else if (!strcmp(member_name, "print-quality"))
* Map print-quality to cupsPrintQuality...
int qval = ippGetInteger(member, 0);
/* print-quality value */
static const char * const qualities[] = { "Draft", "Normal", "High" };
/* cupsPrintQuality values */
if (qval >= IPP_QUALITY_DRAFT && qval <= IPP_QUALITY_HIGH)
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsPrintQuality %s\n", qualities[qval - IPP_QUALITY_DRAFT]);
else if (!strcmp(member_name, "output-bin"))
pwg_ppdize_name(ippGetString(member, 0, NULL), ppdname, sizeof(ppdname));
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*OutputBin %s\n", ppdname);
else if (!strcmp(member_name, "sides"))
keyword = ippGetString(member, 0, NULL);
if (keyword && !strcmp(keyword, "one-sided"))
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*Duplex None\n");
else if (keyword && !strcmp(keyword, "two-sided-long-edge"))
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*Duplex DuplexNoTumble\n");
else if (keyword && !strcmp(keyword, "two-sided-short-edge"))
cupsFilePuts(fp, "*Duplex DuplexTumble\n");
* Add attribute name and value as-is...
ippAttributeString(member, member_value, sizeof(member_value));
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s %s\n", member_name, member_value);
cupsFilePuts(fp, "\"\n*End\n");
if ((localized_name = _cupsMessageLookup(strings, preset_name)) != preset_name)
cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.APPrinterPreset %s/%s: \"\"\n", lang->language, preset_name, localized_name);
* Close up and return...
return (buffer);
* If we get here then there was a problem creating the PPD...
*buffer = '\0';
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Printer does not support required IPP attributes or document formats."), 1);
return (NULL);
* '_pwgInputSlotForSource()' - Get the InputSlot name for the given PWG
* media-source.
const char * /* O - InputSlot name */
const char *media_source, /* I - PWG media-source */
char *name, /* I - Name buffer */
size_t namesize) /* I - Size of name buffer */
* Range check input...
if (!media_source || !name || namesize < PPD_MAX_NAME)
return (NULL);
if (_cups_strcasecmp(media_source, "main"))
strlcpy(name, "Cassette", namesize);
else if (_cups_strcasecmp(media_source, "alternate"))
strlcpy(name, "Multipurpose", namesize);
else if (_cups_strcasecmp(media_source, "large-capacity"))
strlcpy(name, "LargeCapacity", namesize);
else if (_cups_strcasecmp(media_source, "bottom"))
strlcpy(name, "Lower", namesize);
else if (_cups_strcasecmp(media_source, "middle"))
strlcpy(name, "Middle", namesize);
else if (_cups_strcasecmp(media_source, "top"))
strlcpy(name, "Upper", namesize);
else if (_cups_strcasecmp(media_source, "rear"))
strlcpy(name, "Rear", namesize);
else if (_cups_strcasecmp(media_source, "side"))
strlcpy(name, "Side", namesize);
else if (_cups_strcasecmp(media_source, "envelope"))
strlcpy(name, "Envelope", namesize);
else if (_cups_strcasecmp(media_source, "main-roll"))
strlcpy(name, "Roll", namesize);
else if (_cups_strcasecmp(media_source, "alternate-roll"))
strlcpy(name, "Roll2", namesize);
pwg_ppdize_name(media_source, name, namesize);
return (name);
* '_pwgMediaTypeForType()' - Get the MediaType name for the given PWG
* media-type.
const char * /* O - MediaType name */
const char *media_type, /* I - PWG media-type */
char *name, /* I - Name buffer */
size_t namesize) /* I - Size of name buffer */
* Range check input...
if (!media_type || !name || namesize < PPD_MAX_NAME)
return (NULL);
if (_cups_strcasecmp(media_type, "auto"))
strlcpy(name, "Auto", namesize);
else if (_cups_strcasecmp(media_type, "cardstock"))
strlcpy(name, "Cardstock", namesize);
else if (_cups_strcasecmp(media_type, "envelope"))
strlcpy(name, "Envelope", namesize);
else if (_cups_strcasecmp(media_type, "photographic-glossy"))
strlcpy(name, "Glossy", namesize);
else if (_cups_strcasecmp(media_type, "photographic-high-gloss"))
strlcpy(name, "HighGloss", namesize);
else if (_cups_strcasecmp(media_type, "photographic-matte"))
strlcpy(name, "Matte", namesize);
else if (_cups_strcasecmp(media_type, "stationery"))
strlcpy(name, "Plain", namesize);
else if (_cups_strcasecmp(media_type, "stationery-coated"))
strlcpy(name, "Coated", namesize);
else if (_cups_strcasecmp(media_type, "stationery-inkjet"))
strlcpy(name, "Inkjet", namesize);
else if (_cups_strcasecmp(media_type, "stationery-letterhead"))
strlcpy(name, "Letterhead", namesize);
else if (_cups_strcasecmp(media_type, "stationery-preprinted"))
strlcpy(name, "Preprinted", namesize);
else if (_cups_strcasecmp(media_type, "transparency"))
strlcpy(name, "Transparency", namesize);
pwg_ppdize_name(media_type, name, namesize);
return (name);
* '_pwgPageSizeForMedia()' - Get the PageSize name for the given media.
const char * /* O - PageSize name */
pwg_media_t *media, /* I - Media */
char *name, /* I - PageSize name buffer */
size_t namesize) /* I - Size of name buffer */
const char *sizeptr, /* Pointer to size in PWG name */
*dimptr; /* Pointer to dimensions in PWG name */
* Range check input...
if (!media || !name || namesize < PPD_MAX_NAME)
return (NULL);
* Copy or generate a PageSize name...
if (media->ppd)
* Use a standard Adobe name...
strlcpy(name, media->ppd, namesize);
else if (!media->pwg || !strncmp(media->pwg, "custom_", 7) ||
(sizeptr = strchr(media->pwg, '_')) == NULL ||
(dimptr = strchr(sizeptr + 1, '_')) == NULL ||
(size_t)(dimptr - sizeptr) > namesize)
* Use a name of the form "wNNNhNNN"...
snprintf(name, namesize, "w%dh%d", (int)PWG_TO_POINTS(media->width),
* Copy the size name from class_sizename_dimensions...
memcpy(name, sizeptr + 1, (size_t)(dimptr - sizeptr - 1));
name[dimptr - sizeptr - 1] = '\0';
return (name);
* 'cups_get_url()' - Get a copy of the file at the given URL.
static int /* O - 1 on success, 0 on failure */
cups_get_url(http_t **http, /* IO - Current HTTP connection */
const char *url, /* I - URL to get */
char *name, /* I - Temporary filename */
size_t namesize) /* I - Size of temporary filename buffer */
char scheme[32], /* URL scheme */
userpass[256], /* URL username:password */
host[256], /* URL host */
curhost[256], /* Current host */
resource[256]; /* URL resource */
int port; /* URL port */
http_encryption_t encryption; /* Type of encryption to use */
http_status_t status; /* Status of GET request */
int fd; /* Temporary file */
if (httpSeparateURI(HTTP_URI_CODING_ALL, url, scheme, sizeof(scheme), userpass, sizeof(userpass), host, sizeof(host), &port, resource, sizeof(resource)) < HTTP_URI_STATUS_OK)
return (0);
if (port == 443 || !strcmp(scheme, "https"))
if (!*http || strcasecmp(host, httpGetHostname(*http, curhost, sizeof(curhost))) || httpAddrPort(httpGetAddress(*http)) != port)
*http = httpConnect2(host, port, NULL, AF_UNSPEC, encryption, 1, 5000, NULL);
if (!*http)
return (0);
if ((fd = cupsTempFd(name, (int)namesize)) < 0)
return (0);
status = cupsGetFd(*http, resource, fd);
if (status != HTTP_STATUS_OK)
*name = '\0';
return (0);
return (1);
* 'pwg_add_finishing()' - Add a finishings value.
static void
cups_array_t *finishings, /* I - Finishings array */
ipp_finishings_t template, /* I - Finishing template */
const char *name, /* I - PPD option */
const char *value) /* I - PPD choice */
_pwg_finishings_t *f; /* New finishings value */
if ((f = (_pwg_finishings_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(_pwg_finishings_t))) != NULL)
f->value = template;
f->num_options = cupsAddOption(name, value, 0, &f->options);
cupsArrayAdd(finishings, f);
* 'pwg_add_message()' - Add a message to the PPD cached strings.
static void
pwg_add_message(cups_array_t *a, /* I - Message catalog */
const char *msg, /* I - Message identifier */
const char *str) /* I - Localized string */
_cups_message_t *m; /* New message */
if ((m = calloc(1, sizeof(_cups_message_t))) != NULL)
m->msg = strdup(msg);
m->str = strdup(str);
cupsArrayAdd(a, m);
* 'pwg_compare_finishings()' - Compare two finishings values.
static int /* O - Result of comparison */
_pwg_finishings_t *a, /* I - First finishings value */
_pwg_finishings_t *b) /* I - Second finishings value */
return ((int)b->value - (int)a->value);
* 'pwg_compare_sizes()' - Compare two media sizes...
static int /* O - Result of comparison */
pwg_compare_sizes(cups_size_t *a, /* I - First media size */
cups_size_t *b) /* I - Second media size */
return (strcmp(a->media, b->media));
* 'pwg_copy_size()' - Copy a media size.
static cups_size_t * /* O - New media size */
pwg_copy_size(cups_size_t *size) /* I - Media size to copy */
cups_size_t *newsize = (cups_size_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(cups_size_t));
/* New media size */
if (newsize)
memcpy(newsize, size, sizeof(cups_size_t));
return (newsize);
* 'pwg_free_finishings()' - Free a finishings value.
static void
_pwg_finishings_t *f) /* I - Finishings value */
cupsFreeOptions(f->num_options, f->options);
* 'pwg_ppdize_name()' - Convert an IPP keyword to a PPD keyword.
static void
pwg_ppdize_name(const char *ipp, /* I - IPP keyword */
char *name, /* I - Name buffer */
size_t namesize) /* I - Size of name buffer */
char *ptr, /* Pointer into name buffer */
*end; /* End of name buffer */
if (!ipp)
*name = '\0';
*name = (char)toupper(*ipp++);
for (ptr = name + 1, end = name + namesize - 1; *ipp && ptr < end;)
if (*ipp == '-' && _cups_isalnum(ipp[1]))
ipp ++;
*ptr++ = (char)toupper(*ipp++ & 255);
*ptr++ = *ipp++;
*ptr = '\0';
* 'pwg_ppdize_resolution()' - Convert PWG resolution values to PPD values.
static void
ipp_attribute_t *attr, /* I - Attribute to convert */
int element, /* I - Element to convert */
int *xres, /* O - X resolution in DPI */
int *yres, /* O - Y resolution in DPI */
char *name, /* I - Name buffer */
size_t namesize) /* I - Size of name buffer */
ipp_res_t units; /* Units for resolution */
*xres = ippGetResolution(attr, element, yres, &units);
if (units == IPP_RES_PER_CM)
*xres = (int)(*xres * 2.54);
*yres = (int)(*yres * 2.54);
if (name && namesize > 4)
if (*xres == *yres)
snprintf(name, namesize, "%ddpi", *xres);
snprintf(name, namesize, "%dx%ddpi", *xres, *yres);
* 'pwg_unppdize_name()' - Convert a PPD keyword to a lowercase IPP keyword.
static void
pwg_unppdize_name(const char *ppd, /* I - PPD keyword */
char *name, /* I - Name buffer */
size_t namesize, /* I - Size of name buffer */
const char *dashchars)/* I - Characters to be replaced by dashes */
char *ptr, /* Pointer into name buffer */
*end; /* End of name buffer */
if (_cups_islower(*ppd))
* Already lowercase name, use as-is?
const char *ppdptr; /* Pointer into PPD keyword */
for (ppdptr = ppd + 1; *ppdptr; ppdptr ++)
if (_cups_isupper(*ppdptr) || strchr(dashchars, *ppdptr))
if (!*ppdptr)
strlcpy(name, ppd, namesize);
for (ptr = name, end = name + namesize - 1; *ppd && ptr < end; ppd ++)
if (_cups_isalnum(*ppd) || *ppd == '-')
*ptr++ = (char)tolower(*ppd & 255);
else if (strchr(dashchars, *ppd))
*ptr++ = '-';
*ptr++ = *ppd;
if (!_cups_isupper(*ppd) && _cups_isalnum(*ppd) &&
_cups_isupper(ppd[1]) && ptr < end)
*ptr++ = '-';
else if (!isdigit(*ppd & 255) && isdigit(ppd[1] & 255))
*ptr++ = '-';
*ptr = '\0';