823 lines
30 KiB
823 lines
30 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2020, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "generate_rust.h"
#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include "aidl_to_cpp_common.h"
#include "aidl_to_rust.h"
#include "code_writer.h"
#include "comments.h"
#include "logging.h"
using android::base::Join;
using std::ostringstream;
using std::shared_ptr;
using std::string;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::vector;
namespace android {
namespace aidl {
namespace rust {
static constexpr const char kArgumentPrefix[] = "_arg_";
static constexpr const char kGetInterfaceVersion[] = "getInterfaceVersion";
static constexpr const char kGetInterfaceHash[] = "getInterfaceHash";
void GenerateMangledAlias(CodeWriter& out, const AidlDefinedType* type) {
ostringstream alias;
for (const auto& component : type->GetSplitPackage()) {
alias << "_" << component.size() << "_" << component;
alias << "_" << type->GetName().size() << "_" << type->GetName();
out << "pub(crate) mod mangled { pub use super::" << type->GetName() << " as " << alias.str()
<< "; }\n";
string BuildArg(const AidlArgument& arg, const AidlTypenames& typenames) {
// We pass in parameters that are not primitives by const reference.
// Arrays get passed in as slices, which is handled in RustNameOf.
auto arg_mode = ArgumentStorageMode(arg, typenames);
auto arg_type = RustNameOf(arg.GetType(), typenames, arg_mode);
return kArgumentPrefix + arg.GetName() + ": " + arg_type;
string BuildMethod(const AidlMethod& method, const AidlTypenames& typenames) {
auto method_type = RustNameOf(method.GetType(), typenames, StorageMode::VALUE);
auto return_type = string{"binder::public_api::Result<"} + method_type + ">";
string parameters = "&self";
for (const std::unique_ptr<AidlArgument>& arg : method.GetArguments()) {
parameters += ", ";
parameters += BuildArg(*arg, typenames);
return "fn " + method.GetName() + "(" + parameters + ") -> " + return_type;
void GenerateClientMethod(CodeWriter& out, const AidlInterface& iface, const AidlMethod& method,
const AidlTypenames& typenames, const Options& options,
const std::string& trait_name) {
// Generate the method
out << BuildMethod(method, typenames) << " {\n";
if (!method.IsUserDefined()) {
if (method.GetName() == kGetInterfaceVersion && options.Version() > 0) {
// Check if the version is in the cache
out << "let _aidl_version = "
out << "if _aidl_version != -1 { return Ok(_aidl_version); }\n";
if (method.GetName() == kGetInterfaceHash && !options.Hash().empty()) {
out << "{\n";
out << " let _aidl_hash_lock = self.cached_hash.lock().unwrap();\n";
out << " if let Some(ref _aidl_hash) = *_aidl_hash_lock {\n";
out << " return Ok(_aidl_hash.clone());\n";
out << " }\n";
out << "}\n";
// Call transact()
vector<string> flags;
if (method.IsOneway()) flags.push_back("binder::FLAG_ONEWAY");
if (iface.IsSensitiveData()) flags.push_back("binder::FLAG_CLEAR_BUF");
string transact_flags = flags.empty() ? "0" : Join(flags, " | ");
out << "let _aidl_reply = self.binder.transact("
<< "transactions::" << method.GetName() << ", " << transact_flags << ", |_aidl_data| {\n";
if (iface.IsSensitiveData()) {
out << "_aidl_data.mark_sensitive();\n";
// Arguments
for (const std::unique_ptr<AidlArgument>& arg : method.GetArguments()) {
auto arg_name = kArgumentPrefix + arg->GetName();
if (arg->IsIn()) {
// If the argument is already a reference, don't reference it again
// (unless we turned it into an Option<&T>)
auto ref_mode = ArgumentReferenceMode(*arg, typenames);
if (IsReference(ref_mode)) {
out << "_aidl_data.write(" << arg_name << ")?;\n";
} else {
out << "_aidl_data.write(&" << arg_name << ")?;\n";
} else if (arg->GetType().IsArray()) {
// For out-only arrays, send the array size
if (arg->GetType().IsNullable()) {
out << "_aidl_data.write_slice_size(" << arg_name << ".as_deref())?;\n";
} else {
out << "_aidl_data.write_slice_size(Some(" << arg_name << "))?;\n";
// Return Ok(()) if all the `_aidl_data.write(...)?;` calls pass
out << "Ok(())\n";
out << "});\n";
// Check for UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION and call the default impl
if (method.IsUserDefined()) {
string default_args;
for (const std::unique_ptr<AidlArgument>& arg : method.GetArguments()) {
if (!default_args.empty()) {
default_args += ", ";
default_args += kArgumentPrefix;
default_args += arg->GetName();
out << "if let Err(binder::StatusCode::UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION) = _aidl_reply {\n";
out << " if let Some(_aidl_default_impl) = <Self as " << trait_name
<< ">::getDefaultImpl() {\n";
out << " return _aidl_default_impl." << method.GetName() << "(" << default_args << ");\n";
out << " }\n";
out << "}\n";
// Return all other errors
out << "let _aidl_reply = _aidl_reply?;\n";
string return_val = "()";
if (!method.IsOneway()) {
// Check for errors
out << "let _aidl_status: binder::Status = _aidl_reply.read()?;\n";
out << "if !_aidl_status.is_ok() { return Err(_aidl_status); }\n";
// Return reply value
if (method.GetType().GetName() != "void") {
auto return_type = RustNameOf(method.GetType(), typenames, StorageMode::VALUE);
out << "let _aidl_return: " << return_type << " = _aidl_reply.read()?;\n";
return_val = "_aidl_return";
if (!method.IsUserDefined()) {
if (method.GetName() == kGetInterfaceVersion && options.Version() > 0) {
out << "self.cached_version.store(_aidl_return, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);\n";
if (method.GetName() == kGetInterfaceHash && !options.Hash().empty()) {
out << "*self.cached_hash.lock().unwrap() = Some(_aidl_return.clone());\n";
for (const AidlArgument* arg : method.GetOutArguments()) {
out << "*" << kArgumentPrefix << arg->GetName() << " = _aidl_reply.read()?;\n";
// Return the result
out << "Ok(" << return_val << ")\n";
out << "}\n";
void GenerateServerTransaction(CodeWriter& out, const AidlMethod& method,
const AidlTypenames& typenames) {
out << "transactions::" << method.GetName() << " => {\n";
string args;
for (const auto& arg : method.GetArguments()) {
string arg_name = kArgumentPrefix + arg->GetName();
StorageMode arg_mode;
if (arg->IsIn()) {
arg_mode = StorageMode::VALUE;
} else {
// We need a value we can call Default::default() on
arg_mode = StorageMode::DEFAULT_VALUE;
auto arg_type = RustNameOf(arg->GetType(), typenames, arg_mode);
string arg_mut = arg->IsOut() ? "mut " : "";
string arg_init = arg->IsIn() ? "_aidl_data.read()?" : "Default::default()";
out << "let " << arg_mut << arg_name << ": " << arg_type << " = " << arg_init << ";\n";
if (!arg->IsIn() && arg->GetType().IsArray()) {
// _aidl_data.resize_[nullable_]out_vec(&mut _arg_foo)?;
auto resize_name = arg->GetType().IsNullable() ? "resize_nullable_out_vec" : "resize_out_vec";
out << "_aidl_data." << resize_name << "(&mut " << arg_name << ")?;\n";
auto ref_mode = ArgumentReferenceMode(*arg, typenames);
if (!args.empty()) {
args += ", ";
args += TakeReference(ref_mode, arg_name);
out << "let _aidl_return = _aidl_service." << method.GetName() << "(" << args << ");\n";
if (!method.IsOneway()) {
out << "match &_aidl_return {\n";
out << "Ok(_aidl_return) => {\n";
out << "_aidl_reply.write(&binder::Status::from(binder::StatusCode::OK))?;\n";
if (method.GetType().GetName() != "void") {
out << "_aidl_reply.write(_aidl_return)?;\n";
// Serialize out arguments
for (const AidlArgument* arg : method.GetOutArguments()) {
string arg_name = kArgumentPrefix + arg->GetName();
auto& arg_type = arg->GetType();
if (!arg->IsIn() && arg_type.IsArray() && arg_type.GetName() == "ParcelFileDescriptor") {
// We represent arrays of ParcelFileDescriptor as
// Vec<Option<ParcelFileDescriptor>> when they're out-arguments,
// but we need all of them to be initialized to Some; if there's
// any None, return UNEXPECTED_NULL (this is what libbinder_ndk does)
out << "if " << arg_name << ".iter().any(Option::is_none) { "
<< "return Err(binder::StatusCode::UNEXPECTED_NULL); }\n";
} else if (!arg->IsIn() && !TypeHasDefault(arg_type, typenames)) {
// Unwrap out-only arguments that we wrapped in Option<T>
out << "let " << arg_name << " = " << arg_name
<< ".ok_or(binder::StatusCode::UNEXPECTED_NULL)?;\n";
out << "_aidl_reply.write(&" << arg_name << ")?;\n";
out << "}\n";
out << "Err(_aidl_status) => _aidl_reply.write(_aidl_status)?\n";
out << "}\n";
out << "Ok(())\n";
out << "}\n";
void GenerateServerItems(CodeWriter& out, const AidlInterface* iface,
const AidlTypenames& typenames) {
auto trait_name = ClassName(*iface, cpp::ClassNames::INTERFACE);
auto server_name = ClassName(*iface, cpp::ClassNames::SERVER);
// Forward all IFoo functions from Binder to the inner object
out << "impl " << trait_name << " for binder::Binder<" << server_name << "> {\n";
for (const auto& method : iface->GetMethods()) {
string args;
for (const std::unique_ptr<AidlArgument>& arg : method->GetArguments()) {
if (!args.empty()) {
args += ", ";
args += kArgumentPrefix;
args += arg->GetName();
out << BuildMethod(*method, typenames) << " { "
<< "self.0." << method->GetName() << "(" << args << ") }\n";
out << "}\n";
out << "fn on_transact("
"_aidl_service: &dyn "
<< trait_name
<< ", "
"_aidl_code: binder::TransactionCode, "
"_aidl_data: &binder::parcel::Parcel, "
"_aidl_reply: &mut binder::parcel::Parcel) -> binder::Result<()> {\n";
out << "match _aidl_code {\n";
for (const auto& method : iface->GetMethods()) {
GenerateServerTransaction(out, *method, typenames);
out << "_ => Err(binder::StatusCode::UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION)\n";
out << "}\n";
out << "}\n";
void GenerateDeprecated(CodeWriter& out, const AidlCommentable& type) {
if (auto deprecated = FindDeprecated(type.GetComments()); deprecated.has_value()) {
if (deprecated->note.empty()) {
out << "#[deprecated]\n";
} else {
out << "#[deprecated = " << QuotedEscape(deprecated->note) << "]\n";
template <typename TypeWithConstants>
void GenerateConstantDeclarations(CodeWriter& out, const TypeWithConstants& type,
const AidlTypenames& typenames) {
for (const auto& constant : type.GetConstantDeclarations()) {
const AidlTypeSpecifier& type = constant->GetType();
const AidlConstantValue& value = constant->GetValue();
string const_type;
if (type.Signature() == "String") {
const_type = "&str";
} else if (type.Signature() == "byte" || type.Signature() == "int" ||
type.Signature() == "long") {
const_type = RustNameOf(type, typenames, StorageMode::VALUE);
} else {
AIDL_FATAL(value) << "Unrecognized constant type: " << type.Signature();
GenerateDeprecated(out, *constant);
out << "pub const " << constant->GetName() << ": " << const_type << " = "
<< constant->ValueString(ConstantValueDecoratorRef) << ";\n";
bool GenerateRustInterface(const string& filename, const AidlInterface* iface,
const AidlTypenames& typenames, const IoDelegate& io_delegate,
const Options& options) {
CodeWriterPtr code_writer = io_delegate.GetCodeWriter(filename);
*code_writer << "#![allow(non_upper_case_globals)]\n";
*code_writer << "#![allow(non_snake_case)]\n";
// Import IBinderInternal for transact()
*code_writer << "#[allow(unused_imports)] use binder::IBinderInternal;\n";
auto trait_name = ClassName(*iface, cpp::ClassNames::INTERFACE);
auto client_name = ClassName(*iface, cpp::ClassNames::CLIENT);
auto server_name = ClassName(*iface, cpp::ClassNames::SERVER);
*code_writer << "use binder::declare_binder_interface;\n";
*code_writer << "declare_binder_interface! {\n";
*code_writer << trait_name << "[\"" << iface->GetDescriptor() << "\"] {\n";
*code_writer << "native: " << server_name << "(on_transact),\n";
*code_writer << "proxy: " << client_name << " {\n";
if (options.Version() > 0) {
string comma = options.Hash().empty() ? "" : ",";
*code_writer << "cached_version: "
"std::sync::atomic::AtomicI32 = "
<< comma << "\n";
if (!options.Hash().empty()) {
*code_writer << "cached_hash: "
"std::sync::Mutex<Option<String>> = "
*code_writer << "},\n";
if (iface->IsVintfStability()) {
*code_writer << "stability: binder::Stability::Vintf,\n";
*code_writer << "}\n";
*code_writer << "}\n";
GenerateDeprecated(*code_writer, *iface);
*code_writer << "pub trait " << trait_name << ": binder::Interface + Send {\n";
*code_writer << "fn get_descriptor() -> &'static str where Self: Sized { \""
<< iface->GetDescriptor() << "\" }\n";
for (const auto& method : iface->GetMethods()) {
// Generate the method
GenerateDeprecated(*code_writer, *method);
if (method->IsUserDefined()) {
*code_writer << BuildMethod(*method, typenames) << ";\n";
} else {
// Generate default implementations for meta methods
*code_writer << BuildMethod(*method, typenames) << " {\n";
if (method->GetName() == kGetInterfaceVersion && options.Version() > 0) {
*code_writer << "Ok(VERSION)\n";
} else if (method->GetName() == kGetInterfaceHash && !options.Hash().empty()) {
*code_writer << "Ok(HASH.into())\n";
*code_writer << "}\n";
// Emit the default implementation code inside the trait
auto default_trait_name = ClassName(*iface, cpp::ClassNames::DEFAULT_IMPL);
auto default_ref_name = default_trait_name + "Ref";
*code_writer << "fn getDefaultImpl()"
<< " -> " << default_ref_name << " where Self: Sized {\n";
*code_writer << " DEFAULT_IMPL.lock().unwrap().clone()\n";
*code_writer << "}\n";
*code_writer << "fn setDefaultImpl(d: " << default_ref_name << ")"
<< " -> " << default_ref_name << " where Self: Sized {\n";
*code_writer << " std::mem::replace(&mut *DEFAULT_IMPL.lock().unwrap(), d)\n";
*code_writer << "}\n";
*code_writer << "}\n";
// Emit the default trait
*code_writer << "pub trait " << default_trait_name << ": Send + Sync {\n";
for (const auto& method : iface->GetMethods()) {
if (!method->IsUserDefined()) {
// Generate the default method
*code_writer << BuildMethod(*method, typenames) << " {\n";
*code_writer << "Err(binder::StatusCode::UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION.into())\n";
*code_writer << "}\n";
*code_writer << "}\n";
// Generate the transaction code constants
// The constants get their own sub-module to avoid conflicts
*code_writer << "pub mod transactions {\n";
for (const auto& method : iface->GetMethods()) {
// Generate the transaction code constant
*code_writer << "pub const " << method->GetName()
<< ": binder::TransactionCode = "
std::to_string(method->GetId()) + ";\n";
*code_writer << "}\n";
// Emit the default implementation code outside the trait
*code_writer << "pub type " << default_ref_name << " = Option<std::sync::Arc<dyn "
<< default_trait_name << ">>;\n";
*code_writer << "use lazy_static::lazy_static;\n";
*code_writer << "lazy_static! {\n";
*code_writer << " static ref DEFAULT_IMPL: std::sync::Mutex<" << default_ref_name
<< "> = std::sync::Mutex::new(None);\n";
*code_writer << "}\n";
// Emit the interface constants
GenerateConstantDeclarations(*code_writer, *iface, typenames);
GenerateMangledAlias(*code_writer, iface);
// Emit VERSION and HASH
// These need to be top-level item constants instead of associated consts
// because the latter are incompatible with trait objects, see
// https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/traits.html#object-safety
if (options.Version() > 0) {
*code_writer << "pub const VERSION: i32 = " << std::to_string(options.Version()) << ";\n";
if (!options.Hash().empty()) {
*code_writer << "pub const HASH: &str = \"" << options.Hash() << "\";\n";
// Generate the client-side methods
*code_writer << "impl " << trait_name << " for " << client_name << " {\n";
for (const auto& method : iface->GetMethods()) {
GenerateClientMethod(*code_writer, *iface, *method, typenames, options, trait_name);
*code_writer << "}\n";
// Generate the server-side methods
GenerateServerItems(*code_writer, iface, typenames);
return true;
void GenerateParcelBody(CodeWriter& out, const AidlStructuredParcelable* parcel,
const AidlTypenames& typenames) {
GenerateDeprecated(out, *parcel);
out << "pub struct " << parcel->GetName() << " {\n";
for (const auto& variable : parcel->GetFields()) {
GenerateDeprecated(out, *variable);
auto field_type = RustNameOf(variable->GetType(), typenames, StorageMode::PARCELABLE_FIELD);
out << "pub " << variable->GetName() << ": " << field_type << ",\n";
out << "}\n";
void GenerateParcelDefault(CodeWriter& out, const AidlStructuredParcelable* parcel) {
out << "impl Default for " << parcel->GetName() << " {\n";
out << "fn default() -> Self {\n";
out << "Self {\n";
for (const auto& variable : parcel->GetFields()) {
if (variable->GetDefaultValue()) {
out << variable->GetName() << ": " << variable->ValueString(ConstantValueDecorator) << ",\n";
} else {
out << variable->GetName() << ": Default::default(),\n";
out << "}\n";
out << "}\n";
out << "}\n";
void GenerateParcelSerializeBody(CodeWriter& out, const AidlStructuredParcelable* parcel,
const AidlTypenames& typenames) {
out << "parcel.sized_write(|subparcel| {\n";
for (const auto& variable : parcel->GetFields()) {
if (!TypeHasDefault(variable->GetType(), typenames)) {
out << "let __field_ref = this." << variable->GetName()
<< ".as_ref().ok_or(binder::StatusCode::UNEXPECTED_NULL)?;\n";
out << "subparcel.write(__field_ref)?;\n";
} else {
out << "subparcel.write(&this." << variable->GetName() << ")?;\n";
out << "Ok(())\n";
out << "})\n";
void GenerateParcelDeserializeBody(CodeWriter& out, const AidlStructuredParcelable* parcel,
const AidlTypenames& typenames) {
out << "let start_pos = parcel.get_data_position();\n";
out << "let parcelable_size: i32 = parcel.read()?;\n";
out << "if parcelable_size < 0 { return Err(binder::StatusCode::BAD_VALUE); }\n";
out << "if start_pos.checked_add(parcelable_size).is_none() {\n";
out << " return Err(binder::StatusCode::BAD_VALUE);\n";
out << "}\n";
// Pre-emit the common field prologue code, shared between all fields:
ostringstream prologue;
prologue << "if (parcel.get_data_position() - start_pos) == parcelable_size {\n";
// We assume the lhs can never be > parcelable_size, because then the read
// immediately preceding this check would have returned NOT_ENOUGH_DATA
prologue << " return Ok(Some(result));\n";
prologue << "}\n";
string prologue_str = prologue.str();
out << "let mut result = Self::default();\n";
for (const auto& variable : parcel->GetFields()) {
out << prologue_str;
if (!TypeHasDefault(variable->GetType(), typenames)) {
out << "result." << variable->GetName() << " = Some(parcel.read()?);\n";
} else {
out << "result." << variable->GetName() << " = parcel.read()?;\n";
// Now we read all fields.
// Skip remaining data in case we're reading from a newer version
out << "unsafe {\n";
out << " parcel.set_data_position(start_pos + parcelable_size)?;\n";
out << "}\n";
out << "Ok(Some(result))\n";
void GenerateParcelBody(CodeWriter& out, const AidlUnionDecl* parcel,
const AidlTypenames& typenames) {
GenerateDeprecated(out, *parcel);
out << "pub enum " << parcel->GetName() << " {\n";
for (const auto& variable : parcel->GetFields()) {
GenerateDeprecated(out, *variable);
auto field_type = RustNameOf(variable->GetType(), typenames, StorageMode::PARCELABLE_FIELD);
out << variable->GetCapitalizedName() << "(" << field_type << "),\n";
out << "}\n";
void GenerateParcelDefault(CodeWriter& out, const AidlUnionDecl* parcel) {
out << "impl Default for " << parcel->GetName() << " {\n";
out << "fn default() -> Self {\n";
AIDL_FATAL_IF(parcel->GetFields().empty(), *parcel)
<< "Union '" << parcel->GetName() << "' is empty.";
const auto& first_field = parcel->GetFields()[0];
const auto& first_value = first_field->ValueString(ConstantValueDecorator);
out << "Self::";
if (first_field->GetDefaultValue()) {
out << first_field->GetCapitalizedName() << "(" << first_value << ")\n";
} else {
out << first_field->GetCapitalizedName() << "(Default::default())\n";
out << "}\n";
out << "}\n";
void GenerateParcelSerializeBody(CodeWriter& out, const AidlUnionDecl* parcel,
const AidlTypenames& typenames) {
out << "match this {\n";
int tag = 0;
for (const auto& variable : parcel->GetFields()) {
out << "Self::" << variable->GetCapitalizedName() << "(v) => {\n";
out << "parcel.write(&" << std::to_string(tag++) << "i32)?;\n";
if (!TypeHasDefault(variable->GetType(), typenames)) {
out << "let __field_ref = v.as_ref().ok_or(binder::StatusCode::UNEXPECTED_NULL)?;\n";
out << "parcel.write(__field_ref)\n";
} else {
out << "parcel.write(v)\n";
out << "}\n";
out << "}\n";
void GenerateParcelDeserializeBody(CodeWriter& out, const AidlUnionDecl* parcel,
const AidlTypenames& typenames) {
out << "let tag: i32 = parcel.read()?;\n";
out << "match tag {\n";
int tag = 0;
for (const auto& variable : parcel->GetFields()) {
auto field_type = RustNameOf(variable->GetType(), typenames, StorageMode::PARCELABLE_FIELD);
out << std::to_string(tag++) << " => {\n";
out << "let value: " << field_type << " = ";
if (!TypeHasDefault(variable->GetType(), typenames)) {
out << "Some(parcel.read()?);\n";
} else {
out << "parcel.read()?;\n";
out << "Ok(Some(Self::" << variable->GetCapitalizedName() << "(value)))\n";
out << "}\n";
out << "_ => {\n";
out << " Err(binder::StatusCode::BAD_VALUE)\n";
out << "}\n";
out << "}\n";
template <typename ParcelableType>
void GenerateParcelSerialize(CodeWriter& out, const ParcelableType* parcel,
const AidlTypenames& typenames) {
out << "impl binder::parcel::Serialize for " << parcel->GetName() << " {\n";
out << " fn serialize(&self, parcel: &mut binder::parcel::Parcel) -> binder::Result<()> {\n";
out << " <Self as binder::parcel::SerializeOption>::serialize_option(Some(self), parcel)\n";
out << " }\n";
out << "}\n";
out << "impl binder::parcel::SerializeArray for " << parcel->GetName() << " {}\n";
out << "impl binder::parcel::SerializeOption for " << parcel->GetName() << " {\n";
out << "fn serialize_option(this: Option<&Self>, parcel: &mut binder::parcel::Parcel) -> "
"binder::Result<()> {\n";
out << "let this = if let Some(this) = this {\n";
out << " parcel.write(&1i32)?;\n";
out << " this\n";
out << "} else {\n";
out << " return parcel.write(&0i32);\n";
out << "};\n";
GenerateParcelSerializeBody(out, parcel, typenames);
out << "}\n";
out << "}\n";
template <typename ParcelableType>
void GenerateParcelDeserialize(CodeWriter& out, const ParcelableType* parcel,
const AidlTypenames& typenames) {
out << "impl binder::parcel::Deserialize for " << parcel->GetName() << " {\n";
out << " fn deserialize(parcel: &binder::parcel::Parcel) -> binder::Result<Self> {\n";
out << " <Self as binder::parcel::DeserializeOption>::deserialize_option(parcel)\n";
out << " .transpose()\n";
out << " .unwrap_or(Err(binder::StatusCode::UNEXPECTED_NULL))\n";
out << " }\n";
out << "}\n";
out << "impl binder::parcel::DeserializeArray for " << parcel->GetName() << " {}\n";
out << "impl binder::parcel::DeserializeOption for " << parcel->GetName() << " {\n";
out << "fn deserialize_option(parcel: &binder::parcel::Parcel) -> binder::Result<Option<Self>> "
out << "let status: i32 = parcel.read()?;\n";
out << "if status == 0 { return Ok(None); }\n";
GenerateParcelDeserializeBody(out, parcel, typenames);
out << "}\n";
out << "}\n";
template <typename ParcelableType>
bool GenerateRustParcel(const string& filename, const ParcelableType* parcel,
const AidlTypenames& typenames, const IoDelegate& io_delegate) {
CodeWriterPtr code_writer = io_delegate.GetCodeWriter(filename);
// Debug is always derived because all Rust AIDL types implement it
// ParcelFileDescriptor doesn't support any of the others because
// it's a newtype over std::fs::File which only implements Debug
vector<string> derives{"Debug"};
const AidlAnnotation* derive_annotation = parcel->RustDerive();
if (derive_annotation != nullptr) {
for (const auto& name_and_param : derive_annotation->AnnotationParams(ConstantValueDecorator)) {
if (name_and_param.second == "true") {
*code_writer << "#[derive(" << Join(derives, ", ") << ")]\n";
GenerateParcelBody(*code_writer, parcel, typenames);
GenerateConstantDeclarations(*code_writer, *parcel, typenames);
GenerateMangledAlias(*code_writer, parcel);
GenerateParcelDefault(*code_writer, parcel);
GenerateParcelSerialize(*code_writer, parcel, typenames);
GenerateParcelDeserialize(*code_writer, parcel, typenames);
return true;
bool GenerateRustEnumDeclaration(const string& filename, const AidlEnumDeclaration* enum_decl,
const AidlTypenames& typenames, const IoDelegate& io_delegate) {
CodeWriterPtr code_writer = io_delegate.GetCodeWriter(filename);
const auto& aidl_backing_type = enum_decl->GetBackingType();
auto backing_type = RustNameOf(aidl_backing_type, typenames, StorageMode::VALUE);
// TODO(b/177860423) support "deprecated" for enum types
*code_writer << "#![allow(non_upper_case_globals)]\n";
*code_writer << "use binder::declare_binder_enum;\n";
*code_writer << "declare_binder_enum! { " << enum_decl->GetName() << " : " << backing_type
<< " {\n";
for (const auto& enumerator : enum_decl->GetEnumerators()) {
auto value = enumerator->GetValue()->ValueString(aidl_backing_type, ConstantValueDecorator);
*code_writer << enumerator->GetName() << " = " << value << ",\n";
*code_writer << "} }\n";
GenerateMangledAlias(*code_writer, enum_decl);
return true;
bool GenerateRust(const string& filename, const AidlDefinedType* defined_type,
const AidlTypenames& typenames, const IoDelegate& io_delegate,
const Options& options) {
if (const AidlStructuredParcelable* parcelable = defined_type->AsStructuredParcelable();
parcelable != nullptr) {
return GenerateRustParcel(filename, parcelable, typenames, io_delegate);
if (const AidlUnionDecl* parcelable = defined_type->AsUnionDeclaration(); parcelable != nullptr) {
return GenerateRustParcel(filename, parcelable, typenames, io_delegate);
if (const AidlEnumDeclaration* enum_decl = defined_type->AsEnumDeclaration();
enum_decl != nullptr) {
return GenerateRustEnumDeclaration(filename, enum_decl, typenames, io_delegate);
if (const AidlInterface* interface = defined_type->AsInterface(); interface != nullptr) {
return GenerateRustInterface(filename, interface, typenames, io_delegate, options);
AIDL_FATAL(filename) << "Unrecognized type sent for Rust generation.";
return false;
} // namespace rust
} // namespace aidl
} // namespace android