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# Lint as: python2, python3
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import collections
import six.moves.configparser
import logging
import os
import time
from import ap_constants
from autotest_lib.server.cros.ap_configurators import ap_spec
def get_ap_list():
Returns the list of AP's from the corresponding configuration file.
@param ap_test_type: Used to determine which type of test we're
currently running (Chaos vs Clique).
@returns a list of AP objects.
aps = []
# chaos_ap_list.conf holds static conf of all APs in lab.
for filename in ['chaos_ap_list.conf']:
ap_config = six.moves.configparser.RawConfigParser(
path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
if not os.path.exists(path):
logging.warning('Skipping missing config: "%s"', path)
logging.debug('Reading config from: "%s"', path)
for bss in ap_config.sections():
aps.append(AP(bss, ap_config))
return aps
class APPowerException(Exception):
""" Exception raised when AP fails to power on. """
class APSectionError(Exception):
""" Exception raised when AP instance does not exist in the config. """
RPMUnit = collections.namedtuple('RPMUnit', 'hostname outlet')
class AP(object):
""" An instance of an ap defined in the chaos config file.
This object is a wrapper that can be used to retrieve information
about an AP in the chaos lab, and control its power.
# Keys used in the config file.
CONF_SSID = 'ssid'
CONF_BRAND = 'brand'
CONF_MODEL = 'model'
CONF_WAN_MAC = 'wan mac'
CONF_WAN_HOST = 'wan_hostname'
CONF_RPM_MANAGED = 'rpm_managed'
CONF_RPM_HOSTNAME = 'rpm_hostname'
CONF_RPM_OUTLET = 'rpm_outlet'
CONF_BSS = 'bss'
CONF_BSS5 = 'bss5'
CONF_BANDWIDTH = 'bandwidth'
CONF_SECURITY = 'security'
CONF_PSK = 'psk'
CONF_FREQUENCY = 'frequency'
CONF_BAND = 'band'
CONF_CHANNEL = 'channel'
CONF_CLASS = 'class_name'
CONF_ADMIN = 'admin_url'
CONF_ADMIN_IP = 'admin_ip'
def __init__(self, bss, config):
Intialize object
@param bss: string containing bssid
@param config: ConfigParser read from file
if not config.has_section(bss):
raise APSectionError('BSS (%s) not defined.' % bss)
self.bss = bss
self.ap_config = config
def get_ssid(self):
"""@return string ssid for AP from config file"""
return self.ap_config.get(self.bss, self.CONF_SSID)
def get_brand(self):
"""@return string brand for AP from config file"""
return self.ap_config.get(self.bss, self.CONF_BRAND)
def get_model(self):
"""@return string model for AP from config file"""
return self.ap_config.get(self.bss, self.CONF_MODEL)
def get_wan_mac(self):
"""@return string mac for WAN port of AP from config file"""
return self.ap_config.get(self.bss, self.CONF_WAN_MAC)
def get_wan_host(self):
"""@return string host for AP from config file"""
return self.ap_config.get(self.bss, self.CONF_WAN_HOST)
def get_rpm_unit(self):
"""@return RPMUnit for this AP. None if AP is not managed via RPM."""
if not self._get_rpm_managed():
return None
return RPMUnit(
self.ap_config.get(self.bss, self.CONF_RPM_HOSTNAME),
self.ap_config.get(self.bss, self.CONF_RPM_OUTLET),
def get_bss(self):
"""@return string bss for AP from config file"""
bss = self.ap_config.get(self.bss, self.CONF_BSS)
except six.moves.configparser.NoOptionError as e:
bss = 'N/A'
return bss
def get_bss5(self):
"""@return string bss5 for AP from config file"""
bss5 = self.ap_config.get(self.bss, self.CONF_BSS5)
except six.moves.configparser.NoOptionError as e:
bss5 = 'N/A'
return bss5
def get_bandwidth(self):
"""@return string bandwidth for AP from config file"""
return self.ap_config.get(self.bss, self.CONF_BANDWIDTH)
def get_security(self):
"""@return string security for AP from config file"""
return self.ap_config.get(self.bss, self.CONF_SECURITY)
def get_psk(self):
"""@return string psk for AP from config file"""
return self.ap_config.get(self.bss, self.CONF_PSK)
def get_frequency(self):
"""@return int frequency for AP from config file"""
return int(self.ap_config.get(self.bss, self.CONF_FREQUENCY))
def get_channel(self):
"""@return int channel for AP from config file"""
return ap_spec.CHANNEL_TABLE[self.get_frequency()]
def get_band(self):
"""@return string band for AP from config file"""
if self.get_frequency() < 4915:
return ap_spec.BAND_2GHZ
return ap_spec.BAND_5GHZ
def get_class(self):
"""@return string class for AP from config file"""
return self.ap_config.get(self.bss, self.CONF_CLASS)
def get_admin(self):
"""@return string admin for AP from config file"""
return self.ap_config.get(self.bss, self.CONF_ADMIN)
def get_admin_ip(self):
"""@return admin IP for AP from config file"""
return self.ap_config.get(self.bss, self.CONF_ADMIN_IP)
def _get_rpm_managed(self):
return self.ap_config.getboolean(self.bss, self.CONF_RPM_MANAGED)
def __str__(self):
"""@return string description of AP"""
ap_info = {
'brand': self.get_brand(),
'model': self.get_model(),
'ssid' : self.get_ssid(),
'bss' : self.get_bss(),
'hostname': self.get_wan_host(),
return ('AP Info:\n'
' Name: %(brand)s %(model)s\n'
' SSID: %(ssid)s\n'
' BSS: %(bss)s\n'
' Hostname: %(hostname)s\n' % ap_info)