
1656 lines
66 KiB

# Lint as: python2, python3
# pylint: disable-msg=C0111
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
The main job wrapper for the server side.
This is the core infrastructure. Derived from the client side
Copyright Martin J. Bligh, Andy Whitcroft 2007
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import errno
import fcntl
import getpass
import itertools
import logging
import os
import pickle
import platform
import re
import select
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import time
import traceback
import uuid
import warnings
from datetime import datetime
from autotest_lib.client.bin import sysinfo
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import base_job
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import control_data
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import logging_manager
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import packages
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import seven
from autotest_lib.server import profilers
from autotest_lib.server import site_gtest_runner
from autotest_lib.server import subcommand
from autotest_lib.server import test
from autotest_lib.server.autotest import OFFLOAD_ENVVAR
from autotest_lib.server import utils as server_utils
from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import frontend_wrappers
from autotest_lib.server import hosts
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import abstract_ssh
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import afe_store
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import file_store
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import shadowing_store
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import factory as host_factory
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import host_info
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import ssh_multiplex
from autotest_lib.tko import models as tko_models
from autotest_lib.tko import parser_lib
from six.moves import zip
from chromite.lib import metrics
except ImportError:
metrics = utils.metrics_mock
def _control_segment_path(name):
"""Get the pathname of the named control segment file."""
server_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
return os.path.join(server_dir, "control_segments", name)
DUT_STATEFUL_PATH = "/usr/local"
CLIENT_WRAPPER_CONTROL_FILE = _control_segment_path('client_wrapper')
CLIENT_TRAMPOLINE_CONTROL_FILE = _control_segment_path('client_trampoline')
CRASHDUMPS_CONTROL_FILE = _control_segment_path('crashdumps')
CRASHINFO_CONTROL_FILE = _control_segment_path('crashinfo')
CLEANUP_CONTROL_FILE = _control_segment_path('cleanup')
VERIFY_CONTROL_FILE = _control_segment_path('verify')
REPAIR_CONTROL_FILE = _control_segment_path('repair')
PROVISION_CONTROL_FILE = _control_segment_path('provision')
VERIFY_JOB_REPO_URL_CONTROL_FILE = _control_segment_path('verify_job_repo_url')
RESET_CONTROL_FILE = _control_segment_path('reset')
GET_NETWORK_STATS_CONTROL_FILE = _control_segment_path('get_network_stats')
def get_machine_dicts(machine_names, store_dir, in_lab, use_shadow_store,
"""Converts a list of machine names to list of dicts.
TODO( This function temporarily has a side effect of
creating files under workdir for backing a FileStore. This side-effect will
go away once callers of autoserv start passing in the FileStore.
@param machine_names: A list of machine names.
@param store_dir: A directory to contain store backing files.
@param use_shadow_store: If True, we should create a ShadowingStore where
actual store is backed by the AFE but we create a backing file to
shadow the store. If False, backing file should already exist at:
@param in_lab: A boolean indicating whether we're running in lab.
@param host_attributes: Optional list of host attributes to add for each
@returns: A list of dicts. Each dict has the following keys:
'hostname': Name of the machine originally in machine_names (str).
'afe_host': A frontend.Host object for the machine, or a stub if
in_lab is false.
'host_info_store': A host_info.CachingHostInfoStore object to obtain
host information. A stub if in_lab is False.
'connection_pool': ssh_multiplex.ConnectionPool instance to share
ssh connection across control scripts. This is set to
None, and should be overridden for connection sharing.
# See autoserv_parser.parse_args. Only one of in_lab or host_attributes can
# be provided.
if in_lab and host_attributes:
raise error.AutoservError(
'in_lab and host_attribute are mutually exclusive.')
machine_dict_list = []
for machine in machine_names:
if not in_lab:
afe_host = server_utils.EmptyAFEHost()
host_info_store = host_info.InMemoryHostInfoStore()
if host_attributes is not None:
info = host_info.HostInfo(attributes=host_attributes)
elif use_shadow_store:
afe_host = _create_afe_host(machine)
host_info_store = _create_afe_backed_host_info_store(store_dir,
afe_host = server_utils.EmptyAFEHost()
host_info_store = _create_file_backed_host_info_store(store_dir,
'hostname' : machine,
'afe_host' : afe_host,
'host_info_store': host_info_store,
'connection_pool': None,
return machine_dict_list
class status_indenter(base_job.status_indenter):
"""Provide a simple integer-backed status indenter."""
def __init__(self):
self._indent = 0
def indent(self):
return self._indent
def increment(self):
self._indent += 1
def decrement(self):
self._indent -= 1
def get_context(self):
"""Returns a context object for use by job.get_record_context."""
class context(object):
def __init__(self, indenter, indent):
self._indenter = indenter
self._indent = indent
def restore(self):
self._indenter._indent = self._indent
return context(self, self._indent)
class server_job_record_hook(object):
"""The job.record hook for server job. Used to inject WARN messages from
the console or vlm whenever new logs are written, and to echo any logs
to INFO level logging. Implemented as a class so that it can use state to
block recursive calls, so that the hook can call job.record itself to
log WARN messages.
Depends on job._read_warnings and job._logger.
def __init__(self, job):
self._job = job
self._being_called = False
def __call__(self, entry):
"""A wrapper around the 'real' record hook, the _hook method, which
prevents recursion. This isn't making any effort to be threadsafe,
the intent is to outright block infinite recursion via a
job.record->_hook->job.record->_hook->job.record... chain."""
if self._being_called:
self._being_called = True
self._hook(self._job, entry)
self._being_called = False
def _hook(job, entry):
"""The core hook, which can safely call job.record."""
entries = []
# poll all our warning loggers for new warnings
for timestamp, msg in job._read_warnings():
warning_entry = base_job.status_log_entry(
'WARN', None, None, msg, {}, timestamp=timestamp)
# echo rendered versions of all the status logs to info
for entry in entries:
rendered_entry = job._logger.render_entry(entry)
class server_job(base_job.base_job):
"""The server-side concrete implementation of base_job.
Optional properties provided by this implementation:
# TODO eliminate ssh_verbosity_flag
def __init__(self, control, args, resultdir, label, user, machines,
tag='', disable_sysinfo=False,
parent_job_id=None, in_lab=False,
Create a server side job object.
@param control: The pathname of the control file.
@param args: Passed to the control file.
@param resultdir: Where to throw the results.
@param label: Description of the job.
@param user: Username for the job (email address).
@param machines: A list of hostnames of the machines to use for the job.
@param machine_dict_list: A list of dicts for each of the machines above
as returned by get_machine_dicts.
@param client: True if this is a client-side control file.
@param ssh_user: The SSH username. [root]
@param ssh_port: The SSH port number. [22]
@param ssh_pass: The SSH passphrase, if needed.
@param ssh_verbosity_flag: The SSH verbosity flag, '-v', '-vv',
'-vvv', or an empty string if not needed.
@param ssh_options: A string giving additional options that will be
included in ssh commands.
@param group_name: If supplied, this will be written out as
host_group_name in the keyvals file for the parser.
@param tag: The job execution tag from the scheduler. [optional]
@param disable_sysinfo: Whether we should disable the sysinfo step of
tests for a modest shortening of test time. [optional]
@param control_filename: The filename where the server control file
should be written in the results directory.
@param parent_job_id: Job ID of the parent job. Default to None if the
job does not have a parent job.
@param in_lab: Boolean that indicates if this is running in the lab
@param use_client_trampoline: Boolean that indicates whether to
use the client trampoline flow. If this is True, control
is interpreted as the name of the client test to run.
The client control file will be client_trampoline. The
test name will be passed to client_trampoline, which will
install the test package and re-exec the actual test
control file.
@param sync_offload_dir: String; relative path to synchronous offload
dir, relative to the results directory. Ignored if empty.
super(server_job, self).__init__(resultdir=resultdir)
self.control = control
self._uncollected_log_file = os.path.join(self.resultdir,
debugdir = os.path.join(self.resultdir, 'debug')
if not os.path.exists(debugdir):
if user:
self.user = user
self.user = getpass.getuser()
self.args = args
self.label = label
self.machines = machines
self._client = client
self.warning_loggers = set()
self.warning_manager = warning_manager()
self._ssh_user = ssh_user
self._ssh_port = ssh_port
self._ssh_pass = ssh_pass
self._ssh_verbosity_flag = ssh_verbosity_flag
self._ssh_options = ssh_options
self.tag = tag
self.hosts = set()
self.drop_caches = False
self.drop_caches_between_iterations = False
self._control_filename = control_filename
self._disable_sysinfo = disable_sysinfo
self._use_client_trampoline = use_client_trampoline
self.logging = logging_manager.get_logging_manager(
manage_stdout_and_stderr=True, redirect_fds=True)
subcommand.logging_manager_object = self.logging
self.sysinfo = sysinfo.sysinfo(self.resultdir)
self.profilers = profilers.profilers(self)
self._sync_offload_dir = sync_offload_dir
job_data = {'label' : label, 'user' : user,
'hostname' : ','.join(machines),
'drone' : platform.node(),
'status_version' : str(self._STATUS_VERSION),
'job_started' : str(int(time.time()))}
# Save parent job id to keyvals, so parser can retrieve the info and
# write to tko_jobs record.
if parent_job_id:
job_data['parent_job_id'] = parent_job_id
if group_name:
job_data['host_group_name'] = group_name
# only write these keyvals out on the first job in a resultdir
if 'job_started' not in utils.read_keyval(self.resultdir):
utils.write_keyval(self.resultdir, job_data)
self.pkgmgr = packages.PackageManager(
self.autodir, run_function_dargs={'timeout':600})
# We no longer parse results as part of the server_job. These arguments
# can't be dropped yet because clients haven't all be cleaned up yet.
self.num_tests_run = -1
self.num_tests_failed = -1
# set up the status logger
self._indenter = status_indenter()
self._logger = base_job.status_logger(
self, self._indenter, 'status.log', 'status.log',
# Initialize a flag to indicate DUT failure during the test, e.g.,
# unexpected reboot.
self.failed_with_device_error = False
self._connection_pool = ssh_multiplex.ConnectionPool()
# List of functions to run after the main job function.
self._post_run_hooks = []
self.parent_job_id = parent_job_id
self.in_lab = in_lab
self.machine_dict_list = machine_dict_list
for machine_dict in self.machine_dict_list:
machine_dict['connection_pool'] = self._connection_pool
# TODO(jrbarnette) The harness attribute is only relevant to
# client jobs, but it's required to be present, or we will fail
# server job unit tests. Yes, really.
# TODO(jrbarnette) The utility of the 'harness' attribute even
# to client jobs is suspect. Probably, we should remove it.
self.harness = None
# TODO(ayatane): fast and max_result_size_KB are not set for
# client_trampoline jobs.
if control and not use_client_trampoline:
parsed_control = control_data.parse_control(
control, raise_warnings=False) =
self.max_result_size_KB = parsed_control.max_result_size_KB
else: = False
# Set the maximum result size to be the default specified in
# global config, if the job has no control file associated.
self.max_result_size_KB = control_data.DEFAULT_MAX_RESULT_SIZE_KB
def _find_base_directories(cls):
Determine locations of autodir, clientdir and serverdir. Assumes
that this file is located within serverdir and uses __file__ along
with relative paths to resolve the location.
serverdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
autodir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(serverdir, '..'))
clientdir = os.path.join(autodir, 'client')
return autodir, clientdir, serverdir
def _find_resultdir(self, resultdir, *args, **dargs):
Determine the location of resultdir. For server jobs we expect one to
always be explicitly passed in to __init__, so just return that.
if resultdir:
return os.path.normpath(resultdir)
return None
def _get_status_logger(self):
"""Return a reference to the status logger."""
return self._logger
def _load_control_file(path):
f = open(path)
control_file =
return re.sub('\r', '', control_file)
def _register_subcommand_hooks(self):
Register some hooks into the subcommand modules that allow us
to properly clean up self.hosts created in forked subprocesses.
def on_fork(cmd):
self._existing_hosts_on_fork = set(self.hosts)
def on_join(cmd):
new_hosts = self.hosts - self._existing_hosts_on_fork
for host in new_hosts:
# TODO add a kwargs parameter.
def _make_namespace(self):
"""Create a namespace dictionary to be passed along to control file.
Creates a namespace argument populated with standard values:
machines, job, ssh_user, ssh_port, ssh_pass, ssh_verbosity_flag,
and ssh_options.
namespace = {'machines' : self.machine_dict_list,
'job' : self,
'ssh_user' : self._ssh_user,
'ssh_port' : self._ssh_port,
'ssh_pass' : self._ssh_pass,
'ssh_verbosity_flag' : self._ssh_verbosity_flag,
'ssh_options' : self._ssh_options}
return namespace
def cleanup(self, labels):
"""Cleanup machines.
@param labels: Comma separated job labels, will be used to
determine special task actions.
if not self.machines:
raise error.AutoservError('No machines specified to cleanup')
if self.resultdir:
namespace = self._make_namespace()
namespace.update({'job_labels': labels, 'args': ''})
self._execute_code(CLEANUP_CONTROL_FILE, namespace, protect=False)
def verify(self, labels):
"""Verify machines are all ssh-able.
@param labels: Comma separated job labels, will be used to
determine special task actions.
if not self.machines:
raise error.AutoservError('No machines specified to verify')
if self.resultdir:
namespace = self._make_namespace()
namespace.update({'job_labels': labels, 'args': ''})
self._execute_code(VERIFY_CONTROL_FILE, namespace, protect=False)
def reset(self, labels):
"""Reset machines by first cleanup then verify each machine.
@param labels: Comma separated job labels, will be used to
determine special task actions.
if not self.machines:
raise error.AutoservError('No machines specified to reset.')
if self.resultdir:
namespace = self._make_namespace()
namespace.update({'job_labels': labels, 'args': ''})
self._execute_code(RESET_CONTROL_FILE, namespace, protect=False)
def repair(self, labels):
"""Repair machines.
@param labels: Comma separated job labels, will be used to
determine special task actions.
if not self.machines:
raise error.AutoservError('No machines specified to repair')
if self.resultdir:
namespace = self._make_namespace()
namespace.update({'job_labels': labels, 'args': ''})
self._execute_code(REPAIR_CONTROL_FILE, namespace, protect=False)
def provision(self, labels):
Provision all hosts to match |labels|.
@param labels: A comma seperated string of labels to provision the
host to.
control = self._load_control_file(PROVISION_CONTROL_FILE), job_labels=labels)
def precheck(self):
perform any additional checks in derived classes.
def enable_external_logging(self):
Start or restart external logging mechanism.
def disable_external_logging(self):
Pause or stop external logging mechanism.
def use_external_logging(self):
Return True if external logging should be used.
return False
def _make_parallel_wrapper(self, function, machines, log):
"""Wrap function as appropriate for calling by parallel_simple."""
# machines could be a list of dictionaries, e.g.,
# [{'host_attributes': {}, 'hostname': ''}]
# The dictionary is generated in server_job.__init__, refer to
# variable machine_dict_list, then passed in with namespace, see method
# server_job._make_namespace.
# To compare the machinese to self.machines, which is a list of machine
# hostname, we need to convert machines back to a list of hostnames.
if (machines and isinstance(machines, list)
and isinstance(machines[0], dict)):
machines = [m['hostname'] for m in machines]
if len(machines) > 1 and log:
def wrapper(machine):
hostname = server_utils.get_hostname_from_machine(machine)
machine_data = {'hostname' : hostname,
'status_version' : str(self._STATUS_VERSION)}
utils.write_keyval(self.resultdir, machine_data)
result = function(machine)
return result
wrapper = function
return wrapper
def parallel_simple(self, function, machines, log=True, timeout=None,
Run 'function' using parallel_simple, with an extra wrapper to handle
the necessary setup for continuous parsing, if possible. If continuous
parsing is already properly initialized then this should just work.
@param function: A callable to run in parallel given each machine.
@param machines: A list of machine names to be passed one per subcommand
invocation of function.
@param log: If True, output will be written to output in a subdirectory
named after each machine.
@param timeout: Seconds after which the function call should timeout.
@param return_results: If True instead of an AutoServError being raised
on any error a list of the results|exceptions from the function
called on each arg is returned. [default: False]
@raises error.AutotestError: If any of the functions failed.
wrapper = self._make_parallel_wrapper(function, machines, log)
return subcommand.parallel_simple(
wrapper, machines,
log=log, timeout=timeout, return_results=return_results)
def parallel_on_machines(self, function, machines, timeout=None):
@param function: Called in parallel with one machine as its argument.
@param machines: A list of machines to call function(machine) on.
@param timeout: Seconds after which the function call should timeout.
@returns A list of machines on which function(machine) returned
without raising an exception.
results = self.parallel_simple(function, machines, timeout=timeout,
success_machines = []
for result, machine in zip(results, machines):
if not isinstance(result, Exception):
return success_machines
def record_skipped_test(self, skipped_test, message=None):
"""Insert a failure record into status.log for this test."""
msg = message
if msg is None:
msg = 'No valid machines found for test %s.' % skipped_test
self.record('START', None, skipped_test.test_name)
self.record('INFO', None, skipped_test.test_name, msg)
self.record('END TEST_NA', None, skipped_test.test_name, msg)
def _has_failed_tests(self):
"""Parse status log for failed tests.
This checks the current working directory and is intended only for use
by the run() method.
@return boolean
path = os.getcwd()
# TODO(ayatane): Copied from tko/ Needs extensive refactor to
# make code reuse plausible.
job_keyval = tko_models.job.read_keyval(path)
status_version = job_keyval.get("status_version", 0)
# parse out the job
parser = parser_lib.parser(status_version)
job = parser.make_job(path)
status_log = os.path.join(path, "status.log")
if not os.path.exists(status_log):
status_log = os.path.join(path, "status")
if not os.path.exists(status_log):
logging.warning("! Unable to parse job, no status file")
return True
# parse the status logs
status_lines = open(status_log).readlines()
tests = parser.end(status_lines)
# parser.end can return the same object multiple times, so filter out
# dups
job.tests = []
already_added = set()
for test in tests:
if test not in already_added:
failed = False
for test in job.tests:
# The current job is still running and shouldn't count as failed.
# The parser will fail to parse the exit status of the job since it
# hasn't exited yet (this running right now is the job).
failed = failed or (test.status != 'GOOD'
and not _is_current_server_job(test))
return failed
def _collect_crashes(self, namespace, collect_crashinfo):
"""Collect crashes.
@param namespace: namespace dict.
@param collect_crashinfo: whether to collect crashinfo in addition to
if collect_crashinfo:
# includes crashdumps
crash_control_file = CRASHINFO_CONTROL_FILE
crash_control_file = CRASHDUMPS_CONTROL_FILE
self._execute_code(crash_control_file, namespace)
_USE_TEMP_DIR = object()
def run(self, collect_crashdumps=True, namespace={}, control=None,
control_file_dir=None, verify_job_repo_url=False,
only_collect_crashinfo=False, skip_crash_collection=False,
job_labels='', use_packaging=True):
# for a normal job, make sure the uncollected logs file exists
# for a crashinfo-only run it should already exist, bail out otherwise
created_uncollected_logs = False"I am PID %s", os.getpid())
if self.resultdir and not os.path.exists(self._uncollected_log_file):
if only_collect_crashinfo:
# if this is a crashinfo-only run, and there were no existing
# uncollected logs, just bail out early"No existing uncollected logs, "
"skipping crashinfo collection")
log_file = open(self._uncollected_log_file, "wb")
pickle.dump([], log_file)
created_uncollected_logs = True
# use a copy so changes don't affect the original dictionary
namespace = namespace.copy()
machines = self.machines
if control is None:
if self.control is None:
control = ''
elif self._use_client_trampoline:
# Some tests must be loaded and staged before they can be run,
# see and #c46 for details.
control = self._load_control_file(
# repr of a string is safe for eval.
control = (('trampoline_testname = %r\n' % str(self.control))
+ control)
control = self._load_control_file(self.control)
if control_file_dir is None:
control_file_dir = self.resultdir
self.aborted = False
'args': self.args,
'job_labels': job_labels,
'gtest_runner': site_gtest_runner.gtest_runner(),
test_start_time = int(time.time())
if self.resultdir:
# touch status.log so that the parser knows a job is running here
open(self.get_status_log_path(), 'a').close()
collect_crashinfo = True
temp_control_file_dir = None
if not
with metrics.SecondsTimer(
fields = {'stage': 'start'}):
namespace['network_stats_label'] = 'at-start'
if only_collect_crashinfo:
# If the verify_job_repo_url option is set but we're unable
# to actually verify that the job_repo_url contains the autotest
# package, this job will fail.
if verify_job_repo_url:
logging.warning('Not checking if job_repo_url contains '
'autotest packages on %s', machines)
# determine the dir to write the control files to
cfd_specified = (control_file_dir
and control_file_dir is not self._USE_TEMP_DIR)
if cfd_specified:
temp_control_file_dir = None
temp_control_file_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(
control_file_dir = temp_control_file_dir
server_control_file = os.path.join(control_file_dir,
client_control_file = os.path.join(control_file_dir,
if self._client:
namespace['control'] = control
utils.open_write_close(client_control_file, control)
utils.open_write_close(server_control_file, control)
sync_dir = self._offload_dir_target_path()
if self._sync_offload_dir:"Preparing synchronous offload dir")
self.create_marker_file()"Offload dir and marker file ready")
logging.debug("Results dir is %s", self.resultdir)
logging.debug("Synchronous offload dir is %s", sync_dir)"Processing control file")
namespace['use_packaging'] = use_packaging
namespace['synchronous_offload_dir'] = sync_dir
os.environ[OFFLOAD_ENVVAR] = sync_dir
self._execute_code(server_control_file, namespace)"Finished processing control file")
# If no device error occurred, no need to collect crashinfo.
collect_crashinfo = self.failed_with_device_error
except Exception as e:
'Exception escaped control file, job aborting:')
reason = re.sub(base_job.status_log_entry.BAD_CHAR_REGEX,
' ', str(e))
self.record('INFO', None, None, str(e),
{'job_abort_reason': reason})
pass # don't let logging exceptions here interfere
if temp_control_file_dir:
# Clean up temp directory used for copies of the control files
except Exception as e:
logging.warning('Could not remove temp directory %s: %s',
temp_control_file_dir, e)
if machines and (collect_crashdumps or collect_crashinfo):
if skip_crash_collection or'Skipping crash dump/info collection '
'as requested.')
with metrics.SecondsTimer(
namespace['test_start_time'] = test_start_time
# Remove crash files for passing tests.
# TODO(ayatane): Tests that create crash files should be
# reported.
namespace['has_failed_tests'] = self._has_failed_tests()
self._collect_crashes(namespace, collect_crashinfo)
if self._uncollected_log_file and created_uncollected_logs:
if not
with metrics.SecondsTimer(
fields = {'stage': 'end'}):
namespace['network_stats_label'] = 'at-end'
def _server_offload_dir_path(self):
return os.path.join(self.resultdir, self._sync_offload_dir)
def _offload_dir_target_path(self):
if not self._sync_offload_dir:
return ''
if self._client:
return os.path.join(DUT_STATEFUL_PATH, self._sync_offload_dir)
return os.path.join(self.resultdir, self._sync_offload_dir)
def _maybe_retrieve_client_offload_dirs(self):
if not(self._sync_offload_dir and self._client):"No client dir to retrieve.")
return ''"Retrieving synchronous offload dir from client")
server_path = self._server_offload_dir_path()
client_path = self._offload_dir_target_path()
def serial(machine):
host = hosts.create_host(machine)
server_subpath = os.path.join(server_path, host.hostname)
# Empty final piece ensures that get_file gets a trailing slash,
# which makes it copy dir contents rather than the dir itself.
client_subpath = os.path.join(client_path, '')
logging.debug("Client dir to retrieve is %s", client_subpath)
host.get_file(client_subpath, server_subpath)
self.parallel_simple(serial, self.machines)
logging.debug("Synchronous offload dir retrieved to %s", server_path)
return server_path
def _create_client_offload_dirs(self):
marker_string = "client %s%s" % (
"in SSP " if utils.is_in_container() else "",
offload_path = self._offload_dir_target_path()
_, file_path = tempfile.mkstemp()
def serial(machine):
host = hosts.create_host(machine)
marker_path = os.path.join(offload_path, "sync_offloads_marker")"mkdir -p %s" % offload_path), ignore_status=False)
host.send_file(file_path, marker_path)
utils.open_write_close(file_path, marker_string)
self.parallel_simple(serial, self.machines)
def create_marker_file(self):
"""Create a marker file in the leaf task's synchronous offload dir.
This ensures that we will get some results offloaded if the test fails
to create output properly, distinguishing offload errs from test errs.
@obj_param _client: Boolean, whether the control file is client-side.
@obj_param _sync_offload_dir: rel. path from results dir to offload dir.
@returns: path to offload dir on the machine of the leaf task
# Make the server-side directory regardless
# 2.7 makedirs doesn't have an option for pre-existing directories
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
if not self._client:
offload_path = self._offload_dir_target_path()
marker_string = "server %s%s" % (
"in SSP " if utils.is_in_container() else "",
os.path.join(offload_path, "sync_offloads_marker"),
return offload_path
return self._create_client_offload_dirs()
def run_test(self, url, *args, **dargs):
Summon a test object and run it.
tag to add to testname
url of the test to run
if self._disable_sysinfo:
dargs['disable_sysinfo'] = True
group, testname = self.pkgmgr.get_package_name(url, 'test')
testname, subdir, tag = self._build_tagged_test_name(testname, dargs)
outputdir = self._make_test_outputdir(subdir)
def group_func():
test.runtest(self, url, tag, args, dargs)
except error.TestBaseException as e:
self.record(e.exit_status, subdir, testname, str(e))
except Exception as e:
info = str(e) + "\n" + traceback.format_exc()
self.record('FAIL', subdir, testname, info)
self.record('GOOD', subdir, testname, 'completed successfully')
result = self._run_group(testname, subdir, group_func)
except error.TestBaseException as e:
return False
return True
def _run_group(self, name, subdir, function, *args, **dargs):
"""Underlying method for running something inside of a group."""
result, exc_info = None, None
self.record('START', subdir, name)
result = function(*args, **dargs)
except error.TestBaseException as e:
self.record("END %s" % e.exit_status, subdir, name)
except Exception as e:
err_msg = str(e) + '\n'
err_msg += traceback.format_exc()
self.record('END ABORT', subdir, name, err_msg)
raise error.JobError(name + ' failed\n' + traceback.format_exc())
self.record('END GOOD', subdir, name)
for hook in self._post_run_hooks:
return result
def run_group(self, function, *args, **dargs):
@param function: subroutine to run
@returns: (result, exc_info). When the call succeeds, result contains
the return value of |function| and exc_info is None. If
|function| raises an exception, exc_info contains the tuple
returned by sys.exc_info(), and result is None.
name = function.__name__
# Allow the tag for the group to be specified.
tag = dargs.pop('tag', None)
if tag:
name = tag
result = self._run_group(name, None, function, *args, **dargs)[0]
except error.TestBaseException:
return None, sys.exc_info()
return result, None
def run_op(self, op, op_func, get_kernel_func):
A specialization of run_group meant specifically for handling
management operation. Includes support for capturing the kernel version
after the operation.
op: name of the operation.
op_func: a function that carries out the operation (reboot, suspend)
get_kernel_func: a function that returns a string
representing the kernel version.
self.record('START', None, op)
except Exception as e:
err_msg = str(e) + '\n' + traceback.format_exc()
self.record('END FAIL', None, op, err_msg)
kernel = get_kernel_func()
self.record('END GOOD', None, op,
optional_fields={"kernel": kernel})
def run_control(self, path):
"""Execute a control file found at path (relative to the autotest
path). Intended for executing a control file within a control file,
not for running the top-level job control file."""
path = os.path.join(self.autodir, path)
control_file = self._load_control_file(path), control_file_dir=self._USE_TEMP_DIR)
def add_sysinfo_command(self, command, logfile=None, on_every_test=False):
self._add_sysinfo_loggable(sysinfo.command(command, logf=logfile),
def add_sysinfo_logfile(self, file, on_every_test=False):
self._add_sysinfo_loggable(sysinfo.logfile(file), on_every_test)
def _add_sysinfo_loggable(self, loggable, on_every_test):
if on_every_test:
def _read_warnings(self):
"""Poll all the warning loggers and extract any new warnings that have
been logged. If the warnings belong to a category that is currently
disabled, this method will discard them and they will no longer be
Returns a list of (timestamp, message) tuples, where timestamp is an
integer epoch timestamp."""
warnings = []
while True:
# pull in a line of output from every logger that has
# output ready to be read
loggers, _, _ =, [], [], 0)
closed_loggers = set()
for logger in loggers:
line = logger.readline()
# record any broken pipes (aka line == empty)
if len(line) == 0:
# parse out the warning
timestamp, msgtype, msg = line.split('\t', 2)
timestamp = int(timestamp)
# if the warning is valid, add it to the results
if self.warning_manager.is_valid(timestamp, msgtype):
warnings.append((timestamp, msg.strip()))
# stop listening to loggers that are closed
self.warning_loggers -= closed_loggers
# stop if none of the loggers have any output left
if not loggers:
# sort into timestamp order
return warnings
def _unique_subdirectory(self, base_subdirectory_name):
"""Compute a unique results subdirectory based on the given name.
Appends base_subdirectory_name with a number as necessary to find a
directory name that doesn't already exist.
subdirectory = base_subdirectory_name
counter = 1
while os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.resultdir, subdirectory)):
subdirectory = base_subdirectory_name + '.' + str(counter)
counter += 1
return subdirectory
def get_record_context(self):
"""Returns an object representing the current job.record context.
The object returned is an opaque object with a 0-arg restore method
which can be called to restore the job.record context (i.e. indentation)
to the current level. The intention is that it should be used when
something external which generate job.record calls (e.g. an autotest
client) can fail catastrophically and the server job record state
needs to be reset to its original "known good" state.
@return: A context object with a 0-arg restore() method."""
return self._indenter.get_context()
def record_summary(self, status_code, test_name, reason='', attributes=None,
distinguishing_attributes=(), child_test_ids=None):
"""Record a summary test result.
@param status_code: status code string, see
@param test_name: name of the test
@param reason: (optional) string providing detailed reason for test
@param attributes: (optional) dict of string keyvals to associate with
this result
@param distinguishing_attributes: (optional) list of attribute names
that should be used to distinguish identically-named test
results. These attributes should be present in the attributes
parameter. This is used to generate user-friendly subdirectory
@param child_test_ids: (optional) list of test indices for test results
used in generating this result.
subdirectory_name_parts = [test_name]
for attribute in distinguishing_attributes:
assert attributes
assert attribute in attributes, '%s not in %s' % (attribute,
base_subdirectory_name = '.'.join(subdirectory_name_parts)
subdirectory = self._unique_subdirectory(base_subdirectory_name)
subdirectory_path = os.path.join(self.resultdir, subdirectory)
self.record(status_code, subdirectory, test_name,
status=reason, optional_fields={'is_summary': True})
if attributes:
utils.write_keyval(subdirectory_path, attributes)
if child_test_ids:
ids_string = ','.join(str(test_id) for test_id in child_test_ids)
summary_data = {'child_test_ids': ids_string}
utils.write_keyval(os.path.join(subdirectory_path, 'summary_data'),
def add_post_run_hook(self, hook):
Registers a hook to run after the main job function.
This provides a mechanism by which tests that perform multiple tests of
their own can write additional top-level results to the TKO status.log
@param hook: Function to invoke (without any args) after the main job
function completes and the job status is logged.
def disable_warnings(self, warning_type):
self.record("INFO", None, None,
"disabling %s warnings" % warning_type,
{"warnings.disable": warning_type})
def enable_warnings(self, warning_type):
self.record("INFO", None, None,
"enabling %s warnings" % warning_type,
{"warnings.enable": warning_type})
def get_status_log_path(self, subdir=None):
"""Return the path to the job status log.
@param subdir - Optional paramter indicating that you want the path
to a subdirectory status log.
@returns The path where the status log should be.
if self.resultdir:
if subdir:
return os.path.join(self.resultdir, subdir, "status.log")
return os.path.join(self.resultdir, "status.log")
return None
def _update_uncollected_logs_list(self, update_func):
"""Updates the uncollected logs list in a multi-process safe manner.
@param update_func - a function that updates the list of uncollected
logs. Should take one parameter, the list to be updated.
# Skip log collection if file _uncollected_log_file does not exist.
if not (self._uncollected_log_file and
if self._uncollected_log_file:
log_file = open(self._uncollected_log_file, "rb+")
fcntl.flock(log_file, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
uncollected_logs = pickle.load(log_file)
pickle.dump(uncollected_logs, log_file)
fcntl.flock(log_file, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
def add_client_log(self, hostname, remote_path, local_path):
"""Adds a new set of client logs to the list of uncollected logs,
to allow for future log recovery.
@param host - the hostname of the machine holding the logs
@param remote_path - the directory on the remote machine holding logs
@param local_path - the local directory to copy the logs into
def update_func(logs_list):
logs_list.append((hostname, remote_path, local_path))
def remove_client_log(self, hostname, remote_path, local_path):
"""Removes a set of client logs from the list of uncollected logs,
to allow for future log recovery.
@param host - the hostname of the machine holding the logs
@param remote_path - the directory on the remote machine holding logs
@param local_path - the local directory to copy the logs into
def update_func(logs_list):
logs_list.remove((hostname, remote_path, local_path))
def get_client_logs(self):
"""Retrieves the list of uncollected logs, if it exists.
@returns A list of (host, remote_path, local_path) tuples. Returns
an empty list if no uncollected logs file exists.
log_exists = (self._uncollected_log_file and
if log_exists:
return pickle.load(open(self._uncollected_log_file))
return []
def _fill_server_control_namespace(self, namespace, protect=True):
Prepare a namespace to be used when executing server control files.
This sets up the control file API by importing modules and making them
available under the appropriate names within namespace.
For use by _execute_code().
namespace: The namespace dictionary to fill in.
protect: Boolean. If True (the default) any operation that would
clobber an existing entry in namespace will cause an error.
error.AutoservError: When a name would be clobbered by import.
def _import_names(module_name, names=()):
Import a module and assign named attributes into namespace.
module_name: The string module name.
names: A limiting list of names to import from module_name. If
empty (the default), all names are imported from the module
similar to a "from import *" statement.
error.AutoservError: When a name being imported would clobber
a name already in namespace.
module = __import__(module_name, {}, {}, names)
# No names supplied? Import * from the lowest level module.
# (Ugh, why do I have to implement this part myself?)
if not names:
for submodule_name in module_name.split('.')[1:]:
module = getattr(module, submodule_name)
if hasattr(module, '__all__'):
names = getattr(module, '__all__')
names = dir(module)
# Install each name into namespace, checking to make sure it
# doesn't override anything that already exists.
for name in names:
# Check for conflicts to help prevent future problems.
if name in namespace and protect:
if namespace[name] is not getattr(module, name):
raise error.AutoservError('importing name '
'%s from %s %r would override %r' %
(name, module_name, getattr(module, name),
# Encourage cleanliness and the use of __all__ for a
# more concrete API with less surprises on '*' imports.
warnings.warn('%s (%r) being imported from %s for use '
'in server control files is not the '
'first occurrence of that import.' %
(name, namespace[name], module_name))
namespace[name] = getattr(module, name)
# This is the equivalent of prepending a bunch of import statements to
# the front of the control script.
namespace.update(os=os, sys=sys, logging=logging)
('hosts', 'autotest', 'standalone_profiler'))
('parallel', 'parallel_simple', 'subcommand'))
('run', 'get_tmp_dir', 'sh_escape', 'parse_machine'))
_import_names('autotest_lib.client.common_lib.barrier', ('barrier',))
# Inject ourself as the job object into other classes within the API.
# (Yuck, this injection is a gross thing be part of a public API. -gps)
# XXX Autotest does not appear to use .job. Who does?
namespace['autotest'].Autotest.job = self
# server.hosts.base_classes.Host uses .job.
namespace['hosts'].Host.job = self
namespace['hosts'].factory.ssh_user = self._ssh_user
namespace['hosts'].factory.ssh_port = self._ssh_port
namespace['hosts'].factory.ssh_pass = self._ssh_pass
namespace['hosts'].factory.ssh_verbosity_flag = (
namespace['hosts'].factory.ssh_options = self._ssh_options
def _execute_code(self, code_file, namespace, protect=True):
Execute code using a copy of namespace as a server control script.
Unless protect_namespace is explicitly set to False, the dict will not
be modified.
code_file: The filename of the control file to execute.
namespace: A dict containing names to make available during execution.
protect: Boolean. If True (the default) a copy of the namespace dict
is used during execution to prevent the code from modifying its
contents outside of this function. If False the raw dict is
passed in and modifications will be allowed.
if protect:
namespace = namespace.copy()
self._fill_server_control_namespace(namespace, protect=protect)
# TODO: Simplify and get rid of the special cases for only 1 machine.
if len(self.machines) > 1:
machines_text = '\n'.join(self.machines) + '\n'
# Only rewrite the file if it does not match our machine list.
machines_f = open(MACHINES_FILENAME, 'r')
existing_machines_text =
except EnvironmentError:
existing_machines_text = None
if machines_text != existing_machines_text:
utils.open_write_close(MACHINES_FILENAME, machines_text)
seven.exec_file(code_file, locals_=namespace, globals_=namespace)
def preprocess_client_state(self):
Produce a state file for initializing the state of a client job.
Creates a new client state file with all the current server state, as
well as some pre-set client state.
@returns The path of the file the state was written into.
# initialize the sysinfo state
self._state.set('client', 'sysinfo', self.sysinfo.serialize())
# dump the state out to a tempfile
fd, file_path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=self.tmpdir)
# write_to_file doesn't need locking, we exclusively own file_path
return file_path
def postprocess_client_state(self, state_path):
Update the state of this job with the state from a client job.
Updates the state of the server side of a job with the final state
of a client job that was run. Updates the non-client-specific state,
pulls in some specific bits from the client-specific state, and then
discards the rest. Removes the state file afterwards
@param state_file A path to the state file from the client.
# update the on-disk state
except OSError as e:
# ignore file-not-found errors
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
logging.debug('Client state file %s not found', state_path)
# update the sysinfo state
if self._state.has('client', 'sysinfo'):
self.sysinfo.deserialize(self._state.get('client', 'sysinfo'))
# drop all the client-specific state
def clear_all_known_hosts(self):
"""Clears known hosts files for all AbstractSSHHosts."""
for host in self.hosts:
if isinstance(host, abstract_ssh.AbstractSSHHost):
def close(self):
"""Closes this job's operation."""
# Use shallow copy, because host.close() internally discards itself.
for host in list(self.hosts):
assert not self.hosts
def _get_job_data(self):
"""Add custom data to the job keyval info.
When multiple machines are used in a job, change the hostname to
the platform of the first machine instead of machine1,machine2,... This
makes the job reports easier to read and keeps the tko_machines table from
growing too large.
keyval dictionary with new hostname value, or empty dictionary.
job_data = {}
# Only modify hostname on multimachine jobs. Assume all host have the same
# platform.
if len(self.machines) > 1:
# Search through machines for first machine with a platform.
for host in self.machines:
keyval_path = os.path.join(self.resultdir, 'host_keyvals', host)
keyvals = utils.read_keyval(keyval_path)
host_plat = keyvals.get('platform', None)
if not host_plat:
job_data['hostname'] = host_plat
return job_data
class warning_manager(object):
"""Class for controlling warning logs. Manages the enabling and disabling
of warnings."""
def __init__(self):
# a map of warning types to a list of disabled time intervals
self.disabled_warnings = {}
def is_valid(self, timestamp, warning_type):
"""Indicates if a warning (based on the time it occured and its type)
is a valid warning. A warning is considered "invalid" if this type of
warning was marked as "disabled" at the time the warning occured."""
disabled_intervals = self.disabled_warnings.get(warning_type, [])
for start, end in disabled_intervals:
if timestamp >= start and (end is None or timestamp < end):
return False
return True
def disable_warnings(self, warning_type, current_time_func=time.time):
"""As of now, disables all further warnings of this type."""
intervals = self.disabled_warnings.setdefault(warning_type, [])
if not intervals or intervals[-1][1] is not None:
intervals.append((int(current_time_func()), None))
def enable_warnings(self, warning_type, current_time_func=time.time):
"""As of now, enables all further warnings of this type."""
intervals = self.disabled_warnings.get(warning_type, [])
if intervals and intervals[-1][1] is None:
intervals[-1] = (intervals[-1][0], int(current_time_func()))
def _is_current_server_job(test):
"""Return True if parsed test is the currently running job.
@param test: test instance from tko parser.
return test.testname == 'SERVER_JOB'
def _create_afe_host(hostname):
"""Create an afe_host object backed by the AFE.
@param hostname: Name of the host for which we want the Host object.
@returns: An object of type frontend.AFE
afe = frontend_wrappers.RetryingAFE(timeout_min=5, delay_sec=10)
hosts = afe.get_hosts(hostname=hostname)
if not hosts:
raise error.AutoservError('No hosts named %s found' % hostname)
return hosts[0]
def _create_file_backed_host_info_store(store_dir, hostname):
"""Create a CachingHostInfoStore backed by an existing file.
@param store_dir: A directory to contain store backing files.
@param hostname: Name of the host for which we want the store.
@returns: An object of type CachingHostInfoStore.
backing_file_path = os.path.join(store_dir, '' % hostname)
if not os.path.isfile(backing_file_path):
raise error.AutoservError(
'Requested FileStore but no backing file at %s'
% backing_file_path
return file_store.FileStore(backing_file_path)
def _create_afe_backed_host_info_store(store_dir, hostname):
"""Create a CachingHostInfoStore backed by the AFE.
@param store_dir: A directory to contain store backing files.
@param hostname: Name of the host for which we want the store.
@returns: An object of type CachingHostInfoStore.
primary_store = afe_store.AfeStore(hostname)
except host_info.StoreError:
raise error.AutoservError(
'Could not obtain HostInfo for hostname %s' % hostname)
# Since the store wasn't initialized external to autoserv, we must
# ensure that the store we create is unique within store_dir.
backing_file_path = os.path.join(
'' % hostname,
)'Shadowing AFE store with a FileStore at %s',
shadow_store = file_store.FileStore(backing_file_path)
return shadowing_store.ShadowingStore(primary_store, shadow_store)
def _make_unique_subdir(workdir):
"""Creates a new subdir within workdir and returns the path to it."""
store_dir = os.path.join(workdir, 'dir_%s' % uuid.uuid4())
return store_dir
def _make_dirs_if_needed(path):
"""os.makedirs, but ignores failure because the leaf directory exists"""
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: