
536 lines
21 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2018, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "aidl.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <android-base/result.h>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "aidl_dumpapi.h"
#include "aidl_language.h"
#include "import_resolver.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include "options.h"
namespace android {
namespace aidl {
using android::base::Error;
using android::base::Result;
using android::base::StartsWith;
using std::map;
using std::set;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
struct DumpForEqualityVisitor : DumpVisitor {
DumpForEqualityVisitor(CodeWriter& out) : DumpVisitor(out) {}
void DumpConstantValue(const AidlTypeSpecifier&, const AidlConstantValue& c) {
out << c.Literal();
static std::string Dump(const AidlDefinedType& type) {
string code;
CodeWriterPtr out = CodeWriter::ForString(&code);
DumpForEqualityVisitor visitor(*out);
return code;
// Uses each type's Dump() and GTest utility(EqHelper).
static bool CheckEquality(const AidlDefinedType& older, const AidlDefinedType& newer) {
using testing::internal::EqHelper;
auto older_file = older.GetLocation().GetFile();
auto newer_file = newer.GetLocation().GetFile();
auto result = EqHelper::Compare(,, Dump(older), Dump(newer));
if (!result) {
AIDL_ERROR(newer) << result.failure_message();
return result;
static vector<string> get_strict_annotations(const AidlAnnotatable& node) {
// This must be symmetrical (if you can add something, you must be able to
// remove it). The reason is that we have no way of knowing which interface a
// server serves and which interface a client serves (e.g. a callback
// interface). Note that this is being overly lenient. It makes sense for
// newer code to start accepting nullable things. However, here, we don't know
// if the client of an interface or the server of an interface is newer.
// Here are two examples to demonstrate this:
// - a new implementation might change so that it no longer returns null
// values (remove @nullable)
// - a new implementation might start accepting null values (add @nullable)
static const set<AidlAnnotation::Type> kIgnoreAnnotations{
// @JavaDerive doesn't affect read/write
// @Backing for a enum type is checked by the enum checker
// @RustDerive doesn't affect read/write
vector<string> annotations;
for (const AidlAnnotation& annotation : node.GetAnnotations()) {
if (kIgnoreAnnotations.find(annotation.GetType()) != kIgnoreAnnotations.end()) {
auto annotation_string = annotation.ToString();
// adding @Deprecated (with optional args) is okay
if (StartsWith(annotation_string, "@JavaPassthrough(annotation=\"@Deprecated")) {
return annotations;
static bool have_compatible_annotations(const AidlAnnotatable& older,
const AidlAnnotatable& newer) {
vector<string> olderAnnotations = get_strict_annotations(older);
vector<string> newerAnnotations = get_strict_annotations(newer);
sort(olderAnnotations.begin(), olderAnnotations.end());
sort(newerAnnotations.begin(), newerAnnotations.end());
if (olderAnnotations != newerAnnotations) {
const string from = older.ToString().empty() ? "(empty)" : older.ToString();
const string to = newer.ToString().empty() ? "(empty)" : newer.ToString();
AIDL_ERROR(newer) << "Changed annotations: " << from << " to " << to;
return false;
return true;
static bool are_compatible_types(const AidlTypeSpecifier& older, const AidlTypeSpecifier& newer) {
bool compatible = true;
if (older.Signature() != newer.Signature()) {
AIDL_ERROR(newer) << "Type changed: " << older.Signature() << " to " << newer.Signature()
<< ".";
compatible = false;
compatible &= have_compatible_annotations(older, newer);
return compatible;
static bool are_compatible_constants(const AidlDefinedType& older, const AidlDefinedType& newer) {
bool compatible = true;
map<string, AidlConstantDeclaration*> new_constdecls;
for (const auto& c : newer.GetConstantDeclarations()) {
new_constdecls[c->GetName()] = &*c;
for (const auto& old_c : older.GetConstantDeclarations()) {
const auto found = new_constdecls.find(old_c->GetName());
if (found == new_constdecls.end()) {
AIDL_ERROR(old_c) << "Removed constant declaration: " << older.GetCanonicalName() << "."
<< old_c->GetName();
compatible = false;
const auto new_c = found->second;
compatible &= are_compatible_types(old_c->GetType(), new_c->GetType());
const string old_value = old_c->GetValue().Literal();
const string new_value = new_c->GetValue().Literal();
if (old_value != new_value) {
AIDL_ERROR(newer) << "Changed constant value: " << older.GetCanonicalName() << "."
<< old_c->GetName() << " from " << old_value << " to " << new_value << ".";
compatible = false;
return compatible;
static bool are_compatible_interfaces(const AidlInterface& older, const AidlInterface& newer) {
bool compatible = true;
map<string, AidlMethod*> new_methods;
for (const auto& m : newer.AsInterface()->GetMethods()) {
new_methods.emplace(m->Signature(), m.get());
for (const auto& old_m : older.AsInterface()->GetMethods()) {
const auto found = new_methods.find(old_m->Signature());
if (found == new_methods.end()) {
AIDL_ERROR(old_m) << "Removed or changed method: " << older.GetCanonicalName() << "."
<< old_m->Signature();
compatible = false;
// Compare IDs to detect method reordering. IDs are assigned by their
// textual order, so if there is an ID mismatch, that means reordering
// has happened.
const auto new_m = found->second;
if (old_m->IsOneway() != new_m->IsOneway()) {
AIDL_ERROR(new_m) << "Oneway attribute " << (old_m->IsOneway() ? "removed" : "added") << ": "
<< older.GetCanonicalName() << "." << old_m->Signature();
compatible = false;
if (old_m->GetId() != new_m->GetId()) {
AIDL_ERROR(new_m) << "Transaction ID changed: " << older.GetCanonicalName() << "."
<< old_m->Signature() << " is changed from " << old_m->GetId() << " to "
<< new_m->GetId() << ".";
compatible = false;
compatible &= are_compatible_types(old_m->GetType(), new_m->GetType());
const auto& old_args = old_m->GetArguments();
const auto& new_args = new_m->GetArguments();
// this is guaranteed because arguments are part of AidlMethod::Signature()
AIDL_FATAL_IF(old_args.size() != new_args.size(), old_m);
for (size_t i = 0; i < old_args.size(); i++) {
const AidlArgument& old_a = *(;
const AidlArgument& new_a = *(;
compatible &= are_compatible_types(old_a.GetType(), new_a.GetType());
if (old_a.GetDirection() != new_a.GetDirection()) {
AIDL_ERROR(new_m) << "Direction changed: " << old_a.GetDirectionSpecifier() << " to "
<< new_a.GetDirectionSpecifier() << ".";
compatible = false;
compatible = are_compatible_constants(older, newer) && compatible;
return compatible;
static bool HasZeroEnumerator(const AidlEnumDeclaration& enum_decl) {
return std::any_of(enum_decl.GetEnumerators().begin(), enum_decl.GetEnumerators().end(),
[&](const unique_ptr<AidlEnumerator>& enumerator) {
return enumerator->GetValue()->Literal() == "0";
static bool EvaluatesToZero(const AidlEnumDeclaration& enum_decl, const std::string& value) {
if (value == "") return true;
// Because --check_api runs with "valid" AIDL definitions, we can safely assume that
// the value is formatted as <scope>.<enumerator>.
auto enumerator_name = value.substr(value.find_last_of('.') + 1);
for (const auto& enumerator : enum_decl.GetEnumerators()) {
if (enumerator->GetName() == enumerator_name) {
return enumerator->GetValue()->Literal() == "0";
AIDL_FATAL(enum_decl) << "Can't find " << enumerator_name << " in " << enum_decl.GetName();
static bool are_compatible_parcelables(const AidlDefinedType& older, const AidlTypenames&,
const AidlDefinedType& newer,
const AidlTypenames& new_types) {
const auto& old_fields = older.GetFields();
const auto& new_fields = newer.GetFields();
if (old_fields.size() > new_fields.size()) {
// you can add new fields only at the end
AIDL_ERROR(newer) << "Number of fields in " << older.GetCanonicalName() << " is reduced from "
<< old_fields.size() << " to " << new_fields.size() << ".";
return false;
if (newer.IsFixedSize() && old_fields.size() != new_fields.size()) {
AIDL_ERROR(newer) << "Number of fields in " << older.GetCanonicalName() << " is changed from "
<< old_fields.size() << " to " << new_fields.size()
<< ". This is an incompatible change for FixedSize types.";
return false;
// should be frozen to prevent breakage in legacy (b/186720556)
if (older.GetCanonicalName() == "" &&
old_fields.size() != new_fields.size()) {
AIDL_ERROR(newer) << "Number of fields in " << older.GetCanonicalName() << " is changed from "
<< old_fields.size() << " to " << new_fields.size()
<< ". But it is forbidden because of legacy support.";
return false;
bool compatible = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < old_fields.size(); i++) {
const auto& old_field =;
const auto& new_field =;
compatible &= are_compatible_types(old_field->GetType(), new_field->GetType());
string old_value = old_field->GetDefaultValue() ? old_field->GetDefaultValue()->Literal() : "";
string new_value = new_field->GetDefaultValue() ? new_field->GetDefaultValue()->Literal() : "";
if (old_value == new_value) {
// For enum type fields, we accept setting explicit default value which is "zero"
auto enum_decl = new_types.GetEnumDeclaration(new_field->GetType());
if (old_value == "" && enum_decl && EvaluatesToZero(*enum_decl, new_value)) {
AIDL_ERROR(new_field) << "Changed default value: " << old_value << " to " << new_value << ".";
compatible = false;
// Reordering of fields is an incompatible change.
for (size_t i = 0; i < new_fields.size(); i++) {
const auto& new_field =;
auto found = std::find_if(old_fields.begin(), old_fields.end(), [&new_field](const auto& f) {
return new_field->GetName() == f->GetName();
if (found != old_fields.end()) {
size_t old_index = std::distance(old_fields.begin(), found);
if (old_index != i) {
AIDL_ERROR(new_field) << "Reordered " << new_field->GetName() << " from " << old_index
<< " to " << i << ".";
compatible = false;
for (size_t i = old_fields.size(); i < new_fields.size(); i++) {
const auto& new_field =;
if (new_field->HasUsefulDefaultValue()) {
// enum can't be nullable, but it's okay if it has 0 as a valid enumerator.
if (const auto& enum_decl = new_types.GetEnumDeclaration(new_field->GetType());
enum_decl != nullptr) {
if (HasZeroEnumerator(*enum_decl)) {
// TODO(b/142893595): Rephrase the message: "provide a default value or make sure ..."
AIDL_ERROR(new_field) << "Field '" << new_field->GetName() << "' of enum '"
<< enum_decl->GetName()
<< "' can't be initialized as '0'. Please make sure '"
<< enum_decl->GetName() << "' has '0' as a valid value.";
compatible = false;
// Old API versions may suffer from the issue presented here. There is
// only a finite number in Android, which we must allow indefinitely.
struct HistoricalException {
std::string canonical;
std::string field;
static std::vector<HistoricalException> exceptions = {
{"", "serverHostName"},
{"", "resolverOptions"},
bool excepted = false;
for (const HistoricalException& exception : exceptions) {
if (older.GetCanonicalName() == exception.canonical &&
new_field->GetName() == exception.field) {
excepted = true;
if (excepted) continue;
<< "Field '" << new_field->GetName()
<< "' does not have a useful default in some backends. Please either provide a default "
"value for this field or mark the field as @nullable. This value or a null value will "
"be used automatically when an old version of this parcelable is sent to a process "
"which understands a new version of this parcelable. In order to make sure your code "
"continues to be backwards compatible, make sure the default or null value does not "
"cause a semantic change to this parcelable.";
compatible = false;
compatible = are_compatible_constants(older, newer) && compatible;
return compatible;
static bool are_compatible_enums(const AidlEnumDeclaration& older,
const AidlEnumDeclaration& newer) {
if (!are_compatible_types(older.GetBackingType(), newer.GetBackingType())) {
AIDL_ERROR(newer) << "Changed backing types.";
return false;
std::map<std::string, const AidlConstantValue*> old_enum_map;
for (const auto& enumerator : older.GetEnumerators()) {
old_enum_map[enumerator->GetName()] = enumerator->GetValue();
std::map<std::string, const AidlConstantValue*> new_enum_map;
for (const auto& enumerator : newer.GetEnumerators()) {
new_enum_map[enumerator->GetName()] = enumerator->GetValue();
bool compatible = true;
for (const auto& [name, value] : old_enum_map) {
if (new_enum_map.find(name) == new_enum_map.end()) {
AIDL_ERROR(newer) << "Removed enumerator from " << older.GetCanonicalName() << ": " << name;
compatible = false;
const string old_value = old_enum_map[name]->Literal();
const string new_value = new_enum_map[name]->Literal();
if (old_value != new_value) {
AIDL_ERROR(newer) << "Changed enumerator value: " << older.GetCanonicalName() << "::" << name
<< " from " << old_value << " to " << new_value << ".";
compatible = false;
return compatible;
static Result<AidlTypenames> load_from_dir(const Options& options, const IoDelegate& io_delegate,
const std::string& dir) {
Result<std::vector<std::string>> dir_files = io_delegate.ListFiles(dir);
if (!dir_files.ok()) {
AIDL_ERROR(dir) << dir_files.error();
return Error();
AidlTypenames typenames;
for (const auto& file : *dir_files) {
if (!android::base::EndsWith(file, ".aidl")) continue;
if (internals::load_and_validate_aidl(file, options, io_delegate, &typenames,
nullptr /* imported_files */) != AidlError::OK) {
AIDL_ERROR(file) << "Failed to read.";
return Error();
return typenames;
bool check_api(const Options& options, const IoDelegate& io_delegate) {
AIDL_FATAL_IF(!options.IsStructured(), AIDL_LOCATION_HERE);
AIDL_FATAL_IF(options.InputFiles().size() != 2, AIDL_LOCATION_HERE)
<< "--checkapi requires two inputs "
<< "but got " << options.InputFiles().size();
auto old_tns = load_from_dir(options, io_delegate, options.InputFiles().at(0));
if (!old_tns.ok()) {
return false;
auto new_tns = load_from_dir(options, io_delegate, options.InputFiles().at(1));
if (!new_tns.ok()) {
return false;
const Options::CheckApiLevel level = options.GetCheckApiLevel();
std::vector<AidlDefinedType*> old_types = old_tns->AllDefinedTypes();
std::vector<AidlDefinedType*> new_types = new_tns->AllDefinedTypes();
bool compatible = true;
if (level == Options::CheckApiLevel::EQUAL) {
std::set<string> old_type_names;
for (const auto t : old_types) {
for (const auto new_type : new_types) {
const auto found = old_type_names.find(new_type->GetCanonicalName());
if (found == old_type_names.end()) {
AIDL_ERROR(new_type) << "Added type: " << new_type->GetCanonicalName();
compatible = false;
map<string, AidlDefinedType*> new_map;
for (const auto t : new_types) {
new_map.emplace(t->GetCanonicalName(), t);
for (const auto old_type : old_types) {
const auto found = new_map.find(old_type->GetCanonicalName());
if (found == new_map.end()) {
AIDL_ERROR(old_type) << "Removed type: " << old_type->GetCanonicalName();
compatible = false;
const auto new_type = found->second;
if (level == Options::CheckApiLevel::EQUAL) {
if (!CheckEquality(*old_type, *new_type)) {
compatible = false;
if (!have_compatible_annotations(*old_type, *new_type)) {
compatible = false;
if (old_type->AsInterface() != nullptr) {
if (new_type->AsInterface() == nullptr) {
AIDL_ERROR(new_type) << "Type mismatch: " << old_type->GetCanonicalName()
<< " is changed from " << old_type->GetPreprocessDeclarationName()
<< " to " << new_type->GetPreprocessDeclarationName();
compatible = false;
compatible &=
are_compatible_interfaces(*(old_type->AsInterface()), *(new_type->AsInterface()));
} else if (old_type->AsStructuredParcelable() != nullptr) {
if (new_type->AsStructuredParcelable() == nullptr) {
AIDL_ERROR(new_type) << "Parcelable" << new_type->GetCanonicalName()
<< " is not structured. ";
compatible = false;
compatible &= are_compatible_parcelables(*(old_type->AsStructuredParcelable()), *old_tns,
*(new_type->AsStructuredParcelable()), *new_tns);
} else if (old_type->AsUnionDeclaration() != nullptr) {
if (new_type->AsUnionDeclaration() == nullptr) {
AIDL_ERROR(new_type) << "Type mismatch: " << old_type->GetCanonicalName()
<< " is changed from " << old_type->GetPreprocessDeclarationName()
<< " to " << new_type->GetPreprocessDeclarationName();
compatible = false;
compatible &= are_compatible_parcelables(*(old_type->AsUnionDeclaration()), *old_tns,
*(new_type->AsUnionDeclaration()), *new_tns);
} else if (old_type->AsEnumDeclaration() != nullptr) {
if (new_type->AsEnumDeclaration() == nullptr) {
AIDL_ERROR(new_type) << "Type mismatch: " << old_type->GetCanonicalName()
<< " is changed from " << old_type->GetPreprocessDeclarationName()
<< " to " << new_type->GetPreprocessDeclarationName();
compatible = false;
compatible &=
are_compatible_enums(*(old_type->AsEnumDeclaration()), *(new_type->AsEnumDeclaration()));
} else {
AIDL_ERROR(old_type) << "Unsupported type " << old_type->GetPreprocessDeclarationName()
<< " for " << old_type->GetCanonicalName();
compatible = false;
return compatible;
} // namespace aidl
} // namespace android