Learning an efficient way to retrieve simulation data is essential in CARLA. This holistic tutorial is advised for both, newcomers and more experienced users. It starts from the very beginning and gradually dives into different possibilities and options in CARLA.
A simulation is created and with custom settings and traffic. An ego vehicle is set to roam around the city. The simulation is recorded, so that later it can be queried to find the highlights. Then that original simulation is played back, and exploited to the limit. Add new sensors to retrieve consistent data, change the conditions, or create different outputs.
There are some common mistakes in the process of retrieving simulation data, such as flooding the simulator with sensors, storing useless data, or trying too hard to find a specific event. However, there is a proper path to follow in order to get a simulation ready, so that data can be replicated, examined and altered at will.
This tutorial uses the [__CARLA 0.9.8 deb package__](start_quickstart.md). There may be changes depending on your CARLA version and installation, specially regarding paths.
* __manual_control.py__ spawns an ego vehicle and provides control over it.
However, two scripts mentioned along the tutorial that cannot be found in CARLA. They contain the fragments of code cited, and the full code can be found in the last section of the tutorial.
* __tutorial_ego.py__ spawns with some basic sensors, and enables autopilot. The spectator is placed where at the spawning position. The recorder starts at the very beginning and stops when the script is finished.
* __tutorial_replay.py__ reenacts the simulation that __tutorial_ego.py__ recorded. There are different fragments of code to query the recording, spawn some advanced sensors, change weather conditions and reenact fragments of the recording.
This serves a twofold purpose. First of all, to encourage user to build their own scripts, making sure they gain full understanding of what the code is doing. In addition to this, the tutorial can go down different paths depending on the final intentions. The final scripts only gather the different fragments to create a possible output, but they should not be seen as a strict process. Retrieving data in CARLA is as powerful as the user wants it to be.
Choose a map for the simulation to run. Take a look at the [map documentation](core_map.md#carla-maps) to learn more about their specific attributes. For the sake of this tutorial, __Town07__ is chosen.
Each town is loaded with a specific weather that fits it, however this can be set at will. There are two scripts that offer different approaches to the matter. The first one sets custom weather condition, the other one would creates a dynamic weather that changes conditions over time. CARLA provides a script for each approach. It is possible to directly code weather conditions, but this will be covered later when [changing weather conditions](#change-conditions).
* __To set a dynamic weather__. Open a new terminal and run __dynamic_weather.py__. This scripts allows to set the ratio at which the weather changes, being `1.0` the defaul setting.
cd /opt/carla/PythonAPI/examples
python dynamic_weather.py --speed 1.0
* __To set custom conditions__. Use the script __weather.py__ to set the scene conditions. There are quite a lot, so take a look at the optional arguments and the documentation for [carla.WeatherParameters](python_api.md#carla.WeatherParameters).
Simulate traffic is one of the best ways to bring the city to life. It is also necessary to retrieve data for urban environments. There are different options to do so in CARLA.
The CARLA traffic is managed by the [Traffic Manager](adv_traffic_manager.md) module. As for pedestrians, each of them has their own [carla.WalkerAIController](python_api.md#carla.WalkerAIController).
CARLA can run a co-simulation with SUMO. This allows for creating traffic in SUMO that will be propagated to CARLA. This co-simulation is bidirectional. Spawning vehicles in CARLA will do so in SUMO.
Right now this is available for CARLA 0.9.8 and later, in __Town01__, __Town04__, and __Town05__. The first one is the most stable, and the one chosen for this tutorial.
* With the CARLA server on, run the [SUMO-CARLA synchrony script](https://github.com/carla-simulator/carla/blob/master/Co-Simulation/Sumo/run_synchronization.py).
The traffic generated by this script is an example created by the CARLA team. By default it spawns the same vehicles following the same routes. These can be changed by the user in SUMO.
!!! Warning
Right now, SUMO co-simulation is a beta feature. Vehicles do not have physics nor take into account CARLA traffic lights.
For vehicles controlled by the user, the attribute `role_name` is set to `ego` to differenciate them. Other attributes can be set, some with recommended values. First, an ego vehicle will be spawned using any of the vehicle blueprints in the library. In this case, the color will be changed at random to one of these.
Now that the ego vehicle and the sensor have been spawned, it is time to find them. The spectator actor controls the simulation view. Find it and move it where the ego vehicle is. To find the ego vehicle, use one of the snapshots that the vehicle sends to the world on every tick.
__3.__ Attach the sensor to the ego vehicle. That means that its transform is __relative to its parent__. The `AttachmentType.SpringArm` will update the camera position smoothly, easing the movement.
__4.__ Add a `listen()` method. This is the key element. A [__lambda__](https://www.w3schools.com/python/python_lambda.asp) method that will be called each time the sensor listens for data. The argument is the sensor data retrieved.
Having this basic guideline in mind, let's set some basic sensors for the ego vehicle.
This sensor generates realistic shots of the scene. It is the sensor with more settable attributes of them all, but it is also a fundamental one. It should be understood as a real camera, with attributtes such as `focal_distance`, `shutter_speed` or `gamma` to determine how it would work internally. There is also a specific set of attributtes to define the lens distorsion, and lots of advanced attributes. For example, the `lens_circle_multiplier` can be used to achieve an effect similar to an eyefish lens.
Learn all about them in the [RGB camera documentation](ref_sensors.md#rgb-camera). For the sake of simplicity, the `tutorial_ego` scripts only sets the most commonly used attributes of this sensor.
*`image_size_x` and `image_size_y` will change the resolution of the output image.
After setting the attributes, it is time to locate the sensor. The script places the camera in the hood of the car, and pointing forward. It will capture the front view of the car.
The data is retrieved as a [carla.Image](python_api.md#carla.Image) on every step. The listen method saves these to disk. The path can be altered at will, and the name of each shot is coded to be based on the simulation frame where the shot was taken.
These sensors retrieve data when the object they are attached to registers a specific event. There are three type of detector sensors, each one describing one type of event.
* [__Collision detector.__](ref_sensors.md#collision-detector) Retrieves collisions between its parent and other actors.
* [__Lane invasion detector.__](ref_sensors.md#lane-invasion-detector) Registers when its parent crosses a lane marking.
* [__Obstacle detector.__](ref_sensors.md#obstacle-detector) Detects possible obstacles ahead of its parent.
The data they retrieve is commonly printed. This will be helpful later when deciding which part of the simulation is going to be reenacted. In fact, the collisions can be explicitely queried using the recorder. Let's take a look at their description in `tutorial_ego.py`.
Only the obstacle detector blueprint has attributes to be set. Here are some important ones.
*`sensor_tick` is commonplace for sensors that retrieve data on every step. It sets the sensor to retrieve data only after `x` seconds pass.
*`distance` and `hit-radius` determine the debug line used to detect obstacles ahead.
*`only_dynamics` determines if static objects should be taken into account or not. By default, any object is considered.
The script sets the sensor to only consider dynamic objects. The intention is to avoid unnecessary data. If the vehicle collides with any static object, it will be detected by the collision sensor.
The attributes available for these sensors mostly set the mean or standard deviation parameter in the noise model of the measure. This is useful to get more realistic measures. However, in __tutorial_ego.py__ only one attribut is set.
*`sensor_tick`. As this measures are not supposed to vary significantly between steps, it is okay to retrieve the data every so often. In this case, it is set to be printed every three seconds.
The [no-rendering mode](adv_rendering_options.md) where the intention is to run an initial simulation that will be later played again to retrieve data.
Disabling the rendering will save up a lot of work to the simulation. As the GPU is not used, the server can work at full speed. This could be useful to simulate complex conditions at a fast pace. The best way to do so would be by setting a fixed time-step for. Running an asynchronous server with a fixed time-step, the only limitation for the simulation would be the inner logic of the server.
This configuration can be used for example with the __tutorial_ego.py__, where an ego vehicles and some vehicles are spawned and roam around the city. The same `config.py` used to [set the map](#map-setting) disable rendering, and set a fixed time-step.
cd /opt/carla/PythonAPI/utils
./config.py --no-rendering --delta-seconds 0.05 # Never greater than 0.1s
!!! Warning
Read the [documentation](adv_synchrony_timestep.md) before messing around with with synchrony and time-step.
### Manual control without rendering
The script `PythonAPI/examples/no_rendering_mode.py` provides some sight of what is happening. It creates a minimalistic aerial view with Pygame, that will follow the ego vehicle. This could be used along with __manual_control.py__ to create a specific route with barely no cost, record it, and then play it back and exploit it to gather data.
cd /opt/carla/PythonAPI/examples
python manual_control.py
cd /opt/carla/PythonAPI/examples
python no_rendering_mode.py --no-rendering
<summary> Optional arguments in <b>no_rendering_mode.py</b></summary>
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose print debug information
--host H IP of the host server (default:
-p P, --port P TCP port to listen to (default: 2000)
The [__recorder__](adv_recorder.md) can be started at anytime. The script does it at the very beginning, in order to capture everything, including the spawning of the first actors. If no path is detailed, the log will be saved into `CarlaUE4/Saved`.
It is time to set the ego vehicle free. It could be manually controlled using `/PythonAPI/examples/manual_control.py`. However, the script enables the autopilot mode. The [Traffic Manager](adv_traffic_manager.md) will make it roam around the city automatically.
Create a loop to prevent the script from finishing until the user commands via terminal. The recorder will continue until then. Let the simulation run for a while, depending on the amount of data desired.
To avoid rendering and save up computational cost, enable [__no rendering mode__](adv_rendering_options.md#no-rendering-mode). The script `/PythonAPI/examples/no_rendering_mode.py` does this while creating a simple aerial view.
A timeout can be added to the script. Right now, use `Ctrl+C` or quit the terminal to finish it. The script will stop the recorder, destroy the sensor and the ego vehicle, and finish.
Now that a simulation has been recorded sucessfully, it is time to play with it. One of the best ways to do so is adding new sensors to gather new data. The script __tutorial_replay.py__ contains definitions of more sensors. They work in the same way as the basic ones, but their comprehension may be a bit harder.
The [depth camera](ref_sensors.md#depth-camera) generates pictures of the scene that map every pixel in a grayscale depth map. However, the output is not directly this. It originally maps the depth buffer of the camera using a RGB color space, but this has to be translated to a grayscale to be comprehensible.
In order to do this, simply save the image as previously done with the RGB camera, but this time, apply a [carla.ColorConverter](python_api.md#carla.ColorConverter) to it. There are two conversions available for depth cameras.
* __carla.ColorConverter.Depth__ translates the original depth with milimetric precision.
* __carla.ColorConverter.LogarithmicDepth__ also has milimetric granularity, but provides better results in close distances and a little worse for further elements.
The attributes for the depth camera only set elements previously stated in the RGB camera: `fov`, `image_size_x`, `image_size_y` and `sensor_tick`. The script sets this sensor to match the previous RGB camera used.
The [semantic segmentation camera](ref_sensors.md#semantic-segmentation-camera) renders elements in scene with a different color depending on how these have been tagged. The tags are created by the simulator depending on the path of the asset used for spawning. For example, meshes stored in `Unreal/CarlaUE4/Content/Static/Pedestrians` are tagged as `Pedestrian`.
The output is an image, as any camera, but each pixel contains the tag information encoded in the red channel. This original image must be converted, as it happened with the depth camera, using the __ColorConverter.CityScapesPalette__. New tags can be created, read more in the [semantic segmentation camera reference](ref_sensors.md#semantic-segmentation-camera).
The attributes available for this camera are exactly the same as the depth camera. The script also sets this to match the original RGB camera.
# --------------
# Add a new semantic segmentation camera to my ego
The [LIDAR sensor](ref_sensors.md#lidar-raycast-sensor) simulates a rotating LIDAR. It creates a cloud of points that maps the scene in 3D. The LIDAR contains a set of lasers that rotate at a certain frequency. The lasers raycast the distance to impact, and store every shot as one single point.
The way the array of lasers is disposed can be set using different sensor attributes.
*`upper_fov` and `lower_fov` the angle of the highest and the lowest laser respectively.
*`channels` sets the amount of lasers to be used. These are distributed along the desired `fov`.
The key attributes however, are the ones that set the way this points are calculated. This can be used to calculate the amount of points that each laser calculates every step: `points_per_second / (FPS * channels)`.
*`range` determines the maximum distance to capture.
*`points_per_second` is the amount of points that will be obtained every second. This quantity is divided between the amount of `channels`.
*`rotation_frequency` is the amount of times the LIDAR will rotate every second.
The point cloud output is described as a [carla.LidarMeasurement]can be iterated as a list of [carla.Location] or saved to a _.ply_ standart file format. The script __tutorial_replay.py__ sets the LIDAR render highly-detailed static images of the scene on every step.
The [radar sensor](ref_sensors.md#radar-sensor) is similar to de LIDAR. It creates a conic view and shoots lasers that raycast their impacts. This time the output is a [carla.RadarMeasurement]. These contain a list of the [carla.RadarDetection] detected by the lasers instead of points in space. The detections now contain coordinates regarding the sensor, `azimuth`, `altitude`, `sensor` and `velocity`.
*`range` is the maximum distance for the lasers to raycast.
*`points_per_second` sets the the amount of points to be captured, that will be divided between the channels stated.
For the sake of this tutorial, the `horizontal_fov` is incremented, and the `vertical_fov` diminished. The area of interest is specially the height were vehicles and walkers usually move on. Not much will be going on upwards. The `range` is also changed from 100m to 10m, in order to retrieve data only right ahead of the vehicle.
The code for this sensor includes this time a more complex callback for the listen method. It will draw the points captured by the radar on the fly. The points will be colored depending on their velocity regarding the ego vehicle.
* __Blue__ for points approaching the vehicle.
* __Read__ for points moving away from it.
* __White__ for points static regarding the ego vehicle, meaning that both move at the same velocity.
So far, a simulation has been set running. An ego vehicle roamed around for a while while retrieving data, and the whole simulation has been recorded. Make sure to have the data retrieved by the sensor and the log of the recording. Look inside the folders detailed in the __tutorial_ego.py__.
Close the simulation and any script runnning. It is time to dive into the last script, __tutorial_replay.py__. This script is subject to change, so it contains different segments of code commented for different functionalities.
Use the queries to study the recording. Find moments of remarkable interest. The file info is also useful to identify the ego vehicle, or any actor, with its ID.
Getting detailed file info for every frame can be overwhelming. Use it after other queries to know where to look at.
### Choose a fragment
After the queries, it is time to choose which fragment or fragments of the simulation are interesting. The method allows to choose the beginning and ending point of the playback, and an actor to follow.
Use this time to investigate. Play different fragments, follow different actors, even play the whole recording and roam around with a free spectator view. Make sure to find the spotlights.
The recorder will recreate in this simulation, the exact same conditions as the original. That ensures consistent data within different playbacks. Choose any other sensor and spawn it attached to the ego vehicle.
The process is exactly the same as before, it only changes depending on the specific needs of the sensor. Take a look at the [sensor reference](ref_sensors.md) The script __tutorial_replay.py__ provides different examples that have been thoroughly explained in the [__Add advanced sensors__](#add-advanced-sensors) section. All of them are disabled by default. Enable the ones desired, and make sure to modify the output path when corresponding.
The recording will recreate the original weather conditions. However, this can be altered at will. This is really interesting to compare how does it affect data, while mantaining the rest of events the same.
Get the current weather and modify it freely. Remember that [carla.WeatherParameters](python_api.md#carla.WeatherParameters) has some presets available. The script will change the environment to a foggy sunset.
# --------------
# Change weather for playback
# --------------
weather = world.get_weather()
weather.sun_altitude_angle = -30
weather.fog_density = 65
weather.fog_distance = 10
### Reenact the simulation
Modify the __tutorial_replay.py__ script at will. Once everything is ready, open a terminal and run CARLA. Open another terminal and run the script.
The recorder will play the desired fragment and then the simulation will go on. Walkers will stop, but vehicles will continue their way around the city. This may be important to recreate different scenarios with new conditions, and get new results.
Hereunder are the two scripts gathering the fragments of code for thist tutorial. Most of the code is commented, as it is meant to be modified to fit specific purposes.
That is a wrap on how to properly retrieve data from the simulation. Make sure to play around, change the conditions of the simulator, experiment with sensor settings. The possibilities are endless.
Visit the forum to post any doubts or suggestions that have come to mind during this reading.