2019-03-19 08:13:16 +08:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2019 Computer Vision Center (CVC) at the Universitat Autonoma de
# Barcelona (UAB).
# This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
# For a copy, see <https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
# Provides map data for users.
# ==============================================================================
# -- imports -------------------------------------------------------------------
# ==============================================================================
import glob
import os
import sys
sys.path.append(glob.glob('../**/carla-*%d.%d-%s.egg' % (
'win-amd64' if os.name == 'nt' else 'linux-x86_64'))[0])
except IndexError:
import carla
import random
2019-03-19 19:24:12 +08:00
def get_scene_layout(carla_map):
2019-03-19 08:13:16 +08:00
Function to extract the full scene layout to be used as a full scene description to be
given to the user
:return: a dictionary describing the scene.
def _lateral_shift(transform, shift):
transform.rotation.yaw += 90
return transform.location + shift * transform.get_forward_vector()
topology = [x[0] for x in carla_map.get_topology()]
topology = sorted(topology, key=lambda w: w.transform.location.z)
# A road contains a list of lanes, a each lane contains a list of waypoints
map_dict = dict()
precision = 0.05
for waypoint in topology:
waypoints = [waypoint]
nxt = waypoint.next(precision)[0]
while nxt.road_id == waypoint.road_id:
nxt = nxt.next(precision)[0]
left_marking = [_lateral_shift(w.transform, -w.lane_width * 0.5) for w in waypoints]
right_marking = [_lateral_shift(w.transform, w.lane_width * 0.5) for w in waypoints]
lane = {
"waypoints": waypoints,
"left_marking": left_marking,
"right_marking": right_marking
if map_dict.get(waypoint.road_id) is None:
map_dict[waypoint.road_id] = {}
map_dict[waypoint.road_id][waypoint.lane_id] = lane
# Generate waypoints graph
waypoints_graph = dict()
for road_key in map_dict:
for lane_key in map_dict[road_key]:
# List of waypoints
lane = map_dict[road_key][lane_key]
for i in range(0, len(lane["waypoints"])):
next_ids = [w.id for w in lane["waypoints"][i + 1:len(lane["waypoints"])]]
# Get left and right lane keys
left_lane_key = lane_key - 1 if lane_key - 1 != 0 else lane_key - 2
right_lane_key = lane_key + 1 if lane_key + 1 != 0 else lane_key + 2
# Get left and right waypoint ids only if they are valid
left_lane_waypoint_id = -1
if left_lane_key in map_dict[road_key]:
left_lane_waypoint_id = map_dict[road_key][left_lane_key]["waypoints"][i].id
right_lane_waypoint_id = -1
if right_lane_key in map_dict[road_key]:
right_lane_waypoint_id = map_dict[road_key][right_lane_key]["waypoints"][i].id
# Get left and right margins (aka markings)
lm = carla_map.transform_to_geolocation(lane["left_marking"][i])
rm = carla_map.transform_to_geolocation(lane["right_marking"][i])
# Waypoint Position
wl = carla_map.transform_to_geolocation(lane["waypoints"][i].transform.location)
# Waypoint Orientation
wo = lane["waypoints"][i].transform.rotation
# Waypoint dict
waypoint_dict = {
"road_id": road_key,
"lane_id": lane_key,
"position": [wl.latitude, wl.longitude, wl.altitude],
"orientation": [wo.roll, wo.pitch, wo.yaw],
"left_margin_position": [lm.latitude, lm.longitude, lm.altitude],
"right_margin_position": [rm.latitude, rm.longitude, rm.altitude],
"next_waypoints_ids": next_ids,
"left_lane_waypoint_id": left_lane_waypoint_id,
"right_lane_waypoint_id": right_lane_waypoint_id
waypoints_graph[map_dict[road_key][lane_key]["waypoints"][i].id] = waypoint_dict
return waypoints_graph
def get_dynamic_objects(carla_world, carla_map):
# Private helper functions
def _get_bounding_box(actor):
bb = actor.bounding_box.extent
corners = [
carla.Location(x=-bb.x, y=-bb.y),
carla.Location(x=bb.x, y=-bb.y),
carla.Location(x=bb.x, y=bb.y),
carla.Location(x=-bb.x, y=bb.y)]
t = actor.get_transform()
corners = [carla_map.transform_to_geolocation(p) for p in corners]
return corners
def _get_trigger_volume(actor):
bb = actor.trigger_volume.extent
corners = [carla.Location(x=-bb.x, y=-bb.y),
carla.Location(x=bb.x, y=-bb.y),
carla.Location(x=bb.x, y=bb.y),
carla.Location(x=-bb.x, y=bb.y),
carla.Location(x=-bb.x, y=-bb.y)]
corners = [x + actor.trigger_volume.location for x in corners]
t = actor.get_transform()
corners = [carla_map.transform_to_geolocation(p) for p in corners]
return corners
def _split_actors(actors):
vehicles = []
traffic_lights = []
speed_limits = []
walkers = []
stops = []
for actor in actors:
if 'vehicle' in actor.type_id:
elif 'traffic_light' in actor.type_id:
elif 'speed_limit' in actor.type_id:
elif 'walker' in actor.type_id:
elif 'stop' in actor.type_id:
return (vehicles, traffic_lights, speed_limits, walkers, stops)
# Public functions
def get_stop_signals(stops):
stop_signals_dict = dict()
for stop in stops:
st_transform = stop.get_transform()
location_gnss = carla_map.transform_to_geolocation(st_transform.location)
st_dict = {
"id": stop.id,
"position": [location_gnss.latitude, location_gnss.longitude, location_gnss.altitude],
"trigger_volume": [[v.longitude, v.latitude, v.altitude] for v in _get_trigger_volume(stop)]
stop_signals_dict[stop.id] = st_dict
return stop_signals_dict
def get_traffic_lights(traffic_lights):
traffic_lights_dict = dict()
for traffic_light in traffic_lights:
tl_transform = traffic_light.get_transform()
location_gnss = carla_map.transform_to_geolocation(tl_transform.location)
tl_dict = {
"id": traffic_light.id,
"state": int(traffic_light.state),
"position": [location_gnss.latitude, location_gnss.longitude, location_gnss.altitude],
"trigger_volume": [[v.longitude, v.latitude, v.altitude] for v in _get_trigger_volume(traffic_light)]
traffic_lights_dict[traffic_light.id] = tl_dict
return traffic_lights_dict
def get_vehicles(vehicles):
vehicles_dict = dict()
for vehicle in vehicles:
v_transform = vehicle.get_transform()
location_gnss = carla_map.transform_to_geolocation(v_transform.location)
v_dict = {
"id": vehicle.id,
"position": [location_gnss.latitude, location_gnss.longitude, location_gnss.altitude],
"orientation": [v_transform.rotation.roll, v_transform.rotation.pitch, v_transform.rotation.yaw],
"bounding_box": [[v.longitude, v.latitude, v.altitude] for v in _get_bounding_box(vehicle)]
vehicles_dict[vehicle.id] = v_dict
return vehicles_dict
def get_hero_vehicle(hero_vehicle):
if hero_vehicle is None:
return hero_vehicle
hero_waypoint = carla_map.get_waypoint(hero_vehicle.get_location())
hero_transform = hero_vehicle.get_transform()
location_gnss = carla_map.transform_to_geolocation(hero_transform.location)
hero_vehicle_dict = {
"id": hero_vehicle.id,
"position": [location_gnss.latitude, location_gnss.longitude, location_gnss.altitude],
"road_id": hero_waypoint.road_id,
"lane_id": hero_waypoint.lane_id
return hero_vehicle_dict
def get_walkers(walkers):
walkers_dict = dict()
for walker in walkers:
w_transform = walker.get_transform()
location_gnss = carla_map.transform_to_geolocation(w_transform.location)
w_dict = {
"id": walker.id,
"position": [location_gnss.latitude, location_gnss.longitude, location_gnss.altitude],
"orientation": [w_transform.rotation.roll, w_transform.rotation.pitch, w_transform.rotation.yaw],
"bounding_box": [[v.longitude, v.latitude, v.altitude] for v in _get_bounding_box(walker)]
walkers_dict[walker.id] = w_dict
return walkers_dict
def get_speed_limits(speed_limits):
speed_limits_dict = dict()
for speed_limit in speed_limits:
sl_transform = speed_limit.get_transform()
location_gnss = carla_map.transform_to_geolocation(sl_transform.location)
sl_dict = {
"id": speed_limit.id,
"position": [location_gnss.latitude, location_gnss.longitude, location_gnss.altitude],
"speed": int(speed_limit.type_id.split('.')[2])
speed_limits_dict[speed_limit.id] = sl_dict
return speed_limits_dict
actors = carla_world.get_actors()
vehicles, traffic_lights, speed_limits, walkers, stops = _split_actors(actors)
hero_vehicles = [vehicle for vehicle in vehicles if
'vehicle' in vehicle.type_id and vehicle.attributes['role_name'] == 'hero']
hero = None if len(hero_vehicles) == 0 else random.choice(hero_vehicles)
return {
'vehicles': get_vehicles(vehicles),
'hero_vehicle': get_hero_vehicle(hero),
'walkers': get_walkers(walkers),
'traffic_lights': get_traffic_lights(traffic_lights),
'stop_signs': get_stop_signals(stops),
'speed_limits': get_speed_limits(speed_limits)