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2020-02-24 23:40:57 +08:00
<h1>ROS bridge installation</h1>
* [__Requirements__](#requirements)
* [__Bridge installation__](#bridge-installation)
* a) apt-get ROS bridge
* b) Repository download
* Import error: No module named CARLA
* [__Run the ROS bridge__](#run-the-ros-bridge)
* [__Settings__](#settings)
The ROS bridge enables communication between ROS and CARLA so that both softwares can reach full potential by combining their features.
<h4>ROS melodic</h4>
* __ROS melodic:__ follow the official documentation to [install ROS](
* __CARLA:__ any version later than __XX__ should work properly. Follow the [quick start installation](../getting_started/quickstart) or make the build for the corresponding platform.
!!! Important
Make sure that both CARLA and ROS work properly before continuing with the installation.
##Bridge installation
<h4>a) apt-get ROS bridge</h4>
First add the apt repository
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 81061A1A042F527D &&
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [trusted=yes] bionic main"
Then simply install the ROS bridge:
sudo apt-get update &&
sudo apt-get install carla-ros-bridge
<h4>b) Repository download</h4>
In order to work use the ROS bridge, first create a catkin workspace, instal the ROS bridge in there and build it to be available:
#setup folder structure
mkdir -p ~/carla-ros-bridge/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/carla-ros-bridge
git clone
cd catkin_ws/src
ln -s ../../ros-bridge
source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
cd ..
#install required ros-dependencies
rosdep update
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r
<h4>ImportError: no module named CARLA</h4>
The path to CARLA Python is missing. Please execute the following command with the complete path to the _.egg_ file (included). Use the one, that is supported by the Python version installed:
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:<path/to/carla/>/PythonAPI/<your_egg_file>
!!! Note
_.egg_ files may be either in `/PythonAPI/` or `/PythonAPI/dist/` depending on the CARLA installation.
To check the installation, import CARLA from Python and wait for a sucess message:
python -c 'import carla;print("Success")'
##Run the ROS bridge
__1) run CARLA:__ the way to do so will depend on the the CARLA installation chosen, so here is a brief summary:
* __Quick start/release package:__ run `./` in `/carla/`.
* __apt-get installation:__ run `./` in `/opt/carla/bin/`.
* __Build installation:__ run `make launch` in `/carla/`.
__2) __ The way to do so will depend on the the CARLA installation chosen, so here is a brief summary:
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:<path/to/carla/>/PythonAPI/<your_egg_file>
source ~/carla-ros-bridge/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
__3) start the ROS bridge:__ use any of the different packages available that will serve to check if the bridge is running properly. Here are some suggestions:
# Option 1: start the ros bridge
roslaunch carla_ros_bridge carla_ros_bridge.launch
# Option 2: start the ros bridge together with RVIZ
roslaunch carla_ros_bridge carla_ros_bridge_with_rviz.launch
# Option 3: start the ros bridge together with an example ego vehicle
roslaunch carla_ros_bridge carla_ros_bridge_with_example_ego_vehicle.launch
There is some configuration for CARLA available from the ROS bridge. This can be setup by editing the file: [`carla_ros_bridge/config/settings.yaml`](
The parameters available refer to:
* __Ego vehicle:__ the list in `/carla/ego_vehicle/rolename` sets role names to identify ego vehicles. These will be controllable from ROS and thus, relevant topics will be created.
* __Host/port:__ the network settings to connect to CARLA using a Python client.
* __Simulation time-step:__ simulation time (delta seconds) between simulation steps. __It must be lower than 0.1__. Take a look at the [documentation](../simulation_time_and_synchrony) to learn more about this.
* __Synchronous mode:__
* __If false (default):__ data is published on every `world.on_tick()` and every `sensor.listen()` callbacks.
* __If true:__ the bridge waits for all sensor data that is expected within the current frame. This might slow down the overall simulation but ensures reproducible results.
* __Wait for vehicle command:__ in synchronous mode, this boolean determines if a vehicle command should be received before executing the next tick.
!!! Warning
In synchronous mode, only the ros-bridge is allowed to tick. Other CARLA clients must passively wait.
<h4>Synchronous mode</h4>
* Pause/Play
* Execute single step
The following topic allows to control the stepping.
| Topic | Type |
| ---------------- | ----------------------- |
| `/carla/control` | carla_msgs.CarlaControl |
A CARLA [Control rqt plugin]( is available to publish to the topic.