Changed links to docs build
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
# Python API reference (0.9.0)
This reference contains all the details about the Python API as it was for __CARLA 0.9.0__.
<div class="build-buttons">
<a href="../../python_api" target="_blank" class="btn btn-neutral" title="Go back to the latest version of the Python API">
Back to latest</a>
!!! important
Versions prior to 0.9.0 have a very different API. For the documentation of the stable version please switch to the [stable branch](
## `carla.Client`
- `Client(host, port, worker_threads=0)`
- `set_timeout(milliseconds)`
- `get_client_version()`
- `get_server_version()`
- `ping()`
- `get_world()`
## `carla.World`
- `get_blueprint_library()`
- `get_spectator()`
- `spawn_actor(blueprint, transform, attach_to=None)`
- `try_spawn_actor(blueprint, transform, attach_to=None)`
## `carla.BlueprintLibrary`
- `find(id)`
- `filter(wildcard_pattern)`
- `__getitem__(pos)`
- `__len__()`
- `__iter__()`
## `carla.ActorBlueprint`
- `id`
- `tags`
- `contains_tag(tag)`
- `match_tags(wildcard_pattern)`
- `contains_attribute(key)`
- `get_attribute(key)`
- `set_attribute(key, value)`
## `carla.ActorAttribute`
- `is_modifiable`
- `type`
- `recommended_values`
- `as_bool()`
- `as_int()`
- `as_float()`
- `as_str()`
- `as_color()`
- `__eq__()`
- `__ne__()`
- `__nonzero__()`
- `__bool__()`
- `__int__()`
- `__float__()`
- `__str__()`
## `carla.Actor`
- `id`
- `type_id`
- `get_world()`
- `get_location()`
- `get_transform()`
- `set_location(location)`
- `set_transform(transform)`
- `destroy()`
## `carla.Vehicle(carla.Actor)`
- `apply_control(vehicle_control)`
- `set_autopilot(enabled=True)`
## `carla.Sensor(carla.Actor)`
- `listen(callback_function)`
## `carla.Image`
- `frame_number`
- `width`
- `height`
- `type`
- `fov`
- `raw_data`
## `carla.VehicleControl`
- `throttle`
- `steer`
- `brake`
- `hand_brake`
- `reverse`
## `carla.Location`
- `x`
- `y`
- `z`
## `carla.Rotation`
- `pitch`
- `yaw`
- `roll`
## `carla.Transform`
- `location`
- `rotation`
## `carla.Color`
- `r`
- `g`
- `b`
@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
# Python API reference (0.9.1)
This reference contains all the details about the Python API as it was for __CARLA 0.9.1__.
<div class="build-buttons">
<a href="../../python_api" target="_blank" class="btn btn-neutral" title="Go back to the latest version of the Python API">
Back to latest</a>
## `carla.Client`
- `Client(host, port, worker_threads=0)`
- `set_timeout(float_seconds)`
- `get_client_version()`
- `get_server_version()`
- `get_world()`
## `carla.World`
- `id`
- `map_name`
- `debug`
- `get_blueprint_library()`
- `get_map()`
- `get_spectator()`
- `get_weather()`
- `set_weather(weather_parameters)`
- `get_actors()`
- `spawn_actor(blueprint, transform, attach_to=None)`
- `try_spawn_actor(blueprint, transform, attach_to=None)`
- `wait_for_tick(seconds=1.0)`
- `on_tick(callback)`
## `carla.DebugHelper`
- `draw_point(location, size=0.1, color=carla.Color(), life_time=-1.0, persistent_lines=True)`
- `draw_line(begin, end, thickness=0.1, color=carla.Color(), life_time=-1.0, persistent_lines=True)`
- `draw_arrow(begin, end, thickness=0.1, arrow_size=0.1, color=carla.Color(), life_time=-1.0, persistent_lines=True)`
- `draw_box(box, rotation, thickness=0.1, color=carla.Color(), life_time=-1.0, persistent_lines=True)`
- `draw_string(location, text, draw_shadow=False, color=carla.Color(), life_time=-1.0, persistent_lines=True)`
## `carla.BlueprintLibrary`
- `find(id)`
- `filter(wildcard_pattern)`
- `__getitem__(pos)`
- `__len__()`
- `__iter__()`
## `carla.ActorBlueprint`
- `id`
- `tags`
- `has_tag(tag)`
- `match_tags(wildcard_pattern)`
- `has_attribute(key)`
- `get_attribute(key)`
- `set_attribute(key, value)`
- `__len__()`
- `__iter__()`
## `carla.ActorAttribute`
- `id`
- `type`
- `recommended_values`
- `is_modifiable`
- `as_bool()`
- `as_int()`
- `as_float()`
- `as_str()`
- `as_color()`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
- `__nonzero__()`
- `__bool__()`
- `__int__()`
- `__float__()`
- `__str__()`
## `carla.ActorList`
- `filter(wildcard_pattern)`
- `__getitem__(pos)`
- `__len__()`
- `__iter__()`
## `carla.Actor`
- `id`
- `type_id`
- `parent`
- `semantic_tags`
- `is_alive`
- `get_world()`
- `get_location()`
- `get_transform()`
- `get_velocity()`
- `get_acceleration()`
- `set_location(location)`
- `set_transform(transform)`
- `set_simulate_physics(enabled=True)`
- `destroy()`
## `carla.Vehicle(carla.Actor)`
- `bounding_box`
- `apply_control(vehicle_control)`
- `get_vehicle_control()`
- `set_autopilot(enabled=True)`
## `carla.TrafficLight(carla.Actor)`
- `state`
## `carla.Sensor(carla.Actor)`
- `is_listening`
- `listen(callback_function)`
- `stop()`
## `carla.SensorData`
- `frame_number`
- `transform`
## `carla.Image(carla.SensorData)`
- `width`
- `height`
- `fov`
- `raw_data`
- `convert(color_converter)`
- `save_to_disk(path, color_converter=None)`
- `__len__()`
- `__iter__()`
- `__getitem__(pos)`
- `__setitem__(pos, color)`
## `carla.LidarMeasurement(carla.SensorData)`
- `horizontal_angle`
- `channels`
- `raw_data`
- `get_point_count(channel)`
- `save_to_disk(path)`
- `__len__()`
- `__iter__()`
- `__getitem__(pos)`
- `__setitem__(pos, location)`
## `carla.CollisionEvent(carla.SensorData)`
- `actor`
- `other_actor`
- `normal_impulse`
## `carla.LaneInvasionEvent(carla.SensorData)`
- `actor`
- `crossed_lane_markings`
## `carla.VehicleControl`
- `throttle`
- `steer`
- `brake`
- `hand_brake`
- `reverse`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.Map`
- `name`
- `get_spawn_points()`
- `get_waypoint(location, project_to_road=True)`
- `get_topology()`
- `generate_waypoints(distance)`
- `to_opendrive()`
- `save_to_disk(`
## `carla.Waypoint`
- `transform`
- `is_intersection`
- `lane_width`
- `road_id`
- `lane_id`
- `next(distance)`
## `carla.WeatherParameters`
- `cloudyness`
- `precipitation`
- `precipitation_deposits`
- `wind_intensity`
- `sun_azimuth_angle`
- `sun_altitude_angle`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
Static presets
- `carla.WeatherParameters.ClearNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.CloudyNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.WetNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.WetCloudyNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.MidRainyNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.HardRainNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.SoftRainNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.ClearSunset`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.CloudySunset`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.WetSunset`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.WetCloudySunset`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.MidRainSunset`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.HardRainSunset`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.SoftRainSunset`
## `carla.Vector3D`
- `x`
- `y`
- `z`
- `__add__(other)`
- `__sub__(other)`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.Location`
- `x`
- `y`
- `z`
- `distance(other)`
- `__add__(other)`
- `__sub__(other)`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.Rotation`
- `pitch`
- `yaw`
- `roll`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.Transform`
- `location`
- `rotation`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.BoundingBox`
- `location`
- `extent`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.Timestamp`
- `frame_count`
- `elapsed_seconds`
- `delta_seconds`
- `platform_timestamp`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.Color`
- `r`
- `g`
- `b`
- `a`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.ColorConverter`
- `Raw`
- `Depth`
- `LogarithmicDepth`
- `CityScapesPalette`
## `carla.ActorAttributeType`
- `Bool`
- `Int`
- `Float`
- `RGBColor`
## `carla.TrafficLightState`
- `Off`
- `Red`
- `Yellow`
- `Green`
- `Unknown`
## `carla.LaneMarking`
- `Other`
- `Broken`
- `Solid`
@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
# Python API reference (0.9.2)
This reference contains all the details about the Python API as it was for __CARLA 0.9.2__.
<div class="build-buttons">
<a href="../../python_api" target="_blank" class="btn btn-neutral" title="Go back to the latest version of the Python API">
Back to latest</a>
## `carla.Client`
- `Client(host, port, worker_threads=0)`
- `set_timeout(float_seconds)`
- `get_client_version()`
- `get_server_version()`
- `get_world()`
## `carla.World`
- `id`
- `map_name`
- `debug`
- `get_blueprint_library()`
- `get_map()`
- `get_spectator()`
- `get_weather()`
- `set_weather(weather_parameters)`
- `get_actors()`
- `spawn_actor(blueprint, transform, attach_to=None)`
- `try_spawn_actor(blueprint, transform, attach_to=None)`
- `wait_for_tick(seconds=1.0)`
- `on_tick(callback)`
## `carla.DebugHelper`
- `draw_point(location, size=0.1, color=carla.Color(), life_time=-1.0, persistent_lines=True)`
- `draw_line(begin, end, thickness=0.1, color=carla.Color(), life_time=-1.0, persistent_lines=True)`
- `draw_arrow(begin, end, thickness=0.1, arrow_size=0.1, color=carla.Color(), life_time=-1.0, persistent_lines=True)`
- `draw_box(box, rotation, thickness=0.1, color=carla.Color(), life_time=-1.0, persistent_lines=True)`
- `draw_string(location, text, draw_shadow=False, color=carla.Color(), life_time=-1.0, persistent_lines=True)`
## `carla.BlueprintLibrary`
- `find(id)`
- `filter(wildcard_pattern)`
- `__getitem__(pos)`
- `__len__()`
- `__iter__()`
## `carla.ActorBlueprint`
- `id`
- `tags`
- `has_tag(tag)`
- `match_tags(wildcard_pattern)`
- `has_attribute(key)`
- `get_attribute(key)`
- `set_attribute(key, value)`
- `__len__()`
- `__iter__()`
## `carla.ActorAttribute`
- `id`
- `type`
- `recommended_values`
- `is_modifiable`
- `as_bool()`
- `as_int()`
- `as_float()`
- `as_str()`
- `as_color()`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
- `__nonzero__()`
- `__bool__()`
- `__int__()`
- `__float__()`
- `__str__()`
## `carla.ActorList`
- `find(id)`
- `filter(wildcard_pattern)`
- `__getitem__(pos)`
- `__len__()`
- `__iter__()`
## `carla.Actor`
- `id`
- `type_id`
- `parent`
- `semantic_tags`
- `is_alive`
- `attributes`
- `get_world()`
- `get_location()`
- `get_transform()`
- `get_velocity()`
- `get_acceleration()`
- `set_location(location)`
- `set_transform(transform)`
- `set_simulate_physics(enabled=True)`
- `destroy()`
## `carla.Vehicle(carla.Actor)`
- `bounding_box`
- `apply_control(vehicle_control)`
- `get_vehicle_control()`
- `set_autopilot(enabled=True)`
## `carla.TrafficLight(carla.Actor)`
- `state`
## `carla.Sensor(carla.Actor)`
- `is_listening`
- `listen(callback_function)`
- `stop()`
## `carla.SensorData`
- `frame_number`
- `transform`
## `carla.Image(carla.SensorData)`
- `width`
- `height`
- `fov`
- `raw_data`
- `convert(color_converter)`
- `save_to_disk(path, color_converter=None)`
- `__len__()`
- `__iter__()`
- `__getitem__(pos)`
- `__setitem__(pos, color)`
## `carla.LidarMeasurement(carla.SensorData)`
- `horizontal_angle`
- `channels`
- `raw_data`
- `get_point_count(channel)`
- `save_to_disk(path)`
- `__len__()`
- `__iter__()`
- `__getitem__(pos)`
- `__setitem__(pos, location)`
## `carla.CollisionEvent(carla.SensorData)`
- `actor`
- `other_actor`
- `normal_impulse`
## `carla.LaneInvasionEvent(carla.SensorData)`
- `actor`
- `crossed_lane_markings`
## `carla.VehicleControl`
- `throttle`
- `steer`
- `brake`
- `hand_brake`
- `reverse`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.Map`
- `name`
- `get_spawn_points()`
- `get_waypoint(location, project_to_road=True)`
- `get_topology()`
- `generate_waypoints(distance)`
- `to_opendrive()`
- `save_to_disk(`
## `carla.Waypoint`
- `transform`
- `is_intersection`
- `lane_width`
- `road_id`
- `lane_id`
- `next(distance)`
## `carla.WeatherParameters`
- `cloudyness`
- `precipitation`
- `precipitation_deposits`
- `wind_intensity`
- `sun_azimuth_angle`
- `sun_altitude_angle`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
Static presets
- `carla.WeatherParameters.ClearNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.CloudyNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.WetNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.WetCloudyNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.MidRainyNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.HardRainNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.SoftRainNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.ClearSunset`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.CloudySunset`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.WetSunset`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.WetCloudySunset`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.MidRainSunset`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.HardRainSunset`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.SoftRainSunset`
## `carla.Vector3D`
- `x`
- `y`
- `z`
- `__add__(other)`
- `__sub__(other)`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.Location`
- `x`
- `y`
- `z`
- `distance(other)`
- `__add__(other)`
- `__sub__(other)`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.Rotation`
- `pitch`
- `yaw`
- `roll`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.Transform`
- `location`
- `rotation`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.BoundingBox`
- `location`
- `extent`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.Timestamp`
- `frame_count`
- `elapsed_seconds`
- `delta_seconds`
- `platform_timestamp`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.Color`
- `r`
- `g`
- `b`
- `a`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.ColorConverter`
- `Raw`
- `Depth`
- `LogarithmicDepth`
- `CityScapesPalette`
## `carla.ActorAttributeType`
- `Bool`
- `Int`
- `Float`
- `RGBColor`
## `carla.TrafficLightState`
- `Off`
- `Red`
- `Yellow`
- `Green`
- `Unknown`
## `carla.LaneMarking`
- `Other`
- `Broken`
- `Solid`
@ -1,341 +0,0 @@
# Python API reference (0.9.3)
This reference contains all the details about the Python API as it was for __CARLA 0.9.3__.
<div class="build-buttons">
<a href="../../python_api" target="_blank" class="btn btn-neutral" title="Go back to the latest version of the Python API">
Back to latest</a>
## `carla.Client`
- `Client(host, port, worker_threads=0)`
- `set_timeout(float_seconds)`
- `get_client_version()`
- `get_server_version()`
- `get_world()`
## `carla.World`
- `id`
- `map_name`
- `debug`
- `get_blueprint_library()`
- `get_map()`
- `get_spectator()`
- `get_weather()`
- `set_weather(weather_parameters)`
- `get_actors()`
- `spawn_actor(blueprint, transform, attach_to=None)`
- `try_spawn_actor(blueprint, transform, attach_to=None)`
- `wait_for_tick(seconds=1.0)`
- `on_tick(callback)`
## `carla.DebugHelper`
- `draw_point(location, size=0.1, color=carla.Color(), life_time=-1.0, persistent_lines=True)`
- `draw_line(begin, end, thickness=0.1, color=carla.Color(), life_time=-1.0, persistent_lines=True)`
- `draw_arrow(begin, end, thickness=0.1, arrow_size=0.1, color=carla.Color(), life_time=-1.0, persistent_lines=True)`
- `draw_box(box, rotation, thickness=0.1, color=carla.Color(), life_time=-1.0, persistent_lines=True)`
- `draw_string(location, text, draw_shadow=False, color=carla.Color(), life_time=-1.0, persistent_lines=True)`
## `carla.BlueprintLibrary`
- `find(id)`
- `filter(wildcard_pattern)`
- `__getitem__(pos)`
- `__len__()`
- `__iter__()`
## `carla.ActorBlueprint`
- `id`
- `tags`
- `has_tag(tag)`
- `match_tags(wildcard_pattern)`
- `has_attribute(key)`
- `get_attribute(key)`
- `set_attribute(key, value)`
- `__len__()`
- `__iter__()`
## `carla.ActorAttribute`
- `id`
- `type`
- `recommended_values`
- `is_modifiable`
- `as_bool()`
- `as_int()`
- `as_float()`
- `as_str()`
- `as_color()`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
- `__nonzero__()`
- `__bool__()`
- `__int__()`
- `__float__()`
- `__str__()`
## `carla.ActorList`
- `find(id)`
- `filter(wildcard_pattern)`
- `__getitem__(pos)`
- `__len__()`
- `__iter__()`
## `carla.Actor`
- `id`
- `type_id`
- `parent`
- `semantic_tags`
- `is_alive`
- `attributes`
- `get_world()`
- `get_location()`
- `get_transform()`
- `get_velocity()`
- `get_acceleration()`
- `set_location(location)`
- `set_transform(transform)`
- `set_simulate_physics(enabled=True)`
- `destroy()`
## `carla.Vehicle(carla.Actor)`
- `bounding_box`
- `apply_control(vehicle_control)`
- `get_control()`
- `set_autopilot(enabled=True)`
- `get_speed_limit()`
- `get_traffic_light_state()`
- `is_at_traffic_light()`
- `get_traffic_light()`
## `carla.TrafficLight(carla.Actor)`
- `state`
- `set_state(traffic_light_state)`
- `get_state()`
- `set_green_time(green_time)`
- `get_green_time()`
- `set_yellow_time(yellow_time)`
- `get_yellow_time()`
- `set_red_time(red_time)`
- `get_red_time()`
- `get_elapsed_time()`
- `freeze(True)`
- `is_frozen()`
## `carla.Sensor(carla.Actor)`
- `is_listening`
- `listen(callback_function)`
- `stop()`
## `carla.SensorData`
- `frame_number`
- `transform`
## `carla.Image(carla.SensorData)`
- `width`
- `height`
- `fov`
- `raw_data`
- `convert(color_converter)`
- `save_to_disk(path, color_converter=None)`
- `__len__()`
- `__iter__()`
- `__getitem__(pos)`
- `__setitem__(pos, color)`
## `carla.LidarMeasurement(carla.SensorData)`
- `horizontal_angle`
- `channels`
- `raw_data`
- `get_point_count(channel)`
- `save_to_disk(path)`
- `__len__()`
- `__iter__()`
- `__getitem__(pos)`
- `__setitem__(pos, location)`
## `carla.CollisionEvent(carla.SensorData)`
- `actor`
- `other_actor`
- `normal_impulse`
## `carla.LaneInvasionEvent(carla.SensorData)`
- `actor`
- `crossed_lane_markings`
## `carla.GnssEvent(carla.SensorData)`
- `latitude`
- `longitude`
- `altitude`
## `carla.ObstacleDetectionSensorEvent(carla.SensorData)`
- `actor`
- `other_actor`
- `distance`
## `carla.VehicleControl`
- `throttle`
- `steer`
- `brake`
- `hand_brake`
- `reverse`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.Map`
- `name`
- `get_spawn_points()`
- `get_waypoint(location, project_to_road=True)`
- `get_topology()`
- `generate_waypoints(distance)`
- `to_opendrive()`
- `save_to_disk(`
## `carla.Waypoint`
- `transform`
- `is_intersection`
- `lane_width`
- `road_id`
- `lane_id`
- `next(distance)`
## `carla.WeatherParameters`
- `cloudyness`
- `precipitation`
- `precipitation_deposits`
- `wind_intensity`
- `sun_azimuth_angle`
- `sun_altitude_angle`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
Static presets
- `carla.WeatherParameters.ClearNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.CloudyNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.WetNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.WetCloudyNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.MidRainyNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.HardRainNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.SoftRainNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.ClearSunset`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.CloudySunset`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.WetSunset`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.WetCloudySunset`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.MidRainSunset`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.HardRainSunset`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.SoftRainSunset`
## `carla.Vector3D`
- `x`
- `y`
- `z`
- `__add__(other)`
- `__sub__(other)`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.Location`
- `x`
- `y`
- `z`
- `distance(other)`
- `__add__(other)`
- `__sub__(other)`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.Rotation`
- `pitch`
- `yaw`
- `roll`
- `get_forward_vector()`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.Transform`
- `location`
- `rotation`
- `transform(geom_object)`
- `get_forward_vector()`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.BoundingBox`
- `location`
- `extent`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.Timestamp`
- `frame_count`
- `elapsed_seconds`
- `delta_seconds`
- `platform_timestamp`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.Color`
- `r`
- `g`
- `b`
- `a`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.ColorConverter`
- `Raw`
- `Depth`
- `LogarithmicDepth`
- `CityScapesPalette`
## `carla.ActorAttributeType`
- `Bool`
- `Int`
- `Float`
- `RGBColor`
## `carla.TrafficLightState`
- `Red`
- `Yellow`
- `Green`
- `Off`
- `Unknown`
## `carla.LaneMarking`
- `Other`
- `Broken`
- `Solid`
@ -1,448 +0,0 @@
# Python API reference (0.9.4)
This reference contains all the details about the Python API as it was for __CARLA 0.9.4__.
<div class="build-buttons">
<a href="../../python_api" target="_blank" class="btn btn-neutral" title="Go back to the latest version of the Python API">
Back to latest</a>
## `carla.Client`
- `Client(host, port, worker_threads=0)`
- `set_timeout(float_seconds)`
- `get_client_version()`
- `get_server_version()`
- `get_world()`
- `get_available_maps()`
- `reload_world()`
- `load_world(map_name)`
- `start_recorder(string filename)`
- `replay_file(string filename, float start, float duration, int camera_follow_id)`
- `show_recorder_file_info(string filename)`
- `show_recorder_collisions(string filename, char category1, char category2)`
- `show_recorder_actors_blocked(string filename, float min_time, float min_distance)`
- `apply_batch(commands, do_tick=False)`
## `carla.World`
- `id`
- `debug`
- `get_blueprint_library()`
- `get_map()`
- `get_spectator()`
- `get_settings()`
- `apply_settings(world_settings)`
- `get_weather()`
- `set_weather(weather_parameters)`
- `get_actors()`
- `spawn_actor(blueprint, transform, attach_to=None)`
- `try_spawn_actor(blueprint, transform, attach_to=None)`
- `wait_for_tick(seconds=1.0)`
- `on_tick(callback)`
- `tick()`
## `carla.WorldSettings`
- `synchronous_mode`
- `no_rendering_mode`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.DebugHelper`
- `draw_point(location, size=0.1, color=carla.Color(), life_time=-1.0, persistent_lines=True)`
- `draw_line(begin, end, thickness=0.1, color=carla.Color(), life_time=-1.0, persistent_lines=True)`
- `draw_arrow(begin, end, thickness=0.1, arrow_size=0.1, color=carla.Color(), life_time=-1.0, persistent_lines=True)`
- `draw_box(box, rotation, thickness=0.1, color=carla.Color(), life_time=-1.0, persistent_lines=True)`
- `draw_string(location, text, draw_shadow=False, color=carla.Color(), life_time=-1.0, persistent_lines=True)`
## `carla.BlueprintLibrary`
- `find(id)`
- `filter(wildcard_pattern)`
- `__getitem__(pos)`
- `__len__()`
- `__iter__()`
## `carla.ActorBlueprint`
- `id`
- `tags`
- `has_tag(tag)`
- `match_tags(wildcard_pattern)`
- `has_attribute(key)`
- `get_attribute(key)`
- `set_attribute(key, value)`
- `__len__()`
- `__iter__()`
## `carla.ActorAttribute`
- `id`
- `type`
- `recommended_values`
- `is_modifiable`
- `as_bool()`
- `as_int()`
- `as_float()`
- `as_str()`
- `as_color()`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
- `__nonzero__()`
- `__bool__()`
- `__int__()`
- `__float__()`
- `__str__()`
## `carla.ActorList`
- `find(id)`
- `filter(wildcard_pattern)`
- `__getitem__(pos)`
- `__len__()`
- `__iter__()`
## `carla.Actor`
- `id`
- `type_id`
- `parent`
- `semantic_tags`
- `is_alive`
- `attributes`
- `get_world()`
- `get_location()`
- `get_transform()`
- `get_velocity()`
- `get_acceleration()`
- `set_location(location)`
- `set_transform(transform)`
- `set_simulate_physics(enabled=True)`
- `destroy()`
## `carla.Vehicle(carla.Actor)`
- `bounding_box`
- `apply_control(vehicle_control)`
- `get_control()`
- `set_autopilot(enabled=True)`
- `get_physics_control()`
- `apply_physics_control(vehicle_physics_control)`
- `get_speed_limit()`
- `get_traffic_light_state()`
- `is_at_traffic_light()`
- `get_traffic_light()`
## `carla.TrafficLight(carla.Actor)`
- `state`
- `set_state(traffic_light_state)`
- `get_state()`
- `set_green_time(green_time)`
- `get_green_time()`
- `set_yellow_time(yellow_time)`
- `get_yellow_time()`
- `set_red_time(red_time)`
- `get_red_time()`
- `get_elapsed_time()`
- `freeze(True)`
- `is_frozen()`
- `get_pole_index()`
- `get_group_traffic_lights()`
## `carla.Sensor(carla.Actor)`
- `is_listening`
- `listen(callback_function)`
- `stop()`
## `carla.SensorData`
- `frame_number`
- `transform`
## `carla.Image(carla.SensorData)`
- `width`
- `height`
- `fov`
- `raw_data`
- `convert(color_converter)`
- `save_to_disk(path, color_converter=None)`
- `__len__()`
- `__iter__()`
- `__getitem__(pos)`
- `__setitem__(pos, color)`
## `carla.LidarMeasurement(carla.SensorData)`
- `horizontal_angle`
- `channels`
- `raw_data`
- `get_point_count(channel)`
- `save_to_disk(path)`
- `__len__()`
- `__iter__()`
- `__getitem__(pos)`
- `__setitem__(pos, location)`
## `carla.CollisionEvent(carla.SensorData)`
- `actor`
- `other_actor`
- `normal_impulse`
## `carla.LaneInvasionEvent(carla.SensorData)`
- `actor`
- `crossed_lane_markings`
## `carla.GnssEvent(carla.SensorData)`
- `latitude`
- `longitude`
- `altitude`
## `carla.ObstacleDetectionSensorEvent(carla.SensorData)`
- `actor`
- `other_actor`
- `distance`
## `carla.VehicleControl`
- `throttle`
- `steer`
- `brake`
- `hand_brake`
- `reverse`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.WheelsPhysicsControl`
- `tire_friction`
- `damping_rate`
- `steer_angle`
- `disable_steering`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.VehiclePhysicsControl`
- `torque_curve`
- `max_rpm`
- `moi`
- `damping_rate_full_throttle`
- `damping_rate_zero_throttle_clutch_engaged`
- `damping_rate_zero_throttle_clutch_disengaged`
- `use_gear_autobox`
- `gear_switch_time`
- `clutch_strength`
- `mass`
- `drag_coefficient`
- `center_of_mass`
- `steering_curve`
- `wheels`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.Map`
- `name`
- `get_spawn_points()`
- `get_waypoint(location, project_to_road=True)`
- `get_topology()`
- `generate_waypoints(distance)`
- `to_opendrive()`
- `save_to_disk(`
## `carla.Waypoint`
- `transform`
- `is_intersection`
- `lane_width`
- `road_id`
- `lane_id`
- `lane_change`
- `lane_type`
- `next(distance)`
- `get_right_lane()`
- `get_left_lane()`
## `carla.LaneChange`
- `None`
- `Right`
- `Left`
- `Both`
## `carla.WeatherParameters`
- `cloudyness`
- `precipitation`
- `precipitation_deposits`
- `wind_intensity`
- `sun_azimuth_angle`
- `sun_altitude_angle`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
Static presets
- `carla.WeatherParameters.ClearNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.CloudyNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.WetNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.WetCloudyNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.MidRainyNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.HardRainNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.SoftRainNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.ClearSunset`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.CloudySunset`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.WetSunset`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.WetCloudySunset`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.MidRainSunset`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.HardRainSunset`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.SoftRainSunset`
## `carla.Vector3D`
- `x`
- `y`
- `z`
- `__add__(other)`
- `__sub__(other)`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.Location`
- `x`
- `y`
- `z`
- `distance(other)`
- `__add__(other)`
- `__sub__(other)`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.Rotation`
- `pitch`
- `yaw`
- `roll`
- `get_forward_vector()`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.Transform`
- `location`
- `rotation`
- `transform(geom_object)`
- `get_forward_vector()`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.BoundingBox`
- `location`
- `extent`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.Timestamp`
- `frame_count`
- `elapsed_seconds`
- `delta_seconds`
- `platform_timestamp`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.Color`
- `r`
- `g`
- `b`
- `a`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.ColorConverter`
- `Raw`
- `Depth`
- `LogarithmicDepth`
- `CityScapesPalette`
## `carla.ActorAttributeType`
- `Bool`
- `Int`
- `Float`
- `RGBColor`
## `carla.TrafficLightState`
- `Red`
- `Yellow`
- `Green`
- `Off`
- `Unknown`
## `carla.LaneMarking`
- `Other`
- `Broken`
- `Solid`
# module `carla.command`
## `carla.command.DestroyActor`
- `actor_id`
## `carla.command.ApplyVehicleControl`
- `actor_id`
- `control`
## `carla.command.ApplyWalkerControl`
- `actor_id`
- `control`
## `carla.command.ApplyTransform`
- `actor_id`
- `transform`
## `carla.command.ApplyVelocity`
- `actor_id`
- `velocity`
## `carla.command.ApplyAngularVelocity`
- `actor_id`
- `angular_velocity`
## `carla.command.ApplyImpulse`
- `actor_id`
- `impulse`
## `carla.command.SetSimulatePhysics`
- `actor_id`
- `enabled`
## `carla.command.SetAutopilot`
- `actor_id`
- `enabled`
@ -1,543 +0,0 @@
# Python API reference (0.9.5)
This reference contains all the details about the Python API as it was for __CARLA 0.9.5__.
<div class="build-buttons">
<a href="../../python_api" target="_blank" class="btn btn-neutral" title="Go back to the latest version of the Python API">
Back to latest</a>
## `carla.Client`
- `Client(host, port, worker_threads=0)`
- `set_timeout(float_seconds)`
- `get_client_version()`
- `get_server_version()`
- `get_world()`
- `get_available_maps()`
- `reload_world()`
- `load_world(map_name)`
- `start_recorder(string filename)`
- `replay_file(string filename, float start, float duration, int camera_follow_id)`
- `show_recorder_file_info(string filename)`
- `show_recorder_collisions(string filename, char category1, char category2)`
- `show_recorder_actors_blocked(string filename, float min_time, float min_distance)`
- `apply_batch(commands, do_tick=False)`
- `apply_batch_sync(commands, do_tick=False) -> list(carla.command.Response)`
## `carla.World`
- `id`
- `debug`
- `get_blueprint_library()`
- `get_map()`
- `get_spectator()`
- `get_settings()`
- `apply_settings(world_settings)`
- `get_weather()`
- `set_weather(weather_parameters)`
- `get_actors(actor_ids=None) -> carla.ActorList`
- `spawn_actor(blueprint, transform, attach_to=None)`
- `try_spawn_actor(blueprint, transform, attach_to=None)`
- `wait_for_tick(seconds=1.0)`
- `on_tick(callback)`
- `tick()`
## `carla.WorldSettings`
- `synchronous_mode`
- `no_rendering_mode`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.DebugHelper`
- `draw_point(location, size=0.1, color=carla.Color(), life_time=-1.0, persistent_lines=True)`
- `draw_line(begin, end, thickness=0.1, color=carla.Color(), life_time=-1.0, persistent_lines=True)`
- `draw_arrow(begin, end, thickness=0.1, arrow_size=0.1, color=carla.Color(), life_time=-1.0, persistent_lines=True)`
- `draw_box(box, rotation, thickness=0.1, color=carla.Color(), life_time=-1.0, persistent_lines=True)`
- `draw_string(location, text, draw_shadow=False, color=carla.Color(), life_time=-1.0, persistent_lines=True)`
## `carla.BlueprintLibrary`
- `find(id)`
- `filter(wildcard_pattern)`
- `__getitem__(pos)`
- `__len__()`
- `__iter__()`
## `carla.ActorBlueprint`
- `id`
- `tags`
- `has_tag(tag)`
- `match_tags(wildcard_pattern)`
- `has_attribute(key)`
- `get_attribute(key)`
- `set_attribute(key, value)`
- `__len__()`
- `__iter__()`
## `carla.ActorAttribute`
- `id`
- `type`
- `recommended_values`
- `is_modifiable`
- `as_bool()`
- `as_int()`
- `as_float()`
- `as_str()`
- `as_color()`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
- `__nonzero__()`
- `__bool__()`
- `__int__()`
- `__float__()`
- `__str__()`
## `carla.ActorList`
- `find(id)`
- `filter(wildcard_pattern)`
- `__getitem__(pos)`
- `__len__()`
- `__iter__()`
## `carla.Actor`
- `id`
- `type_id`
- `parent`
- `semantic_tags`
- `is_alive`
- `attributes`
- `get_world()`
- `get_location()`
- `get_transform()`
- `get_velocity()`
- `get_angular_velocity()`
- `get_acceleration()`
- `set_location(location)`
- `set_transform(transform)`
- `set_velocity(vector)`
- `set_angular_velocity(vector)`
- `add_impulse(vector)`
- `set_simulate_physics(enabled=True)`
- `destroy()`
- `__str__()`
## `carla.Vehicle(carla.Actor)`
- `bounding_box`
- `apply_control(vehicle_control)`
- `get_control()`
- `get_physics_control()`
- `apply_physics_control(vehicle_physics_control)`
- `set_autopilot(enabled=True)`
- `get_speed_limit()`
- `get_traffic_light_state()`
- `is_at_traffic_light()`
- `get_traffic_light()`
## `carla.TrafficLight(carla.Actor)`
- `state`
- `set_state(traffic_light_state)`
- `get_state()`
- `set_green_time(green_time)`
- `get_green_time()`
- `set_yellow_time(yellow_time)`
- `get_yellow_time()`
- `set_red_time(red_time)`
- `get_red_time()`
- `get_elapsed_time()`
- `freeze(True)`
- `is_frozen()`
- `get_pole_index()`
- `get_group_traffic_lights()`
## `carla.Sensor(carla.Actor)`
- `is_listening`
- `listen(callback_function)`
- `stop()`
## `carla.SensorData`
- `frame_number`
- `timestamp`
- `transform`
## `carla.Image(carla.SensorData)`
- `width`
- `height`
- `fov`
- `raw_data`
- `convert(color_converter)`
- `save_to_disk(path, color_converter=None)`
- `__len__()`
- `__iter__()`
- `__getitem__(pos)`
- `__setitem__(pos, color)`
## `carla.LidarMeasurement(carla.SensorData)`
- `horizontal_angle`
- `channels`
- `raw_data`
- `get_point_count(channel)`
- `save_to_disk(path)`
- `__len__()`
- `__iter__()`
- `__getitem__(pos)`
- `__setitem__(pos, location)`
## `carla.CollisionEvent(carla.SensorData)`
- `actor`
- `other_actor`
- `normal_impulse`
## `carla.LaneInvasionEvent(carla.SensorData)`
- `actor`
- `crossed_lane_markings`
## `carla.GnssEvent(carla.SensorData)`
- `latitude`
- `longitude`
- `altitude`
## `carla.ObstacleDetectionSensorEvent(carla.SensorData)`
- `actor`
- `other_actor`
- `distance`
## `carla.VehicleControl`
- `throttle`
- `steer`
- `brake`
- `hand_brake`
- `reverse`
- `gear`
- `manual_gear_shift`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.WheelsPhysicsControl`
- `tire_friction`
- `damping_rate`
- `steer_angle`
- `disable_steering`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.VehiclePhysicsControl`
- `torque_curve`
- `max_rpm`
- `moi`
- `damping_rate_full_throttle`
- `damping_rate_zero_throttle_clutch_engaged`
- `damping_rate_zero_throttle_clutch_disengaged`
- `use_gear_autobox`
- `gear_switch_time`
- `clutch_strength`
- `mass`
- `drag_coefficient`
- `center_of_mass`
- `steering_curve`
- `wheels`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.Map`
- `name`
- `get_spawn_points()`
- `get_waypoint(location, project_to_road=True, lane_type=carla.LaneType.Driving)`
- `get_topology()`
- `generate_waypoints(distance)`
- `transform_to_geolocation(location)`
- `to_opendrive()`
- `save_to_disk(`
## `carla.LaneType`
- `NONE`
- `Driving`
- `Stop`
- `Shoulder`
- `Biking`
- `Sidewalk`
- `Border`
- `Restricted`
- `Parking`
- `Bidirectional`
- `Median`
- `Special1`
- `Special2`
- `Special3`
- `RoadWorks`
- `Tram`
- `Rail`
- `Entry`
- `Exit`
- `OffRamp`
- `OnRamp`
- `Any`
## `carla.LaneChange`
- `NONE`
- `Right`
- `Left`
- `Both`
## `carla.LaneMarkingColor`
- `Standard = White`
- `Blue`
- `Green`
- `Red`
- `White`
- `Yellow`
- `Other`
## `carla.LaneMarkingType`
- `NONE`
- `Other`
- `Broken`
- `Solid`
- `SolidSolid`
- `SolidBroken`
- `BrokenSolid`
- `BrokenBroken`
- `BottsDots`
- `Grass`
- `Curb`
## `carla.LaneMarking`
- `type -> carla.LaneMarking`
- `color -> carla.RoadMarkColor`
- `lane_change -> carla.LaneChange`
- `width`
## `carla.Waypoint`
- `id`
- `transform`
- `is_intersection`
- `lane_width`
- `road_id`
- `section_id`
- `lane_id`
- `s`
- `lane_change -> carla.LaneChange`
- `lane_type -> carla.LaneType`
- `right_lane_marking -> carla.LaneMarking`
- `left_lane_marking -> carla.LaneMarking`
- `next(distance) -> list(carla.Waypoint)`
- `get_right_lane() -> carla.Waypoint`
- `get_left_lane() -> carla.Waypoint`
## `carla.WeatherParameters`
- `cloudyness`
- `precipitation`
- `precipitation_deposits`
- `wind_intensity`
- `sun_azimuth_angle`
- `sun_altitude_angle`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
Static presets
- `carla.WeatherParameters.ClearNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.CloudyNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.WetNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.WetCloudyNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.MidRainyNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.HardRainNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.SoftRainNoon`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.ClearSunset`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.CloudySunset`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.WetSunset`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.WetCloudySunset`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.MidRainSunset`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.HardRainSunset`
- `carla.WeatherParameters.SoftRainSunset`
## `carla.Vector3D`
- `x`
- `y`
- `z`
- `__add__(other)`
- `__sub__(other)`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.Location`
- `x`
- `y`
- `z`
- `distance(other)`
- `__add__(other)`
- `__sub__(other)`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.Rotation`
- `pitch`
- `yaw`
- `roll`
- `get_forward_vector()`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.Transform`
- `location`
- `rotation`
- `transform(geom_object)`
- `get_forward_vector()`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.BoundingBox`
- `location`
- `extent`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.Timestamp`
- `frame_count`
- `elapsed_seconds`
- `delta_seconds`
- `platform_timestamp`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.Color`
- `r`
- `g`
- `b`
- `a`
- `__eq__(other)`
- `__ne__(other)`
## `carla.ColorConverter`
- `Raw`
- `Depth`
- `LogarithmicDepth`
- `CityScapesPalette`
## `carla.ActorAttributeType`
- `Bool`
- `Int`
- `Float`
- `RGBColor`
## `carla.TrafficLightState`
- `Red`
- `Yellow`
- `Green`
- `Off`
- `Unknown`
## `carla.LaneMarking`
- `Other`
- `Broken`
- `Solid`
# module `carla.command`
`carla.command.FutureActor` (not yet spawned actor handler)
## `carla.command.Response`
- `actor_id`
- `error` -> str|empty
- `has_error()`
## `carla.command.SpawnActor`
- `__init__(blueprint, transform, parent=None)`
- `then(command)`
## `carla.command.DestroyActor`
- `__init__(actor)`
- `actor_id`
## `carla.command.ApplyVehicleControl`
- `__init__(actor, control)`
- `actor_id`
- `control`
## `carla.command.ApplyWalkerControl`
- `__init__(actor, control)`
- `actor_id`
- `control`
## `carla.command.ApplyTransform`
- `__init__(actor, transform)`
- `actor_id`
- `transform`
## `carla.command.ApplyVelocity`
- `__init__(actor, velocity)`
- `actor_id`
- `velocity`
## `carla.command.ApplyAngularVelocity`
- `__init__(actor, angular_velocity)`
- `actor_id`
- `angular_velocity`
## `carla.command.ApplyImpulse`
- `__init__(actor, impulse)`
- `actor_id`
- `impulse`
## `carla.command.SetSimulatePhysics`
- `__init__(actor, bool)`
- `actor_id`
- `enabled`
## `carla.command.SetAutopilot`
- `__init__(actor, bool)`
- `actor_id`
- `enabled`
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#Python API reference
This reference contains all the details about latest version of the Python API. To consult a valid reference for a specific CARLA release, please select it from the list hereunder.<br><details><summary><b>Previous references</b></summary><br><ul><li><a href=../APIs/python_api_098><b>CARLA 0.9.8</b></a></li><li><a href=../APIs/python_api_097><b>CARLA 0.9.7</b></a></li><li><a href=../APIs/python_api_096><b>CARLA 0.9.6</b></a></li><li><a href=../APIs/python_api_095><b>CARLA 0.9.5</b></a></li><li><a href=../APIs/python_api_094><b>CARLA 0.9.4</b></a></li><li><a href=../APIs/python_api_093><b>CARLA 0.9.3</b></a></li><li><a href=../APIs/python_api_092><b>CARLA 0.9.2</b></a></li><li><a href=../APIs/python_api_091><b>CARLA 0.9.1</b></a></li><li><a href=../APIs/python_api_090><b>CARLA 0.9.0</b></a></li></ul></details><br><hr>
This reference contains all the details about latest version of the Python API. To consult a valid reference for a specific CARLA release, please select it from the list hereunder.<br><details><summary><b>Previous references</b></summary><br><ul><li><a href=><b>CARLA 0.9.8</b></a></li><li><a href=><b>CARLA 0.9.7</b></a></li><li><a href=><b>CARLA 0.9.6</b></a></li><li><a href=><b>CARLA 0.9.5</b></a></li><li><a href=><b>CARLA 0.9.4</b></a></li><li><a href=><b>CARLA 0.9.3</b></a></li><li><a href=><b>CARLA 0.9.2</b></a></li><li><a href=><b>CARLA 0.9.1</b></a></li><li><a href=><b>CARLA 0.9.0</b></a></li></ul></details><br><hr><div class='alert alert-warning'><strong>Warning!</strong> These links change the version of the documentation to a previous state. Make sure to go back to the latest to get the updated version of the docs.</div>
## carla.Actor<a name="carla.Actor"></a>
CARLA defines actors as anything that plays a role in the simulation or can be moved around. That includes: pedestrians, vehicles, sensors and traffic signs (considering traffic lights as part of these). Actors are spawned in the simulation by [carla.World](#carla.World) and they need for a [carla.ActorBlueprint](#carla.ActorBlueprint) to be created. These blueprints belong into a library provided by CARLA, find more about them [here](
@ -586,16 +586,17 @@ class Documentation:
"This reference contains all the details about latest version of the Python API. To consult a valid reference for a specific CARLA release, please select it from the list hereunder.<br>"
+"<details><summary><b>Previous references</b></summary><br><ul>"
+"<li><a href="+"../APIs/python_api_098"+"><b>CARLA 0.9.8</b></a></li>"
+"<li><a href="+"../APIs/python_api_097"+"><b>CARLA 0.9.7</b></a></li>"
+"<li><a href="+"../APIs/python_api_096"+"><b>CARLA 0.9.6</b></a></li>"
+"<li><a href="+"../APIs/python_api_095"+"><b>CARLA 0.9.5</b></a></li>"
+"<li><a href="+"../APIs/python_api_094"+"><b>CARLA 0.9.4</b></a></li>"
+"<li><a href="+"../APIs/python_api_093"+"><b>CARLA 0.9.3</b></a></li>"
+"<li><a href="+"../APIs/python_api_092"+"><b>CARLA 0.9.2</b></a></li>"
+"<li><a href="+"../APIs/python_api_091"+"><b>CARLA 0.9.1</b></a></li>"
+"<li><a href="+"../APIs/python_api_090"+"><b>CARLA 0.9.0</b></a></li>"
+"<li><a href="+""+"><b>CARLA 0.9.8</b></a></li>"
+"<li><a href="+""+"><b>CARLA 0.9.7</b></a></li>"
+"<li><a href="+""+"><b>CARLA 0.9.6</b></a></li>"
+"<li><a href="+""+"><b>CARLA 0.9.5</b></a></li>"
+"<li><a href="+""+"><b>CARLA 0.9.4</b></a></li>"
+"<li><a href="+""+"><b>CARLA 0.9.3</b></a></li>"
+"<li><a href="+""+"><b>CARLA 0.9.2</b></a></li>"
+"<li><a href="+""+"><b>CARLA 0.9.1</b></a></li>"
+"<li><a href="+""+"><b>CARLA 0.9.0</b></a></li>"
+"<div class='alert alert-warning'><strong>Warning!</strong> These links change the version of the documentation to a previous state. Make sure to go back to the latest to get the updated version of the docs.</div>")
for module_name in sorted(self.master_dict):
module = self.master_dict[module_name]
module_key = module_name
Reference in New Issue