diff --git a/Docs/python_api.md b/Docs/python_api.md
index 304c49680..8d66415d3 100644
--- a/Docs/python_api.md
+++ b/Docs/python_api.md
@@ -401,6 +401,7 @@ The terminal will show the information registered for actors considered blocked.
- `filename` (_str_) – Name of the recorded file to load.
- `min_time` (_float_) – Minimum time in seconds the actor has to move a minimum distance before being considered blocked. Default is 60 seconds.
- `min_distance` (_float_) – Minimum distance in centimeters the actor has to move to not be considered blocked. Default is 100 centimeters.
+ - **Return:** _string_
- **show_recorder_collisions**(**self**, **filename**, **category1**, **category2**)
The terminal will show the collisions registered by the recorder. These can be filtered by specifying the type of actor involved. The categories will be specified in `category1` and `category2` as follows:
'h' = Hero, the one vehicle that can be controlled manually or managed by the user.
@@ -414,11 +415,13 @@ If you want to see only collisions between a vehicles and a walkers, use for `ca
- `filename` (_str_) – Name or absolute path of the file recorded, depending on your previous choice.
- `category1` (_single char_) – Character variable specifying a first type of actor involved in the collision.
- `category2` (_single char_) – Character variable specifying the second type of actor involved in the collision.
+ - **Return:** _string_
- **show_recorder_file_info**(**self**, **filename**, **show_all**=False)
The information saved by the recorder will be parsed and shown in your terminal as text (frames, times, events, state, positions...). The information shown can be specified by using the `show_all` parameter. [Here](ref_recorder_binary_file_format.md) is some more information about how to read the recorder file.
- **Parameters:**
- `filename` (_str_) – Name or absolute path of the file recorded, depending on your previous choice.
- `show_all` (_bool_) – When true, will show all the details per frame (traffic light states, positions of all actors, orientation and animation data...), but by default it will only show a summary.
+ - **Return:** _string_
- **start_recorder**(**self**, **filename**)
Enables the recording feature, which will start saving every information possible needed by the server to replay the simulation.
- **Parameters:**
diff --git a/PythonAPI/docs/client.yml b/PythonAPI/docs/client.yml
index 194a1d19a..1cb64b595 100644
--- a/PythonAPI/docs/client.yml
+++ b/PythonAPI/docs/client.yml
@@ -196,6 +196,7 @@
type: float
doc: >
Minimum distance in centimeters the actor has to move to not be considered blocked. Default is 100 centimeters.
+ return: string
doc: >
The terminal will show the information registered for actors considered blocked. An actor is considered blocked when it does not move a minimum distance in a period of time, being these `min_distance` and `min_time`.
# --------------------------------------
@@ -213,6 +214,7 @@
type: single char
doc: >
Character variable specifying the second type of actor involved in the collision.
+ return: string
doc: >
The terminal will show the collisions registered by the recorder. These can be filtered by specifying the type of actor involved.
The categories will be specified in `category1` and `category2` as follows:
@@ -236,6 +238,7 @@
default: false
doc: >
When true, will show all the details per frame (traffic light states, positions of all actors, orientation and animation data...), but by default it will only show a summary.
+ return: string
doc: >
The information saved by the recorder will be parsed and shown in your terminal as text (frames, times, events, state, positions...). The information shown can be specified by using the `show_all` parameter. [Here](ref_recorder_binary_file_format.md) is some more information about how to read the recorder file.
# --------------------------------------