Removed ROS documentation and added link to the new ROS doc home
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,178 +1,14 @@
# ROS bridge installation
# ROS Bridge
The ROS bridge enables two-way communication between ROS and CARLA. The information from the CARLA server is translated to ROS topics. In the same way, the messages sent between nodes in ROS get translated to commands to be applied in CARLA.
* [__Requirements__](#requirements)
* [Python version](#python-version)
* [__Bridge installation__](#bridge-installation)
* [A. Using Debian repository](#a-using-debian-repository)
* [B. Using source repository](#b-using-source-repository)
* [__Run the ROS bridge__](#run-the-ros-bridge)
* [__Setting CARLA__](#setting-carla)
The ROS bridge is compatible with both ROS 1 and ROS 2.
!!! Important
ROS is still [experimental]( for Windows, so the ROS bridge has only been tested for Linux systems.
The ROS bridge boasts the following features:
## Requirements
Provides sensor data for LIDAR, Semantic LIDAR, Cameras (depth, segmentation, rgb, dvs), GNSS, Radar and IMU.
Provides object data such as transforms, traffic light status, visualisation markers, collision and lane invasion.
Control of AD agents through steering, throttle and brake.
Control of aspects of the CARLA simulation like synchronous mode, playing and pausing the simulation and setting simulation parameters.
Make sure that both requirements work properly before continuing with the installation.
* __ROS Kinetic/Melodic__ — Install the ROS version corresponding to your system. Additional ROS packages may be required, depending on the user needs. [rviz]( is highly recommended to visualize ROS data.
* [__ROS Kinetic__]( — For Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial).
* [__ROS Melodic__]( — For Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic).
* [__ROS Noetic__]( — For Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal).
* __CARLA 0.9.7 or later__ — Previous versions are not compatible with the ROS bridge. Follow the [quick start installation]( or make the build for [Linux](
### Python version
The Python version needed to run the ROS bridge depends on the ROS version being used.
* __ROS Kinetic__ and __ROS Melodic__ — Python2.
* __ROS Noetic__ — Python3.
CARLA provides different Python support depending on the installation method. Here is a summary.
* __CARLA release packages__ — Provide support for Python2 and Python3, so these can be used with any ROS version.
* __Windows build__ — Provides Support for the default Python installation in the system, so the ROS installation should match this.
* __Linux build__ — Provides support for Python3 by default (ROS Noetic). If Python2 is needed, the PythonAPI can be built for Python2 running the following command in the CARLA root directory.
make PythonAPI ARGS="--python-version=2" # The numeric argument can be changed to build for any specific Python version
## Bridge installation
!!! Important
To install ROS bridge versions prior to 0.9.10, change to a previous version of the documentation using the pannel in the bottom right corner of the window, and follow the old instructions. ![docs_version_panel](img/docs_version_panel.jpg)
### A. Using Debian repository
Set up the Debian repository in the system.
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 1AF1527DE64CB8D9
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -sc) main"
Install the ROS bridge, and check for the installation in the `/opt/` folder.
sudo apt-get update # Update the Debian package index
sudo apt-get install carla-ros-bridge # Install the latest ROS bridge version, or update the current installation
This repository contains features from CARLA 0.9.10 and later versions. To install a specific version add the version tag to the installation command.
sudo apt-get install carla-ros-bridge=0.9.10-1 # In this case, "0.9.10" refers to the ROS bridge version, and "1" to the Debian revision
### B. Using source repository
A catkin workspace is needed to use the ROS bridge. It should be cloned and built in there. The following code creates a new workspace, and clones the repository in there.
# Setup folder structure
mkdir -p ~/carla-ros-bridge/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/carla-ros-bridge
git clone
cd ros-bridge
git submodule update --init
cd ../catkin_ws/src
ln -s ../../ros-bridge
source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash # Watch out, this sets ROS Kinetic
cd ..
# Install required ros-dependencies
rosdep update
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r
# Build
## Run the ROS bridge
__1) Run CARLA.__ The way to do so depends on the CARLA installation.
* __Quick start/release package.__ `./` in `carla/`.
* __Debian installation.__ `./` in `opt/carla-simulator/`.
* __Build installation.__ `make launch` in `carla/`.
__2) Add the source path.__ The source path for the workspace has to be added, so that the ROS bridge can be used from a terminal.
* __Source for apt ROS bridge.__
source /opt/carla-ros-bridge/<kinetic or melodic>/setup.bash
* __Source for ROS bridge repository download.__
source ~/carla-ros-bridge/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
!!! Important
The source path can be set permanently, but it will cause conflict when working with another workspace.
__3) Start the ROS bridge.__ Use any of the different launch files available to check the installation. Here are some suggestions.
# Option 1: start the ros bridge
roslaunch carla_ros_bridge carla_ros_bridge.launch
# Option 2: start the ros bridge together with RVIZ
roslaunch carla_ros_bridge carla_ros_bridge_with_rviz.launch
# Option 3: start the ros bridge together with an example ego vehicle
roslaunch carla_ros_bridge carla_ros_bridge_with_example_ego_vehicle.launch
<h6>ImportError: no module named CARLA</h6>
The path to CARLA Python is missing. The apt installation does this automatically, but it may be missing for other installations. Execute the following command with the complete path to the <i>.egg</i> file (included). Use the one supported by the Python version installed.
<i><small><b>Note: </b>.egg files may be either in `/PythonAPI/` or `/PythonAPI/dist/` depending on the CARLA installation.</small></i>
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:<path/to/carla/>/PythonAPI/<your_egg_file>
Import CARLA from Python and wait for a sucess message to check the installation.
python3 -c 'import carla;print("Success")'
## Setting CARLA
To modify the way CARLA works along with the ROS bridge, edit [`share/carla_ros_bridge/config/settings.yaml`](
* __Host/port.__ Network settings to connect to CARLA using a Python client.
* __Synchronous mode.__
* __If false (default).__ Data is published on every `world.on_tick()` and every `sensor.listen()` callbacks.
* __If true__ The bridge waits for all the sensor messages expected before the next tick. This might slow down the overall simulation but ensures reproducible results.
* __Wait for vehicle command.__ In synchronous mode, pauses the tick until a vehicle control is completed.
* __Simulation time-step.__ Simulation time (delta seconds) between simulation steps. __It must be lower than 0.1__. Take a look at the [documentation]( to learn more about this.
* __Role names for the Ego vehicles.__ Role names to identify ego vehicles. These will be controllable from ROS and thus, relevant topics will be created.
!!! Warning
In synchronous mode only the ros-bridge is allowed to tick. Other clients must passively wait.
### Synchronous mode
To control the step update when in synchronous mode, use the following topic. The message contains a constant named `command` that allows to __Pause/Play__ the simulation, and execute a __single step__.
| Topic | Message type |
| ------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------ |
| `/carla/control` | [carla\_msgs.CarlaControl](<../ros_msgs#carlacontrolmsg>) |
The [Control rqt plugin]( launches a new window with a simple interface. It is used to manage the steps and publish in the corresponding topic. Simply run the following when CARLA in synchronous mode.
rqt --standalone rqt_carla_control
Full documentation of the ROS bridge is found [__here__](
@ -1,392 +0,0 @@
# Launchfiles reference
## carla_ackermann_control.launch
Creates a node to manage a vehicle using Ackermann controls instead of the CARLA control messages. The node reads the vehicle info from CARLA and uses it to define the controller. A simple Python PID is used to adjust acceleration/velocity. This is a Python dependency that can be easily installed with _pip_.
pip install --user simple-pid
It is possible to modify the parameters in runtime via ROS dynamic reconfigure. Initial parameters can be set using a `settings.yaml`. The path to it depends on the bridge installation.
* __Deb repository installation__,
* __Source repository installation__,
<h4 style="margin-bottom: 5px"> <u>/carla_ackermann_control_ego_vehicle</u> <small><i>(Node)</i></small> </h4>
Converts [AckermannDrive messages]( to [CarlaEgoVehicleControl.msg]( Speed is in __m/s__, steering angle in __radians__ and refers to driving angle, not wheel angle.
<p style="margin-bottom:-5px"> <b>Subscribed to:</b> </p>
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/ackermann_cmd</b></font> — [ackermann_msgs.AckermannDrive](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_info</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaEgoVehicleInfo](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_status</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaEgoVehicleStatus](
<p style="margin-top:-10px;margin-bottom:-5px"> <b>Publishes in:</b> </p>
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/ackermann_control/parameter_descriptions</b></font> — [dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/ackermann_control/control_info</b></font> — [carla_ackermann_control.EgoVehicleControlInfo](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/ackermann_control/parameter_updates</b></font> — [dynamic_reconfigure/Config](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_control_cmd</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaEgoVehicleControl](
## carla_ego_vehicle.launch
Spawns an ego vehicle (`role-name="ego_vehicle"`). The argument `sensor_definition_file` describes the sensors attached to the vehicle. It is the location of a __.json__ file. The format of this file is explained [here](
To spawn the vehicle at a specific location, publish in `/carla/ego_vehicle/initialpose`, or use __RVIZ__ and select a position with __2D Pose estimate__.
<h4 style="margin-bottom: 5px"> <u>carla_ego_vehicle_ego_vehicle</u> <small><i>(Node)</i></small> </h4>
Spawns an ego vehicle with sensors attached, and waits for world information.
<p style="margin-bottom:-5px"> <b>Subscribed to:</b> </p>
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/initialpose</b></font> — [geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/world_info</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaWorldInfo](
## carla_example_ego_vehicle.launch
Based on carla_ego_vehicle.launch, spawns an ego vehicle (`role-name="ego_vehicle"`). The file `sensors.json` describes the sensors attached. The path to it depends on the bridge installation.
* __Deb repository installation__,
* __Source repository installation__,
<h4 style="margin-bottom: 5px"> <u>carla_ego_vehicle_ego_vehicle</u> <small><i>(Node)</i></small> </h4>
Spawns an ego vehicle with sensors attached and waits for world information.
<p style="margin-bottom:-5px"> <b>Subscribed to:</b> </p>
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/initialpose</b></font> — [geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/world_info</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaWorldInfo](
## carla_infrastructure.launch
Spawns infrastructure sensors and requires the argument `infrastructure_sensor_definition_file` with the location of a __.json__ file describing these sensors.
<h4 style="margin-bottom: 5px"> <u>/carla_infrastructure</u> <small><i>(Node)</i></small> </h4>
Spawns the infrastructure sensors passed as arguments.
<p style="margin-bottom:-5px"> <b>Subscribed to:</b> </p>
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/world_info</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaWorldInfo](
## carla_ros_bridge.launch
Creates a node with some basic communications between CARLA and ROS.
<h4 style="margin-bottom: 5px"> <u>carla_ros_bridge</u> <small><i>(Node)</i></small> </h4>
Publishes the data regarding the current state of the simulation. Reads the debug shapes being drawn.
<p style="margin-bottom:-5px"> <b>Subscribed to:</b> </p>
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/debug_marker</b></font> — [visualization_msgs.MarkerArray](
<p style="margin-top:-10px;margin-bottom:-5px"> <b>Publishes in:</b> </p>
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/actor_list</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaActorList](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/objects</b></font> — [derived_object_msgs.ObjectArrayring](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/status</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaStatus](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/traffic_lights</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaTrafficLightStatusList](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/world_info</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaWorldInfo](
## carla_ros_bridge_with_ackermann_control.launch
Launches two basic nodes. One retrieves simulation data, the other controls a vehicle using [AckermannDrive messages](
<h4 style="margin-bottom: 5px"> <u>carla_ros_bridge</u> <small><i>(Node)</i></small> </h4>
Publishes data regarding the current state of the simulation. Reads the debug shapes being drawn.
<p style="margin-bottom:-5px"> <b>Subscribed to:</b> </p>
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/debug_marker</b></font> — [visualization_msgs.MarkerArray](
<p style="margin-top:-10px;margin-bottom:-5px"> <b>Publishes in:</b> </p>
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/actor_list</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaActorList](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/objects</b></font> — [derived_object_msgs.ObjectArrayring](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/status</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaStatus](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/traffic_lights</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaTrafficLightStatusList](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/world_info</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaWorldInfo](
<h4 style="margin-bottom: 5px"> <u>/carla_ackermann_control_ego_vehicle</u> <small><i>(Node)</i></small> </h4>
Converts [AckermannDrive messages]( to [CarlaEgoVehicleControl.msg]( Speed is in __m/s__, steering angle is in __radians__ and refers to driving angle, not wheel angle.
<p style="margin-bottom:-5px"> <b>Subscribed to:</b> </p>
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/ackermann_cmd</b></font> — [ackermann_msgs.AckermannDrive](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_info</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaEgoVehicleInfo](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_status</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaEgoVehicleStatus](
<p style="margin-top:-10px;margin-bottom:-5px"> <b>Publishes in:</b> </p>
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/ackermann_control/parameter_descriptions</b></font> — [dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/ackermann_control/control_info</b></font> — [carla_ackermann_control.EgoVehicleControlInfo](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/ackermann_control/parameter_updates</b></font> — [dynamic_reconfigure/Config](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_control_cmd</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaEgoVehicleControl](
## carla_ros_bridge_with_example_ego_vehicle.launch
Spawns an ego vehicle with sensors attached, and starts communications between CARLA and ROS. Both share current simulation state, sensor and ego vehicle data. The ego vehicle is set ready to be used in manual control.
<h4 style="margin-bottom: 5px"> <u>carla_ros_bridge</u> <small><i>(Node)</i></small> </h4>
In charge of the communications between CARLA and ROS. They share the current state of the simulation, traffic lights, vehicle controllers and sensor data.
<p style="margin-bottom:-5px"> <b>Subscribed to:</b> </p>
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/debug_marker</b></font> — [visualization_msgs.MarkerArray](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/enable_autopilot</b></font> — [std_msgs.Bool](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/twist</b></font> — [geometry_msgs.Twist](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_control_cmd</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaEgoVehicleControl](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_control_cmd_manual</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaEgoVehicleControl](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_control_manual_override</b></font> — [std_msgs.Bool](
<p style="margin-top:-10px;margin-bottom:-5px"> <b>Publishes in:</b> </p>
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/actor_list</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaActorList](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/camera/rgb/front/camera_info</b></font> — [sensor_msgs.CameraInfo](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/camera/rgb/front/image_color</b></font> — [sensor_msgs.Image](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/camera/rgb/view/camera_info</b></font> — [sensor_msgs.CameraInfo](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/camera/rgb/view/image_color</b></font> — [sensor_msgs.Image](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/gnss/gnss1/fix</b></font> — [sensor_msgs.NavSatFix](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/imu</b></font> — [sensor_msgs.Imu](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/lidar/lidar1/point_cloud</b></font> — [sensor_msgs.PointCloud2](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/objects</b></font> — [derived_object_msgs.ObjectArray](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/odometry</b></font> — [nav_msgs.Odometry](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/radar/front/radar</b></font> — [ainstein_radar_msgs.RadarTargetArray](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_info</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaEgoVehicleInfo](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_status</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaEgoVehicleStatus](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/objects</b></font> — [derived_object_msgs.ObjectArrayring](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/status</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaStatus](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/traffic_lights</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaTrafficLightStatusList](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/world_info</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaWorldInfo](
<h4 style="margin-bottom: 5px"> <u>/carla_manual_control_ego_vehicle</u> <small><i>(Node)</i></small> </h4>
Retrieves information from CARLA regarding the ego vehicle. Uses keyboard input to publish controller messages for the ego vehicle. The information retrieved includes static data, current state, sensor data, and simulation settings.
<p style="margin-bottom:-5px"> <b>Subscribed to:</b> </p>
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/camera/rgb/view/image_color</b></font> — [sensor_msgs.Image](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/collision</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaCollisionEvent](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/gnss/gnss1/fix</b></font> — [sensor_msgs.NavSatFix](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/lane_invasion</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaLaneInvasionEvent](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_control_manual_override</b></font> — [std_msgs.Bool](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_info</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaEgoVehicleInfo](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_status</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaEgoVehicleStatus](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/status</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaStatus](
<p style="margin-top:-10px;margin-bottom:-5px"> <b>Publishes in:</b> </p>
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/enable_autopilot</b></font> — [std_msgs.Bool](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_control_cmd_manual</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaEgoVehicleControl](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_control_manual_override</b></font> — [std_msgs.Bool](
<h4 style="margin-bottom: 5px"> <u>/carla_ego_vehicle_ego_vehicle</u> <small><i>(Node)</i></small> </h4>
Spawns an ego vehicle with sensors attached. Reads world information.
<p style="margin-bottom:-5px"> <b>Subscribed to:</b> </p>
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/initialpose</b></font> — [geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped](
## carla_ros_bridge_with_rviz.launch
Starts communications between CARLA and ROS, and launches RVIZ to retrieve Lidar data.
<h4 style="margin-bottom: 5px"> <u>carla_ros_bridge</u> <small><i>(Node)</i></small> </h4>
Shares information between CARLA and ROS regarding the current simulation state.
<p style="margin-bottom:-5px"> <b>Subscribed to:</b> </p>
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/debug_marker</b></font> — [visualization_msgs.MarkerArray](
<p style="margin-top:-10px;margin-bottom:-5px"> <b>Publishes in:</b> </p>
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/actor_list</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaActorList](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/objects</b></font> — [derived_object_msgs.ObjectArrayring](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/status</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaStatus](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/traffic_lights</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaTrafficLightStatusList](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/world_info</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaWorldInfo](
<h4 style="margin-bottom: 5px"> <u>/rviz</u> <small><i>(Node)</i></small> </h4>
Runs an instance of RVIZ, and waits for Lidar data.
<p style="margin-bottom:-5px"> <b>Subscribed to:</b> </p>
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/vehicle_marker</b></font> — [visualization_msgs/Marker](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/vehicle_marker_array</b></font> — [visualization_msgs/MarkerArray](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/lidar/front/point_cloud</b></font> — [sensor_msgs.PointCloud2](
## carla_manual_control.launch
A ROS version of the CARLA script ``. It has some prequisites.
* __To display an image__, a camera with role-name `view` and resolution 800x600.
* __To display the position__, a gnss sensor with role-name `gnss1`.
* __To detect other sensor data__, the corresponding sensor.
<h4 style="margin-bottom: 5px"> <u>/carla_manual_control_ego_vehicle</u> <small><i>(Node)</i></small> </h4>
Retrieves information from CARLA regarding the ego vehicle. Uses keyboard input to publish controller messages for the ego vehicle. The information retrieved includes static data, current state, sensor data, and simulation settings.
<p style="margin-bottom:-5px"> <b>Subscribed to:</b> </p>
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/camera/rgb/view/image_color</b></font> — [sensor_msgs.Image](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/collision</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaCollisionEvent](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/gnss/gnss1/fix</b></font> — [sensor_msgs.NavSatFix](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/lane_invasion</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaLaneInvasionEvent](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_control_manual_override</b></font> — [std_msgs.Bool](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_info</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaEgoVehicleInfo](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_status</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaEgoVehicleStatus](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/status</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaStatus](
<p style="margin-top:-10px;margin-bottom:-5px"> <b>Publishes in:</b> </p>
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/enable_autopilot</b></font> — [std_msgs.Bool](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_control_cmd_manual</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaEgoVehicleControl](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_control_manual_override</b></font> — [std_msgs.Bool](
## carla_pcl_recorder.launch
Creates a pointcloud map for the current CARLA level. An autopilot ego vehicle roams around the map with a LIDAR sensor attached.
The point clouds are saved in the `/tmp/pcl_capture` directory. Once the capture is done, the overall size can be reduced.
#create one point cloud file
pcl_concatenate_points_pcd /tmp/pcl_capture/*.pcd
#filter duplicates
pcl_voxel_grid -leaf 0.1,0.1,0.1 output.pcd map.pcd
#verify the result
pcl_viewer map.pcd
The launch file requires some functionality that is not part of the python egg-file. The PYTHONPATH has to be extended.
export PYTHONPATH=<path-to-carla>/PythonAPI/carla/dist/carla-<version_and_arch>.egg:<path-to-carla>/PythonAPI/carla/
<h4 style="margin-bottom: 5px"> <u>carla_ros_bridge</u> <small><i>(Node)</i></small> </h4>
In charge of most of the communications between CARLA and ROS. Both share the current state of the simulation, traffic lights, vehicle controllers and sensor data.
<p style="margin-bottom:-5px"> <b>Subscribed to:</b> </p>
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/debug_marker</b></font> — [visualization_msgs.MarkerArray](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/enable_autopilot</b></font> — [std_msgs.Bool](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/twist</b></font> — [geometry_msgs.Twist](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_control_cmd</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaEgoVehicleControl](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_control_cmd_manual</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaEgoVehicleControl](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_control_manual_override</b></font> — [std_msgs.Bool](
<p style="margin-top:-10px;margin-bottom:-5px"> <b>Publishes in:</b> </p>
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/actor_list</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaActorList](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/camera/rgb/front/camera_info</b></font> — [sensor_msgs.CameraInfo](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/camera/rgb/front/image_color</b></font> — [sensor_msgs.Image](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/camera/rgb/view/camera_info</b></font> — [sensor_msgs.CameraInfo](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/camera/rgb/view/image_color</b></font> — [sensor_msgs.Image](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/gnss/gnss1/fix</b></font> — [sensor_msgs.NavSatFix](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/imu</b></font> — [sensor_msgs.Imu](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/lidar/lidar1/point_cloud</b></font> — [sensor_msgs.PointCloud2](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/objects</b></font> — [derived_object_msgs.ObjectArray](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/odometry</b></font> — [nav_msgs.Odometry](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_status</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaEgoVehicleStatus](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/radar/front/radar</b></font> — [ainstein_radar_msgs.RadarTargetArray](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_info</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaEgoVehicleInfo](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/marker</b></font> — [visualization_msgs.Marker](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/objects</b></font> — [derived_object_msgs.ObjectArrayring](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/status</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaStatus](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/traffic_lights</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaTrafficLightStatusList](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/world_info</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaWorldInfo](
<h4 style="margin-bottom: 5px"> <u>/carla_manual_control_ego_vehicle</u> <small><i>(Node)</i></small> </h4>
Retrieves information from CARLA regarding the ego vehicle. Uses keyboard input to publish controller messages for the ego vehicle. The information retrieved includes static data, current state, sensor data, and simulation settings.
<p style="margin-bottom:-5px"> <b>Subscribed to:</b> </p>
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/camera/rgb/view/image_color</b></font> — [sensor_msgs.Image](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/collision</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaCollisionEvent](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/gnss/gnss1/fix</b></font> — [sensor_msgs.NavSatFix](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/lane_invasion</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaLaneInvasionEvent](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_control_manual_override</b></font> — [std_msgs.Bool](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_info</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaEgoVehicleInfo](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_status</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaEgoVehicleStatus](
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/status</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaStatus](
<p style="margin-top:-10px;margin-bottom:-5px"> <b>Publishes in:</b> </p>
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/enable_autopilot</b></font> — [std_msgs.Bool](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_control_cmd_manual</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaEgoVehicleControl](
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/vehicle_control_manual_override</b></font> — [std_msgs.Bool](
<h4 style="margin-bottom: 5px"> <u>/carla_ego_vehicle_ego_vehicle</u> <small><i>(Node)</i></small> </h4>
Spawns an ego vehicle with sensors attached. Waits for world information.
<p style="margin-bottom:-5px"> <b>Subscribed to:</b> </p>
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/initialpose</b></font> — [geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped](
<h4 style="margin-bottom: 5px"> <u>/enable_autopilot_rostopic</u> <small><i>(Node)</i></small> </h4>
Changes between autopilot and manual control modes.
<p style="margin-top:-10px;margin-bottom:-5px"> <b>Publishes in:</b> </p>
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/enable_autopilot</b></font> — [std_msgs.Bool](
<h4 style="margin-bottom: 5px"> <u>/pcl_recorder_node</u> <small><i>(Node)</i></small> </h4>
Receives the cloud point data.
<p style="margin-bottom:-5px"> <b>Subscribed to:</b> </p>
* <font color="80ba10"><b>/carla/ego_vehicle/lidar/lidar1/point_cloud</b></font> — [sensor_msgs.PointCloud2](
## carla_waypoint_publisher.launch
Calculates a waypoint route for an ego vehicle. The route is published in `/carla/<ego vehicle name>/waypoints`. The goal is either read from the ROS topic `/carla/<ROLE NAME>/goal`, or a fixed spawnpoint is used.
The prefered way of setting a goal is to click __2D Nav Goal__ in RVIZ.
The launch file requires some functionality that is not part of the python egg-file. The PYTHONPATH has to be extended.
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:<path-to-carla>/PythonAPI/carla-<carla_version_and_arch>.egg:<path-to-carla>/PythonAPI/carla/
<h4 style="margin-bottom: 5px"> <u>/carla_waypoint_publisher</u> <small><i>(Node)</i></small> </h4>
Uses the current pose of the ego vehicle as starting point. If the vehicle is respawned or moved, the route is calculated again.
<p style="margin-bottom:-5px"> <b>Subscribed to:</b> </p>
* <font color="f8815c"><b>/carla/world_info</b></font> — [carla_msgs.CarlaWorldInfo](
@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
# CARLA messages reference
The following reference lists all the CARLA messages available in the ROS bridge.
Any doubts regarding these messages or the CARLA-ROS bridge can be solved in the forum.
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## CarlaActorInfo.msg
Information shared between ROS and CARLA regarding an actor.
| Field | Type | Description |
| ---------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
| `id` | uint32 | The ID of the actor. |
| `parent_id` | uint32 | The ID of the parent actor. \`0\` if no parent available. |
| `type` | string | The identifier of the blueprint this actor was based on. |
| `rolename` | string | Role assigned to the actor when spawned. |
## CarlaActorList.msg
A list of messages with some basic information for CARLA actors.
| Field | Type | Description |
| -------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- |
| `actors` | [CarlaActorInfo](<#carlaactorinfomsg>) | List of messages with actors' information. |
## CarlaCollisionEvent.msg
Data retrieved on a collision event detected by the collision sensor of an actor.
| Field | Type | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `header` | [Header](<>) | Time stamp and frame ID when the message is published. |
| `other_actor_id` | uint32 | ID of the actor against whom the collision was detected. |
| `normal_impulse` | geometry\_msgs/Vector3 | Vector representing resulting impulse from the collision. |
## CarlaControl.msg
These messages control the simulation while in synchronous mode. The constant defined is translated as stepping commands.
| Field | Type | Description |
| ----------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
| `command` | int8 | **PLAY**=0 <br>**PAUSE**=1 <br>**STEP\_ONCE**=2 |
!!! Important
In synchronous mode, only the ROS bridge client is allowed to tick.
## CarlaEgoVehicleControl.msg
Messages sent to apply a control to a vehicle in both modes, autopilot and manual. These are published in a stack.
| Field | Type | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `header` | [Header](<>) | Time stamp and frame ID when the message is published. |
| `throttle` | float32 | Scalar value to cotrol the vehicle throttle: **[0.0, 1.0]** |
| `steer` | float32 | Scalar value to control the vehicle steering direction: **[-1.0, 1.0]** to control the vehicle steering |
| `brake` | float32 | Scalar value to control the vehicle brakes: **[0.0, 1.0]** |
| `hand_brake` | bool | If **True**, the hand brake is enabled. |
| `reverse` | bool | If **True**, the vehicle will move reverse. |
| `gear` | int32 | Changes between the available gears in a vehicle. |
| `manual_gear_shift` | bool | If **True**, the gears will be shifted using `gear`. |
## CarlaEgoVehicleInfo.msg
Static information regarding a vehicle, mostly the attributes used to define the vehicle's physics.
| Field | Type | Description |
| -------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `id` | uint32 | ID of the vehicle actor. |
| `type` | string | The identifier of the blueprint this vehicle was based on. |
| `type` | string | The identifier of the blueprint this vehicle was based on. |
| `rolename` | string | Role assigned to the vehicle. |
| `wheels` | [CarlaEgoVehicleInfoWheel](<#carlaegovehicleinfowheelmsg>) | List of messages with information regarding wheels. |
| `max_rpm` | float32 | Maximum RPM of the vehicle's engine. |
| `moi` | float32 | Moment of inertia of the vehicle's engine. |
| `damping_rate_full_throttle` | float32 | Damping rate when the throttle is at maximum. |
| `damping_rate_zero_throttle`<br>`_clutch_engaged` | float32 | Damping rate when the throttle is zero with clutch engaged. |
| `damping_rate_zero_throttle`<br>`_clutch_disengaged` | float32 | Damping rate when the throttle is zero with clutch disengaged. |
| `use_gear_autobox` | bool | If **True**, the vehicle will have an automatic transmission. |
| `gear_switch_time` | float32 | Switching time between gears. |
| `clutch_strength` | float32 | The clutch strength of the vehicle. Measured in **Kgm^2/s**. |
| `mass` | float32 | The mass of the vehicle measured in Kg. |
| `drag_coefficient` | float32 | Drag coefficient of the vehicle's chassis. |
| `center_of_mass` | geometry\_msgs/Vector3 | The center of mass of the vehicle. |
## CarlaEgoVehicleInfoWheel.msg
Static information regarding a wheel that will be part of a [CarlaEgoVehicleInfo.msg](#carlaegovehicleinfomsg) message.
| Field | Type | Description |
| -------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- |
| `tire_friction` | float32 | A scalar value that indicates the friction of the wheel. |
| `damping_rate` | float32 | The damping rate of the wheel. |
| `max_steer_angle` | float32 | The maximum angle in degrees that the wheel can steer. |
| `radius` | float32 | The radius of the wheel in centimeters. |
| `max_brake_torque` | float32 | The maximum brake torque in Nm. |
| `max_handbrake_torque` | float32 | The maximum handbrake torque in Nm. |
| `position` | geometry\_msgs/Vector3 | World position of the wheel. |
## CarlaEgoVehicleStatus.msg
Current status of the vehicle as an object in the world.
| Field | Type | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `header` | [Header](<>) | Time stamp and frame ID when the message is published. |
| `velocity` | float32 | Current speed of the vehicle. |
| `acceleration` | geometry\_msgs/Accel | Current acceleration of the vehicle. |
| `orientation` | geometry\_msgs/Quaternion | Current orientation of the vehicle. |
| `control` | [CarlaEgoVehicleControl](<#carlaegovehiclecontrolmsg>) | Current control values as reported by CARLA. |
## CarlaLaneInvasionEvent.msg
These messages publish lane invasions detected by a lane-invasion sensor attached to a vehicle. The invasions detected in the last step are passed as a list with a constant definition to identify the lane crossed.
| Field | Type | Description |
| ---------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| `header` | [header](<>) | Time stamp and frame ID when the message is published. |
| `crossed_lane_markings` | int32[] | **LANE\_MARKING\_OTHER**=0 <br>**LANE\_MARKING\_BROKEN**=1 <br>**LANE\_MARKING\_SOLID**=2 |
## CarlaScenario.msg
Details for a test scenario.
| Field | Type | Description |
| ---------------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | ---------------------------------- |
| `name` | string | Name of the scenario. |
| `scenario_file` | string | Test file for the scenario. |
| `destination` | geometry\_msgs/Pose | Goal location of the scenario. |
| `target_speed` | float64 | Desired speed during the scenario. |
## CarlaScenarioList.msg
List of test scenarios to run in ScenarioRunner.
| Field | Type | Description |
| -------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- |
| `scenarios` | [CarlaScenario[]](<#carlascenariomsg>) | List of scenarios. |
## CarlaScenarioRunnerStatus.msg
Current state of the ScenarioRunner. It is managed using a constant.
| Field | Type | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `status` | uint8 | Current state of the scenario as an enum: <br>**STOPPED**=0 <br>**STARTING**=1 <br>**RUNNING**=2 <br>**SHUTTINGDOWN**=3 <br>**ERROR**=4 |
## CarlaStatus.msg
Current world settings of the simulation.
| Field | Type | Description |
| -------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| `frame` | uint64 | Current frame number. |
| `fixed_delta_seconds` | float32 | Simulation time between last and current step. |
| `synchronous_mode` | bool | If **True**, synchronous mode is enabled. |
| `synchronous_mode_running` | bool | **True** when the simulation is running. **False** when it is paused. |
## CarlaTrafficLightStatus.msg
Constant definition regarding the state of a traffic light.
| Field | Type | Description |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `id` | uint32 | ID of the traffic light actor. |
| `state` | uint8 | **RED**=0 <br>**YELLOW**=1 <br>**GREEN**=2 <br>**OFF**=3 <br>**UNKNOWN**=4 |
## CarlaTrafficLightStatusList.msg
List of traffic lights with their status.
| Field | Type | Description |
| ---------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
| `scenarios` | [CarlaTrafficLightStatus[]](<#carlatrafficlightstatusmsg>) | A list of messages summarizing traffic light states. |
## CarlaWalkerControl.msg
Information needed to apply a movement controller to a walker.
| Field | Type | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
| `direction` | geometry\_msgs/Vector3 | Vector that controls the direction of the walker. |
| `speed` | float32 | A scalar value to control the walker's speed. |
| `jump` | bool | If **True**, the walker will jump. |
## CarlaWaypoint.msg
Data contained in a waypoint object.
| Field | Type | Description |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `road_id` | int32 | OpenDRIVE road's id. |
| `section_id` | int32 | OpenDRIVE section's id, based on the order that they are originally defined. |
| `lane_id` | int32 | OpenDRIVE lane's id, this value can be positive or negative which represents the direction of the current lane with respect to the road. |
| `is_junction` | bool | **True**, if the current Waypoint is on a junction as defined by OpenDRIVE. |
| `is_junction` | [geometry\_msgs/Pose](<>) | **True** when the simulation is running. **False** when it is paused. |
## CarlaWorldInfo.msg
Information about the current CARLA map.
| Field | Type | Description |
| ---------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| `map_name` | string | Name of the CARLA map loaded in the current world. |
| `opendrive` | string | .xodr OpenDRIVE file of the current map as a string. |
## EgoVehicleControlCurrent.msg
Current time, speed and acceleration values of the vehicle. Used by the controller. It is part of a `Carla_Ackermann_Control.EgoVehicleControlInfo.msg` message.
| Field | Type | Description |
| ----------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
| `time_sec` | float32 | Current time when the controller is applied. |
| `speed` | float32 | Current speed applied by the controller. |
| `speed_abs` | float32 | Speed as an absolute value. |
| `accel` | float32 | Current acceleration applied by the controller. |
## EgoVehicleControlInfo.msg
Current values within an Ackermann controller. These messages are useful for debugging.
| Field | Type | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `header` | [header](<>) | Time stamp and frame ID when the message is published. |
| `restrictions` | [EgoVehicleControlMaxima](<#egovehiclecontrolmaximamsg>) | Limits to the controller values. |
| `target` | [EgoVehicleControlTarget](<#egovehiclecontroltargetmsg>) | Limits to the controller values. |
| `current` | [EgoVehicleControlCurrent](<#egovehiclecontrolcurrentmsg>) | Limits to the controller values. |
| `status` | [EgoVehicleControlStatus](<#egovehiclecontrolstatusmsg>) | Limits to the controller values. |
| `output` | [CarlaEgoVehicleControl](<#carlaegovehiclecontrolmsg>) | Limits to the controller values. |
## EgoVehicleControlMaxima.msg
Controller restrictions (limit values). It is part of a `Carla_Ackermann_Control.EgoVehicleControlInfo.msg` message.
| Field | Type | Description |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `max_steering_angle` | float32 | Max. steering angle for a vehicle. |
| `max_speed` | float32 | Max. speed for a vehicle. |
| `max_accel` | float32 | Max. acceleration for a vehicle. |
| `max_decel` | float32 | Max. deceleration for a vehicle. Default: **8m/s^2** |
| `min_accel` | float32 | Min. acceleration for a vehicle. When the Ackermann taget accel. exceeds this value, the input accel. is controlled. |
| `max_pedal` | float32 | Min. pedal. |
## EgoVehicleControlStatus.msg
Current status of the ego vehicle controller. It is part of a `Carla_Ackermann_Control.EgoVehicleControlInfo.msg` message.
| Field | Type | Description |
| -------------------------------- | -------------------------------- | -------------------------------- |
| `status` | string | Current control status. |
| `speed_control_activation_count` | uint8 | Speed controller. |
| `speed_control_accel_delta` | float32 | Speed controller. |
| `speed_control_accel_target` | float32 | Speed controller. |
| `accel_control_pedal_delta` | float32 | Acceleration controller. |
| `accel_control_pedal_target` | float32 | Acceleration controller. |
| `brake_upper_border` | float32 | Borders for lay off pedal. |
| `throttle_lower_border` | float32 | Borders for lay off pedal. |
## EgoVehicleControlTarget.msg
Target values of the ego vehicle controller. It is part of a `Carla_Ackermann_Control.EgoVehicleControlInfo.msg` message.
| Field | Type | Description |
| ----------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
| `steering_angle` | float32 | Target steering angle for the controller. |
| `speed` | float32 | Target speed for the controller. |
| `speed_abs` | float32 | Speed as an absolute value. |
| `accel` | float32 | Target acceleration for the controller. |
| `jerk` | float32 | Target jerk for the controller. |
Reference in New Issue