Fixes for import
This commit is contained in:
@ -194,6 +194,10 @@ void ULoadAssetMaterialsCommandlet::ApplyRoadPainterMaterials(const FString &Loa
carla::geom::Location DecalLocation;
float TileSizeCm = TileData.Size * 100.0f;
float TileWorldLocationX = TileData.FirstTileCenterX * 100.0f;
float TileWorldLocationY = TileData.FirstTileCenterY * 100.0f;
for (int32 i = 0; i < DecalsProperties.DecalMaterials.Num(); ++i) {
for (int32 j = 0; j < DecalsProperties.DecalNumToSpawn[i]; ++j) {
@ -205,10 +209,11 @@ void ULoadAssetMaterialsCommandlet::ApplyRoadPainterMaterials(const FString &Loa
// Get the closest road waypoint from the random location calculated
auto Wp = XODRMap->GetClosestWaypointOnRoad(DecalLocation);
FVector FinalLocation(XODRMap->ComputeTransform(Wp.get()).location);
FRotator FinalRotation(XODRMap->ComputeTransform(Wp.get()).rotation);
// Transform the location from relative coords to world coordinates.
FinalLocation.X += (-TileData.FirstTileCenterX * 100.0f) - (XIndex * (TileData.Size * 100.0f));
FinalLocation.Y += (-TileData.FirstTileCenterY * 100.0f) + (YIndex * (TileData.Size * 100.0f));
FinalLocation.X += TileWorldLocationX + (XIndex * TileSizeCm);
FinalLocation.Y += TileWorldLocationY - (YIndex * TileSizeCm);
FActorSpawnParameters SpawnParams;
SpawnParams.SpawnCollisionHandlingOverride = ESpawnActorCollisionHandlingMethod::AlwaysSpawn;
@ -226,13 +231,9 @@ void ULoadAssetMaterialsCommandlet::ApplyRoadPainterMaterials(const FString &Loa
// Calculate random yaw for decal
float RandomYaw = FMath::RandRange(0.0f, DecalsProperties.DecalRandomYaw);
FRotator DecalRotation(0.0f, RandomYaw, 0.0f);
// Create unique name so it's saved to the world properly
const FName DecalName = MakeUniqueObjectName(nullptr, ADecalActor::StaticClass(), FName("RoadDecal"));
FString DecalString = DecalName.ToString();
Decal->SetActorLabel(DecalString, true);
FinalRotation.Yaw += RandomYaw;
Decal->SetActorLabel("RoadDecal", true);
@ -342,32 +343,23 @@ void ULoadAssetMaterialsCommandlet::LoadAssetsMaterials(const FString &PackageNa
if (AssetDatas.Num() > 0)
//If the map is tiled, there will be several umaps in the same folder
int32 NumMaps = AssetDatas.Num();
for (int32 i = 0; i < NumMaps; ++i) {
for (int32 i = 0; i < AssetDatas.Num(); ++i) {
// Extract first asset found in folder path (i.e. the imported map)
AssetData = AssetDatas.Pop();
if (World != nullptr)
NewWorldToLoad = CastChecked<UWorld>(AssetData.GetAsset());
World->DestroyWorld(true, NewWorldToLoad);
World = NewWorldToLoad;
NewWorldToLoad = nullptr;
World = CastChecked<UWorld>(AssetData.GetAsset());
World = Cast<UWorld>(AssetData.GetAsset());
if (World != nullptr) {
bool IsTiledMap = World->GetName().Contains("_Tile_", ESearchCase::Type::CaseSensitive);
ApplyRoadPainterMaterials(World->GetName(), IsTiledMap);
UEditorLoadingAndSavingUtils::SaveDirtyPackages(true, true);
FPackageParams ULoadAssetMaterialsCommandlet::ParseParams(const FString &InParams) const
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