# Manual package preparation A map package follows a certain folder structure and must contain a `.json` file describing that structure. Our automatic map import processes create this `.json` file automatically, but you also have the option to prepare it yourself. Including your own `.json` file will overwrite any arguments passed to the `make import` command. - [__Standard Maps__](#standard-maps) - [Create the folder structure for the standard maps](#create-the-folder-structure-for-the-standard-maps) - [Create the JSON description for the standard maps](#create-the-json-description-for-the-standard-maps) - [__Large Maps__](#large-maps) - [Create the folder structure for the large maps](#create-the-folder-structure-for-the-large-maps) - [Create the JSON description for the large maps](#create-the-json-description-for-the-large-maps) --- ## Standard maps ### Create the folder structure for the standard maps __1. Create a folder inside `carla/Import`.__ The name of the folder is not important. __2. Create different subfolders__ for each map to be imported. __3. Move the files of each map to the corresponding subfolder.__ A subfolder will contain a specific set of elements: - The mesh of the map in a `.fbx` file. - The OpenDRIVE definition in a `.xodr` file. - Optionally, the textures required by the asset. For instance, an `Import` folder with one package containing two maps should have a structure similar to the one below. ```sh Import │ └── Package01 ├── Package01.json ├── Map01 │ ├── Asphalt1_Diff.jpg │ ├── Asphalt1_Norm.jpg │ ├── Asphalt1_Spec.jpg │ ├── Grass1_Diff.jpg │ ├── Grass1_Norm.jpg │ ├── Grass1_Spec.jpg │ ├── LaneMarking1_Diff.jpg │ ├── LaneMarking1_Norm.jpg │ ├── LaneMarking1_Spec.jpg │ ├── Map01.fbx │ └── Map01.xodr └── Map02 └── Map02.fbx ``` --- ### Create the JSON description for the standard maps Create a `.json` file in the root folder of the package. Name the file after the package. Note that this will be the distribution name. The content of the file will describe a JSON array of __maps__ and __props__ with basic information for each of them. __Maps__ need the following parameters: - __name__ of the map. This must be the same as the `.fbx` and `.xodr` files. - __source__ path to the `.fbx` file. - __use_carla_materials__. If __True__, the map will use CARLA materials. Otherwise, it will use RoadRunner materials. - __xodr__ Path to the `.xodr` file. __Props__ are not part of this tutorial. The field will be left empty. There is another tutorial on how to [add new props](tuto_A_add_props.md). The resulting `.json` file should resemble the following: ```json { "maps": [ { "name": "Map01", "source": "./Map01/Map01.fbx", "use_carla_materials": true, "xodr": "./Map01/Map01.xodr" }, { "name": "Map02", "source": "./Map02/Map02.fbx", "use_carla_materials": false, "xodr": "./Map02/Map02.xodr" } ], "props": [ ] } ```
--- If you have any questions about the process, then you can ask in the [forum](https://github.com/carla-simulator/carla/discussions).

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