#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2020 Computer Vision Center (CVC) at the Universitat Autonoma de # Barcelona (UAB). # # This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. # For a copy, see . """ Raycast sensor profiler This script can be used to test, visualize and profile the raycast sensors, LiDARs and Radar (radar visualization not available, sorry). By default, the script render one RGB Camera and three LiDARS whose output can be visualized in a window just running: python raycast_sensor_testing.py For profiling, you can choose the number of LiDARs and Radars and then use the profiling option to run a series of simulations for points from 100k to 1.5M per second. In this mode we do not render anything but processing of the data is done. For example for profiling one lidar: python raycast_sensor_testing.py -ln 1 --profiling For example for profiling one semantic lidar: python raycast_sensor_testing.py -sln 1 --profiling And for profiling one radar: python raycast_sensor_testing.py -rn 1 --profiling """ import glob import os import sys try: sys.path.append(glob.glob('../carla/dist/carla-*%d.%d-%s.egg' % ( sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor, 'win-amd64' if os.name == 'nt' else 'linux-x86_64'))[0]) except IndexError: pass import carla import argparse import random import time import numpy as np try: import pygame from pygame.locals import K_ESCAPE from pygame.locals import K_q except ImportError: raise RuntimeError('cannot import pygame, make sure pygame package is installed') class CustomTimer: def __init__(self): try: self.timer = time.perf_counter except AttributeError: self.timer = time.time def time(self): return self.timer() class DisplayManager: def __init__(self, grid_size, window_size, show_window=True): if show_window: pygame.init() pygame.font.init() self.display = pygame.display.set_mode(window_size, pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF) else: self.display = None self.grid_size = grid_size self.window_size = window_size self.sensor_list = [] def get_window_size(self): return [int(self.window_size[0]), int(self.window_size[1])] def get_display_size(self): return [int(self.window_size[0]/self.grid_size[0]), int(self.window_size[1]/self.grid_size[1])] def get_display_offset(self, gridPos): dis_size = self.get_display_size() return [int(gridPos[0] * dis_size[0]), int(gridPos[1] * dis_size[1])] def add_sensor(self, sensor): self.sensor_list.append(sensor) def get_sensor_list(self): return self.sensor_list def render(self): if not self.render_enabled(): return for s in self.sensor_list: s.render() pygame.display.flip() def destroy(self): for s in self.sensor_list: s.destroy() def render_enabled(self): return self.display != None class SensorManager: def __init__(self, world, display_man, sensor_type, transform, attached, sensor_options, display_pos): self.surface = None self.world = world self.display_man = display_man self.display_pos = display_pos self.sensor = self.init_sensor(sensor_type, transform, attached, sensor_options) self.sensor_options = sensor_options self.timer = CustomTimer() self.time_processing = 0.0 self.tics_processing = 0 self.display_man.add_sensor(self) def init_sensor(self, sensor_type, transform, attached, sensor_options): if sensor_type == 'RGBCamera': camera_bp = self.world.get_blueprint_library().find('sensor.camera.rgb') disp_size = self.display_man.get_display_size() camera_bp.set_attribute('image_size_x', str(disp_size[0])) camera_bp.set_attribute('image_size_y', str(disp_size[1])) for key in sensor_options: camera_bp.set_attribute(key, sensor_options[key]) camera = self.world.spawn_actor(camera_bp, transform, attach_to=attached) camera.listen(self.save_rgb_image) return camera elif sensor_type == 'LiDAR': lidar_bp = self.world.get_blueprint_library().find('sensor.lidar.ray_cast') lidar_bp.set_attribute('range', '100') lidar_bp.set_attribute('dropoff_general_rate', lidar_bp.get_attribute('dropoff_general_rate').recommended_values[0]) lidar_bp.set_attribute('dropoff_intensity_limit', lidar_bp.get_attribute('dropoff_intensity_limit').recommended_values[0]) lidar_bp.set_attribute('dropoff_zero_intensity', lidar_bp.get_attribute('dropoff_zero_intensity').recommended_values[0]) for key in sensor_options: lidar_bp.set_attribute(key, sensor_options[key]) lidar = self.world.spawn_actor(lidar_bp, transform, attach_to=attached) lidar.listen(self.save_lidar_image) return lidar elif sensor_type == 'SemanticLiDAR': lidar_bp = self.world.get_blueprint_library().find('sensor.lidar.ray_cast_semantic') lidar_bp.set_attribute('range', '100') for key in sensor_options: lidar_bp.set_attribute(key, sensor_options[key]) lidar = self.world.spawn_actor(lidar_bp, transform, attach_to=attached) lidar.listen(self.save_semanticlidar_image) return lidar elif sensor_type == "Radar": radar_bp = self.world.get_blueprint_library().find('sensor.other.radar') for key in sensor_options: radar_bp.set_attribute(key, sensor_options[key]) radar = self.world.spawn_actor(radar_bp, transform, attach_to=attached) radar.listen(self.save_radar_image) return radar else: return None def get_sensor(self): return self.sensor def save_rgb_image(self, image): t_start = self.timer.time() image.convert(carla.ColorConverter.Raw) array = np.frombuffer(image.raw_data, dtype=np.dtype("uint8")) array = np.reshape(array, (image.height, image.width, 4)) array = array[:, :, :3] array = array[:, :, ::-1] if self.display_man.render_enabled(): self.surface = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(array.swapaxes(0, 1)) t_end = self.timer.time() self.time_processing += (t_end-t_start) self.tics_processing += 1 def save_lidar_image(self, image): t_start = self.timer.time() disp_size = self.display_man.get_display_size() lidar_range = 2.0*float(self.sensor_options['range']) points = np.frombuffer(image.raw_data, dtype=np.dtype('f4')) points = np.reshape(points, (int(points.shape[0] / 4), 4)) lidar_data = np.array(points[:, :2]) lidar_data *= min(disp_size) / lidar_range lidar_data += (0.5 * disp_size[0], 0.5 * disp_size[1]) lidar_data = np.fabs(lidar_data) # pylint: disable=E1111 lidar_data = lidar_data.astype(np.int32) lidar_data = np.reshape(lidar_data, (-1, 2)) lidar_img_size = (disp_size[0], disp_size[1], 3) lidar_img = np.zeros((lidar_img_size), dtype=np.uint8) lidar_img[tuple(lidar_data.T)] = (255, 255, 255) if self.display_man.render_enabled(): self.surface = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(lidar_img) t_end = self.timer.time() self.time_processing += (t_end-t_start) self.tics_processing += 1 def save_semanticlidar_image(self, image): t_start = self.timer.time() disp_size = self.display_man.get_display_size() lidar_range = 2.0*float(self.sensor_options['range']) points = np.frombuffer(image.raw_data, dtype=np.dtype('f4')) points = np.reshape(points, (int(points.shape[0] / 6), 6)) lidar_data = np.array(points[:, :2]) lidar_data *= min(disp_size) / lidar_range lidar_data += (0.5 * disp_size[0], 0.5 * disp_size[1]) lidar_data = np.fabs(lidar_data) # pylint: disable=E1111 lidar_data = lidar_data.astype(np.int32) lidar_data = np.reshape(lidar_data, (-1, 2)) lidar_img_size = (disp_size[0], disp_size[1], 3) lidar_img = np.zeros((lidar_img_size), dtype=np.uint8) lidar_img[tuple(lidar_data.T)] = (255, 255, 255) if self.display_man.render_enabled(): self.surface = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(lidar_img) t_end = self.timer.time() self.time_processing += (t_end-t_start) self.tics_processing += 1 def save_radar_image(self, radar_data): t_start = self.timer.time() #print("Hola, saving Radar data!!") # To get a numpy [[vel, altitude, azimuth, depth],...[,,,]]: points = np.frombuffer(radar_data.raw_data, dtype=np.dtype('f4')) points = np.reshape(points, (len(radar_data), 4)) t_end = self.timer.time() self.time_processing += (t_end-t_start) self.tics_processing += 1 def render(self): if self.surface is not None: offset = self.display_man.get_display_offset(self.display_pos) self.display_man.display.blit(self.surface, offset) def destroy(self): self.sensor.destroy() def one_run(args, client): """This function performed one test run using the args parameters and connecting to the carla client passed. """ display_manager = None vehicle = None vehicle_list = [] prof_str = "" timer = CustomTimer() try: # Getting the world and world = client.get_world() if args.sync: traffic_manager = client.get_trafficmanager(8000) settings = world.get_settings() traffic_manager.set_synchronous_mode(True) settings.synchronous_mode = True settings.fixed_delta_seconds = 0.05 world.apply_settings(settings) if args.profiling: settings.no_rendering_mode = True world.apply_settings(settings) # Instanciating the vehicle to which we attached the sensors bp = world.get_blueprint_library().filter('vehicle')[0] if bp.has_attribute('color'): color = random.choice(bp.get_attribute('color').recommended_values) bp.set_attribute('color', color) vehicle = world.spawn_actor(bp, world.get_map().get_spawn_points()[0]) vehicle_list.append(vehicle) vehicle.set_autopilot(True) # Display Manager organize all the sensors an its display in a window display_manager = DisplayManager(grid_size=[2, 2], window_size=[args.width, args.height], show_window=args.render_window) # If require, we instanciate the RGB camera if args.render_cam: SensorManager(world, display_manager, 'RGBCamera', carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=1.5, z=2.4)), vehicle, {}, [0, 0]) # If any, we instanciate the required lidars lidar_points_per_second = args.lidar_points if args.lidar_number >= 3: SensorManager(world, display_manager, 'LiDAR', carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0, z=2.4)), vehicle, {'channels' : '64', 'range' : '50', 'points_per_second': lidar_points_per_second, 'rotation_frequency': '20'}, [1, 0]) if args.lidar_number >= 2: SensorManager(world, display_manager, 'LiDAR', carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0, z=2.4)), vehicle, {'channels' : '64', 'range' : '100', 'points_per_second': lidar_points_per_second, 'rotation_frequency': '20'}, [0, 1]) if args.lidar_number >= 1: SensorManager(world, display_manager, 'LiDAR', carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0, z=2.4)), vehicle, {'channels' : '64', 'range' : '200', 'points_per_second': lidar_points_per_second, 'rotation_frequency': '20'}, [1, 1]) # If any, we instanciate the required semantic lidars semanticlidar_points_per_second = args.semanticlidar_points if args.semanticlidar_number >= 3: SensorManager(world, display_manager, 'SemanticLiDAR', carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0, z=2.4)), vehicle, {'channels' : '64', 'range' : '50', 'points_per_second': semanticlidar_points_per_second, 'rotation_frequency': '20'}, [1, 0]) if args.semanticlidar_number >= 2: SensorManager(world, display_manager, 'SemanticLiDAR', carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0, z=2.4)), vehicle, {'channels' : '64', 'range' : '100', 'points_per_second': semanticlidar_points_per_second, 'rotation_frequency': '20'}, [0, 1]) if args.semanticlidar_number >= 1: SensorManager(world, display_manager, 'SemanticLiDAR', carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0, z=2.4)), vehicle, {'channels' : '64', 'range' : '200', 'points_per_second': semanticlidar_points_per_second, 'rotation_frequency': '20'}, [1, 1]) # If any, we instanciate the required radars radar_points_per_second = args.radar_points if args.radar_number >= 3: SensorManager(world, display_manager, 'Radar', carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0, z=2.4), carla.Rotation(pitch=5, yaw=90)), vehicle, {'points_per_second': radar_points_per_second}, [2, 2]) if args.radar_number >= 2: SensorManager(world, display_manager, 'Radar', carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0, z=2.4), carla.Rotation(pitch=5, yaw=-90)), vehicle, {'points_per_second': radar_points_per_second}, [2, 2]) if args.radar_number >= 1: SensorManager(world, display_manager, 'Radar', carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0, z=2.4), carla.Rotation(pitch=5)), vehicle, {'points_per_second': radar_points_per_second}, [2, 2]) call_exit = False time_init_sim = timer.time() frame = 0 time0 = timer.time() while True: frame += 1 # Carla Tick if args.sync: world.tick() else: world.wait_for_tick() # Render received data display_manager.render() # Time measurement for profiling or to output if not args.profiling: if frame == 30: time_frames = timer.time() - time0 time_procc = 0 for sensor in display_manager.sensor_list: time_procc += sensor.time_processing print("FPS: %.3f %.3f %.3f" % (time_frames, 1.0/time_frames * 30, time_procc/time_frames)) frame = 0 for sensor in display_manager.sensor_list: sensor.time_processing = 0 sensor.tics_processing = 0 time0 = timer.time() if args.render_window: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: call_exit = True elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE or event.key == K_q: call_exit = True break else: if (timer.time() - time_init_sim) < 5.0: frame = 0 for sensor in display_manager.sensor_list: sensor.time_processing = 0 sensor.tics_processing = 0 time0 = timer.time() if (timer.time() - time0) > 10.0: time_frames = timer.time() - time0 time_procc = 0 for sensor in display_manager.sensor_list: time_procc += sensor.time_processing prof_str = "%-10s %-9s %-9s %-15s %-7.2f %-20.3f" % (args.lidar_number, args.semanticlidar_number, args.radar_number, lidar_points_per_second, float(frame) / time_frames, time_procc/time_frames) break if call_exit: break finally: if display_manager: display_manager.destroy() client.apply_batch([carla.command.DestroyActor(x) for x in vehicle_list]) if args.sync: settings = world.get_settings() settings.synchronous_mode = False settings.fixed_delta_seconds = None world.apply_settings(settings) if args.profiling: settings.no_rendering_mode = False world.apply_settings(settings) return prof_str def main(): argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='CARLA Sensor tutorial') argparser.add_argument( '--host', metavar='H', default='', help='IP of the host server (default:') argparser.add_argument( '-p', '--port', metavar='P', default=2000, type=int, help='TCP port to listen to (default: 2000)') argparser.add_argument( '--sync', action='store_true', help='Synchronous mode execution') argparser.add_argument( '--async', dest='sync', action='store_false', help='Asynchronous mode execution') argparser.set_defaults(sync=True) argparser.add_argument( '--res', metavar='WIDTHxHEIGHT', default='1280x720', help='window resolution (default: 1280x720)') argparser.add_argument( '-lp', '--lidar_points', metavar='LP', default='100000', help='lidar points per second (default: "100000")') argparser.add_argument( '-ln', '--lidar_number', metavar='LN', default=3, type=int, choices=range(0, 4), help='Number of lidars to render (from zero to three)') argparser.add_argument( '-slp', '--semanticlidar_points', metavar='SLP', default='100000', help='semantic lidar points per second (default: "100000")') argparser.add_argument( '-sln', '--semanticlidar_number', metavar='SLN', default=0, type=int, choices=range(0, 4), help='Number of semantic lidars to render (from zero to three)') argparser.add_argument( '-rp', '--radar_points', metavar='RP', default='100000', help='radar points per second (default: "100000")') argparser.add_argument( '-rn', '--radar_number', metavar='LN', default=0, type=int, choices=range(0, 4), help='Number of radars to render (from zero to three)') argparser.add_argument( '--camera', dest='render_cam', action='store_true', help='render also RGB camera (camera enable by default)') argparser.add_argument('--no-camera', dest='render_cam', action='store_false', help='no render RGB camera (camera disable by default)') argparser.set_defaults(render_cam=True) argparser.add_argument( '--profiling', action='store_true', help='Use the script in profiling mode. It measures the performance of \ the lidar for different number of points.') argparser.set_defaults(profiling=False) argparser.add_argument( '--no-render-window', action='store_false', dest='render_window', help='Render visualization window.') argparser.set_defaults(render_window=True) args = argparser.parse_args() args.width, args.height = [int(x) for x in args.res.split('x')] try: client = carla.Client(args.host, args.port) client.set_timeout(5.0) if args.profiling: print("-------------------------------------------------------") print("# Running profiling with %s lidars, %s semantic lidars and %s radars." % (args.lidar_number, args.semanticlidar_number, args.radar_number)) args.render_cam = False args.render_window = False runs_output = [] points_range = ['100000', '200000', '300000', '400000', '500000', '600000', '700000', '800000', '900000', '1000000', '1100000', '1200000', '1300000', '1400000', '1500000'] for points in points_range: args.lidar_points = points args.semanticlidar_points = points args.radar_points = points run_str = one_run(args, client) runs_output.append(run_str) print("-------------------------------------------------------") print("# Profiling of parallel raycast sensors (LiDAR and Radar)") try: import multiprocessing print("#Number of cores: %d" % multiprocessing.cpu_count()) except ImportError: print("#Hardware information not available, please install the " \ "multiprocessing module") print("#NumLidars NumSemLids NumRadars PointsPerSecond FPS PercentageProcessing") for o in runs_output: print(o) else: one_run(args, client) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\nCancelled by user. Bye!') if __name__ == '__main__': main()