CARLA UE4 ========= To run the game with the second city $ ./ /Game/Maps/CARLA_ORIGIN_1 To run the game at fixed time-step, e.g. 30 FPS $ ./ -benchmark -fps=30 Other CARLA related command-line options * `-carla-settings=` Load settings from the given INI file. See Example.CarlaSettings.ini. * `-world-port=` Listen for client connections at , write and read ports are set to +1 and +2 respectively. Activates networking. * `-carla-no-networking` Disable networking. Overrides any other settings file. To activate semantic segmentation --------------------------------- In the config file `CarlaUE4/Saved/Config/LinuxNoEditor/Engine.ini`, add the following ``` [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings] r.CustomDepth=3 ``` Weather presets --------------- To change the weather and sun light, set `WeatherId` in CarlaSettings.ini from the following * 0 - Default * 1 - ClearNoon * 2 - CloudyNoon * 3 - WetNoon * 4 - WetCloudyNoon * 5 - MidRainyNoon * 6 - HardRainNoon * 7 - SoftRainNoon * 8 - ClearSunset * 9 - CloudySunset * 10 - WetSunset * 11 - WetCloudySunset * 12 - MidRainSunset * 13 - HardRainSunset * 14 - SoftRainSunset E.g., to choose the weather to be hard-rain at noon, add to CarlaSettings.ini ``` [CARLA/LevelSettings] WeatherId=6 ```