C++ Client Example ================== This example creates an application using CARLA's C++ API to connect and control the simulator from C++. Compile and run --------------- Use the Makefile provided (Linux only), to compile and run the example. Note that it expects to have a simulator running at port 2000. ``` make run ``` How it works ------------ In order to link our application against LibCarla, we need to compile LibCarla with the same compiler and configuration we are using with our application. To do so, we generate a CMake tool-chain file specifying the compiler and flags we want ```cmake # Example ToolChain.cmake set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER /usr/bin/clang-7) set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER /usr/bin/clang++-7) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++14 -O3 -DNDEBUG" CACHE STRING "" FORCE) ``` We pass this file to CMake when compiling LibCarla.client ```sh cd /path/to/carla-root-folder make setup cd /path/to/build-folder cmake \ -G "Ninja" \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Client \ -DLIBCARLA_BUILD_RELEASE=ON \ -DLIBCARLA_BUILD_DEBUG=OFF \ -DLIBCARLA_BUILD_TEST=OFF \ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/path/to/ToolChain.cmake \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install-folder \ /path/to/carla-root-folder ninja ninja install ``` This will generate the following structure at the provided install path ``` libcarla-install/ ├── include/ │ ├── carla/ │ ├── boost/ │ ├── rpc/ │ └── ... └── lib/ ├── libcarla_client.a ├── librpc.a ├── libboost_filesystem.a └── ... ``` Our application needs to be linked at minimum against `libcarla_client.a` and `librpc.a`. If we make use of IO functionality and/or image processing we would need to link against `boost_filesystem`, `png`, `tiff`, and/or `jpeg`. For more details take a look at the Makefile provided.