#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2019 Intel Labs. # authors: German Ros (german.ros@intel.com) # # This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. # For a copy, see . """ This is a benchmarking script for CARLA. It serves to analyze the performance of CARLA in different scenarios and conditions, for both sensors and traffic. Please, make sure you install the following dependencies: * python -m pip install -U py-cpuinfo * python -m pip install psutil * python -m pip install python-tr * python -m pip install gpuinfo """ # @todo Include this file in the Pylint checks. # pylint: skip-file import sys if sys.version_info[0] < 3: print('This script is only available for Python 3') sys.exit(1) from tr import tr import argparse import cpuinfo import glob import math import numpy as np import os import psutil import pygame import shutil import GPUtil import threading import time import logging try: sys.path.append(glob.glob('../carla/dist/carla-*%d.%d-%s.egg' % ( sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor, 'win-amd64' if os.name == 'nt' else 'linux-x86_64'))[0]) except IndexError: pass import carla # ====================================================================================================================== # -- Global variables. So sorry... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ====================================================================================================================== sensors_callback = [] def define_weather(): list_weather = [] if args.tm: weather00 = { 'parameter' : carla.WeatherParameters.ClearNoon, 'name': 'ClearNoon'} list_weather.append(weather00) else: weather00 = { 'parameter' : carla.WeatherParameters.ClearNoon, 'name' : 'ClearNoon'} weather01 = { 'parameter' : carla.WeatherParameters.CloudyNoon, 'name' : 'CloudyNoon'} weather02 = { 'parameter' : carla.WeatherParameters.SoftRainSunset, 'name' : 'SoftRainSunset'} list_weather.append(weather00) list_weather.append(weather01) list_weather.append(weather02) if args.weather is not None: try: new_list = [list_weather[int(i)] for i in args.weather] list_weather = new_list except IndexError as error: print("Warning!! The list of types of weather introduced is not valid. Using all available.") return list_weather def define_sensors(): list_sensor_specs = [] if args.tm: sensors00 = [{'type': 'sensor.camera.rgb', 'x': 0.7, 'y': 0.0, 'z': 1.60, 'roll': 0.0, 'pitch': 0.0, 'yaw': 0.0, 'width': 300, 'height': 200, 'fov': 100, 'label': '0. cam-300x200'}] list_sensor_specs.append(sensors00) else: sensors00 = [{'type': 'sensor.camera.rgb', 'x': 0.7, 'y': 0.0, 'z': 1.60, 'roll': 0.0, 'pitch': 0.0, 'yaw': 0.0, 'width': 1920, 'height': 1080, 'fov': 100, 'label': '0. cam-1920x1080'}] sensors01 = [{'type': 'sensor.camera.rgb', 'x': 0.7, 'y': 0.0, 'z': 1.60, 'roll': 0.0, 'pitch': 0.0, 'yaw': 0.0, 'width': 1920, 'height': 1080, 'fov': 100, 'label': '1. cam-1920x1080'}, {'type': 'sensor.camera.rgb', 'x': 0.7, 'y': 0.0, 'z': 1.60, 'roll': 0.0, 'pitch': 0.0, 'yaw': 180.0, 'width': 1920, 'height': 1080, 'fov': 100, 'label': 'cam-1920x1080'}] sensors02 = [{'type': 'sensor.camera.rgb', 'x': 0.7, 'y': 0.0, 'z': 1.60, 'roll': 0.0, 'pitch': 0.0, 'yaw': 0.0, 'width': 1920, 'height': 1080, 'fov': 100, 'label': '2. cam-1920x1080'}, {'type': 'sensor.camera.rgb', 'x': 0.7, 'y': 0.0, 'z': 1.60, 'roll': 0.0, 'pitch': 0.0, 'yaw': 90.0, 'width': 1920, 'height': 1080, 'fov': 100, 'label': 'cam-1920x1080'}, {'type': 'sensor.camera.rgb', 'x': 0.7, 'y': 0.0, 'z': 1.60, 'roll': 0.0, 'pitch': 0.0, 'yaw': 180.0, 'width': 1920, 'height': 1080, 'fov': 100, 'label': 'cam-1920x1080'}] sensors03 = [{'type': 'sensor.camera.rgb', 'x': 0.7, 'y': 0.0, 'z': 1.60, 'roll': 0.0, 'pitch': 0.0, 'yaw': 0.0, 'width': 1920, 'height': 1080, 'fov': 100, 'label': '3. cam-1920x1080'}, {'type': 'sensor.camera.rgb', 'x': 0.7, 'y': 0.0, 'z': 1.60, 'roll': 0.0, 'pitch': 0.0, 'yaw': 90.0, 'width': 1920, 'height': 1080, 'fov': 100, 'label': 'cam-1920x1080'}, {'type': 'sensor.camera.rgb', 'x': 0.7, 'y': 0.0, 'z': 1.60, 'roll': 0.0, 'pitch': 0.0, 'yaw': 180.0, 'width': 1920, 'height': 1080, 'fov': 100, 'label': 'cam-1920x1080'}, {'type': 'sensor.camera.rgb', 'x': 0.7, 'y': 0.0, 'z': 1.60, 'roll': 0.0, 'pitch': 0.0, 'yaw': 270.0, 'width': 1920, 'height': 1080, 'fov': 100, 'label': 'cam-1920x1080'}] sensors04 = [{'type': 'sensor.lidar.ray_cast', 'x': 0.7, 'y': 0.0, 'z': 1.60, 'yaw': 0.0, 'pitch': 0.0, 'roll': 0.0, 'pts_per_sec': '100000', 'label': '4. LIDAR: 100k'}] sensors05 = [{'type': 'sensor.lidar.ray_cast', 'x': 0.7, 'y': 0.0, 'z': 1.60, 'yaw': 0.0, 'pitch': 0.0, 'roll': 0.0, 'pts_per_sec': '500000', 'label': '5. LIDAR: 500k'}] sensors06 = [{'type': 'sensor.lidar.ray_cast', 'x': 0.7, 'y': 0.0, 'z': 1.60, 'yaw': 0.0, 'pitch': 0.0, 'roll': 0.0, 'pts_per_sec': '1000000', 'label': '6. LIDAR: 1M'}] list_sensor_specs.append(sensors00) list_sensor_specs.append(sensors01) list_sensor_specs.append(sensors02) list_sensor_specs.append(sensors03) list_sensor_specs.append(sensors04) list_sensor_specs.append(sensors05) list_sensor_specs.append(sensors06) if args.sensors is not None: try: new_list = [list_sensor_specs[int(i)] for i in args.sensors] list_sensor_specs = new_list except IndexError as error: print("Warning!! The list of sensors introduced is not valid. Using all available.") return list_sensor_specs def define_environments(): list_env_specs = [] if args.tm: env00 = {'vehicles': 10, 'walkers': 0} env01 = {'vehicles': 50, 'walkers': 50} env02 = {'vehicles': 250, 'walkers': 0} env03 = {'vehicles': 150, 'walkers': 50} list_env_specs.append(env00) list_env_specs.append(env01) list_env_specs.append(env02) list_env_specs.append(env03) else: env00 = {'vehicles': 1, 'walkers': 0} list_env_specs.append(env00) return list_env_specs def define_maps(client): maps = [m.replace('/Game/Carla/Maps/', '') for m in client.get_available_maps()] maps = sorted(maps) if args.maps is not None: all_good = all(elem in maps for elem in args.maps) if all_good: maps = sorted(args.maps) else: print("Warning!! The list of maps introduced is not valid. Using all available.") return maps class CallBack(object): def __init__(self): self._lock = threading.Lock() self._pygame_clock = pygame.time.Clock() self._current_fps = 0 def __call__(self, data): self._pygame_clock.tick() self._current_fps = self._pygame_clock.get_fps() def get_fps(self): with self._lock: return self._current_fps def create_environment(world, sensors, n_vehicles, n_walkers, spawn_points, client, tick): global sensors_callback sensors_ret = [] blueprint_library = world.get_blueprint_library() # setup sensors for sensor_spec in sensors: bp = blueprint_library.find(sensor_spec['type']) if sensor_spec['type'].startswith('sensor.camera'): bp.set_attribute('image_size_x', str(sensor_spec['width'])) bp.set_attribute('image_size_y', str(sensor_spec['height'])) bp.set_attribute('fov', str(sensor_spec['fov'])) sensor_location = carla.Location( x=sensor_spec['x'], y=sensor_spec['y'], z=sensor_spec['z']) sensor_rotation = carla.Rotation( pitch=sensor_spec['pitch'], roll=sensor_spec['roll'], yaw=sensor_spec['yaw']) elif sensor_spec['type'].startswith('sensor.lidar'): bp.set_attribute('range', '200') bp.set_attribute('rotation_frequency', '10') bp.set_attribute('channels', '32') bp.set_attribute('upper_fov', '15') bp.set_attribute('lower_fov', '-30') bp.set_attribute('points_per_second', str(sensor_spec['pts_per_sec'])) sensor_location = carla.Location( x=sensor_spec['x'], y=sensor_spec['y'], z=sensor_spec['z']) sensor_rotation = carla.Rotation( pitch=sensor_spec['pitch'], roll=sensor_spec['roll'], yaw=sensor_spec['yaw']) elif sensor_spec['type'].startswith('sensor.other.gnss'): sensor_location = carla.Location(x=sensor_spec['x'], y=sensor_spec['y'], z=sensor_spec['z']) sensor_rotation = carla.Rotation() # create sensor sensor_transform = carla.Transform(sensor_location, sensor_rotation) sensor = world.spawn_actor(bp, sensor_transform) # add callbacks sc = CallBack() sensor.listen(sc) sensors_callback.append(sc) sensors_ret.append(sensor) vehicles_list = [] walkers_list = [] all_id = [] blueprint = world.get_blueprint_library().filter('vehicle.audi.a2')[0] walker_bp = world.get_blueprint_library().filter("walker.pedestrian.0001")[0] # @todo cannot import these directly. SpawnActor = carla.command.SpawnActor SetAutopilot = carla.command.SetAutopilot FutureActor = carla.command.FutureActor # -------------- # Spawn vehicles # -------------- batch = [] for num, transform in enumerate(spawn_points): if num >= n_vehicles: break blueprint.set_attribute('role_name', 'autopilot') batch.append(SpawnActor(blueprint, transform).then(SetAutopilot(FutureActor, True))) for response in client.apply_batch_sync(batch, False): if response.error: logging.error(response.error) else: vehicles_list.append(response.actor_id) # ------------- # Spawn Walkers # ------------- # some settings percentagePedestriansRunning = 0.0 # how many pedestrians will run percentagePedestriansCrossing = 0.0 # how many pedestrians will walk through the road if n_walkers > 0: # 1. take all the random locations to spawn spawn_points = [] for i in range(n_walkers): spawn_point = carla.Transform() loc = world.get_random_location_from_navigation() if (loc != None): spawn_point.location = loc spawn_points.append(spawn_point) # 2. we spawn the walker object batch = [] walker_speed = [] for spawn_point in spawn_points: # set as not invincible if walker_bp.has_attribute('is_invincible'): walker_bp.set_attribute('is_invincible', 'false') # set the max speed if walker_bp.has_attribute('speed'): # walking walker_speed.append(walker_bp.get_attribute('speed').recommended_values[1]) else: print("Walker has no speed") walker_speed.append(0.0) batch.append(SpawnActor(walker_bp, spawn_point)) results = client.apply_batch_sync(batch, True) walker_speed2 = [] for i in range(len(results)): if results[i].error: logging.error(results[i].error) else: walkers_list.append({"id": results[i].actor_id}) walker_speed2.append(walker_speed[i]) walker_speed = walker_speed2 # 3. we spawn the walker controller batch = [] walker_controller_bp = world.get_blueprint_library().find('controller.ai.walker') for i in range(len(walkers_list)): batch.append(SpawnActor(walker_controller_bp, carla.Transform(), walkers_list[i]["id"])) results = client.apply_batch_sync(batch, True) for i in range(len(results)): if results[i].error: logging.error(results[i].error) else: walkers_list[i]["con"] = results[i].actor_id # 4. we put altogether the walkers and controllers id to get the objects from their id for i in range(len(walkers_list)): all_id.append(walkers_list[i]["con"]) all_id.append(walkers_list[i]["id"]) all_actors = world.get_actors(all_id) # ensures client has received the last transform of the walkers we have just created tick() # 5. initialize each controller and set target to walk to (list is [controler, actor, controller, actor ...]) # set how many pedestrians can cross the road world.set_pedestrians_cross_factor(percentagePedestriansCrossing) for i in range(0, len(all_id), 2): # start walker all_actors[i].start() # set walk to random point all_actors[i].go_to_location(world.get_random_location_from_navigation()) # max speed all_actors[i].set_max_speed(float(walker_speed[int(i/2)])) print('Spawned %d vehicles and %d walkers.' % (len(vehicles_list), len(walkers_list))) return vehicles_list, walkers_list, all_id, all_actors, sensors_ret # ====================================================================================================================== # -- Benchmarking functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ====================================================================================================================== def set_world_settings(world, args = None): if args == None: settings = world.get_settings() settings.synchronous_mode = False settings.fixed_delta_seconds = 0.0 settings.no_rendering_mode = False world.apply_settings(settings) else: settings = world.get_settings() settings.synchronous_mode = args.sync settings.fixed_delta_seconds = args.fixed_dt if args.sync else 0.0 settings.no_rendering_mode = args.no_render_mode world.apply_settings(settings) def run_benchmark(world, sensors, n_vehicles, n_walkers, client, debug=False): global sensors_callback spawn_points = world.get_map().get_spawn_points() n = min(n_vehicles, len(spawn_points)) list_fps = [] sensor_list = None tick = world.tick if args.sync else world.wait_for_tick set_world_settings(world, args) vehicles_list, walkers_list, all_id, all_actors, sensors_ret = create_environment(world, sensors, n, n_walkers, spawn_points, client, tick) if sensors_ret: sensor_list = sensors_ret # Allow some time for the server to finish the initialization for _i in range(0, 50): tick() ticks = 0 while ticks < int(args.ticks): _ = tick() if debug: print("== Samples {} / {}".format(ticks + 1, args.ticks)) min_fps = float('inf') for sc in sensors_callback: fps = sc.get_fps() if fps < min_fps: min_fps = fps if math.isinf(min_fps): min_fps = 0 list_fps.append(min_fps) ticks += 1 for sensor in sensor_list: sensor.stop() sensor.destroy() sensors_callback.clear() print('Destroying %d vehicles.\n' % len(vehicles_list)) client.apply_batch([carla.command.DestroyActor(x) for x in vehicles_list]) # stop walker controllers (list is [controller, actor, controller, actor ...]) for i in range(0, len(all_id), 2): all_actors[i].stop() print('\ndestroying %d walkers' % len(walkers_list)) client.apply_batch([carla.command.DestroyActor(x) for x in all_id]) set_world_settings(world) return list_fps def compute_mean_std(list_values): np_values = np.array(list_values) mean = np.mean(np_values) std = np.std(np_values) return mean, std def serialize_records(records, system_specs, filename): with open(filename, 'w+') as fd: s = "| Town | Sensors | Weather | # of Vehicles | # of Walkers | Samples | Mean FPS | Std FPS |\n" s += "| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- |\n" fd.write(s) for sensor_key in sorted(records.keys()): list_records = records[sensor_key] for record in list_records: s = "| {} | {} | {} | {} | {} | {} | {:03.2f} | {:03.2f} |\n".format(record['town'], record['sensors'], record['weather'], record['n_vehicles'], record['n_walkers'], record['samples'], record['fps_mean'], record['fps_std']) fd.write(s) s = "\n| Global mean FPS | Global std FPS |\n" s += "| **{:03.2f}** | **{:03.2f}** |\n".format(*get_total(records)) fd.write(s) s = "Table: {}.\n".format(system_specs) fd.write(s) def get_total(records): record_vals = [item for sublist in records.values() for item in sublist] total_mean_fps = sum([r['fps_mean'] for r in record_vals]) / len(record_vals) total_mean_std = sum([r['fps_std'] for r in record_vals]) / len(record_vals) return total_mean_fps, total_mean_std def get_system_specs(): str_system = "" cpu_info = cpuinfo.get_cpu_info() str_system += "CPU {} {}. ".format(cpu_info.get('brand', 'Unknown'), cpu_info.get('family', 'Unknown')) memory_info = psutil.virtual_memory() str_system += "{:03.2f} GB RAM memory. ".format(memory_info.total / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)) nvidia_cmd = shutil.which("nvidia-smi") if nvidia_cmd: str_system += "GPU " gpu_info = GPUtil.getGPUs() for gpu in gpu_info: str_system += "{} ".format(gpu.name) return str_system def show_benchmark_scenarios(maps): print("Available maps") for map in sorted(maps): print(" - %s" % map) print("Available sensors") for i,sensors in enumerate(define_sensors()): sensor_str = "" for sensor in sensors: sensor_str += (sensor['label'] + " ") print(' - %s' % (sensor_str)) print("Available types of weather") for i,weather in enumerate(define_weather()): print(' - %i: %s' % (i, weather['name'])) print("Available Enviroments") for i,env in enumerate(define_environments()): print(' - %i: %s' % (i, str(env))) def main(args): try: client = carla.Client(args.host, int(args.port)) client.set_timeout(150.0) pygame.init() records = {} maps = define_maps(client) if args.show_scenarios: show_benchmark_scenarios(maps) return #maps = ["Town04_Opt"] for town in maps: world = client.load_world(town) time.sleep(5) # set to async mode set_world_settings(world) # spectator pointing to the sky to reduce rendering impact spectator = world.get_spectator() spectator.set_transform(carla.Transform(carla.Location(z=500), carla.Rotation(pitch=90))) for weather in define_weather(): world.set_weather(weather["parameter"]) for env in define_environments(): for sensors in define_sensors(): list_fps = run_benchmark(world, sensors, env["vehicles"], env["walkers"], client) mean, std = compute_mean_std(list_fps) sensor_str = "" for sensor in sensors: sensor_str += (sensor['label'] + " ") record = { 'town': town, 'sensors': sensor_str, 'weather': weather["name"], 'n_vehicles': env["vehicles"], 'n_walkers': env["walkers"], 'samples': args.ticks, 'fps_mean': mean, 'fps_std': std } env_str = str(env["vehicles"]) + str(env["walkers"]) if env_str not in records: records[env_str] = [] records[env_str].append(record) print(record) system_specs = get_system_specs() serialize_records(records, system_specs, args.file) pygame.quit() except KeyboardInterrupt: set_world_settings(world) client.reload_world() print('\nCancelled by user. Bye!') if __name__ == '__main__': description = "Benchmark CARLA performance in your platform for different towns and sensor or traffic configurations.\n" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument('--host', default='localhost', help='IP of the host server (default: localhost)') parser.add_argument('--port', default='2000', help='TCP port to listen to (default: 2000)') parser.add_argument('--file', type=str, help='Write results into a txt file', default="benchmark.md") parser.add_argument('--tm', action='store_true', help='Switch to traffic manager benchmark') parser.add_argument('--ticks', default=100, help='Number of ticks for each scenario (default: 100)') parser.add_argument('--sync', default=True, action='store_true', help='Synchronous mode execution (default)') parser.add_argument('--async', dest='sync', action='store_false', help='Asynchronous mode execution') parser.add_argument('--fixed_dt', type=float, default=0.05, help='Time interval for the simulator in synchronous mode (default: 0.05)') parser.add_argument('--render_mode', dest='no_render_mode', action='store_false', help='Execute with spectator') parser.add_argument('--no_render_mode', default=True, action='store_true', help='Execute in no rendering mode (default)') parser.add_argument('--show_scenarios', default=False, action='store_true', help='Show the scenarios to benchmark and return (default=False)') parser.add_argument('--sensors', nargs="+", default=None, help='List of sensors to benchmark, by default all defined ones') parser.add_argument('--maps', nargs="+", default=None, help='List of maps to benchmark, by default all defined ones') parser.add_argument('--weather', nargs="+", default=None, help='List of weather types to benchmark, by default all defined ones') args = parser.parse_args() main(args)