# Documentation Standard
This document will serve as a guide and example of some rules that need to be
followed in order to contribute to the documentation.
## Docs structure
We use a mix of markdown and HTML tags to customize the documentation along with an [`extra.css`](https://github.com/carla-simulator/carla/tree/master/Docs/extra.css) file.
To update Python API docs, instead of directly modifying the Markdown you need to edit the corresponding YAML files inside [`carla/PythonAPI/docs/`][fileslink] and run [`doc_gen.py`][scriptlink] or `make PythonAPI.docs`.
This will re-generate the respective Markdown files inside `carla/Docs/`, which can then be fed into `mkdocs`.
[fileslink]: https://github.com/carla-simulator/carla/tree/master/PythonAPI/docs
[scriptlink]: https://github.com/carla-simulator/carla/blob/master/PythonAPI/docs/doc_gen.py
## Rules
* Leave always an empty line between sections and at the end of the document.
* Writting should not exceed `100` columns, except for HTML related content, markdown tables, code snipets and referenced links.
* If an inline link exceeds the limit, use referenced `[name][reference_link]` markdown notation `[reference_link]: https://` rather than `[name](https://)`.
* Use `
` to make inline jumps rather than leaving two spaces at the end of a line.
* Use `