#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2017 Computer Vision Center (CVC) at the Universitat Autonoma de # Barcelona (UAB). # # This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. # For a copy, see . import glob import os import sys try: carla_lib_name = 'carla-*%d.%d-%s.egg' % ( sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor, 'win-amd64' if os.name == 'nt' else 'linux-x86_64') sys.path.append(glob.glob('../carla/dist/%s' % carla_lib_name)[0]) except IndexError: print('\n [ERROR] Could not find "%s"' % carla_lib_name) print(' Blueprint library docs will not be generated') print(" .---------------------------------------------------.") print(" | Make sure the python client is compiled! |") print(" '---------------------------------------------------'\n") # We don't provide an error to prvent Travis checks failing sys.exit(0) import carla COLOR_LIST = '#498efc' def join(elem, separator=''): return separator.join(elem) def color(col, buf): return join(['', buf, '']) def valid_dic_val(dic, value): return value in dic and dic[value] def italic(buf): return join(['_', buf, '_']) def bold(buf): return join(['**', buf, '**']) def parentheses(buf): return join(['(', buf, ')']) def sub(buf): return join(['', buf, '']) def code(buf): return join(['`', buf, '`']) class MarkdownFile: def __init__(self): self._data = "" self._list_depth = 0 self.endl = ' \n' def data(self): return self._data def list_push(self, buf=''): if buf: self.text(join([ ' ' * self._list_depth if self._list_depth != 0 else '', '- ', buf])) self._list_depth = (self._list_depth + 1) def list_pushn(self, buf): self.list_push(join([buf, self.endl])) def list_pop(self): self._list_depth = max(self._list_depth - 1, 0) def list_popn(self): self.list_pop() self._data = join([self._data, '\n']) def list_depth(self): if self._data.strip()[-1:] != '\n' or self._list_depth == 0: return '' return join([' ' * self._list_depth]) def text(self, buf): self._data = join([self._data, buf]) def textn(self, buf): self._data = join([self._data, self.list_depth(), buf, self.endl]) def not_title(self, buf): self._data = join([ self._data, '\n', self.list_depth(), '#', buf, '\n']) def title(self, strongness, buf): self._data = join([ self._data, '\n', self.list_depth(), '#' * strongness, ' ', buf, '\n']) def new_line(self): self._data = join([self._data, self.endl]) def code_block(self, buf, language=''): return join(['```', language, '\n', self.list_depth(), buf, '\n', self.list_depth(), '```\n']) def generate_pb_docs(): """Generates markdown file""" print('Generating API blueprint documentation...') client = carla.Client('', 2000) client.set_timeout(2.0) world = client.get_world() bp_dict = {} blueprints = [bp for bp in world.get_blueprint_library().filter('*')] # Returns list of all blueprints blueprint_ids = [bp.id for bp in world.get_blueprint_library().filter('*')] # Returns list of all blueprint ids # Creates a dict key = walker, static, prop, vehicle, sensor, controller; value = [bp_id, blueprint] for bp_id in sorted(blueprint_ids): bp_type = bp_id.split('.')[0] value = [] for bp in blueprints: if bp.id == bp_id: value = [bp_id, bp] if bp_type in bp_dict: bp_dict[bp_type].append(value) else: bp_dict[bp_type] = [value] # Actual documentation md = MarkdownFile() md.not_title('Blueprint Library') md.textn( "The Blueprint Library ([`carla.BlueprintLibrary`](../python_api/#carlablueprintlibrary-class)) " + "is a summary of all [`carla.ActorBlueprint`](../python_api/#carla.ActorBlueprint) " + "and its attributes ([`carla.ActorAttribute`](../python_api/#carla.ActorAttribute)) " + "available to the user in CARLA.") md.textn("\nHere is an example code for printing all actor blueprints and their attributes:") md.textn(md.code_block("blueprints = [bp for bp in world.get_blueprint_library().filter('*')]\n" "for blueprint in blueprints:\n" " print(blueprint.id)\n" " for attr in blueprint:\n" " print(' - {}'.format(attr))", "py")) md.textn("Check out the [introduction to blueprints](core_actors.md).") for key, value in bp_dict.items(): # bp types, bp's md.title(3, key) # Key = walker, static, controller, sensor, vehicle for bp in sorted(value): # Value = bp[0]= name bp[1]= blueprint md.list_pushn(bold(color(COLOR_LIST, bp[0]))) # bp name md.list_push(bold('Attributes:') + '\n') for attr in sorted(bp[1], key=lambda x: x.id): # for attribute in blueprint md.list_push(code(attr.id)) md.text(' ' + parentheses(italic(str(attr.type)))) if attr.is_modifiable: md.text(sub(italic(' – Modifiable'))) md.list_popn() md.list_pop() md.list_pop() md.list_pop() return md.data() def main(): script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) try: docs = generate_pb_docs() except RuntimeError: print("\n [ERROR] Can't establish connection with the simulator") print(" .---------------------------------------------------.") print(" | Make sure the simulator is connected! |") print(" '---------------------------------------------------'\n") # We don't provide an error to prvent Travis checks failing sys.exit(0) with open(os.path.join(script_path, '../../Docs/bp_library.md'), 'w') as md_file: md_file.write(docs) print("Done!") if __name__ == '__main__': main()