site_name: CARLA Simulator repo_url: docs_dir: Docs edit_uri: 'edit/master/Docs/' theme: readthedocs extra_css: [extra.css] nav: - Home: '' - Getting started: - 'Introduction': '' - 'Quickstart installation': '' - Building CARLA: - 'Linux build': '' - 'Windows build': '' - 'Update CARLA': '' - 'Build system': '' - 'Running in a Docker': '' - 'F.A.Q.': '' - First steps: - 'Core concepts': '' - '1st. World and client': '' - '2nd. Actors and blueprints': '' - '3rd. Maps and navigation': '' - '4th. Sensors and data': '' - Advanced steps: - 'Recorder': '' - 'Rendering options': '' - 'Synchrony and time-step': '' - 'Traffic Manager': '' - References: - 'Python API reference': '' - 'Code recipes': '' - 'Blueprint Library': '' - 'C++ reference' : '' - 'Recorder binary file format': '' - "Sensors reference": '' - Tutorials (general): - 'Add friction triggers': "" - 'Control vehicle physics': "" - 'Control walker skeletons': "" - Tutorials (assets): - 'Import new assets': '' - 'Map creation': '' - 'Map customization': '' - 'Standalone asset packages': '' - "Use Epic's Automotive materials": '' - 'Vehicle modelling': '' - Tutorials (developers): - 'Contribute with assets': '' - 'Create a sensor': '' - 'Make a release': '' - 'Generate pedestrian navigation': '' - ROS bridge: - 'ROS bridge installation': '' - 'Messages reference': '' - 'Launch reference': '' #- 'Supported features': '' - Contributing: - 'Contribution guidelines': '' - 'Code of conduct': '' - 'Coding standard': '' - 'Documentation standard': '' markdown_extensions: - admonition