## CARLA 0.8.0 * Upgraded to Unreal Engine 4.18 * Created our own pedestrian models free to use and distribute * Removed Epic's Automotive Materials dependencies * 360 Lidars support (similar to Velodyne HDL-32E or VLP-16) thanks to @parilo - Ray-trace based - Configurable settings - Added methods to save points to disk as PLY file * Added quality level settings - Low: faster, low quality graphics - Epic: best quality (as before) * Measurements now use SI units - Locations: m - Speed: m/s - Acceleration: m/s^2 - Collisions: kg*m/s - Angles: degrees * Added API methods to convert depth images to a point cloud - New method "image_converter.depth_to_local_point_cloud" - A supplementary image can be passed to attach colors to the points - New client example generates a point cloud in world coordinates - Added Transform class to Python API * Refactored sensor related code to ease adding new sensors in the future * Added vehicle box extent to player measurements * Adjusted bounding boxes to vehicles' height * Changed vehicles' center to match bounding box * Added autopilot mode to manua_control.py * Replaced background landscape and trees by a matte painting * Fixed road map generated some meshes twice * Small improvements to Windows support - Fixed issues with the Makefile - Fixed asset names too long or containing special characters * Optimizations - Fixed materials and improved shaders for roads, architecture, sidewalks, foliage, landscapes, cars, walkers, reflections, water. - Execution of a set of Project and Engine parameters to improve performance (quality, vsync, AO, occlusion) - Generation of the road pieces using static meshes and actors instead of a single actor with instanced meshes · Improved performance of roads by using actors instead of instances (due to occlusion and draw distance) - Asynchronous screen captures in the render queue · In asynchronous mode, images may arrive up to two frames later · In synchronous mode, game thread is blocked until images are ready (as before) - Blueprint code optimizations for vehicles, walkers, splines - Added a way to configure different settings levels for quality with culling distance and materials configuration ## CARLA 0.7.1 * New Python API module: Benchmark - Defines a set of tasks and conditions to test a certain agent - Contains a starting benchmark, CoRL2017 - Contains Agent Class: Interface for benchmarking AIs * New Python API module: Basic Planner (Temporary Hack) - Provide routes for the agent - Contains AStar module to find the shortest route * Other Python API improvements - Converter class to convert between Unreal world and map units - Metrics module to summarize benchmark results * Send vehicle's roll, pitch, and yaw to client (orientation is now deprecated) * New RoutePlanner class for assigning fixed routes to autopilot (IntersectionEntrance has been removed) * Create a random engine for each vehicle, which greatly improves repeatability * Add option to skip content download in Setup.sh * Few small fixes to the city assets ## CARLA 0.7.0 * New Python client API - Cleaner and more robust - Compatible with Python 2 and 3 - Improved exception handling - Improved examples - Included methods for parsing the images - Better documentation - Protocol: renamed "ai_control" to "autopilot_control" - Merged testing client - Added the maps for both cities, the client can now access the car position within the lane * Make CARLA start without client by default * Added wind effect to some trees and plants * Improvements to the existing weather presets * Build script: skip content download if up-to-date ## CARLA 0.6.0 * Included Unreal project and reorganised folders * Enabled semantic segmentation by default * Added Felipe's Python client * New build system (Linux only) * Few fixes to city assets ## CARLA 0.5.4 * Added command-line parameter -carla-no-hud * Remove override gamma from weather settings * Fixed issue road map generation hangs cooking command * Organise Python client and make sample script * Rename maps - CARLA_ORIGIN_0 --> Town02 - CARLA_ORIGIN_1 --> Town01 * Fixed Carla-Cola machine falling at begin play ## CARLA 0.5.3 * Fixed issues with weather * Fixed missing building ## CARLA 0.5.2 * Autopilot mode has been removed, now server sends AI control together with measurements every frame * State and position of traffic lights and signs are now included in the measurements too * Added a python console client * Fixed crash when client sends an invalid player start * Fixed some issues with the dynamic weather not looking as it used to do * Fixed some collision boxes missing ## CARLA 0.5.1 * Fixed issue server was destroyed on every reset, closing the connection * Fixed issue agent servers connect too late * Improvements to the python client * Added python client test suite for testing the release * Added image converter * Fixed missing floor on CARLA_ORIGIN_0 * Changed sidewalk texture * Improvements on the physics of some vehicles * More props and decals added to the cities ## CARLA 0.5.0 * Upgraded to Unreal Engine 4.17 - Fixes memory leaks - Fixes crashes with C++ std classes * Redesigned CarlaServer - Faster, avoids unnecessary copies - Sends images as raw data (no compression) - Supports synchronous and asynchronous mode - Networking operation have a time-out - Synchronous methods have a time-out - Pure C interface for better compatibility - Unit tests with GoogleTest * New server-client protocol - Upgraded to proto3 - Supports repeated fields - Optionally send information about all dynamic agents in the scene - Now sends transforms instead of locations only - Autopilot mode added to control * New build system to avoid linkage issues * Added autopilot mode * Added an on-board camera to the car * Added traffic lights and speed limit to player state * Added player pawn selection to config file * Improved blueprint interface of the C++ classes * Some performance improvements to vehicle controllers * Fix issues with depth material in Windows * Fix issues with random engine not being available for vehicles * Fixed issue that compiling a release hang when saving the road map * Added more content; 7 vehicles, 30 pedestrians, many decals and props * Randomized pedestrian clothing * Many improvements and fixes to the city levels and assets * Added sub-surface scattering to vegetation * Added key binding to change weather during play * Added key binding to toggle autopilot mode * Added a second camera to the player ## CARLA 0.4.6 * Add weather presets specific for each level * Some map fixes, adjust weather presets specific for each level * Fixed regression that some walkers may go at extremely slow and fast speeds ## CARLA 0.4.5 * Add random seeds to config file * Improve logging * Removed rotation of map CARLA_ORIGIN_1 ## CARLA 0.4.4 * Fixed regression walkers despawning when stopping after seeing a car * Changed, collision is only registered if player moves faster than 1 km/h * Fixed issue walkers resume movement after sensing nothing, but the car is still there sometimes * Few improvements to the city assets ## CARLA 0.4.3 * Fixed issue with reward, intersect other lane wasn't sent to the client * Improvements to the AI of other vehicles, and how they detect pedestrians * Improvements to the AI of the pedestrians, trying to avoid slightly better the cars * Made roads collision channel WorldStatic * Tune several vehicles' physics and engine * Fixed issue with vehicles bouncing back after hitting a pedestrian * Add bigger box to pedestrians to avoid accidents * Make vehicles spawn in order instead of randomly ## CARLA 0.4.2 * Fixed issues with the server-client protocol * More improvements to the AI of other vehicles, now they barely crash * Improved the physics of some vehicles * Tweak the city for better AI of other vehicles ## CARLA 0.4.1 * Improved AI of other vehicles, still needs some adjustment, but now they crash much less * Fixed wrong semantic segmentation label of the poles of traffic lights and signs * Added randomized vehicle license plates * Few improvements to the city assets ## CARLA 0.4.0 * Made vehicle input more realistic, now reverse and brake use different input * Changed server-client protocol - CarlaSettings.ini is sent for every new episode - Control is extended with brake, reverse and handbrake * Set a clearer hierarchy for loading settings files * Made camera post-process settings able to change depending on the weather * Added basic functionality for NPC vehicles * Some improvements to the walker spawner * Generate road map metadata on save * Added command-line switch -carla-no-networking * Improved verbosity control of CarlaServer * Fixed issue with server that two threads used 100% CPU * Fixed issue with the attachment of the main camera to the player * Fixed issues with CarlaServer interface with Unreal, does not use STL containers anymore * Fixed issue with server not running below 30 fps at fixed frame rate, added physics sub-stepping * Fixed issues with some weather settings * Added randomized pedestrians with their AI and animations * Added other vehicles with their AI and physics * Added traffic lights and signs * Tweaked capture image to look similar to main camera * Changed car input to match settings in plugin * General improvements to levels and assets ## CARLA 0.3.0 * Added basic dynamic weather functionality - Weather and sun light can be changed during game - Presets stored in config file CarlaWeather.ini - Added some presets for dynamic weather * Add basic functionality to spawn pedestrians * Split road meshes for intersections and turns for better precission of the road map * Better debug for road map * Implemented collision count for other cars and pedestrians * Command line argument -carla-settings now accepts relative paths * Improved performance when semantic segmentation is disabled * Improved tagger system * Implemented nav-mesh and spawn points for pedestrians * Added new cars * Added dynamic street lights * General improvements to levels and assets * Make the car jump ## CARLA 0.2.4 * Fixed serialization of road map resulting in a huge map size * Some optimizations in the vegetation * Implemented more LODS ## CARLA 0.2.3 * Fixed rounding errors in HUD (100% was shown as 99%, 30 FPS as 29 FPS) * Fixed crash when player goes out of road map * Fixed several issues related to the transform of the road map (wasn't working in CARLA_ORIGIN_1) * Make custom depth pass disable by default (semantic segmentation won't work by default) * Fixed road width in T-intersections * Implement road LOD * Fixed missing assets ## CARLA 0.2.2 * Implemented signals for off-road and opposite lane invasion * Fixed linking issues (use Unreal's libpng) * Fixed memory leak in PNG compression * Added boundaries to the map * Several fixes in the map content ## CARLA 0.2.1 * Fixed the memory leak related to protobuf issues * Fixed color shift in semantic segmentation and depth * Added in-game timestamp (now sending both OS and in-game) ## CARLA 0.2.0 * Fixed Depth issues * Fixed random crash due to an invalid player start position * Added semantic segmentation * Changed codification to PNG * Camera configuration through config INI file ## CARLA 0.1.1 * Added build system for Windows and Linux * Added more content ## CARLA 0.1.0 * Added basic functionality