@echo off setlocal rem BAT script that creates the client python api of LibCarla (carla.org). rem Run it through a cmd with the x64 Visual C++ Toolset enabled. set LOCAL_PATH=%~dp0 set "FILE_N=-[%~n0]:" rem Print batch params (debug purpose) echo %FILE_N% [Batch params]: %* rem ============================================================================ rem -- Parse arguments --------------------------------------------------------- rem ============================================================================ set DOC_STRING=Build and package CARLA Python API. set "USAGE_STRING=Usage: %FILE_N% [-h^|--help] [--rebuild] [--clean]" set REMOVE_INTERMEDIATE=false set BUILD_FOR_PYTHON2=false set BUILD_FOR_PYTHON3=false :arg-parse if not "%1"=="" ( if "%1"=="--rebuild" ( set REMOVE_INTERMEDIATE=true set BUILD_FOR_PYTHON2=true set BUILD_FOR_PYTHON3=true ) if "%1"=="--py2" ( set BUILD_FOR_PYTHON2=true ) if "%1"=="--py3" ( set BUILD_FOR_PYTHON3=true ) if "%1"=="--clean" ( set REMOVE_INTERMEDIATE=true ) if "%1"=="-h" ( echo %DOC_STRING% echo %USAGE_STRING% GOTO :eof ) if "%1"=="--help" ( echo %DOC_STRING% echo %USAGE_STRING% GOTO :eof ) shift goto :arg-parse ) set PYTHON_LIB_PATH=%ROOT_PATH%PythonAPI\ set PYTHON_LIB_BUILD=%PYTHON_LIB_PATH%build\ set PYTHON_LIB_DEPENDENCIES=%PYTHON_LIB_PATH%dependencies\ if %REMOVE_INTERMEDIATE% == false ( if %BUILD_FOR_PYTHON3% == false ( if %BUILD_FOR_PYTHON2% == false ( echo Nothing selected to be done. goto :eof ) ) ) if %REMOVE_INTERMEDIATE% == true ( echo %FILE_N% Cleaning "%PYTHON_LIB_BUILD%" if exist "%PYTHON_LIB_BUILD%" rmdir /S /Q "%PYTHON_LIB_BUILD%" echo %FILE_N% Cleaning "%PYTHON_LIB_DEPENDENCIES%" if exist "%PYTHON_LIB_DEPENDENCIES%" rmdir /S /Q "%PYTHON_LIB_DEPENDENCIES%" echo %FILE_N% Cleaning "%PYTHON_LIB_PATH%dist" if exist "%PYTHON_LIB_PATH%dist" rmdir /S /Q "%PYTHON_LIB_PATH%dist" ) cd "%PYTHON_LIB_PATH%" if exist "%PYTHON_LIB_PATH%dist" goto already_installed rem ============================================================================ rem -- Check for py ------------------------------------------------------------ rem ============================================================================ where py 1>nul if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error_py rem Build for Python 2 rem if %BUILD_FOR_PYTHON2%==true ( goto py2_not_supported ) rem Build for Python 2 rem if %BUILD_FOR_PYTHON3%==true ( echo Building Python API for Python 3. call py -3 setup.py bdist_egg if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error_build_egg ) goto success rem ============================================================================ rem -- Messages and Errors ----------------------------------------------------- rem ============================================================================ :success echo. if %BUILD_FOR_PYTHON3%==true echo %FILE_N% Carla lib for python has been successfully installed in "%PYTHON_LIB_PATH%dist"! goto good_exit :already_installed echo. echo %FILE_N% [ERROR] Already installed in "%PYTHON_LIB_PATH%dist" goto good_exit :py2_not_supported echo. echo %FILE_N% [ERROR] Python 2 is not currently suported in Windows. goto bad_exit :error_py echo. echo %FILE_N% [ERROR] An error ocurred while executing the py. echo %FILE_N% [ERROR] Possible causes: echo %FILE_N% [ERROR] - Make sure "py" is installed. echo %FILE_N% [ERROR] - Make sure it is available on your Windows "py". goto bad_exit :error_build_egg echo. echo %FILE_N% [ERROR] An error occurred while building the egg file. goto bad_exit :good_exit endlocal exit /b 0 :bad_exit endlocal exit /b %errorlevel%