site_name: CARLA Simulator repo_url: docs_dir: Docs pages: - Home: '' - Using CARLA: - 'How to run CARLA server and client': '' - 'CARLA Settings': '' - 'Measurements': '' - 'Cameras and sensors': '' - 'CARLA without Display and Selecting GPUs': '' - 'Benchmark': '' - 'F.A.Q.': '' - Building from source: - 'How to build on Linux': '' - 'How to build on Windows': '' - 'How to add Automotive Materials': '' - Contributing: - 'Contribution guidelines': '' - 'Coding standard': '' - 'Code of conduct': '' - Development: - 'Map customization': '' - 'How to add assets': '' - 'CARLA design': '' - 'CarlaServer documentation': '' markdown_extensions: - admonition