--- - module_name: carla # - CLASSES ------------------------------ classes: - class_name: WorldSnapshot # - DESCRIPTION ------------------------ doc: > This snapshot comprises all the information for every actor on scene at a certain moment of time. It creates and gives acces to a data structure containing a series of carla.ActorSnapshot. The client recieves a new snapshot on every tick that cannot be stored. # - PROPERTIES ------------------------- instance_variables: - var_name: id type: int doc: > A value unique for every snapshot to differenciate them. - var_name: frame type: int doc: > Simulation frame in which the snapshot was taken. - var_name: timestamp type: carla.Timestamp doc: > Precise moment in time when snapshot was taken. This class works in seconds as given by the operative system. # - METHODS ---------------------------- methods: - def_name: find return: carla.ActorSnapshot params: - param_name: actor_id type: int doc: > Given a certain actor ID, returns its corresponding snapshot or None if it is not found. # -------------------------------------- - def_name: has_actor return: bool params: - param_name: actor_id type: int doc: > Given a certain actor ID, checks if there is a snapshot corresponding it and so, if the actor was present at that moment. # -------------------------------------- - def_name: __iter__ doc: > Method that enables iteration for this class using **timestamp** as reference value. # -------------------------------------- - def_name: __len__ return: int doc: > Returns the amount of carla.ActorSnapshot present in this snapshot. # -------------------------------------- - def_name: __eq__ return: bool params: - param_name: other type: carla.WorldSnapshot doc: > Returns __True__ if both **timestamp** are the same. # -------------------------------------- - def_name: __ne__ return: bool params: - param_name: other type: carla.WorldSnapshot doc: > Returns True if both **timestamp** are different. # -------------------------------------- - class_name: ActorSnapshot # - DESCRIPTION ------------------------ doc: > A class that comprises all the information for an actor at a certain moment in time. These objects are contained in a carla.WorldSnapshot and sent to the client once every tick. # - PROPERTIES ------------------------- instance_variables: - var_name: id type: int doc: > An identifier for the snapshot itself. # - METHODS ---------------------------- methods: - def_name: get_acceleration return: carla.Vector3D doc: > Returns the acceleration vector registered for an actor in that tick. # -------------------------------------- - def_name: get_angular_velocity return: carla.Vector3D doc: > Returns the angular velocity vector registered for an actor in that tick. # -------------------------------------- - def_name: get_transform return: carla.Transform doc: > Returns the actor's transform (location and rotation) for an actor in that tick. # -------------------------------------- - def_name: get_velocity return: carla.Vector3D doc: > Returns the velocity vector registered for an actor in that tick. # -------------------------------------- ...