# Running CARLA in a Docker
This tutorial is designed for:
* People that want to run CARLA without needing to install all dependencies
* Recommended solution to run multiple CARLA servers and perform GPU mapping
* People who don't need to render the full simulation (the server is headless)
This tutorial was tested in Ubuntu 16.04 and using NVIDIA 396.37 drivers.
This method requires a version of NVIDIA drivers >=390.
## Docker Installation
!!! note
Docker requires sudo to run. Follow this guide to add users to the docker sudo
#### Docker CE
For our tests we used the Docker CE version.
To install Docker CE we recommend using [this tutorial][tutoriallink]
[tutoriallink]: https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/#extra-steps-for-aufs
#### NVIDIA-Docker2
To install nvidia-docker-2 we recommend using the "Quick Start"
section from the [nvidia-dockers github](https://github.com/NVIDIA/nvidia-docker).
## Getting it Running
Pull the CARLA image.
docker pull carlasim/carla:version
For selecting a version, for instance, version 0.8.2 (stable), do:
docker pull carlasim/carla:0.8.2
Running CARLA under docker:
docker run -p 2000-2002:2000-2002 --runtime=nvidia -e --gpus all carlasim/carla:0.8.4
The `-p 2000-2002:2000-2002` argument is to redirect host ports for the docker container.
Use `--gpus '"device=,"'` to specify which GPUs should run CARLA. Take a look at this [NVIDIA documentation](https://github.com/NVIDIA/nvidia-docker) to learn other syntax options.
You can also pass parameters to the CARLA executable. With this you can chose the town and
select the port that is going to be used:
docker run -p 2000-2002:2000-2002 --runtime=nvidia -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 carlasim/carla:0.8.4 /bin/bash CarlaUE4.sh < Your list of parameters >
At the list of parameters do not forget to add `-world-port=` so that CARLA runs on server mode
listening to the ``