REM @echo off setlocal rem BAT script that downloads and installs a ready to use rem x64 xerces-c build for CARLA ( rem Run it through a cmd with the x64 Visual C++ Toolset enabled. set LOCAL_PATH=%~dp0 set FILE_N= -[%~n0]: rem Print batch params (debug purpose) echo %FILE_N% [Batch params]: %* rem ============================================================================ rem -- Parse arguments --------------------------------------------------------- rem ============================================================================ :arg-parse if not "%1"=="" ( if "%1"=="--build-dir" ( set BUILD_DIR=%~dpn2 shift ) if "%1"=="-h" ( goto help ) if "%1"=="--help" ( goto help ) if "%1"=="--generator" ( set GENERATOR=%2 shift ) shift goto :arg-parse ) if %GENERATOR% == "" set GENERATOR="Visual Studio 16 2019" rem If not set set the build dir to the current dir if "%BUILD_DIR%" == "" set BUILD_DIR=%~dp0 if not "%BUILD_DIR:~-1%"=="\" set BUILD_DIR=%BUILD_DIR%\ rem ============================================================================ rem -- Local Variables --------------------------------------------------------- rem ============================================================================ set XERCESC_BASENAME=xerces-c set XERCESC_VERSION=3.2.3 rem xerces-c-x.x.x set XERCESC_TEMP_FOLDER=%XERCESC_BASENAME%-%XERCESC_VERSION% rem ../xerces-c-x.x.x set XERCESC_TEMP_FOLDER_DIR=%BUILD_DIR%%XERCESC_TEMP_FOLDER% rem set rem ../ set XERCESC_TEMP_FILE_DIR=%BUILD_DIR%%XERCESC_TEMP_FILE% set XERCESC_REPO= set XERCESC_BACKUP_REPO= rem ../xerces-c-x.x.x-source/ set XERCESC_SRC_DIR=%BUILD_DIR%%XERCESC_BASENAME%-%XERCESC_VERSION%-source\ rem ../xerces-c-x.x.x-install/ set XERCESC_INSTALL_DIR=%BUILD_DIR%%XERCESC_BASENAME%-%XERCESC_VERSION%-install\ rem ============================================================================ rem -- Get xerces -------------------------------------------------------------- rem ============================================================================ if exist "%XERCESC_INSTALL_DIR%" ( goto already_build ) if not exist "%XERCESC_SRC_DIR%" ( if not exist "%XERCESC_TEMP_FILE_DIR%" ( echo %FILE_N% Retrieving %XERCESC_BASENAME%. powershell -Command "(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('%XERCESC_REPO%', '%XERCESC_TEMP_FILE_DIR%')" ) if not exist "%XERCESC_TEMP_FILE_DIR%" ( echo %FILE_N% Using %XERCESC_BASENAME% from backup. powershell -Command "(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('%XERCESC_BACKUP_REPO%', '%XERCESC_TEMP_FILE_DIR%')" ) if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error_download rem Extract the downloaded library echo %FILE_N% Extracting xerces from "%XERCESC_TEMP_FILE%". powershell -Command "Expand-Archive '%XERCESC_TEMP_FILE_DIR%' -DestinationPath '%BUILD_DIR%'" if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error_extracting rem Remove unnecessary files and folders echo %FILE_N% Removing "%XERCESC_TEMP_FILE%" del "%XERCESC_TEMP_FILE_DIR%" echo %FILE_N% Removing dir "%BUILD_DIR%manifest" rmdir /s/q "%BUILD_DIR%manifest" echo %FILE_N% Renaming dir %XERCESC_TEMP_FOLDER_DIR% to %XERCESC_BASENAME%-%XERCESC_VERSION%-source rename "%XERCESC_TEMP_FOLDER_DIR%" "%XERCESC_BASENAME%-%XERCESC_VERSION%-source" ) else ( echo %FILE_N% Not downloading xerces because already exists the folder "%XERCESC_SRC_DIR%". ) rem ============================================================================ rem -- Compile xerces ---------------------------------------------------------- rem ============================================================================ if not exist "%XERCESC_SRC_DIR%build" ( echo %FILE_N% Creating "%XERCESC_SRC_DIR%build" mkdir "%XERCESC_SRC_DIR%build" ) cd "%XERCESC_SRC_DIR%build" if not exist "%XERCESC_INSTALL_DIR%lib" ( echo %FILE_N% Creating "%XERCESC_INSTALL_DIR%lib" mkdir "%XERCESC_INSTALL_DIR%lib" ) if not exist "%XERCESC_INSTALL_DIR%include" ( echo %FILE_N% Creating "%XERCESC_INSTALL_DIR%include" mkdir "%XERCESC_INSTALL_DIR%include" ) echo.%GENERATOR% | findstr /C:"Visual Studio" >nul && ( set PLATFORM=-A x64 ) || ( set PLATFORM= ) cmake .. -G %GENERATOR% %PLATFORM%^ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="%XERCESC_INSTALL_DIR:\=/%"^ -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF^ "%BUILD_DIR%%XERCESC_BASENAME%-%XERCESC_VERSION%-source" if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error_cmake cmake --build . --config Release --target install goto success rem ============================================================================ rem -- Messages and Errors ----------------------------------------------------- rem ============================================================================ :help echo %FILE_N% Download and install a xerces. echo "Usage: %FILE_N% [-h^|--help] [--build-dir] [--zlib-install-dir]" goto eof :success echo. echo %FILE_N% xerces has been successfully installed in "%XERCESC_INSTALL_DIR%"! goto good_exit :already_build echo %FILE_N% A xerces installation already exists. echo %FILE_N% Delete "%XERCESC_INSTALL_DIR%" if you want to force a rebuild. goto good_exit :error_download echo. echo %FILE_N% [DOWNLOAD ERROR] An error ocurred while downloading xerces. echo %FILE_N% [DOWNLOAD ERROR] Possible causes: echo %FILE_N% - Make sure that the following url is valid: echo %FILE_N% "%XERCESC_REPO%" echo %FILE_N% [DOWNLOAD ERROR] Workaround: echo %FILE_N% - Download the xerces's source code and echo %FILE_N% extract the content in echo %FILE_N% "%XERCESC_SRC_DIR%" echo %FILE_N% And re-run the setup script. goto bad_exit :error_extracting echo. echo %FILE_N% [EXTRACTING ERROR] An error ocurred while extracting the zip. echo %FILE_N% [EXTRACTING ERROR] Workaround: echo %FILE_N% - Download the xerces's source code and echo %FILE_N% extract the content manually in echo %FILE_N% "%XERCESC_SRC_DIR%" echo %FILE_N% And re-run the setup script. goto bad_exit :error_compiling echo. echo %FILE_N% [COMPILING ERROR] An error ocurred while compiling with cl.exe. echo %FILE_N% Possible causes: echo %FILE_N% - Make sure you have Visual Studio installed. echo %FILE_N% - Make sure you have the "x64 Visual C++ Toolset" in your path. echo %FILE_N% For example, using the "Visual Studio x64 Native Tools Command Prompt", echo %FILE_N% or the "vcvarsall.bat". goto bad_exit :error_generating_lib echo. echo %FILE_N% [NMAKE ERROR] An error ocurred while compiling and installing using nmake. goto bad_exit :good_exit echo %FILE_N% Exiting... rem A return value used for checking for errors endlocal & set install_xerces=%XERCESC_INSTALL_DIR% exit /b 0 :bad_exit if exist "%XERCESC_INSTALL_DIR%" rd /s /q "%XERCESC_INSTALL_DIR%" echo %FILE_N% Exiting with error... endlocal exit /b %errorlevel%