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285 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2020 Computer Vision Center (CVC) at the Universitat Autonoma de
# Barcelona (UAB).
# This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
# For a copy, see <https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
""" This module is responsible for the management of the ptv-vissim simulation. """
# ==================================================================================================
# -- imports ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ==================================================================================================
import enum
import logging
import math
import os
import carla # pylint: disable=import-error
from ctypes import *
from . import constants
# ==================================================================================================
# -- vissim definitions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ==================================================================================================
class Simulator_Veh_Data(Structure):
Structure to hold the data sent to vissim about the status of the simulator vehicles (i.e.,
carla vehicles).
_fields_ = [
('Position_X', c_double), # front center of the vehicle in m
('Position_Y', c_double), # front center of the vehicle in m
('Position_Z', c_double), # front center of the vehicle in m
('Orient_Heading', c_double), # in radians, eastbound = zero, northbound = +Pi/2 */
('Orient_Pitch', c_double), # in radians, uphill = positive
('Speed', c_double), # in m/s
('ControlledByVissim', c_bool), # affects next time step
('RoutingDecisionNo', c_long), # used once if ControlledByVissim changed from false to true
('RouteNo', c_long) # used once if ControlledByVissim changed from false to true
class VISSIM_Veh_Data(Structure):
Structure to hold the data received from vissim about the status of the traffic vehicles (i.e.,
vissim vehicles).
_fields_ = [
('VehicleID', c_long),
('VehicleType', c_long), # vehicle type number from Vissim
('ModelFileName', c_char * constants.NAME_MAX_LENGTH), # .v3d
('color', c_long), # RGB
('Position_X', c_double), # front center of the vehicle in m
('Position_Y', c_double), # front center of the vehicle in m
('Position_Z', c_double), # front center of the vehicle in m
('Orient_Heading', c_double), # in radians, eastbound = zero, northbound = +Pi/2 */
('Orient_Pitch', c_double), # in radians, uphill = positive
('Speed', c_double), # in m/s
('LeadingVehicleID', c_long), # relevant vehicle in front
('TrailingVehicleID', c_long), # next vehicle back on the same lane
('LinkID', c_long), # Vissim link attribute “Number”
('LinkName', c_char * constants.NAME_MAX_LENGTH), # empty if “Name” not set in Vissim
('LinkCoordinate', c_double), # in m
('LaneIndex', c_int), # 0 = rightmost
('TurningIndicator', c_int), # 1 = left, 0 = none, -1 = right
('PreviousIndex', c_long), # for interpolation: index in the array in the previous Vissim time step, < 0 = new in the visibility area
('NumUDAs', c_long), # the number of UDA values in the following array
('UDA', c_double * constants.MAX_UDA) # the first MAX_UDA user-defined numeric vehicle attributes
class VissimLightState(enum.Enum):
VissimLightState contains the different vissim indicator states.
LEFT = 1
NONE = 0
RIGHT = -1
class VissimVehicle(object):
VissimVehicle holds the data relative to traffic vehicles in vissim.
def __init__(self,
# Static parameters.
self.id = vehicle_id
self.type = type_id
self.model_filename = model_filename
self.color = color
# Dynamic attributes.
loc = carla.Location(location[0], location[1], location[2])
rot = carla.Rotation(math.degrees(rotation[0]), math.degrees(rotation[1]),
self._transform = carla.Transform(loc, rot)
self._velocity = carla.Vector3D(
velocity * math.cos(math.radians(rot.yaw)) * math.cos(math.radians(rot.pitch)),
velocity * math.sin(math.radians(rot.yaw)) * math.cos(math.radians(rot.pitch)),
velocity * math.sin(math.radians(rot.pitch)))
self._lights_state = lights_state
def get_velocity(self):
Returns the vehicle's velocity.
return self._velocity
def get_transform(self):
Returns carla transform.
return self._transform
# ==================================================================================================
# -- vissim simulation -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ==================================================================================================
class PTVVissimSimulation(object):
PTVVissimSimulation is responsible for the management of the vissim simulation.
def __init__(self, args):
# Maximum number of simulator vehicles to be tracked by the driving simulator interface.
self._max_simulator_vehicles = args.simulator_vehicles
# Loading driving simulator proxy library.
logging.info('Loading DrivingSimulatorProxy library...')
self.ds_proxy = cdll.LoadLibrary('DrivingSimulatorProxy.dll')
# Connection to vissim simulator.
logging.info('Establishing a connection with a GUI version of PTV-Vissim')
result = self.ds_proxy.VISSIM_Connect(args.vissim_version,
int(1. / args.step_length),
if not result:
raise RuntimeError('There was an error when establishing a connection with PTV-Vissim')
# Structures to keep track of the simulation state at each time step.
self._vissim_vehicles = {} # vissim_actor_id: VissimVehicle (only vissim traffic)
self._simulator_vehicles = {} # vissim_actor_id: Simulator_Veh_Data
self.spawned_vehicles = set()
self.destroyed_vehicles = set()
def _get_next_actor_id(self):
Returns an available actor id. Otherwise, returns INVALID_ACTOR_ID.
all_ids = set(range(1, self._max_simulator_vehicles + 1))
used_ids = set(self._simulator_vehicles.keys())
available_ids = all_ids - used_ids
if len(available_ids):
return available_ids.pop()
return constants.INVALID_ACTOR_ID
def get_actor(self, actor_id):
Accessor for vissim actor.
return self._vissim_vehicles[actor_id]
def spawn_actor(self, transform):
Spawns a new actor.
Warning: When the maximum number of simulator vehicles being tracked at the same time is
reached, no new vehicles are spawned.
# Checks number of simulator vehicles currently being tracked.
if (len(self._simulator_vehicles) < self._max_simulator_vehicles):
actor_id = self._get_next_actor_id()
self._simulator_vehicles[actor_id] = Simulator_Veh_Data(
transform.location.x, transform.location.y, transform.location.z,
math.radians(transform.rotation.yaw), math.radians(transform.rotation.pitch), 0.0,
False, 0, 0)
return actor_id
'Maximum number of simulator vehicles reached. No vehicle will be spawned.')
return constants.INVALID_ACTOR_ID
def destroy_actor(self, actor_id):
Destroys the given actor.
:param actor_id: id of the vehicle to be destroyed.
:return: True if successfully destroyed. Otherwise, False.
if actor_id in self._simulator_vehicles:
del self._simulator_vehicles[actor_id]
return True
return False
def synchronize_vehicle(self, vehicle_id, transform, velocity):
Updates vehicle state.
:param int vehicle_id: id of the vehicle to be updated.
:param carla.Transform transform: new vehicle transform (i.e., position and rotation).
:param carla.Vector3D velocity: new vehicle velocity.
:return: True if successfully updated. Otherwise, False.
self._simulator_vehicles[vehicle_id] = Simulator_Veh_Data(
transform.location.x, transform.location.y, transform.location.z,
math.radians(transform.rotation.yaw), math.radians(transform.rotation.pitch),
math.sqrt(velocity.x**2 + velocity.y**2 + velocity.z**2), False, 0, 0)
return True
def _get_simulator_veh_data(self):
Returns list of Simulator_Veh_Data structures ready to be sent to the driving simulator
data = []
for i in range(1, self._max_simulator_vehicles + 1):
if i in self._simulator_vehicles:
# Invalid Simulator_Veh_Data to set the position of simulator vehicles in vissim
# that are not yet in carla.
Simulator_Veh_Data(float('inf'), float('inf'), float('inf'), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
False, 0, 0))
return data
def tick(self):
Tick to vissim simulation.
# Updating simulator vehicles data.
arr = (Simulator_Veh_Data * self._max_simulator_vehicles)(*self._get_simulator_veh_data())
self.ds_proxy.VISSIM_SetDriverVehicles(self._max_simulator_vehicles, byref(arr))
# Retrieving vissim traffic data.
num_vehicles = c_int(0)
traffic_data = POINTER(VISSIM_Veh_Data)()
self.ds_proxy.VISSIM_GetTrafficVehicles(byref(num_vehicles), byref(traffic_data))
vehicles = {}
for i in range(num_vehicles.value):
vehicle_data = traffic_data[i]
vehicles[vehicle_data.VehicleID] = VissimVehicle(
vehicle_data.VehicleID, vehicle_data.VehicleType, vehicle_data.ModelFileName,
[vehicle_data.Position_X, vehicle_data.Position_Y, vehicle_data.Position_Z],
[vehicle_data.Orient_Pitch, vehicle_data.Orient_Heading, 0.0], vehicle_data.Speed,
# Update data structures for the current time step.
active_vehicles = set(self._vissim_vehicles.keys())
current_vehicles = set(vehicles.keys())
self.spawned_vehicles = current_vehicles.difference(active_vehicles)
self.destroyed_vehicles = active_vehicles.difference(current_vehicles)
self._vissim_vehicles = vehicles
def close(self):