
333 lines
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- module_name: command
doc: >
- class_name: Response
# - DESCRIPTION ------------------------
doc: >
States the result of executing a command as either the ID of the actor to whom the command was applied to (when succeeded) or an error string (when failed).
actor ID, depending on whether or not the command succeeded. The method **<font color="#7fb800">apply_batch_sync()</font>** in carla.Client returns a list of these to summarize the execution of a batch.
# - PROPERTIES -------------------------
- var_name: actor_id
type: int
doc: >
Actor to whom the command was applied to. States that the command was successful.
- var_name: error
type: str
doc: >
A string stating the command has failed.
# - METHODS ----------------------------
- def_name: has_error
return: bool
doc: >
Returns <b>True</b> if the command represents a successful execution and <b>False</b> if not.
# --------------------------------------
- class_name: SpawnActor
# - DESCRIPTION ------------------------
doc: >
Command adaptation of **<font color="#7fb800">spawn_actor()</font>** in carla.World. Spawns an actor into the world based on the blueprint provided and the transform. If a parent is provided, the actor is attached to it.
# - PROPERTIES -------------------------
- var_name: transform
type: carla.Transform
doc: >
Transform to be applied.
- var_name: parent_id
type: int
doc: >
Identificator of the parent actor.
# - METHODS ----------------------------
- def_name: __init__
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: __init__
- param_name: blueprint
type: carla.ActorBlueprint
- param_name: transform
type: carla.Transform
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: __init__
- param_name: blueprint
type: carla.ActorBlueprint
- param_name: transform
type: carla.Transform
- param_name: parent
type: carla.Actor or int
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: then
- param_name: command
type: carla.Command
doc: >
doc: >
Links another command to be executed right after. It allows to ease very common flows such as spawning a set of vehicles by command and then using this method to set them to autopilot automatically.
# --------------------------------------
- class_name: DestroyActor
# - DESCRIPTION ------------------------
doc: >
Command adaptation of **<font color="#7fb800">destroy()</font>** in carla.Actor that tells the simulator to destroy this actor. It has no effect if the actor was already destroyed. When executed with **<font color="#7fb800">apply_batch_synch()</font>** in carla.Client there will be a <b>command.Response</b> that will return a boolean stating whether the actor was successfully destroyed.
# - PROPERTIES -------------------------
- var_name: actor_id
type: int
doc: >
Actor affected by the command
# - METHODS ----------------------------
- def_name: __init__
- param_name: actor
type: carla.Actor or int
doc: >
Actor or its ID to whom the command will be applied to.
# --------------------------------------
- class_name: ApplyVehicleControl
# - DESCRIPTION ------------------------
doc: >
Command adaptation of **<font color="#7fb800">apply_control()</font>** in carla.Vehicle. Applies a certain control to a vehicle.
# - PROPERTIES -------------------------
- var_name: actor_id
type: int
doc: >
Vehicle actor affected by the command.
- var_name: control
type: carla.VehicleControl
doc: >
Vehicle control to be applied.
# - METHODS ----------------------------
- def_name: __init__
- param_name: actor
type: carla.Actor or int
doc: >
Actor or its ID to whom the command will be applied to.
- param_name: control
type: carla.VehicleControl
# --------------------------------------
- class_name: ApplyWalkerControl
# - DESCRIPTION ------------------------
doc: >
Command adaptation of **<font color="#7fb800">apply_control()</font>** in carla.Walker. Applies a control to a walker.
# - PROPERTIES -------------------------
- var_name: actor_id
type: int
doc: >
Walker actor affected by the command.
- var_name: control
type: carla.WalkerControl
doc: >
Walker control to be applied.
# - METHODS ----------------------------
- def_name: __init__
- param_name: actor
type: carla.Actor or int
doc: >
Actor or its ID to whom the command will be applied to.
- param_name: control
type: carla.WalkerControl
# --------------------------------------
- class_name: ApplyTransform
# - DESCRIPTION ------------------------
doc: >
Command adaptation of **<font color="#7fb800">set_transform()</font>** in carla.Actor. Sets a new transform to an actor.
# - PROPERTIES -------------------------
- var_name: actor_id
type: int
doc: >
Actor affected by the command.
- var_name: transform
type: carla.Transform
doc: >
Transformation to be applied.
# - METHODS ----------------------------
- def_name: __init__
- param_name: actor
type: carla.Actor or int
doc: >
Actor or its ID to whom the command will be applied to.
- param_name: transform
type: carla.Transform
# --------------------------------------
- class_name: ApplyWalkerState
# - DESCRIPTION ------------------------
doc: >
Apply a state to the walker actor. Specially useful to initialize an actor them with a specific location, orientation and speed.
# - PROPERTIES -------------------------
- var_name: actor_id
type: int
doc: >
Walker actor affected by the command.
- var_name: transform
type: carla.Transform
doc: >
Transform to be applied.
- var_name: speed
type: float
doc: >
Speed to be applied.
# - METHODS ----------------------------
- def_name: __init__
- param_name: actor
type: carla.Actor or int
doc: >
Actor or its ID to whom the command will be applied to.
- param_name: transform
type: carla.Transform
- param_name: speed
type: float
# --------------------------------------
- class_name: ApplyVelocity
# - DESCRIPTION ------------------------
doc: >
Command adaptation of **<font color="#7fb800">set_velocity()</font>** in carla.Actor. Sets an actor's velocity.
# - PROPERTIES -------------------------
- var_name: actor_id
type: int
doc: >
Actor affected by the command.
- var_name: velocity
type: carla.Vector3D
doc: >
The 3D velocity applied to the actor.
# - METHODS ----------------------------
- def_name: __init__
- param_name: actor
type: carla.Actor or int
doc: >
Actor or its ID to whom the command will be applied to.
- param_name: velocity
type: carla.Vector3D
# --------------------------------------
- class_name: ApplyAngularVelocity
# - DESCRIPTION ------------------------
doc: >
Command adaptation of **<font color="#7fb800">set_angular_velocity()</font>** in carla.Actor. Sets an actor's angular velocity.
# - PROPERTIES -------------------------
- var_name: actor_id
type: int
doc: >
Actor affected by the command.
- var_name: angular_velocity
type: carla.Vector3D
doc: >
The 3D angular velocity that will be applied to the actor.
# - METHODS ----------------------------
- def_name: __init__
- param_name: actor
type: carla.Actor or int
doc: >
Actor or its ID to whom the command will be applied to.
- param_name: angular_velocity
type: carla.Vector3D
# --------------------------------------
- class_name: ApplyImpulse
# - DESCRIPTION ------------------------
doc: >
Command adaptation of **<font color="#7fb800">add_impulse()</font>** in carla.Actor. Adds impulse to an actor.
# - PROPERTIES -------------------------
- var_name: actor_id
type: int
doc: >
Actor affected by the command.
- var_name: impulse
type: carla.Vector3D
doc: >
Impulse applied to the actor.
# - METHODS ----------------------------
- def_name: __init__
- param_name: actor
type: carla.Actor or int
doc: >
Actor or its ID to whom the command will be applied to.
- param_name: impulse
type: carla.Vector3D
# --------------------------------------
- class_name: SetSimulatePhysics
# - DESCRIPTION ------------------------
doc: >
Command adaptation of **<font color="#7fb800">set_simulate_physics()</font>** in carla.Actor. Determines whether an actor will be affected by physics or not.
# - PROPERTIES -------------------------
- var_name: actor_id
type: int
doc: >
Actor affected by the command.
- var_name: enabled
type: bool
doc: >
If physics should be activated or not.
# - METHODS ----------------------------
- def_name: __init__
- param_name: actor
type: carla.Actor or int
doc: >
Actor or its ID to whom the command will be applied to.
- param_name: enabled
type: bool
# --------------------------------------
- class_name: SetAutopilot
# - DESCRIPTION ------------------------
doc: >
Command adaptation of **<font color="#7fb800">set_autopilot()</font>** in carla.Vehicle. Turns on/off the vehicle's server-side autopilot.
# - PROPERTIES -------------------------
- var_name: actor_id
type: int
doc: >
Actor that is affected by the command.
- var_name: enabled
type: bool
doc: >
If autopilot should be activated or not.
# - METHODS ----------------------------
- def_name: __init__
- param_name: actor
type: carla.Actor or int
doc: >
Actor or its ID to whom the command will be applied to.
- param_name: enabled
type: bool
# --------------------------------------