1641 lines
69 KiB
Executable File
1641 lines
69 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2024 Computer Vision Center (CVC) at the Universitat Autonoma de
# Barcelona (UAB).
# This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
# For a copy, see <https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
# Allows visualising a 2D map generated by vehicles.
Welcome to CARLA No-Rendering Mode Visualizer
TAB : toggle hero mode
Mouse Wheel : zoom in / zoom out
Mouse Drag : move map (map mode only)
W : throttle
S : brake
AD : steer
Q : toggle reverse
Space : hand-brake
P : toggle autopilot
M : toggle manual transmission
,/. : gear up/down
F1 : toggle HUD
I : toggle actor ids
H/? : toggle help
ESC : quit
# ==============================================================================
# -- find carla module ---------------------------------------------------------
# ==============================================================================
import glob
import os
import sys
sys.path.append(glob.glob('../carla/dist/carla-*%d.%d-%s.egg' % (
'win-amd64' if os.name == 'nt' else 'linux-x86_64'))[0])
except IndexError:
# ==============================================================================
# -- imports -------------------------------------------------------------------
# ==============================================================================
import carla
from carla import TrafficLightState as tls
import argparse
import logging
import datetime
import weakref
import math
import random
import hashlib
import pygame
from pygame.locals import KMOD_CTRL
from pygame.locals import KMOD_SHIFT
from pygame.locals import K_COMMA
from pygame.locals import K_DOWN
from pygame.locals import K_ESCAPE
from pygame.locals import K_F1
from pygame.locals import K_LEFT
from pygame.locals import K_PERIOD
from pygame.locals import K_RIGHT
from pygame.locals import K_SLASH
from pygame.locals import K_SPACE
from pygame.locals import K_TAB
from pygame.locals import K_UP
from pygame.locals import K_a
from pygame.locals import K_d
from pygame.locals import K_h
from pygame.locals import K_i
from pygame.locals import K_m
from pygame.locals import K_p
from pygame.locals import K_q
from pygame.locals import K_s
from pygame.locals import K_w
except ImportError:
raise RuntimeError('cannot import pygame, make sure pygame package is installed')
# ==============================================================================
# -- Constants -----------------------------------------------------------------
# ==============================================================================
# Colors
# We will use the color palette used in Tango Desktop Project (Each color is indexed depending on brightness level)
# See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tango_Desktop_Project
COLOR_BUTTER_0 = pygame.Color(252, 233, 79)
COLOR_BUTTER_1 = pygame.Color(237, 212, 0)
COLOR_BUTTER_2 = pygame.Color(196, 160, 0)
COLOR_ORANGE_0 = pygame.Color(252, 175, 62)
COLOR_ORANGE_1 = pygame.Color(245, 121, 0)
COLOR_ORANGE_2 = pygame.Color(209, 92, 0)
COLOR_CHOCOLATE_0 = pygame.Color(233, 185, 110)
COLOR_CHOCOLATE_1 = pygame.Color(193, 125, 17)
COLOR_CHOCOLATE_2 = pygame.Color(143, 89, 2)
COLOR_CHAMELEON_0 = pygame.Color(138, 226, 52)
COLOR_CHAMELEON_1 = pygame.Color(115, 210, 22)
COLOR_CHAMELEON_2 = pygame.Color(78, 154, 6)
COLOR_SKY_BLUE_0 = pygame.Color(114, 159, 207)
COLOR_SKY_BLUE_1 = pygame.Color(52, 101, 164)
COLOR_SKY_BLUE_2 = pygame.Color(32, 74, 135)
COLOR_PLUM_0 = pygame.Color(173, 127, 168)
COLOR_PLUM_1 = pygame.Color(117, 80, 123)
COLOR_PLUM_2 = pygame.Color(92, 53, 102)
COLOR_SCARLET_RED_0 = pygame.Color(239, 41, 41)
COLOR_SCARLET_RED_1 = pygame.Color(204, 0, 0)
COLOR_SCARLET_RED_2 = pygame.Color(164, 0, 0)
COLOR_ALUMINIUM_0 = pygame.Color(238, 238, 236)
COLOR_ALUMINIUM_1 = pygame.Color(211, 215, 207)
COLOR_ALUMINIUM_2 = pygame.Color(186, 189, 182)
COLOR_ALUMINIUM_3 = pygame.Color(136, 138, 133)
COLOR_ALUMINIUM_4 = pygame.Color(85, 87, 83)
COLOR_ALUMINIUM_4_5 = pygame.Color(66, 62, 64)
COLOR_ALUMINIUM_5 = pygame.Color(46, 52, 54)
COLOR_WHITE = pygame.Color(255, 255, 255)
COLOR_BLACK = pygame.Color(0, 0, 0)
# Module Defines
# ==============================================================================
# -- Util -----------------------------------------------------------
# ==============================================================================
def get_actor_display_name(actor, truncate=250):
name = ' '.join(actor.type_id.replace('_', '.').title().split('.')[1:])
return (name[:truncate - 1] + u'\u2026') if len(name) > truncate else name
class Util(object):
def blits(destination_surface, source_surfaces, rect=None, blend_mode=0):
"""Function that renders the all the source surfaces in a destination source"""
for surface in source_surfaces:
destination_surface.blit(surface[0], surface[1], rect, blend_mode)
def length(v):
"""Returns the length of a vector"""
return math.sqrt(v.x**2 + v.y**2 + v.z**2)
def get_bounding_box(actor):
"""Gets the bounding box corners of an actor in world space"""
bb = actor.trigger_volume.extent
corners = [carla.Location(x=-bb.x, y=-bb.y),
carla.Location(x=bb.x, y=-bb.y),
carla.Location(x=bb.x, y=bb.y),
carla.Location(x=-bb.x, y=bb.y),
carla.Location(x=-bb.x, y=-bb.y)]
corners = [x + actor.trigger_volume.location for x in corners]
t = actor.get_transform()
return corners
# ==============================================================================
# -- FadingText ----------------------------------------------------------------
# ==============================================================================
class FadingText(object):
"""Renders texts that fades out after some seconds that the user specifies"""
def __init__(self, font, dim, pos):
"""Initializes variables such as text font, dimensions and position"""
self.font = font
self.dim = dim
self.pos = pos
self.seconds_left = 0
self.surface = pygame.Surface(self.dim)
def set_text(self, text, color=COLOR_WHITE, seconds=2.0):
"""Sets the text, color and seconds until fade out"""
text_texture = self.font.render(text, True, color)
self.surface = pygame.Surface(self.dim)
self.seconds_left = seconds
self.surface.blit(text_texture, (10, 11))
def tick(self, clock):
"""Each frame, it shows the displayed text for some specified seconds, if any"""
delta_seconds = 1e-3 * clock.get_time()
self.seconds_left = max(0.0, self.seconds_left - delta_seconds)
self.surface.set_alpha(500.0 * self.seconds_left)
def render(self, display):
""" Renders the text in its surface and its position"""
display.blit(self.surface, self.pos)
# ==============================================================================
# -- HelpText ------------------------------------------------------------------
# ==============================================================================
class HelpText(object):
def __init__(self, font, width, height):
"""Renders the help text that shows the controls for using no rendering mode"""
lines = __doc__.split('\n')
self.font = font
self.dim = (680, len(lines) * 22 + 12)
self.pos = (0.5 * width - 0.5 * self.dim[0], 0.5 * height - 0.5 * self.dim[1])
self.seconds_left = 0
self.surface = pygame.Surface(self.dim)
for n, line in enumerate(lines):
text_texture = self.font.render(line, True, COLOR_WHITE)
self.surface.blit(text_texture, (22, n * 22))
self._render = False
def toggle(self):
"""Toggles display of help text"""
self._render = not self._render
def render(self, display):
"""Renders the help text, if enabled"""
if self._render:
display.blit(self.surface, self.pos)
# ==============================================================================
# -- HUD -----------------------------------------------------------------
# ==============================================================================
class HUD (object):
"""Class encharged of rendering the HUD that displays information about the world and the hero vehicle"""
def __init__(self, name, width, height):
"""Initializes default HUD params and content data parameters that will be displayed"""
self.name = name
self.dim = (width, height)
def start(self):
"""Does nothing since it does not need to use other modules"""
def _init_hud_params(self):
"""Initialized visual parameters such as font text and size"""
font_name = 'courier' if os.name == 'nt' else 'mono'
fonts = [x for x in pygame.font.get_fonts() if font_name in x]
default_font = 'ubuntumono'
mono = default_font if default_font in fonts else fonts[0]
mono = pygame.font.match_font(mono)
self._font_mono = pygame.font.Font(mono, 14)
self._header_font = pygame.font.SysFont('Arial', 14, True)
self.help = HelpText(pygame.font.Font(mono, 24), *self.dim)
self._notifications = FadingText(
pygame.font.Font(pygame.font.get_default_font(), 20),
(self.dim[0], 40), (0, self.dim[1] - 40))
def _init_data_params(self):
"""Initializes the content data structures"""
self.show_info = True
self.show_actor_ids = False
self._info_text = {}
def notification(self, text, seconds=2.0):
"""Shows fading texts for some specified seconds"""
self._notifications.set_text(text, seconds=seconds)
def tick(self, clock):
"""Updated the fading texts each frame"""
def add_info(self, title, info):
"""Adds a block of information in the left HUD panel of the visualizer"""
self._info_text[title] = info
def render_vehicles_ids(self, vehicle_id_surface, list_actors, world_to_pixel, hero_actor, hero_transform):
"""When flag enabled, it shows the IDs of the vehicles that are spawned in the world. Depending on the vehicle type,
it will render it in different colors"""
if self.show_actor_ids:
for actor in list_actors:
x, y = world_to_pixel(actor[1].location)
angle = 0
if hero_actor is not None:
angle = -hero_transform.rotation.yaw - 90
color = COLOR_SKY_BLUE_0
if int(actor[0].attributes['number_of_wheels']) == 2:
if actor[0].attributes['role_name'] == 'hero':
font_surface = self._header_font.render(str(actor[0].id), True, color)
rotated_font_surface = pygame.transform.rotate(font_surface, angle)
rect = rotated_font_surface.get_rect(center=(x, y))
vehicle_id_surface.blit(rotated_font_surface, rect)
return vehicle_id_surface
def render(self, display):
"""If flag enabled, it renders all the information regarding the left panel of the visualizer"""
if self.show_info:
info_surface = pygame.Surface((240, self.dim[1]))
display.blit(info_surface, (0, 0))
v_offset = 4
bar_h_offset = 100
bar_width = 106
i = 0
for title, info in self._info_text.items():
if not info:
surface = self._header_font.render(title, True, COLOR_ALUMINIUM_0).convert_alpha()
display.blit(surface, (8 + bar_width / 2, 18 * i + v_offset))
v_offset += 12
i += 1
for item in info:
if v_offset + 18 > self.dim[1]:
if isinstance(item, list):
if len(item) > 1:
points = [(x + 8, v_offset + 8 + (1.0 - y) * 30) for x, y in enumerate(item)]
pygame.draw.lines(display, (255, 136, 0), False, points, 2)
item = None
elif isinstance(item, tuple):
if isinstance(item[1], bool):
rect = pygame.Rect((bar_h_offset, v_offset + 8), (6, 6))
pygame.draw.rect(display, COLOR_ALUMINIUM_0, rect, 0 if item[1] else 1)
rect_border = pygame.Rect((bar_h_offset, v_offset + 8), (bar_width, 6))
pygame.draw.rect(display, COLOR_ALUMINIUM_0, rect_border, 1)
f = (item[1] - item[2]) / (item[3] - item[2])
if item[2] < 0.0:
rect = pygame.Rect((bar_h_offset + f * (bar_width - 6), v_offset + 8), (6, 6))
rect = pygame.Rect((bar_h_offset, v_offset + 8), (f * bar_width, 6))
pygame.draw.rect(display, COLOR_ALUMINIUM_0, rect)
item = item[0]
if item: # At this point has to be a str.
surface = self._font_mono.render(item, True, COLOR_ALUMINIUM_0).convert_alpha()
display.blit(surface, (8, 18 * i + v_offset))
v_offset += 18
v_offset += 24
# ==============================================================================
# -- TrafficLightSurfaces ------------------------------------------------------
# ==============================================================================
class TrafficLightSurfaces(object):
"""Holds the surfaces (scaled and rotated) for painting traffic lights"""
def __init__(self):
def make_surface(tl):
"""Draws a traffic light, which is composed of a dark background surface with 3 circles that indicate its color depending on the state"""
w = 40
surface = pygame.Surface((w, 3 * w), pygame.SRCALPHA)
surface.fill(COLOR_ALUMINIUM_5 if tl != 'h' else COLOR_ORANGE_2)
if tl != 'h':
hw = int(w / 2)
yellow = COLOR_BUTTER_0
# Draws the corresponding color if is on, otherwise it will be gray if its off
pygame.draw.circle(surface, red if tl == tls.Red else off, (hw, hw), int(0.4 * w))
pygame.draw.circle(surface, yellow if tl == tls.Yellow else off, (hw, w + hw), int(0.4 * w))
pygame.draw.circle(surface, green if tl == tls.Green else off, (hw, 2 * w + hw), int(0.4 * w))
return pygame.transform.smoothscale(surface, (15, 45) if tl != 'h' else (19, 49))
self._original_surfaces = {
'h': make_surface('h'),
tls.Red: make_surface(tls.Red),
tls.Yellow: make_surface(tls.Yellow),
tls.Green: make_surface(tls.Green),
tls.Off: make_surface(tls.Off),
tls.Unknown: make_surface(tls.Unknown)
self.surfaces = dict(self._original_surfaces)
def rotozoom(self, angle, scale):
"""Rotates and scales the traffic light surface"""
for key, surface in self._original_surfaces.items():
self.surfaces[key] = pygame.transform.rotozoom(surface, angle, scale)
# ==============================================================================
# -- World ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# ==============================================================================
class MapImage(object):
"""Class encharged of rendering a 2D image from top view of a carla world. Please note that a cache system is used, so if the OpenDrive content
of a Carla town has not changed, it will read and use the stored image if it was rendered in a previous execution"""
def __init__(self, carla_world, carla_map, pixels_per_meter, show_triggers, show_connections, show_spawn_points):
""" Renders the map image generated based on the world, its map and additional flags that provide extra information about the road network"""
self._pixels_per_meter = pixels_per_meter
self.scale = 1.0
self.show_triggers = show_triggers
self.show_connections = show_connections
self.show_spawn_points = show_spawn_points
waypoints = carla_map.generate_waypoints(2)
margin = 50
max_x = max(waypoints, key=lambda x: x.transform.location.x).transform.location.x + margin
max_y = max(waypoints, key=lambda x: x.transform.location.y).transform.location.y + margin
min_x = min(waypoints, key=lambda x: x.transform.location.x).transform.location.x - margin
min_y = min(waypoints, key=lambda x: x.transform.location.y).transform.location.y - margin
self.width = max(max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y)
self._world_offset = (min_x, min_y)
# Maximum size of a Pygame surface
width_in_pixels = (1 << 14) - 1
# Adapt Pixels per meter to make world fit in surface
surface_pixel_per_meter = int(width_in_pixels / self.width)
if surface_pixel_per_meter > PIXELS_PER_METER:
surface_pixel_per_meter = PIXELS_PER_METER
self._pixels_per_meter = surface_pixel_per_meter
width_in_pixels = int(self._pixels_per_meter * self.width)
self.big_map_surface = pygame.Surface((width_in_pixels, width_in_pixels)).convert()
# Load OpenDrive content
opendrive_content = carla_map.to_opendrive()
# Get hash based on content
hash_func = hashlib.sha1()
opendrive_hash = str(hash_func.hexdigest())
# Build path for saving or loading the cached rendered map
filename = carla_map.name.split('/')[-1] + "_" + opendrive_hash + ".tga"
dirname = os.path.join("cache", "no_rendering_mode")
full_path = str(os.path.join(dirname, filename))
if os.path.isfile(full_path):
# Load Image
self.big_map_surface = pygame.image.load(full_path)
# Render map
# If folders path does not exist, create it
if not os.path.exists(dirname):
# Remove files if selected town had a previous version saved
list_filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(dirname, carla_map.name) + "*")
for town_filename in list_filenames:
# Save rendered map for next executions of same map
pygame.image.save(self.big_map_surface, full_path)
self.surface = self.big_map_surface
def draw_road_map(self, map_surface, carla_world, carla_map, world_to_pixel, world_to_pixel_width):
"""Draws all the roads, including lane markings, arrows and traffic signs"""
precision = 0.05
def lane_marking_color_to_tango(lane_marking_color):
"""Maps the lane marking color enum specified in PythonAPI to a Tango Color"""
tango_color = COLOR_BLACK
if lane_marking_color == carla.LaneMarkingColor.White:
tango_color = COLOR_ALUMINIUM_2
elif lane_marking_color == carla.LaneMarkingColor.Blue:
tango_color = COLOR_SKY_BLUE_0
elif lane_marking_color == carla.LaneMarkingColor.Green:
tango_color = COLOR_CHAMELEON_0
elif lane_marking_color == carla.LaneMarkingColor.Red:
tango_color = COLOR_SCARLET_RED_0
elif lane_marking_color == carla.LaneMarkingColor.Yellow:
tango_color = COLOR_ORANGE_0
return tango_color
def draw_solid_line(surface, color, closed, points, width):
"""Draws solid lines in a surface given a set of points, width and color"""
if len(points) >= 2:
pygame.draw.lines(surface, color, closed, points, width)
def draw_broken_line(surface, color, closed, points, width):
"""Draws broken lines in a surface given a set of points, width and color"""
# Select which lines are going to be rendered from the set of lines
broken_lines = [x for n, x in enumerate(zip(*(iter(points),) * 20)) if n % 3 == 0]
# Draw selected lines
for line in broken_lines:
pygame.draw.lines(surface, color, closed, line, width)
def get_lane_markings(lane_marking_type, lane_marking_color, waypoints, sign):
"""For multiple lane marking types (SolidSolid, BrokenSolid, SolidBroken and BrokenBroken), it converts them
as a combination of Broken and Solid lines"""
margin = 0.25
marking_1 = [world_to_pixel(lateral_shift(w.transform, sign * w.lane_width * 0.5)) for w in waypoints]
if lane_marking_type == carla.LaneMarkingType.Broken or (lane_marking_type == carla.LaneMarkingType.Solid):
return [(lane_marking_type, lane_marking_color, marking_1)]
marking_2 = [world_to_pixel(lateral_shift(w.transform,
sign * (w.lane_width * 0.5 + margin * 2))) for w in waypoints]
if lane_marking_type == carla.LaneMarkingType.SolidBroken:
return [(carla.LaneMarkingType.Broken, lane_marking_color, marking_1),
(carla.LaneMarkingType.Solid, lane_marking_color, marking_2)]
elif lane_marking_type == carla.LaneMarkingType.BrokenSolid:
return [(carla.LaneMarkingType.Solid, lane_marking_color, marking_1),
(carla.LaneMarkingType.Broken, lane_marking_color, marking_2)]
elif lane_marking_type == carla.LaneMarkingType.BrokenBroken:
return [(carla.LaneMarkingType.Broken, lane_marking_color, marking_1),
(carla.LaneMarkingType.Broken, lane_marking_color, marking_2)]
elif lane_marking_type == carla.LaneMarkingType.SolidSolid:
return [(carla.LaneMarkingType.Solid, lane_marking_color, marking_1),
(carla.LaneMarkingType.Solid, lane_marking_color, marking_2)]
return [(carla.LaneMarkingType.NONE, carla.LaneMarkingColor.Other, [])]
def draw_lane(surface, lane, color):
"""Renders a single lane in a surface and with a specified color"""
for side in lane:
lane_left_side = [lateral_shift(w.transform, -w.lane_width * 0.5) for w in side]
lane_right_side = [lateral_shift(w.transform, w.lane_width * 0.5) for w in side]
polygon = lane_left_side + [x for x in reversed(lane_right_side)]
polygon = [world_to_pixel(x) for x in polygon]
if len(polygon) > 2:
pygame.draw.polygon(surface, color, polygon, 5)
pygame.draw.polygon(surface, color, polygon)
def draw_lane_marking(surface, waypoints):
"""Draws the left and right side of lane markings"""
# Left Side
draw_lane_marking_single_side(surface, waypoints[0], -1)
# Right Side
draw_lane_marking_single_side(surface, waypoints[1], 1)
def draw_lane_marking_single_side(surface, waypoints, sign):
"""Draws the lane marking given a set of waypoints and decides whether drawing the right or left side of
the waypoint based on the sign parameter"""
lane_marking = None
marking_type = carla.LaneMarkingType.NONE
previous_marking_type = carla.LaneMarkingType.NONE
marking_color = carla.LaneMarkingColor.Other
previous_marking_color = carla.LaneMarkingColor.Other
markings_list = []
temp_waypoints = []
current_lane_marking = carla.LaneMarkingType.NONE
for sample in waypoints:
lane_marking = sample.left_lane_marking if sign < 0 else sample.right_lane_marking
if lane_marking is None:
marking_type = lane_marking.type
marking_color = lane_marking.color
if current_lane_marking != marking_type:
# Get the list of lane markings to draw
markings = get_lane_markings(
current_lane_marking = marking_type
# Append each lane marking in the list
for marking in markings:
temp_waypoints = temp_waypoints[-1:]
previous_marking_type = marking_type
previous_marking_color = marking_color
# Add last marking
last_markings = get_lane_markings(
for marking in last_markings:
# Once the lane markings have been simplified to Solid or Broken lines, we draw them
for markings in markings_list:
if markings[0] == carla.LaneMarkingType.Solid:
draw_solid_line(surface, markings[1], False, markings[2], 2)
elif markings[0] == carla.LaneMarkingType.Broken:
draw_broken_line(surface, markings[1], False, markings[2], 2)
def draw_arrow(surface, transform, color=COLOR_ALUMINIUM_2):
""" Draws an arrow with a specified color given a transform"""
transform.rotation.yaw += 180
forward = transform.get_forward_vector()
transform.rotation.yaw += 90
right_dir = transform.get_forward_vector()
end = transform.location
start = end - 2.0 * forward
right = start + 0.8 * forward + 0.4 * right_dir
left = start + 0.8 * forward - 0.4 * right_dir
# Draw lines
pygame.draw.lines(surface, color, False, [world_to_pixel(x) for x in [start, end]], 4)
pygame.draw.lines(surface, color, False, [world_to_pixel(x) for x in [left, start, right]], 4)
def draw_traffic_signs(surface, font_surface, actor, color=COLOR_ALUMINIUM_2, trigger_color=COLOR_PLUM_0):
"""Draw stop traffic signs and its bounding box if enabled"""
transform = actor.get_transform()
waypoint = carla_map.get_waypoint(transform.location)
angle = -waypoint.transform.rotation.yaw - 90.0
font_surface = pygame.transform.rotate(font_surface, angle)
pixel_pos = world_to_pixel(waypoint.transform.location)
offset = font_surface.get_rect(center=(pixel_pos[0], pixel_pos[1]))
surface.blit(font_surface, offset)
# Draw line in front of stop
forward_vector = carla.Location(waypoint.transform.get_forward_vector())
left_vector = carla.Location(-forward_vector.y, forward_vector.x,
forward_vector.z) * waypoint.lane_width / 2 * 0.7
line = [(waypoint.transform.location + (forward_vector * 1.5) + (left_vector)),
(waypoint.transform.location + (forward_vector * 1.5) - (left_vector))]
line_pixel = [world_to_pixel(p) for p in line]
pygame.draw.lines(surface, color, True, line_pixel, 2)
# Draw bounding box of the stop trigger
if self.show_triggers:
corners = Util.get_bounding_box(actor)
corners = [world_to_pixel(p) for p in corners]
pygame.draw.lines(surface, trigger_color, True, corners, 2)
# def draw_crosswalk(surface, transform=None, color=COLOR_ALUMINIUM_2):
# """Given two points A and B, draw white parallel lines from A to B"""
# a = carla.Location(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
# b = carla.Location(10.0, 10.0, 0.0)
# ab = b - a
# length_ab = math.sqrt(ab.x**2 + ab.y**2)
# unit_ab = ab / length_ab
# unit_perp_ab = carla.Location(-unit_ab.y, unit_ab.x, 0.0)
# # Crosswalk lines params
# space_between_lines = 0.5
# line_width = 0.7
# line_height = 2
# current_length = 0
# while current_length < length_ab:
# center = a + unit_ab * current_length
# width_offset = unit_ab * line_width
# height_offset = unit_perp_ab * line_height
# list_point = [center - width_offset - height_offset,
# center + width_offset - height_offset,
# center + width_offset + height_offset,
# center - width_offset + height_offset]
# list_point = [world_to_pixel(p) for p in list_point]
# pygame.draw.polygon(surface, color, list_point)
# current_length += (line_width + space_between_lines) * 2
def lateral_shift(transform, shift):
"""Makes a lateral shift of the forward vector of a transform"""
transform.rotation.yaw += 90
return transform.location + shift * transform.get_forward_vector()
def draw_topology(carla_topology, index):
""" Draws traffic signs and the roads network with sidewalks, parking and shoulders by generating waypoints"""
topology = [x[index] for x in carla_topology]
topology = sorted(topology, key=lambda w: w.transform.location.z)
set_waypoints = []
for waypoint in topology:
waypoints = [waypoint]
# Generate waypoints of a road id. Stop when road id differs
nxt = waypoint.next(precision)
if len(nxt) > 0:
nxt = nxt[0]
while nxt.road_id == waypoint.road_id:
nxt = nxt.next(precision)
if len(nxt) > 0:
nxt = nxt[0]
# Draw Shoulders, Parkings and Sidewalks
shoulder = [[], []]
parking = [[], []]
sidewalk = [[], []]
for w in waypoints:
# Classify lane types until there are no waypoints by going left
l = w.get_left_lane()
while l and l.lane_type != carla.LaneType.Driving:
if l.lane_type == carla.LaneType.Shoulder:
if l.lane_type == carla.LaneType.Parking:
if l.lane_type == carla.LaneType.Sidewalk:
l = l.get_left_lane()
# Classify lane types until there are no waypoints by going right
r = w.get_right_lane()
while r and r.lane_type != carla.LaneType.Driving:
if r.lane_type == carla.LaneType.Shoulder:
if r.lane_type == carla.LaneType.Parking:
if r.lane_type == carla.LaneType.Sidewalk:
r = r.get_right_lane()
# Draw classified lane types
draw_lane(map_surface, shoulder, SHOULDER_COLOR)
draw_lane(map_surface, parking, PARKING_COLOR)
draw_lane(map_surface, sidewalk, SIDEWALK_COLOR)
# Draw Roads
for waypoints in set_waypoints:
waypoint = waypoints[0]
road_left_side = [lateral_shift(w.transform, -w.lane_width * 0.5) for w in waypoints]
road_right_side = [lateral_shift(w.transform, w.lane_width * 0.5) for w in waypoints]
polygon = road_left_side + [x for x in reversed(road_right_side)]
polygon = [world_to_pixel(x) for x in polygon]
if len(polygon) > 2:
pygame.draw.polygon(map_surface, COLOR_ALUMINIUM_5, polygon, 5)
pygame.draw.polygon(map_surface, COLOR_ALUMINIUM_5, polygon)
# Draw Lane Markings and Arrows
if not waypoint.is_junction:
draw_lane_marking(map_surface, [waypoints, waypoints])
for n, wp in enumerate(waypoints):
if ((n + 1) % 400) == 0:
draw_arrow(map_surface, wp.transform)
topology = carla_map.get_topology()
draw_topology(topology, 0)
if self.show_spawn_points:
for sp in carla_map.get_spawn_points():
draw_arrow(map_surface, sp, color=COLOR_CHOCOLATE_0)
if self.show_connections:
dist = 1.5
def to_pixel(wp): return world_to_pixel(wp.transform.location)
for wp in carla_map.generate_waypoints(dist):
col = (0, 255, 255) if wp.is_junction else (0, 255, 0)
for nxt in wp.next(dist):
pygame.draw.line(map_surface, col, to_pixel(wp), to_pixel(nxt), 2)
if wp.lane_change & carla.LaneChange.Right:
r = wp.get_right_lane()
if r and r.lane_type == carla.LaneType.Driving:
pygame.draw.line(map_surface, col, to_pixel(wp), to_pixel(r), 2)
if wp.lane_change & carla.LaneChange.Left:
l = wp.get_left_lane()
if l and l.lane_type == carla.LaneType.Driving:
pygame.draw.line(map_surface, col, to_pixel(wp), to_pixel(l), 2)
actors = carla_world.get_actors()
# Find and Draw Traffic Signs: Stops and Yields
font_size = world_to_pixel_width(1)
font = pygame.font.SysFont('Arial', font_size, True)
stops = [actor for actor in actors if 'stop' in actor.type_id]
yields = [actor for actor in actors if 'yield' in actor.type_id]
stop_font_surface = font.render("STOP", False, COLOR_ALUMINIUM_2)
stop_font_surface = pygame.transform.scale(
stop_font_surface, (stop_font_surface.get_width(), stop_font_surface.get_height() * 2))
yield_font_surface = font.render("YIELD", False, COLOR_ALUMINIUM_2)
yield_font_surface = pygame.transform.scale(
yield_font_surface, (yield_font_surface.get_width(), yield_font_surface.get_height() * 2))
for ts_stop in stops:
draw_traffic_signs(map_surface, stop_font_surface, ts_stop, trigger_color=COLOR_SCARLET_RED_1)
for ts_yield in yields:
draw_traffic_signs(map_surface, yield_font_surface, ts_yield, trigger_color=COLOR_ORANGE_1)
def world_to_pixel(self, location, offset=(0, 0)):
"""Converts the world coordinates to pixel coordinates"""
x = self.scale * self._pixels_per_meter * (location.x - self._world_offset[0])
y = self.scale * self._pixels_per_meter * (location.y - self._world_offset[1])
return [int(x - offset[0]), int(y - offset[1])]
def world_to_pixel_width(self, width):
"""Converts the world units to pixel units"""
return int(self.scale * self._pixels_per_meter * width)
def scale_map(self, scale):
"""Scales the map surface"""
if scale != self.scale:
self.scale = scale
width = int(self.big_map_surface.get_width() * self.scale)
self.surface = pygame.transform.smoothscale(self.big_map_surface, (width, width))
class World(object):
"""Class that contains all the information of a carla world that is running on the server side"""
def __init__(self, name, args, timeout):
self.client = None
self.name = name
self.args = args
self.timeout = timeout
self.server_fps = 0.0
self.simulation_time = 0
self.server_clock = pygame.time.Clock()
# World data
self.world = None
self.town_map = None
self.actors_with_transforms = []
self._hud = None
self._input = None
self.surface_size = [0, 0]
self.prev_scaled_size = 0
self.scaled_size = 0
# Hero actor
self.hero_actor = None
self.spawned_hero = None
self.hero_transform = None
self.scale_offset = [0, 0]
self.vehicle_id_surface = None
self.result_surface = None
self.traffic_light_surfaces = TrafficLightSurfaces()
self.affected_traffic_light = None
# Map info
self.map_image = None
self.border_round_surface = None
self.original_surface_size = None
self.hero_surface = None
self.actors_surface = None
def _get_data_from_carla(self):
"""Retrieves the data from the server side"""
self.client = carla.Client(self.args.host, self.args.port)
if self.args.map is None:
world = self.client.get_world()
world = self.client.load_world(self.args.map)
town_map = world.get_map()
return (world, town_map)
except RuntimeError as ex:
def start(self, hud, input_control):
"""Build the map image, stores the needed modules and prepares rendering in Hero Mode"""
self.world, self.town_map = self._get_data_from_carla()
settings = self.world.get_settings()
settings.no_rendering_mode = self.args.no_rendering
# Create Surfaces
self.map_image = MapImage(
self._hud = hud
self._input = input_control
self.original_surface_size = min(self._hud.dim[0], self._hud.dim[1])
self.surface_size = self.map_image.big_map_surface.get_width()
self.scaled_size = int(self.surface_size)
self.prev_scaled_size = int(self.surface_size)
# Render Actors
self.actors_surface = pygame.Surface((self.map_image.surface.get_width(), self.map_image.surface.get_height()))
self.vehicle_id_surface = pygame.Surface((self.surface_size, self.surface_size)).convert()
self.border_round_surface = pygame.Surface(self._hud.dim, pygame.SRCALPHA).convert()
# Used for Hero Mode, draws the map contained in a circle with white border
center_offset = (int(self._hud.dim[0] / 2), int(self._hud.dim[1] / 2))
pygame.draw.circle(self.border_round_surface, COLOR_ALUMINIUM_1, center_offset, int(self._hud.dim[1] / 2))
pygame.draw.circle(self.border_round_surface, COLOR_WHITE, center_offset, int((self._hud.dim[1] - 8) / 2))
scaled_original_size = self.original_surface_size * (1.0 / 0.9)
self.hero_surface = pygame.Surface((scaled_original_size, scaled_original_size)).convert()
self.result_surface = pygame.Surface((self.surface_size, self.surface_size)).convert()
# Start hero mode by default
self._input.wheel_offset = HERO_DEFAULT_SCALE
self._input.control = carla.VehicleControl()
# Register event for receiving server tick
weak_self = weakref.ref(self)
self.world.on_tick(lambda timestamp: World.on_world_tick(weak_self, timestamp))
def select_hero_actor(self):
"""Selects only one hero actor if there are more than one. If there are not any, it will spawn one."""
hero_vehicles = [actor for actor in self.world.get_actors()
if 'vehicle' in actor.type_id and actor.attributes['role_name'] == 'hero']
if len(hero_vehicles) > 0:
self.hero_actor = random.choice(hero_vehicles)
self.hero_transform = self.hero_actor.get_transform()
def _spawn_hero(self):
"""Spawns the hero actor when the script runs"""
# Get a random blueprint.
blueprint = random.choice(self.world.get_blueprint_library().filter(self.args.filter))
blueprint.set_attribute('role_name', 'hero')
if blueprint.has_attribute('color'):
color = random.choice(blueprint.get_attribute('color').recommended_values)
blueprint.set_attribute('color', color)
# Spawn the player.
while self.hero_actor is None:
spawn_points = self.world.get_map().get_spawn_points()
spawn_point = random.choice(spawn_points) if spawn_points else carla.Transform()
self.hero_actor = self.world.try_spawn_actor(blueprint, spawn_point)
self.hero_transform = self.hero_actor.get_transform()
# Save it in order to destroy it when closing program
self.spawned_hero = self.hero_actor
def tick(self, clock):
"""Retrieves the actors for Hero and Map modes and updates de HUD based on that"""
actors = self.world.get_actors()
# We store the transforms also so that we avoid having transforms of
# previous tick and current tick when rendering them.
self.actors_with_transforms = [(actor, actor.get_transform()) for actor in actors]
if self.hero_actor is not None:
self.hero_transform = self.hero_actor.get_transform()
def update_hud_info(self, clock):
"""Updates the HUD info regarding simulation, hero mode and whether there is a traffic light affecting the hero actor"""
hero_mode_text = []
if self.hero_actor is not None:
hero_speed = self.hero_actor.get_velocity()
hero_speed_text = 3.6 * math.sqrt(hero_speed.x ** 2 + hero_speed.y ** 2 + hero_speed.z ** 2)
affected_traffic_light_text = 'None'
if self.affected_traffic_light is not None:
state = self.affected_traffic_light.state
if state == carla.TrafficLightState.Green:
affected_traffic_light_text = 'GREEN'
elif state == carla.TrafficLightState.Yellow:
affected_traffic_light_text = 'YELLOW'
affected_traffic_light_text = 'RED'
affected_speed_limit_text = self.hero_actor.get_speed_limit()
if math.isnan(affected_speed_limit_text):
affected_speed_limit_text = 0.0
hero_mode_text = [
'Hero Mode: ON',
'Hero ID: %7d' % self.hero_actor.id,
'Hero Vehicle: %14s' % get_actor_display_name(self.hero_actor, truncate=14),
'Hero Speed: %3d km/h' % hero_speed_text,
'Hero Affected by:',
' Traffic Light: %12s' % affected_traffic_light_text,
' Speed Limit: %3d km/h' % affected_speed_limit_text
hero_mode_text = ['Hero Mode: OFF']
self.server_fps = self.server_clock.get_fps()
self.server_fps = 'inf' if self.server_fps == float('inf') else round(self.server_fps)
info_text = [
'Server: % 16s FPS' % self.server_fps,
'Client: % 16s FPS' % round(clock.get_fps()),
'Simulation Time: % 12s' % datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(self.simulation_time)),
'Map Name: %10s' % self.town_map.name,
self._hud.add_info(self.name, info_text)
self._hud.add_info('HERO', hero_mode_text)
def on_world_tick(weak_self, timestamp):
"""Updates the server tick"""
self = weak_self()
if not self:
self.server_fps = self.server_clock.get_fps()
self.simulation_time = timestamp.elapsed_seconds
def _show_nearby_vehicles(self, vehicles):
"""Shows nearby vehicles of the hero actor"""
info_text = []
if self.hero_actor is not None and len(vehicles) > 1:
location = self.hero_transform.location
vehicle_list = [x[0] for x in vehicles if x[0].id != self.hero_actor.id]
def distance(v): return location.distance(v.get_location())
for n, vehicle in enumerate(sorted(vehicle_list, key=distance)):
if n > 15:
vehicle_type = get_actor_display_name(vehicle, truncate=22)
info_text.append('% 5d %s' % (vehicle.id, vehicle_type))
self._hud.add_info('NEARBY VEHICLES', info_text)
def _split_actors(self):
"""Splits the retrieved actors by type id"""
vehicles = []
traffic_lights = []
speed_limits = []
walkers = []
for actor_with_transform in self.actors_with_transforms:
actor = actor_with_transform[0]
if 'vehicle' in actor.type_id:
elif 'traffic_light' in actor.type_id:
elif 'speed_limit' in actor.type_id:
elif 'walker.pedestrian' in actor.type_id:
return (vehicles, traffic_lights, speed_limits, walkers)
def _render_traffic_lights(self, surface, list_tl, world_to_pixel):
"""Renders the traffic lights and shows its triggers and bounding boxes if flags are enabled"""
self.affected_traffic_light = None
for tl in list_tl:
world_pos = tl.get_location()
pos = world_to_pixel(world_pos)
if self.args.show_triggers:
corners = Util.get_bounding_box(tl)
corners = [world_to_pixel(p) for p in corners]
pygame.draw.lines(surface, COLOR_BUTTER_1, True, corners, 2)
if self.hero_actor is not None:
corners = Util.get_bounding_box(tl)
corners = [world_to_pixel(p) for p in corners]
tl_t = tl.get_transform()
transformed_tv = tl_t.transform(tl.trigger_volume.location)
hero_location = self.hero_actor.get_location()
d = hero_location.distance(transformed_tv)
s = Util.length(tl.trigger_volume.extent) + Util.length(self.hero_actor.bounding_box.extent)
if (d <= s):
# Highlight traffic light
self.affected_traffic_light = tl
srf = self.traffic_light_surfaces.surfaces['h']
surface.blit(srf, srf.get_rect(center=pos))
srf = self.traffic_light_surfaces.surfaces[tl.state]
surface.blit(srf, srf.get_rect(center=pos))
def _render_speed_limits(self, surface, list_sl, world_to_pixel, world_to_pixel_width):
"""Renders the speed limits by drawing two concentric circles (outer is red and inner white) and a speed limit text"""
font_size = world_to_pixel_width(2)
radius = world_to_pixel_width(2)
font = pygame.font.SysFont('Arial', font_size)
for sl in list_sl:
x, y = world_to_pixel(sl.get_location())
# Render speed limit concentric circles
white_circle_radius = int(radius * 0.75)
pygame.draw.circle(surface, COLOR_SCARLET_RED_1, (x, y), radius)
pygame.draw.circle(surface, COLOR_ALUMINIUM_0, (x, y), white_circle_radius)
limit = sl.type_id.split('.')[2]
font_surface = font.render(limit, True, COLOR_ALUMINIUM_5)
if self.args.show_triggers:
corners = Util.get_bounding_box(sl)
corners = [world_to_pixel(p) for p in corners]
pygame.draw.lines(surface, COLOR_PLUM_2, True, corners, 2)
# Blit
if self.hero_actor is not None:
# In hero mode, Rotate font surface with respect to hero vehicle front
angle = -self.hero_transform.rotation.yaw - 90.0
font_surface = pygame.transform.rotate(font_surface, angle)
offset = font_surface.get_rect(center=(x, y))
surface.blit(font_surface, offset)
# In map mode, there is no need to rotate the text of the speed limit
surface.blit(font_surface, (x - radius / 2, y - radius / 2))
def _render_walkers(self, surface, list_w, world_to_pixel):
"""Renders the walkers' bounding boxes"""
for w in list_w:
color = COLOR_PLUM_0
# Compute bounding box points
bb = w[0].bounding_box.extent
corners = [
carla.Location(x=-bb.x, y=-bb.y),
carla.Location(x=bb.x, y=-bb.y),
carla.Location(x=bb.x, y=bb.y),
carla.Location(x=-bb.x, y=bb.y)]
corners = [world_to_pixel(p) for p in corners]
pygame.draw.polygon(surface, color, corners)
def _render_vehicles(self, surface, list_v, world_to_pixel):
"""Renders the vehicles' bounding boxes"""
for v in list_v:
color = COLOR_SKY_BLUE_0
if int(v[0].attributes['number_of_wheels']) == 2:
if v[0].attributes['role_name'] == 'hero':
# Compute bounding box points
bb = v[0].bounding_box.extent
corners = [carla.Location(x=-bb.x, y=-bb.y),
carla.Location(x=bb.x - 0.8, y=-bb.y),
carla.Location(x=bb.x, y=0),
carla.Location(x=bb.x - 0.8, y=bb.y),
carla.Location(x=-bb.x, y=bb.y),
carla.Location(x=-bb.x, y=-bb.y)
corners = [world_to_pixel(p) for p in corners]
pygame.draw.lines(surface, color, False, corners, int(math.ceil(4.0 * self.map_image.scale)))
def render_actors(self, surface, vehicles, traffic_lights, speed_limits, walkers):
"""Renders all the actors"""
# Static actors
self._render_traffic_lights(surface, [tl[0] for tl in traffic_lights], self.map_image.world_to_pixel)
self._render_speed_limits(surface, [sl[0] for sl in speed_limits], self.map_image.world_to_pixel,
# Dynamic actors
self._render_vehicles(surface, vehicles, self.map_image.world_to_pixel)
self._render_walkers(surface, walkers, self.map_image.world_to_pixel)
def clip_surfaces(self, clipping_rect):
"""Used to improve perfomance. Clips the surfaces in order to render only the part of the surfaces that are going to be visible"""
def _compute_scale(self, scale_factor):
"""Based on the mouse wheel and mouse position, it will compute the scale and move the map so that it is zoomed in or out based on mouse position"""
m = self._input.mouse_pos
# Percentage of surface where mouse position is actually
px = (m[0] - self.scale_offset[0]) / float(self.prev_scaled_size)
py = (m[1] - self.scale_offset[1]) / float(self.prev_scaled_size)
# Offset will be the previously accumulated offset added with the
# difference of mouse positions in the old and new scales
diff_between_scales = ((float(self.prev_scaled_size) * px) - (float(self.scaled_size) * px),
(float(self.prev_scaled_size) * py) - (float(self.scaled_size) * py))
self.scale_offset = (self.scale_offset[0] + diff_between_scales[0],
self.scale_offset[1] + diff_between_scales[1])
# Update previous scale
self.prev_scaled_size = self.scaled_size
# Scale performed
def render(self, display):
"""Renders the map and all the actors in hero and map mode"""
if self.actors_with_transforms is None:
# Split the actors by vehicle type id
vehicles, traffic_lights, speed_limits, walkers = self._split_actors()
# Zoom in and out
scale_factor = self._input.wheel_offset
self.scaled_size = int(self.map_image.width * scale_factor)
if self.scaled_size != self.prev_scaled_size:
# Render Actors
# Render Ids
self._hud.render_vehicles_ids(self.vehicle_id_surface, vehicles,
self.map_image.world_to_pixel, self.hero_actor, self.hero_transform)
# Show nearby actors from hero mode
# Blit surfaces
surfaces = ((self.map_image.surface, (0, 0)),
(self.actors_surface, (0, 0)),
(self.vehicle_id_surface, (0, 0)),
angle = 0.0 if self.hero_actor is None else self.hero_transform.rotation.yaw + 90.0
self.traffic_light_surfaces.rotozoom(-angle, self.map_image.scale)
center_offset = (0, 0)
if self.hero_actor is not None:
# Hero Mode
hero_location_screen = self.map_image.world_to_pixel(self.hero_transform.location)
hero_front = self.hero_transform.get_forward_vector()
translation_offset = (hero_location_screen[0] - self.hero_surface.get_width() / 2 + hero_front.x * PIXELS_AHEAD_VEHICLE,
(hero_location_screen[1] - self.hero_surface.get_height() / 2 + hero_front.y * PIXELS_AHEAD_VEHICLE))
# Apply clipping rect
clipping_rect = pygame.Rect(translation_offset[0],
Util.blits(self.result_surface, surfaces)
self.hero_surface.blit(self.result_surface, (-translation_offset[0],
rotated_result_surface = pygame.transform.rotozoom(self.hero_surface, angle, 0.9).convert()
center = (display.get_width() / 2, display.get_height() / 2)
rotation_pivot = rotated_result_surface.get_rect(center=center)
display.blit(rotated_result_surface, rotation_pivot)
display.blit(self.border_round_surface, (0, 0))
# Map Mode
# Translation offset
translation_offset = (self._input.mouse_offset[0] * scale_factor + self.scale_offset[0],
self._input.mouse_offset[1] * scale_factor + self.scale_offset[1])
center_offset = (abs(display.get_width() - self.surface_size) / 2 * scale_factor, 0)
# Apply clipping rect
clipping_rect = pygame.Rect(-translation_offset[0] - center_offset[0], -translation_offset[1],
self._hud.dim[0], self._hud.dim[1])
Util.blits(self.result_surface, surfaces)
display.blit(self.result_surface, (translation_offset[0] + center_offset[0],
def destroy(self):
"""Destroy the hero actor when class instance is destroyed"""
if self.spawned_hero is not None:
# ==============================================================================
# -- Input -----------------------------------------------------------
# ==============================================================================
class InputControl(object):
"""Class that handles input received such as keyboard and mouse."""
def __init__(self, name):
"""Initializes input member variables when instance is created."""
self.name = name
self.mouse_pos = (0, 0)
self.mouse_offset = [0.0, 0.0]
self.wheel_offset = 0.1
self.wheel_amount = 0.025
self._steer_cache = 0.0
self.control = None
self._autopilot_enabled = False
# Modules that input will depend on
self._hud = None
self._world = None
def start(self, hud, world):
"""Assigns other initialized modules that input module needs."""
self._hud = hud
self._world = world
self._hud.notification("Press 'H' or '?' for help.", seconds=4.0)
def render(self, display):
"""Does nothing. Input module does not need render anything."""
def tick(self, clock):
"""Executed each frame. Calls method for parsing input."""
def _parse_events(self):
"""Parses input events. These events are executed only once when pressing a key."""
self.mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
if self._is_quit_shortcut(event.key):
elif event.key == K_h or (event.key == K_SLASH and pygame.key.get_mods() & KMOD_SHIFT):
elif event.key == K_TAB:
# Toggle between hero and map mode
if self._world.hero_actor is None:
self.wheel_offset = HERO_DEFAULT_SCALE
self.control = carla.VehicleControl()
self._hud.notification('Hero Mode')
self.wheel_offset = MAP_DEFAULT_SCALE
self.mouse_offset = [0, 0]
self.mouse_pos = [0, 0]
self._world.scale_offset = [0, 0]
self._world.hero_actor = None
self._hud.notification('Map Mode')
elif event.key == K_F1:
self._hud.show_info = not self._hud.show_info
elif event.key == K_i:
self._hud.show_actor_ids = not self._hud.show_actor_ids
elif isinstance(self.control, carla.VehicleControl):
if event.key == K_q:
self.control.gear = 1 if self.control.reverse else -1
elif event.key == K_m:
self.control.manual_gear_shift = not self.control.manual_gear_shift
self.control.gear = self._world.hero_actor.get_control().gear
self._hud.notification('%s Transmission' % (
'Manual' if self.control.manual_gear_shift else 'Automatic'))
elif self.control.manual_gear_shift and event.key == K_COMMA:
self.control.gear = max(-1, self.control.gear - 1)
elif self.control.manual_gear_shift and event.key == K_PERIOD:
self.control.gear = self.control.gear + 1
elif event.key == K_p:
# Toggle autopilot
if self._world.hero_actor is not None:
self._autopilot_enabled = not self._autopilot_enabled
self._hud.notification('Autopilot %s' % ('On' if self._autopilot_enabled else 'Off'))
elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
# Handle mouse wheel for zooming in and out
if event.button == 4:
self.wheel_offset += self.wheel_amount
if self.wheel_offset >= 1.0:
self.wheel_offset = 1.0
elif event.button == 5:
self.wheel_offset -= self.wheel_amount
if self.wheel_offset <= 0.1:
self.wheel_offset = 0.1
def _parse_keys(self, milliseconds):
"""Parses keyboard input when keys are pressed"""
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
self.control.throttle = 1.0 if keys[K_UP] or keys[K_w] else 0.0
steer_increment = 5e-4 * milliseconds
if keys[K_LEFT] or keys[K_a]:
self._steer_cache -= steer_increment
elif keys[K_RIGHT] or keys[K_d]:
self._steer_cache += steer_increment
self._steer_cache = 0.0
self._steer_cache = min(0.7, max(-0.7, self._steer_cache))
self.control.steer = round(self._steer_cache, 1)
self.control.brake = 1.0 if keys[K_DOWN] or keys[K_s] else 0.0
self.control.hand_brake = keys[K_SPACE]
def _parse_mouse(self):
"""Parses mouse input"""
if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]:
x, y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
self.mouse_offset[0] += (1.0 / self.wheel_offset) * (x - self.mouse_pos[0])
self.mouse_offset[1] += (1.0 / self.wheel_offset) * (y - self.mouse_pos[1])
self.mouse_pos = (x, y)
def parse_input(self, clock):
"""Parses the input, which is classified in keyboard events and mouse"""
if not self._autopilot_enabled:
if isinstance(self.control, carla.VehicleControl):
self.control.reverse = self.control.gear < 0
if (self._world.hero_actor is not None):
def _is_quit_shortcut(key):
"""Returns True if one of the specified keys are pressed"""
return (key == K_ESCAPE) or (key == K_q and pygame.key.get_mods() & KMOD_CTRL)
# ==============================================================================
# -- Game Loop ---------------------------------------------------------------
# ==============================================================================
def game_loop(args):
"""Initialized, Starts and runs all the needed modules for No Rendering Mode"""
# Init Pygame
display = pygame.display.set_mode(
(args.width, args.height),
pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF)
# Place a title to game window
# Show loading screen
font = pygame.font.Font(pygame.font.get_default_font(), 20)
text_surface = font.render('Rendering map...', True, COLOR_WHITE)
display.blit(text_surface, text_surface.get_rect(center=(args.width / 2, args.height / 2)))
# Init
input_control = InputControl(TITLE_INPUT)
hud = HUD(TITLE_HUD, args.width, args.height)
world = World(TITLE_WORLD, args, timeout=2.0)
# For each module, assign other modules that are going to be used inside that module
input_control.start(hud, world)
world.start(hud, input_control)
# Game loop
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
while True:
# Tick all modules
# Render all modules
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('\nCancelled by user. Bye!')
if world is not None:
def exit_game():
"""Shuts down program and PyGame"""
# ==============================================================================
# -- Main --------------------------------------------------------------------
# ==============================================================================
def main():
"""Parses the arguments received from commandline and runs the game loop"""
# Define arguments that will be received and parsed
argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='CARLA No Rendering Mode Visualizer')
'-v', '--verbose',
help='print debug information')
help='IP of the host server (default:')
'-p', '--port',
help='TCP port to listen to (default: 2000)')
help='window resolution (default: 1280x720)')
help='actor filter (default: "vehicle.*")')
help='start a new episode at the given TOWN')
help='switch off server rendering')
help='show trigger boxes of traffic signs')
help='show waypoint connections')
help='show recommended spawn points')
# Parse arguments
args = argparser.parse_args()
args.description = argparser.description
args.width, args.height = [int(x) for x in args.res.split('x')]
# Print server information
log_level = logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.INFO
logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=log_level)
logging.info('listening to server %s:%s', args.host, args.port)
# Run game loop
if __name__ == '__main__':