
523 lines
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- module_name: carla
- class_name: Vector2D
# - DESCRIPTION ------------------------
doc: >
Helper class to perform 2D operations.
# - PROPERTIES -------------------------
- var_name: x
type: float
doc: >
X-axis value.
- var_name: 'y'
type: float
doc: >
Y-axis value.
# - METHODS ----------------------------
- def_name: __init__
- param_name: x
type: float
default: 0.0
- param_name: y
type: float
default: 0.0
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: __add__
- param_name: other
type: carla.Vector2D
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: __sub__
- param_name: other
type: carla.Vector2D
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: __mul__
- param_name: other
type: carla.Vector2D
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: __truediv__
- param_name: other
type: carla.Vector2D
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: __eq__
return: bool
- param_name: other
type: carla.Vector2D
doc: >
Returns __True__ if values for every axis are equal.
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: __ne__
return: bool
- param_name: bool
type: carla.Vector2D
doc: >
Returns __True__ if the value for any axis is different.
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: __str__
return: str
doc: >
Returns the axis values for the vector parsed as string.
# --------------------------------------
- class_name: Vector3D
# - DESCRIPTION ------------------------
doc: >
Helper class to perform 3D operations.
# - PROPERTIES -------------------------
- var_name: x
type: float
doc: >
X-axis value.
- var_name: 'y'
type: float
doc: >
Y-axis value.
- var_name: z
type: float
doc: >
Z-axis value.
# - METHODS ----------------------------
- def_name: __init__
- param_name: x
type: float
default: 0.0
- param_name: 'y'
type: float
default: 0.0
- param_name: z
type: float
default: 0.0
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: __add__
- param_name: other
type: carla.Vector3D
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: __sub__
- param_name: other
type: carla.Vector3D
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: __mul__
- param_name: other
type: carla.Vector3D
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: __truediv__
- param_name: other
type: carla.Vector3D
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: __eq__
- param_name: other
type: carla.Vector3D
return: bool
doc: >
Returns __True__ if values for every axis are equal.
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: __ne__
- param_name: other
type: carla.Vector3D
return: bool
doc: >
Returns __True__ if the value for any axis is different.
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: __str__
return: str
doc: >
Returns the axis values for the vector parsed as string.
# --------------------------------------
- class_name: Location
parent: carla.Vector3D
# - DESCRIPTION ------------------------
doc: >
Represents a spot in the world.
# - PROPERTIES -------------------------
- var_name: x
type: float
var_units: meters
doc: >
Distance from origin to spot on X axis.
- var_name: 'y'
type: float
var_units: meters
doc: >
Distance from origin to spot on Y axis.
- var_name: z
type: float
var_units: meters
doc: >
Distance from origin to spot on Z axis.
# - METHODS ----------------------------
- def_name: __init__
- param_name: x
type: float
default: 0.0
- param_name: 'y'
type: float
default: 0.0
- param_name: z
type: float
default: 0.0
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: distance
- param_name: location
type: carla.Location
doc: >
The other point to compute the distance with.
return: float
return_units: meters
doc: >
Returns Euclidean distance from this location to another one.
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: __eq__
return: bool
- param_name: other
type: carla.Location
doc: >
Returns __True__ if both locations are the same point in space.
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: __ne__
return: bool
- param_name: other
type: carla.Location
doc: >
Returns __True__ if both locations are different points in space.
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: __str__
return: str
doc: >
Parses the axis' values to string.
# --------------------------------------
- class_name: Rotation
# - DESCRIPTION ------------------------
doc: >
Class that represents a 3D rotation and therefore, an orientation in space. CARLA uses the Unreal Engine coordinates system. This is a Z-up left-handed system. <br>
<br>The constructor method follows a specific order of declaration: `(pitch, yaw, roll)`, which corresponds to `(Y-rotation,Z-rotation,X-rotation)`. <br>
*Unreal Engine's coordinates system*
# - PROPERTIES -------------------------
- var_name: pitch
type: float
var_units: degrees
doc: >
Y-axis rotation angle.
- var_name: yaw
type: float
var_units: degrees
doc: >
Z-axis rotation angle.
- var_name: roll
type: float
var_units: degrees
doc: >
X-axis rotation angle.
# - METHODS ----------------------------
- def_name: __init__
- param_name: pitch
type: float
default: 0.0
param_units: degrees
doc: >
Y-axis rotation angle.
- param_name: yaw
type: float
default: 0.0
param_units: degrees
doc: >
Z-axis rotation angle.
- param_name: roll
type: float
default: 0.0
param_units: degrees
doc: >
X-axis rotation angle.
warning: The declaration order is different in CARLA <code>(pitch,yaw,roll)</code>, and in the Unreal Engine Editor <code>(roll,pitch,yaw)</code>. When working in a build from source, don't mix up the axes' rotations.
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: get_forward_vector
return: carla.Vector3D
doc: >
Computes the vector pointing forward according to the rotation of the object.
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: get_right_vector
return: carla.Vector3D
doc: >
Computes the vector pointing to the right according to the rotation of the object.
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: get_up_vector
return: carla.Vector3D
doc: >
Computes the vector pointing upwards according to the rotation of the object.
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: __eq__
return: bool
- param_name: other
type: carla.Rotation
doc: >
Returns __True__ if both rotations represent the same orientation for every axis.
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: __ne__
- param_name: other
type: carla.Rotation
return: bool
doc: >
Returns __True__ if both rotations represent the same orientation for every axis.
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: __str__
doc: >
Parses the axis' orientations to string.
# --------------------------------------
- class_name: Transform
# - DESCRIPTION ------------------------
doc: >
Class that defines a transformation, a combination of location and rotation, without scaling.
# - PROPERTIES -------------------------
- var_name: location
type: carla.Location
doc: >
Describes a point in the coordinate system.
- var_name: rotation
type: carla.Rotation
var_units: degrees (pitch, yaw, roll)
doc: >
Describes a rotation for an object according to Unreal Engine's axis system.
# - METHODS ----------------------------
- def_name: __init__
- param_name: location
type: carla.Location
- param_name: rotation
type: carla.Rotation
param_units: degrees (pitch, yaw, roll)
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: transform
- param_name: in_point
type: carla.Location
doc: >
Location in the space to which the transformation will be applied.
doc: >
Translates a 3D point from local to global coordinates using the current transformation as frame of reference.
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: get_forward_vector
return: carla.Vector3D
doc: >
Computes a forward vector using the rotation of the object.
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: get_right_vector
return: carla.Vector3D
doc: >
Computes a right vector using the rotatio of the object.
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: get_up_vector
return: carla.Vector3D
doc: >
Computes an up vector using the rotation of the object.
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: get_matrix
return: list(list(float))
doc: >
Computes the 4-matrix representation of the transformation.
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: get_inverse_matrix
return: list(list(float))
doc: >
Computes the 4-matrix representation of the inverse transformation.
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: __eq__
return: bool
- param_name: other
type: carla.Transform
doc: >
Returns __True__ if both location and rotation are equal for this and `other`.
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: __ne__
return: bool
- param_name: other
type: carla.Transform
doc: >
Returns __True__ if any location and rotation are not equal for this and `other`.
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: __str__
return: str
doc: >
Parses both location and rotation to string.
# --------------------------------------
- class_name: BoundingBox
# - DESCRIPTION ------------------------
doc: >
Bounding boxes contain the geometry of an actor or an element in the scene. They can be used by carla.DebugHelper or a carla.Client to draw their shapes for debugging. Check out this [recipe]( where the user takes a snapshot of the world and then proceeds to draw bounding boxes for traffic lights.
# - PROPERTIES -------------------------
- var_name: extent
type: carla.Vector3D
var_units: meters
doc: >
Vector from the center of the box to one vertex. The value in each axis equals half the size of the box for that axis.
`extent.x * 2` would return the size of the box in the X-axis.
- var_name: location
type: carla.Location
var_units: meters
doc: >
The center of the bounding box.
- var_name: rotation
type: carla.Rotation
doc: >
The orientation of the bounding box.
# - METHODS ----------------------------
- def_name: __init__
- param_name: location
type: carla.Location
var_units: meters
doc: >
Center of the box, relative to its parent.
- param_name: extent
type: carla.Vector3D
param_units: meters
doc: >
Vector containing half the size of the box for every axis.
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: contains
return: bool
- param_name: world_point
type: carla.Location
param_units: meters
doc: >
The point in world space to be checked.
- param_name: transform
type: carla.Transform
doc: >
Contains location and rotation needed to convert this object's local space to world space.
doc: >
Returns **True** if a point passed in world space is inside this bounding box.
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: get_local_vertices
return: list(carla.Location)
doc: >
Returns a list containing the locations of this object's vertices in local space.
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: get_world_vertices
return: list(carla.Location)
- param_name: transform
type: carla.Transform
doc: >
Contains location and rotation needed to convert this object's local space to world space.
doc: >
Returns a list containing the locations of this object's vertices in world space.
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: __eq__
return: bool
- param_name: other
type: carla.BoundingBox
doc: >
Returns true if both location and extent are equal for this and `other`.
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: __ne__
return: bool
- param_name: other
type: carla.BoundingBox
doc: >
Returns true if either location or extent are different for this and `other`.
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: __str__
return: str
doc: >
Parses the location and extent of the bounding box to string.
# --------------------------------------
- class_name: GeoLocation
# - DESCRIPTION ------------------------
doc: >
Class that contains geographical coordinates simulated data. The carla.Map can convert simulation locations by using the <b><georeference></b> tag in the OpenDRIVE file.
# - PROPERTIES -------------------------
- var_name: latitude
type: float
var_units: degrees
doc: >
North/South value of a point on the map.
- var_name: longitude
type: float
var_units: degrees
doc: >
West/East value of a point on the map.
- var_name: altitude
type: float
var_units: meters
doc: >
Height regarding ground level.
# - METHODS ----------------------------
- def_name: __init__
- param_name: latitude
type: float
default: 0.0
param_units: degrees
- param_name: longitude
type: float
default: 0.0
param_units: degrees
- param_name: altitude
type: float
default: 0.0
param_units: meters
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: __eq__
- param_name: other
type: carla.GeoLocation
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: __ne__
- param_name: other
type: carla.GeoLocation
# --------------------------------------
- def_name: __str__
# --------------------------------------