81 lines
3.3 KiB
81 lines
3.3 KiB
site_name: CARLA Simulator
repo_url: https://github.com/carla-simulator/carla
docs_dir: Docs
edit_uri: 'edit/master/Docs/'
theme: readthedocs
extra_css: [extra.css]
- Home: 'index.md'
- Getting started:
- 'Introduction': 'start_introduction.md'
- 'Quick start package installation': 'start_quickstart.md'
- Building CARLA:
- 'Linux build': 'build_linux.md'
- 'Windows build': 'build_windows.md'
- 'Update CARLA': 'build_update.md'
- 'Build system': 'build_system.md'
- 'Running in a Docker': 'build_docker.md'
- 'F.A.Q.': 'build_faq.md'
- First steps:
- 'Core concepts': 'core_concepts.md'
- '1st- World and client': 'core_world.md'
- '2nd- Actors and blueprints': 'core_actors.md'
- '3rd- Maps and navigation': 'core_map.md'
- '4th- Sensors and data': 'core_sensors.md'
- Advanced steps:
- 'OpenDRIVE standalone mode': 'adv_opendrive.md'
- 'PTV-Vissim co-simulation': 'adv_ptv.md'
- 'Recorder': 'adv_recorder.md'
- 'Rendering options': 'adv_rendering_options.md'
- 'RSS': 'adv_rss.md'
- 'SUMO co-simulation': 'adv_sumo.md'
- 'Synchrony and time-step': 'adv_synchrony_timestep.md'
- 'Traffic Manager': 'adv_traffic_manager.md'
- 'Benchmarking Performance': 'adv_benchmarking.md'
- References:
- 'Python API reference': 'python_api.md'
- 'Blueprint Library': 'bp_library.md'
- 'C++ reference' : 'ref_cpp.md'
- 'Recorder binary file format': 'ref_recorder_binary_file_format.md'
- "Sensors reference": 'ref_sensors.md'
- Plugins:
- 'carlaviz — web visualizer': 'plugins_carlaviz.md'
- ROS bridge:
- 'ROS bridge installation': 'ros_installation.md'
- 'CARLA messages reference': 'ros_msgs.md'
- 'Launchfiles reference': 'ros_launchs.md'
- Tutorials (general):
- 'Add friction triggers': "tuto_G_add_friction_triggers.md"
- 'Control vehicle physics': "tuto_G_control_vehicle_physics.md"
- 'Control walker skeletons': "tuto_G_control_walker_skeletons.md"
- 'Generate maps with OpenStreetMap': 'tuto_G_openstreetmap.md'
- 'Retrieve simulation data': "tuto_G_retrieve_data.md"
- 'CarSim Integration (Beta)': "tuto_G_carsim_integration.md"
- 'RLlib Integration': "tuto_G_rllib_integration.md"
- 'Scenic': 'tuto_G_scenic.md'
- Tutorials (assets):
- 'Add a new map': 'tuto_A_add_map_overview.md'
- 'Add a new vehicle': 'tuto_A_add_vehicle.md'
- 'Add new props': 'tuto_A_add_props.md'
- 'Create standalone packages': 'tuto_A_create_standalone.md'
- 'Map customization tools': 'tuto_A_map_customization.md'
- "Material customization": 'tuto_A_material_customization.md'
- 'Vehicle modelling': 'tuto_A_vehicle_modelling.md'
- Tutorials (developers):
- 'Contribute assets': 'tuto_D_contribute_assets.md'
- 'Create a sensor': 'tuto_D_create_sensor.md'
- 'Create semantic tags': 'tuto_D_create_semantic_tags.md'
- 'Customize vehicle suspension': 'tuto_D_customize_vehicle_suspension.md'
- 'Generate detailed colliders': 'tuto_D_generate_colliders.md'
- 'Make a release': 'tuto_D_make_release.md'
- 'Generate pedestrian navigation': 'tuto_D_generate_pedestrian_navigation.md'
- Contributing:
- 'Contribution guidelines': 'cont_contribution_guidelines.md'
- 'Code of conduct': 'cont_code_of_conduct.md'
- 'Coding standard': 'cont_coding_standard.md'
- 'Documentation standard': 'cont_doc_standard.md'
- admonition