(function() { 'use strict'; var Connection, Cylon, Device, Driver, Robot, __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; }; Cylon = source("cylon"); Robot = source('robot'); Device = source('device'); Driver = source('driver'); Connection = source('connection'); describe("Cylon", function() { it("should create a robot", function() { var robot; assert(__indexOf.call(Object.keys(Cylon), 'robot') >= 0); robot = Cylon.robot({ name: 'caprica six' }); return robot.name.should.be.eql('caprica six'); }); describe('#api', function() { describe('without arguments', function() { return it("returns the current API configuration", function() { var api_config; api_config = Cylon.api(); assert(__indexOf.call(Object.keys(api_config), 'host') >= 0); return assert(__indexOf.call(Object.keys(api_config), 'port') >= 0); }); }); return describe('with a host and port', function() { return it('sets the API configuration to what was specified', function() { var api_config; api_config = Cylon.api({ host: '', port: '8888' }); api_config.host.should.be.eql(""); return api_config.port.should.be.eql("8888"); }); }); }); describe("#robots", function() { return it("returns an array of all robots", function() { var robot, robots, _i, _len, _results; robots = Cylon.robots(); assert(robots instanceof Array); _results = []; for (_i = 0, _len = robots.length; _i < _len; _i++) { robot = robots[_i]; _results.push(assert(robot instanceof Robot)); } return _results; }); }); describe("#findRobot", function() { describe("synchronous", function() { describe("with a valid robot name", function() { return it("returns the robot", function() { var robot; robot = Cylon.findRobot("caprica six"); assert(robot instanceof Robot); return robot.name.should.be.equal("caprica six"); }); }); return describe("with an invalid robot name", function() { return it("returns null", function() { var robot; robot = Cylon.findRobot("Tom Servo"); return assert(robot === null); }); }); }); return describe("async", function() { describe("with a valid robot name", function() { return it("passes the robot and an empty error to the callback", function() { return Cylon.findRobot("caprica six", function(error, robot) { assert(error === void 0); assert(robot instanceof Robot); return robot.name.should.be.equal("caprica six"); }); }); }); return describe("with an invalid robot name", function() { return it("passes no robot and an error message to the callback", function() { return Cylon.findRobot("Tom Servo", function(error, robot) { assert(robot === null); assert(typeof error === 'object'); return error.error.should.be.eql("No Robot found with the name Tom Servo"); }); }); }); }); }); describe("#findRobotDevice", function() { var crow; crow = Cylon.robot({ name: "Crow", device: { name: 'testDevice', driver: 'ping' } }); describe("synchronous", function() { describe("with a valid robot and device name", function() { return it("returns the device", function() { var device; device = Cylon.findRobotDevice("Crow", "testDevice"); assert(device instanceof Device); return device.name.should.be.equal("testDevice"); }); }); return describe("with an invalid device name", function() { return it("returns null", function() { var device; device = Cylon.findRobotDevice("Crow", "madethisup"); return assert(device === null); }); }); }); return describe("async", function() { describe("with a valid robot and device name", function() { return it("passes the device and an empty error to the callback", function() { return Cylon.findRobotDevice("Crow", "testDevice", function(error, device) { assert(error === void 0); assert(device instanceof Device); return device.name.should.be.equal("testDevice"); }); }); }); return describe("with an invalid device name", function() { return it("passes no device and an error message to the callback", function() { return Cylon.findRobotDevice("Crow", "madethisup", function(err, device) { assert(device === null); assert(typeof err === 'object'); return err.error.should.be.eql("No device found with the name madethisup."); }); }); }); }); }); return describe("#findRobotConnection", function() { var ultron; ultron = Cylon.robot({ name: "Ultron", connection: { name: 'loopback', adaptor: 'loopback' } }); describe("synchronous", function() { describe("with a valid robot and connection name", function() { return it("returns the connection", function() { var connection; connection = Cylon.findRobotConnection("Ultron", "loopback"); assert(connection instanceof Connection); return connection.name.should.be.equal("loopback"); }); }); return describe("with an invalid connection name", function() { return it("returns null", function() { var connection; connection = Cylon.findRobotConnection("Ultron", "madethisup"); return assert(connection === null); }); }); }); return describe("async", function() { describe("with a valid robot and connection name", function() { return it("passes the connection and an empty error to the callback", function() { return Cylon.findRobotConnection("Ultron", "loopback", function(error, conn) { assert(error === void 0); assert(conn instanceof Connection); return conn.name.should.be.equal("loopback"); }); }); }); return describe("with an invalid connection name", function() { return it("passes no connection and an error message to the callback", function() { return Cylon.findRobotConnection("Ultron", "madethisup", function(err, conn) { var message; assert(conn === null); assert(typeof err === 'object'); message = "No connection found with the name madethisup."; return err.error.should.be.eql(message); }); }); }); }); }); }); }).call(this);