Cylon = require('..') Cylon.api host: '', port: '8080' class PebbleRobot connection: name: 'pebble', adaptor: 'pebble' device: name: 'pebble', driver: 'pebble' message: (robot, msg) => robot.message_queue().push(msg) work: (me) -> me.pebble.on('connect', -> 'connected!' ) class SalesforceRobot connection: name: 'sfcon', adaptor: 'force', sfuser: process.env.SF_USERNAME, sfpass: process.env.SF_SECURITY_TOKEN, orgCreds: { clientId: process.env.SF_CLIENT_ID, clientSecret: process.env.SF_CLIENT_SECRET, redirectUri: 'http://localhost:3000/oauth/_callback' } device: name: 'salesforce', driver: 'force' spheroReport:{} work: (me) -> me.salesforce.on('start', () -> me.salesforce.subscribe('/topic/SpheroMsgOutbound', (data) -> spheroName = data.sobject.Sphero_Name__c bucks = data.sobject.Bucks__c "Sphero: #{ spheroName }, data Bucks: #{ bucks }, SM_Id: #{ data.sobject.Id }" me.master.findRobot(spheroName, (err, spheroBot) -> spheroBot.react(spheroBot.devices.sphero) ) me.spheroReport[spheroName] = bucks toPebble = "" for key, val of me.spheroReport toPebble += "#{key}: $#{val}\n" me.master.findRobot('pebble', (error, pebbleBot) -> pebbleBot.message(pebbleBot.devices.pebble, toPebble) ) ) ) class SpheroRobot totalBucks: 1 payingPower: true connection: name: 'sphero', adaptor: 'sphero' device: name: 'sphero', driver: 'sphero' react: (device) -> device.setRGB(0x00FF00) device.roll 90, Math.floor(Math.random() * 360) this.payingPower = true bankrupt: () -> every 3.seconds(), () => if this.payingPower and this.totalBucks > 0 this.totalBucks += -1 if @totalBucks == 0 this.sphero.setRGB(0xFF000) this.sphero.stop() changeDirection: () -> every 1.seconds(), () => this.sphero.roll 90, Math.floor(Math.random() * 360) if @payingPower work: (me) -> me.sphero.on 'connect', ->'Setting up Collision Detection...') me.sphero.detectCollisions() me.sphero.stop() me.sphero.setRGB(0x00FF00) me.sphero.roll 90, Math.floor(Math.random() * 360) me.bankrupt() me.changeDirection() me.sphero.on 'collision', (data) -> me.sphero.setRGB(0x0000FF) me.sphero.stop() me.payingPower = false toSend = "{ \"spheroName\" :\"#{ }\", \"bucks\": \"#{ me.totalBucks++ }\" }" me.master.findRobot('salesforce', (err, sf) -> sf.devices.salesforce.push('SpheroController', 'POST', toSend) ) sfRobot = new SalesforceRobot() = "salesforce" Cylon.robot sfRobot pebRobot = new PebbleRobot() = "pebble" Cylon.robot pebRobot bots = [ { port: '/dev/tty.Sphero-ROY-AMP-SPP', name: 'ROY' }, { port: '/dev/tty.Sphero-GBO-AMP-SPP', name: 'GBO'}, { port: '/dev/tty.Sphero-RRY-AMP-SPP', name: 'RRY'} ] for bot in bots robot = new SpheroRobot robot.connection.port = bot.port = Cylon.robot robot Cylon.start()