# Sphero + Pebble + SalesForce First, let's import Cylon: var Cylon = require('../..'); Next up, we'll configure the API Cylon will serve, telling it to serve on port `8080`. Cylon.config({ api: { host: '', port: '8080' } }); Cylon.api(); We'll also setup a convenince function for some binding we'll need to do later: var bind = function(fn, me) { return function() { return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; }; Now that we have Cylon imported, we can start defining our Pebble robot: var PebbleRobot = (function() { Let's define the connections and devices: PebbleRobot.prototype.connection = { name: 'pebble', adaptor: 'pebble' }; PebbleRobot.prototype.device = { name: 'pebble', driver: 'pebble' }; PebbleRobot.prototype.message = function(robot, msg) { robot.message_queue().push(msg); }; Now that Cylon knows about the necessary hardware we're going to be using, we'll tell it what work we want to do: PebbleRobot.prototype.work = function(me) { me.pebble.on('connect', function() { console.log("Connected!"); }); }; return PebbleRobot; })(); Next, let's define our SalesForce robot: var SalesforceRobot = (function() { function SalesforceRobot() {} Let's define the connections and devices: SalesforceRobot.prototype.connection = { name: 'sfcon', adaptor: 'force', sfuser: process.env.SF_USERNAME, sfpass: process.env.SF_SECURITY_TOKEN, orgCreds: { clientId: process.env.SF_CLIENT_ID, clientSecret: process.env.SF_CLIENT_SECRET, redirectUri: 'http://localhost:3000/oauth/_callback' } }; SalesforceRobot.prototype.device = { name: 'salesforce', driver: 'force' }; SalesforceRobot.prototype.spheroReport = {}; Tell it what work we want to do: SalesforceRobot.prototype.work = function(me) { me.salesforce.on('start', function() { me.salesforce.subscribe('/topic/SpheroMsgOutbound', function(data) { var bucks, key, msg, name, toPebble, val, _ref; name = data.sobject.Sphero_Name__c; bucks = data.sobject.Bucks__c; msg = "Sphero: " + name + ","; msg += "data Bucks: " + bucks + ","; msg += "SM_Id: " + data.sobject.Id; console.log(msg); var spheroBot = Cylon.robots[name]; spheroBot.react(spheroBot.devices.sphero); me.spheroReport[name] = bucks; toPebble = ""; _ref = me.spheroReport; for (key in _ref) { val = _ref[key]; toPebble += "" + key + ": $" + val + "\n"; } var pebbleBot = Cylon.robots['pebble']; pebbleBot.message(pebbleBot.devices.pebble, toPebble); }); }); }; return SalesforceRobot; })(); Now, Let's define our Sphero robot var SpheroRobot = (function() { function SpheroRobot() {} SpheroRobot.prototype.totalBucks = 1; SpheroRobot.prototype.payingPower = true; SpheroRobot.prototype.connection = { name: 'sphero', adaptor: 'sphero' }; SpheroRobot.prototype.device = { name: 'sphero', driver: 'sphero' }; SpheroRobot.prototype.react = function(device) { device.setRGB(0x00FF00); device.roll(90, Math.floor(Math.random() * 360)); this.payingPower = true; }; SpheroRobot.prototype.bankrupt = function() { var _this = this; every(3..seconds(), function() { if (_this.payingPower && _this.totalBucks > 0) { _this.totalBucks += -1; if (_this.totalBucks === 0) { _this.sphero.setRGB(0xFF000); _this.sphero.stop(); } } }); }; SpheroRobot.prototype.changeDirection = function() { var _this = this; every((1).seconds(), function() { if (_this.payingPower) { _this.sphero.roll(90, Math.floor(Math.random() * 360)); } }); }; Tell it what work we want to do: SpheroRobot.prototype.work = function(me) { me.sphero.on('connect', function() { console.log('Setting up Collision Detection...'); me.sphero.detectCollisions(); me.sphero.stop(); me.sphero.setRGB(0x00FF00); me.sphero.roll(90, Math.floor(Math.random() * 360)); me.bankrupt(); me.changeDirection(); }); me.sphero.on('collision', function(data) { me.sphero.setRGB(0x0000FF); me.sphero.stop(); me.payingPower = false; data = JSON.stringify({ spheroName: "" + me.name, bucks: "" + (me.totalBucks++) }); var sf = Cylon.robots['salesforce']; sf.devices.salesforce.push("SpheroController", "POST", data); }); }; return SpheroRobot; })(); Now that we've defined all of our bots, let's tell Cylon about them: var salesforceRobot = new SalesforceRobot(); salesforceRobot.name = "salesforce"; Cylon.robot(salesforceRobot); var pebbleRobot = new PebbleRobot(); pebbleRobot.name = "pebble"; Cylon.robot(pebbleRobot); var bots = [ { port: '/dev/tty.Sphero-ROY-AMP-SPP', name: 'ROY' }, { port: '/dev/tty.Sphero-GBO-AMP-SPP', name: 'GBO' }, { port: '/dev/tty.Sphero-RRY-AMP-SPP', name: 'RRY' } ]; for (var i = 0; i < bots.length; i++) { var bot = bots[i]; var robot = new SpheroRobot; robot.connection.port = bot.port; robot.name = bot.name; Cylon.robot(robot); } Now that Cylon knows about all our robots, and what they'll be doing, we can start: Cylon.start();