/* * api * cylonjs.com * * Copyright (c) 2013 The Hybrid Group * Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. */ (function() { var express, namespace; express = require('express.io'); namespace = require('node-namespace'); namespace("Api", function() { return this.Server = (function() { var master; master = null; function Server(opts) { var _this = this; if (opts == null) { opts = {}; } this.host = opts.host || ""; this.port = opts.port || "3000"; master = opts.master; this.server = express().http().io(); this.server.set('name', 'Cylon API Server'); this.server.use(express.bodyParser()); this.server.get("/*", function(req, res, next) { res.set('Content-Type', 'application/json'); return next(); }); this.configureRoutes(); this.server.listen(this.port, this.host, function() { return Logger.info("" + _this.server.name + " is listening at " + _this.host + ":" + _this.port); }); } Server.prototype.configureRoutes = function() { this.server.get("/robots", function(req, res) { var robot; return res.json((function() { var _i, _len, _ref, _results; _ref = master.robots(); _results = []; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { robot = _ref[_i]; _results.push(robot.data()); } return _results; })()); }); this.server.get("/robots/:robotid", function(req, res) { return master.findRobot(req.params.robotid, function(err, robot) { return res.json(err ? err : robot.data()); }); }); this.server.get("/robots/:robotid/devices", function(req, res) { return master.findRobot(req.params.robotid, function(err, robot) { return res.json(err ? err : robot.data().devices); }); }); this.server.get("/robots/:robotid/devices/:deviceid", function(req, res) { var deviceid, robotid, _ref; _ref = [req.params.robotid, req.params.deviceid], robotid = _ref[0], deviceid = _ref[1]; return master.findRobotDevice(robotid, deviceid, function(err, device) { return res.json(err ? err : device.data()); }); }); this.server.get("/robots/:robotid/devices/:deviceid/commands", function(req, res) { var deviceid, robotid, _ref; _ref = [req.params.robotid, req.params.deviceid], robotid = _ref[0], deviceid = _ref[1]; return master.findRobotDevice(robotid, deviceid, function(err, device) { return res.json(err ? err : device.data().commands); }); }); this.server.post("/robots/:robot/devices/:device/commands/:command", function(req, res) { var commandid, deviceid, key, params, robotid, value, _ref; params = [req.params.robot, req.params.device, req.params.command]; robotid = params[0], deviceid = params[1], commandid = params[2]; params = []; if (typeof req.body === 'object') { _ref = req.body; for (key in _ref) { value = _ref[key]; params.push(value); } } return master.findRobotDevice(robotid, deviceid, function(err, device) { var result; if (err) { return res.json(err); } result = device[commandid].apply(device, params); return res.json({ result: result }); }); }); this.server.get("/robots/:robotid/connections", function(req, res) { return master.findRobot(req.params.robotid, function(err, robot) { return res.json(err ? err : robot.data().connections); }); }); this.server.get("/robots/:robot/connections/:connection", function(req, res) { var connectionid, robotid, _ref; _ref = [req.params.robot, req.params.connection], robotid = _ref[0], connectionid = _ref[1]; return master.findRobotConnection(robotid, connectionid, function(err, connection) { return res.json(err ? err : connection.data()); }); }); this.server.get("/robots/:robotid/devices/:deviceid/events", function(req, res) { return req.io.route('events'); }); return this.server.io.route('events', function(req) { var deviceid, robotid, _ref; _ref = [req.params.robotid, req.params.deviceid], robotid = _ref[0], deviceid = _ref[1]; return master.findRobotDevice(robotid, deviceid, function(err, device) { if (err) { res.io.respond(err); } return device.on('update', function(data) { return res.io.respond({ data: data }); }); }); }); }; return Server; })(); }); }).call(this);