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Andrew Stewart 6cccc41aff Begin JSDoc-ing core 2015-06-08 22:57:49 -07:00
examples Switch to ESLint for linting 2015-04-15 08:59:34 -07:00
lib Begin JSDoc-ing core 2015-06-08 22:57:49 -07:00
spec Add util to verify constructor calls use 'new' 2015-05-12 18:47:27 -07:00
.eslintrc Move spec globals to spec eslintrc 2015-04-15 12:07:16 -07:00
.gitignore Add CodeClimate coverage 2014-05-21 19:35:09 -07:00
.npmignore Add coverage to .npmignore 2015-02-19 15:06:02 -08:00
.travis.yml Switch to ESLint for linting 2015-04-15 08:59:34 -07:00
CONTRIBUTING.md Based on io.js contribution guidelines 2015-06-05 10:39:01 -07:00
CONTRIBUTORS.markdown Update list of contributors 2015-01-18 08:40:37 -08:00
LICENSE Update copyright years 2015-01-07 12:58:50 -08:00
Makefile Switch to ESLint for linting 2015-04-15 08:59:34 -07:00
README.markdown Merge branch 'docs/contributing' 2015-06-05 16:28:38 -07:00
RELEASES.md WIP on possible new format for README 2015-06-05 10:35:33 -07:00
package.json Correct errors in JSON 2015-06-05 10:42:49 -07:00



Cylon.js is a JavaScript framework for robotics, physical computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

It provides a simple, but powerful way to create solutions that incorporate multiple, different hardware devices concurrently.

Want to use Ruby on robots? Check out our sister project, Artoo.

Want to use Golang to power your robots? Check out our sister project, Gobot.

Build Status:

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Getting Started


All you need to get started on a new robot is the cylon module:

npm install cylon

With the core module installed, now install the modules for whatever hardware support you need. For the Arduino + LED blink example, we'll need the firmata, gpio, and i2c modules:

npm install cylon-firmata cylon-gpio cylon-i2c


Arduino + LED

The below example connects to an Arduino over a serial connection, and blinks an LED once per second.

The example requires that the Arduino have the Firmata sketch installed; which can be obtained either through the Ardunio IDE or the gort arduino upload firmata command available in gort.

var Cylon = require('cylon');

// define the robot
var robot = Cylon.robot({
  // change the port to the correct one for your Arduino
  connections: {
    arduino: { adaptor: 'firmata', port: '/dev/ttyACM0' }

  devices: {
    led: { driver: 'led', pin: 13 }

  work: function(my) {
    every((1).second(), my.led.toggle);

// connect to the Arduino and start working

Parrot ARDrone 2.0

var Cylon = require('cylon');

  connections: {
    ardrone: { adaptor: 'ardrone', port: '' }

  devices: {
    drone: { driver: 'ardrone' }

  work: function(my) {

    after((10).seconds(), my.drone.land);
    after((15).seconds(), my.drone.stop);

Cat Toy (Leap Motion + Digispark + Servos)

var Cylon = require('cylon');

  connections: {
    digispark: { adaptor: 'digispark' },
    leapmotion: { adaptor: 'leapmotion' }

  devices: {
    servo1: { driver: 'servo', pin: 0, connection: 'digispark' },
    servo2: { driver: 'servo', pin: 1, connection: 'digispark' },
    leapmotion: { driver: 'leapmotion', connection: 'leapmotion' }

  work: function(my) {
    my.x = 90;
    my.z = 90;

    my.leapmotion.on('hand', function(hand) {
      my.x = hand.palmX.fromScale(-300, 300).toScale(30, 150);
      my.z = hand.palmZ.fromScale(-300, 300).toScale(30, 150);

    every(100, function() {

      console.log(my.servo1.currentAngle() + ", " + my.servo2.currentAngle());

Multiple Spheros + HTTP API Plugin

To use the HTTP API plugin, first install it's NPM module:

$ npm install cylon-api-http

Then it can be used in scripts:

var Cylon = require('cylon');

// tell the HTTP API plugin to listen for requests at https://localhost:4000
Cylon.api("http", { port: 4000 });

var bots = [
  { port: '/dev/rfcomm0', name: 'Thelma' },
  { port: '/dev/rfcomm1', name: 'Louise' }

bots.forEach(function(bot) {
    name: bot.name,

    connections: {
      sphero: { adaptor: "sphero", port: bot.port }

    devices: {
      sphero: { driver: "sphero" }

    work: function(my) {
      every((1).second(), function() {
        my.sphero.roll(60, Math.floor(Math.random() * 360));

// start up all robots at once

Fluent Syntax

For those more familiar with jQuery, D3, or other fluent-style JavaScript libraries, Cylon.JS also supports a chainable syntax:

var Cylon = require('cylon');

  .connection('arduino', { adaptor: 'firmata', port: '/dev/ttyACM0' })
  .device('led', { driver: 'led', pin: 13 })
  .on('ready', function(bot) {
    setInterval(function() {
    }, 1000);


Hardware Support

Cylon.js has an extensible syntax for connecting to multiple, different hardware devices. The following 36 platforms are currently supported:

Platform Support
ARDrone cylon-ardrone
Arduino cylon-firmata
Arduino YUN cylon-firmata
AT&T M2X cylon-m2x
Audio cylon-audio
Beaglebone Black cylon-beaglebone
Bebop cylon-bebop
Bluetooth LE cylon-ble
Crazyflie cylon-crazyflie
Digispark cylon-digispark
Electric Imp cylon-imp
Intel Edison cylon-intel-iot
Intel Galileo cylon-intel-iot
Intel IoT Analytics cylon-intel-iot-analytics
Joystick cylon-joystick
Keyboard cylon-keyboard
Leap Motion cylon-leapmotion
MiP cylon-mip
MQTT cylon-mqtt
Nest cylon-nest
Neurosky cylon-neurosky
Ollie cylon-ollie
OpenCV cylon-opencv
Phillips Hue cylon-hue
Pebble cylon-pebble
Pinoccio cylon-pinoccio
PowerUp 3.0 cylon-powerup
Rapiro cylon-rapiro
Raspberry Pi cylon-raspi
Salesforce cylon-force
Skynet cylon-skynet
Spark cylon-spark
Speech cylon-speech
Sphero cylon-sphero
Tessel cylon-tessel
WICED Sense cylon-wiced-sense

Our implementation of GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) allows for a shared set of drivers supporting a number of devices:

  • GPIO <=> Drivers
    • Analog Sensor
    • Button
    • Continuous Servo
    • Direct Pin
    • IR Rangefinder
    • LED
    • MakeyButton
    • Maxbotix Ultrasonic Range Finder
    • Motor
    • Relay
    • RGB LED
    • Servo

Additionally, we also support a number of I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) devices through a shared cylon-i2c module:

  • I2C <=> Drivers
    • BlinkM
    • BMP180
    • HMC6352 Digital Compass
    • LCD Display
    • LIDAR-Lite
    • LSM9DS0G 9 Degrees of Freedom IMU
    • LSM9DS0XM 9 Degrees of Freedom IMU
    • MPL115A2 Barometer/Thermometer
    • MPU6050 Triple Axis Accelerometer and Gyro
    • PCA9685 16-Channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Driver

In addition to our supported platforms, we have the following user contributed platforms:

Platform Support
Parrot Rolling Spider cylon-rolling-spider
PCDuino cylon-pcduino
iBeacon cylon-beacon
WeMo cylon-wemo

We'll also have many more platforms and drivers coming soon, follow us on Twitter for updates.

Browser & Mobile Support

Cylon.js can be run directly in-browser, using the browserify NPM module. You can also run it from withing a Chrome connected app, or a PhoneGap mobile app.

For more info on browser support, and for help with different configurations, you can find more info in our docs.

API Plugins

Cylon.js has support for different API plugins that can be used to interact with your robots remotely. At this time we have support for http/https, mqtt, and socket.io with more coming in the near future.

To use an API plugin, install it alongside Cylon:

$ npm install cylon-api-http cylon-api-socketio

Then, all you need to do is call Cylon#api in your robot's script:

var Cylon = require("cylon");

// For http

// Or for Socket.io

Then visit https://localhost:3000/ and you are ready to control your robots from a web browser!

You can check out more information on the Cylon API in the docs here.


Cylon uses the Gort http://gort.io Command Line Interface (CLI) so you can access important features right from the command line. We call it "RobotOps", aka "DevOps For Robotics". You can scan, connect, update device firmware, and more!

Cylon also has its own CLI to generate new robots, adaptors, and drivers. You can check it out at https://github.com/hybridgroup/cylon-cli.


We're busy adding documentation to our website, check it out at cylonjs.com/documentation.

If you want to help with documentation, you can find the code for our website at on the https://github.com/hybridgroup/cylon-site.


For our contribution guidelines, please go to https://github.com/hybridgroup/cylon/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md .

Release History

For the release history, please go to https://github.com/hybridgroup/cylon/blob/master/RELEASES.md .


Copyright (c) 2013-2015 The Hybrid Group. Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.