417 lines
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417 lines
10 KiB
* robot
* cylonjs.com
* Copyright (c) 2013-2014 The Hybrid Group
* Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
'use strict';
var Connection = require("./connection"),
Device = require("./device"),
Logger = require('./logger'),
Utils = require('./utils'),
Config = require('./config');
var Async = require("async"),
EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
var missingModuleError = function(module) {
var string = "Cannot find the '" + module + "' module. ";
string += "Please install it with 'npm install " + module + "' and try again.";
// Public: Creates a new Robot
// opts - object containing Robot options
// name - optional, string name of the robot
// connection/connections - object connections to connect to
// device/devices - object devices to connect to
// work - work to be performed when the Robot is started
// Returns a new Robot
// Example (CoffeeScript):
// Cylon.robot
// name: "Spherobot!"
// connection:
// name: 'sphero', adaptor: 'sphero', port: '/dev/rfcomm0'
// device:
// name: 'sphero', driver: 'sphero'
// work: (me) ->
// Utils.every 1.second(), ->
// me.sphero.roll 60, Math.floor(Math.random() * 360//
var Robot = module.exports = function Robot(opts) {
opts = opts || {};
var methods = [
methods.forEach(function(method) {
this[method] = this[method].bind(this);
}, this);
this.name = opts.name || Robot.randomName();
this.connections = {};
this.devices = {};
this.adaptors = {};
this.drivers = {};
this.commands = {};
this.running = false;
this.work = opts.work || opts.play;
if (!this.work) {
this.work = function() { Logger.debug("No work yet."); };
for (var n in opts) {
var opt = opts[n];
if (this[n] !== undefined) {
this[n] = opt;
if (typeof opt === 'function' && opts.commands == null) {
this.commands[n] = opt;
if (opts.commands) {
var cmds = opts.commands;
if (typeof cmds === 'object') {
this.commands = cmds;
if (typeof cmds === 'function') {
var result = cmds.call(this, this);
if (typeof result === 'object' && !Array.isArray(result)) {
this.commands = result;
} else {
throw new Error("#commands function must return an object");
var mode = Utils.fetch(Config, 'mode', 'manual');
if (mode === 'auto') {
// run on the next tick, to allow for 'work' event handlers to be set up
setTimeout(this.start, 0);
Utils.subclass(Robot, EventEmitter);
// Public: Generates a random name for a Robot.
// Returns a string name
Robot.randomName = function() {
return "Robot " + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000));
// Public: Expresses the Robot in a JSON-serializable format
// Returns an Object containing Robot data
Robot.prototype.toJSON = function() {
var devices = [],
connections = [],
for (n in this.connections) {
for (n in this.devices) {
return {
name: this.name,
connections: connections,
devices: devices,
commands: Object.keys(this.commands)
Robot.prototype.connection = function(name, conn) {
conn.robot = this;
conn.name = name;
if (this.connections[conn.name]) {
var original = conn.name;
conn.name = Utils.makeUnique(original, Object.keys(this.connections));
Logger.warn("Connection names must be unique. Renaming '" + original + "' to '" + conn.name + "'");
this.connections[conn.name] = Connection(conn);
return this;
// Public: Initializes all connections for the robot
// opts - options array passed to constructor
// Returns initialized connections
Robot.prototype.initConnections = function(opts) {
Logger.info("Initializing connections.");
var isArray = Array.isArray;
if (opts.connection == null && opts.connections == null) {
return this.connections;
if (opts.connection) {
Logger.warn("Specifying a single connection with the 'connection' key is deprecated, and will be removed in 1.0.0.");
this.connection(opts.connection.name, opts.connection);
return this.connections;
if (typeof opts.connections == 'object' && !isArray(opts.connections)) {
for (var name in opts.connections) {
this.connection(name, opts.connections[name]);
if (isArray(opts.connections)) {
Logger.warn("Specifying connections as an array is deprecated, and will be removed in 1.0.0.");
opts.connections.forEach(function(conn) {
this.connection(conn.name, conn);
}, this);
return this.connections;
Robot.prototype.device = function(name, device) {
device.robot = this;
device.name = name;
if (this.devices[device.name]) {
var original = device.name;
device.name = Utils.makeUnique(original, Object.keys(this.devices));
Logger.warn("Device names must be unique. Renaming '" + original + "' to '" + device.name + "'");
if (typeof device.connection === 'string') {
if (this.connections[device.connection] == null) {
var str = "No connection found with the name " + device.connection + ".\n";
device.connection = this.connections[device.connection];
} else {
for (var conn in this.connections) {
device.connection = this.connections[conn];
this.devices[device.name] = Device(device);
return this;
// Public: Initializes all devices for the robot
// opts - options array passed to constructor
// Returns initialized devices
Robot.prototype.initDevices = function(opts) {
Logger.info("Initializing devices.");
var isArray = Array.isArray;
if (opts.device == null && opts.devices == null) {
return this.devices;
// check that there are connections to use
if (!Object.keys(this.connections).length) {
throw new Error("No connections specified")
if (opts.device) {
Logger.warn("Specifying a single device with the 'device' key is deprecated, and will be removed in 1.0.0.");
this.device(opts.device.name, opts.device);
return this.devices;
if (typeof opts.devices == 'object' && !isArray(opts.devices)) {
for (var name in opts.devices) {
this.device(name, opts.devices[name]);
if (isArray(opts.devices)) {
Logger.warn("Specifying devices as an array is deprecated, and will be removed in 1.0.0.");
opts.devices.forEach(function(device) {
this.device(device.name, device);
}, this);
return this.devices;
// Public: Starts the Robot working.
// Starts the connections, devices, and work.
// Returns the result of the work
Robot.prototype.start = function(callback) {
if (this.running) {
return this;
var mode = Utils.fetch(Config, 'workMode', 'async');
function(callback) {
if (mode === 'async') {
callback(null, true);
], function(err, results) {
if (!!err) {
Logger.fatal("An error occured while trying to start the robot:");
if (typeof(this.error) === 'function') {
this.error.call(this, err);
this.emit('error', err);
if (typeof(callback) === 'function') {
callback(err, results);
return this;
// Public: Starts the Robot's work and triggers a callback
// callback - callback function to be triggered
// Returns nothing
Robot.prototype.startWork = function() {
this.emit('ready', this);
this.work.call(this, this);
this.running = true;
// Public: Starts the Robot's connections and triggers a callback
// callback - callback function to be triggered
// Returns nothing
Robot.prototype.startConnections = function(callback) {
Logger.info("Starting connections.");
var starters = Object.keys(this.connections).map(function(n) {
var conn = this[n] = this.connections[n];
return function(cb) {
var str = "Starting connection '" + n + "'";
if (conn.host) {
str += " on host " + conn.host;
} else if (conn.port) {
str += " on port " + conn.port;
Logger.debug(str + ".");
return conn.connect.call(conn, cb);
}, this);
return Async.parallel(starters, callback);
// Public: Starts the Robot's devices and triggers a callback
// callback - callback function to be triggered
// Returns nothing
Robot.prototype.startDevices = function(callback) {
Logger.info("Starting devices.");
var starters = Object.keys(this.devices).map(function(n) {
var device = this[n] = this.devices[n];
return function(cb) {
var str = "Starting device '" + n + "'";
if (device.pin) {
str += " on pin " + device.pin;
Logger.debug(str + ".");
return device.start.call(device, cb);
}, this);
return Async.parallel(starters, callback);
// Public: Halts the Robot.
// Halts the devices, disconnects the connections.
// callback - callback to be triggered when the Robot is stopped
// Returns nothing
Robot.prototype.halt = function(callback) {
callback = callback || function() {};
var fns = Object.keys(this.devices).map(function(d) {
var device = this.devices[d];
return device.halt.bind(device);
}, this);
Async.parallel(fns, function() {
var fns = Object.keys(this.connections).map(function(c) {
var connection = this.connections[c];
return connection.disconnect.bind(connection);
}, this);
Async.parallel(fns, callback);
this.running = false;
// Public: Returns basic info about the robot as a String
// Returns a String
Robot.prototype.toString = function() {
return "[Robot name='" + this.name + "']";