ref #65, new formula functions and read boolean data type cell value support

* added 3 new formula functions: BETAINV, BETA.INV, F.INV.RT
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xuri 2022-03-08 00:03:02 +08:00
parent 61eb265c29
commit 56aa6b8263
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5 changed files with 461 additions and 314 deletions

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@ -333,6 +333,8 @@ type formulaFuncs struct {
@ -415,6 +417,7 @@ type formulaFuncs struct {
@ -5187,6 +5190,375 @@ func (fn *formulaFuncs) AVERAGEIF(argsList *list.List) formulaArg {
return newNumberFormulaArg(sum / count)
// d1mach returns double precision real machine constants.
func d1mach(i int) float64 {
arr := []float64{
if i > len(arr) {
return 0
return arr[i-1]
// chebyshevInit determines the number of terms for the double precision
// orthogonal series "dos" needed to insure the error is no larger
// than "eta". Ordinarily eta will be chosen to be one-tenth machine
// precision.
func chebyshevInit(nos int, eta float64, dos []float64) int {
i, e := 0, 0.0
if nos < 1 {
return 0
for ii := 1; ii <= nos; ii++ {
i = nos - ii
e += math.Abs(dos[i])
if e > eta {
return i
return i
// chebyshevEval evaluates the n-term Chebyshev series "a" at "x".
func chebyshevEval(n int, x float64, a []float64) float64 {
if n < 1 || n > 1000 || x < -1.1 || x > 1.1 {
return math.NaN()
twox, b0, b1, b2 := x*2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
for i := 1; i <= n; i++ {
b2 = b1
b1 = b0
b0 = twox*b1 - b2 + a[n-i]
return (b0 - b2) * 0.5
// lgammacor is an implementation for the log(gamma) correction.
func lgammacor(x float64) float64 {
algmcs := []float64{
0.1666389480451863247205729650822, -0.1384948176067563840732986059135e-4,
0.9810825646924729426157171547487e-8, -0.1809129475572494194263306266719e-10,
0.6221098041892605227126015543416e-13, -0.3399615005417721944303330599666e-15,
0.2683181998482698748957538846666e-17, -0.2868042435334643284144622399999e-19,
0.3962837061046434803679306666666e-21, -0.6831888753985766870111999999999e-23,
0.1429227355942498147573333333333e-24, -0.3547598158101070547199999999999e-26,
0.1025680058010470912000000000000e-27, -0.3401102254316748799999999999999e-29,
nalgm := chebyshevInit(15, d1mach(3), algmcs)
xbig := 1.0 / math.Sqrt(d1mach(3))
xmax := math.Exp(math.Min(math.Log(d1mach(2)/12.0), -math.Log(12.0*d1mach(1))))
if x < 10.0 {
return math.NaN()
} else if x >= xmax {
return 4.930380657631324e-32
} else if x < xbig {
tmp := 10.0 / x
return chebyshevEval(nalgm, tmp*tmp*2.0-1.0, algmcs) / x
return 1.0 / (x * 12.0)
// logrelerr compute the relative error logarithm.
func logrelerr(x float64) float64 {
alnrcs := []float64{
0.10378693562743769800686267719098e+1, -0.13364301504908918098766041553133,
0.19408249135520563357926199374750e-1, -0.30107551127535777690376537776592e-2,
0.48694614797154850090456366509137e-3, -0.81054881893175356066809943008622e-4,
0.13778847799559524782938251496059e-4, -0.23802210894358970251369992914935e-5,
0.41640416213865183476391859901989e-6, -0.73595828378075994984266837031998e-7,
0.13117611876241674949152294345011e-7, -0.23546709317742425136696092330175e-8,
0.42522773276034997775638052962567e-9, -0.77190894134840796826108107493300e-10,
0.14075746481359069909215356472191e-10, -0.25769072058024680627537078627584e-11,
0.47342406666294421849154395005938e-12, -0.87249012674742641745301263292675e-13,
0.16124614902740551465739833119115e-13, -0.29875652015665773006710792416815e-14,
0.55480701209082887983041321697279e-15, -0.10324619158271569595141333961932e-15,
0.19250239203049851177878503244868e-16, -0.35955073465265150011189707844266e-17,
0.67264542537876857892194574226773e-18, -0.12602624168735219252082425637546e-18,
0.23644884408606210044916158955519e-19, -0.44419377050807936898878389179733e-20,
0.83546594464034259016241293994666e-21, -0.15731559416479562574899253521066e-21,
0.29653128740247422686154369706666e-22, -0.55949583481815947292156013226666e-23,
0.10566354268835681048187284138666e-23, -0.19972483680670204548314999466666e-24,
0.37782977818839361421049855999999e-25, -0.71531586889081740345038165333333e-26,
0.13552488463674213646502024533333e-26, -0.25694673048487567430079829333333e-27,
0.48747756066216949076459519999999e-28, -0.92542112530849715321132373333333e-29,
0.17578597841760239233269760000000e-29, -0.33410026677731010351377066666666e-30,
nlnrel := chebyshevInit(43, 0.1*d1mach(3), alnrcs)
if x <= -1 {
return math.NaN()
if math.Abs(x) <= 0.375 {
return x * (1.0 - x*chebyshevEval(nlnrel, x/0.375, alnrcs))
return math.Log(x + 1.0)
// logBeta is an implementation for the log of the beta distribution
// function.
func logBeta(a, b float64) float64 {
corr, p, q := 0.0, a, a
if b < p {
p = b
if b > q {
q = b
if p < 0 {
return math.NaN()
if p == 0 {
return math.MaxFloat64
if p >= 10.0 {
corr = lgammacor(p) + lgammacor(q) - lgammacor(p+q)
return math.Log(q)*-0.5 + 0.918938533204672741780329736406 + corr + (p-0.5)*math.Log(p/(p+q)) + q*logrelerr(-p/(p+q))
if q >= 10 {
corr = lgammacor(q) - lgammacor(p+q)
val, _ := math.Lgamma(p)
return val + corr + p - p*math.Log(p+q) + (q-0.5)*logrelerr(-p/(p+q))
return math.Log(math.Gamma(p) * (math.Gamma(q) / math.Gamma(p+q)))
// pbetaRaw is a part of pbeta for the beta distribution.
func pbetaRaw(alnsml, ans, eps, p, pin, q, sml, x, y float64) float64 {
if q > 1.0 {
xb := p*math.Log(y) + q*math.Log(1.0-y) - logBeta(p, q) - math.Log(q)
ib := int(math.Max(xb/alnsml, 0.0))
term := math.Exp(xb - float64(ib)*alnsml)
c := 1.0 / (1.0 - y)
p1 := q * c / (p + q - 1.0)
finsum := 0.0
n := int(q)
if q == float64(n) {
n = n - 1
for i := 1; i <= n; i++ {
if p1 <= 1 && term/eps <= finsum {
xi := float64(i)
term = (q - xi + 1.0) * c * term / (p + q - xi)
if term > 1.0 {
ib = ib - 1
term = term * sml
if ib == 0 {
finsum = finsum + term
ans = ans + finsum
if y != x || p != pin {
ans = 1.0 - ans
ans = math.Max(math.Min(ans, 1.0), 0.0)
return ans
// pbeta returns distribution function of the beta distribution.
func pbeta(x, pin, qin float64) (ans float64) {
eps := d1mach(3)
alneps := math.Log(eps)
sml := d1mach(1)
alnsml := math.Log(sml)
y := x
p := pin
q := qin
if p/(p+q) < x {
y = 1.0 - y
p = qin
q = pin
if (p+q)*y/(p+1.0) < eps {
xb := p*math.Log(math.Max(y, sml)) - math.Log(p) - logBeta(p, q)
if xb > alnsml && y != 0.0 {
ans = math.Exp(xb)
if y != x || p != pin {
ans = 1.0 - ans
} else {
ps := q - math.Floor(q)
if ps == 0.0 {
ps = 1.0
xb := p*math.Log(y) - logBeta(ps, p) - math.Log(p)
if xb >= alnsml {
ans = math.Exp(xb)
term := ans * p
if ps != 1.0 {
n := int(math.Max(alneps/math.Log(y), 4.0))
for i := 1; i <= n; i++ {
xi := float64(i)
term = term * (xi - ps) * y / xi
ans = ans + term/(p+xi)
ans = pbetaRaw(alnsml, ans, eps, p, pin, q, sml, x, y)
return ans
// betainvProbIterator is a part of betainv for the inverse of the beta
// function.
func betainvProbIterator(alpha1, alpha3, beta1, beta2, beta3, logbeta, lower, maxCumulative, prob1, prob2, upper float64, needSwap bool) float64 {
var i, j, prev, prop4 float64
j = 1
for prob := 0; prob < 1000; prob++ {
prop3 := pbeta(beta3, alpha1, beta1)
prop3 = (prop3 - prob1) * math.Exp(logbeta+prob2*math.Log(beta3)+beta2*math.Log(1.0-beta3))
if prop3*prop4 <= 0 {
prev = math.Max(math.Abs(j), maxCumulative)
h := 1.0
for iteratorCount := 0; iteratorCount < 1000; iteratorCount++ {
j = h * prop3
if math.Abs(j) < prev {
i = beta3 - j
if i >= 0 && i <= 1.0 {
if prev <= alpha3 {
return beta3
if math.Abs(prop3) <= alpha3 {
return beta3
if i != 0 && i != 1.0 {
h /= 3.0
if i == beta3 {
return beta3
beta3, prop4 = i, prop3
return beta3
// calcBetainv is an implementation for the quantile of the beta
// distribution.
func calcBetainv(probability, alpha, beta, lower, upper float64) float64 {
minCumulative, maxCumulative := 1.0e-300, 3.0e-308
lowerBound, upperBound := maxCumulative, 1.0-2.22e-16
needSwap := false
var alpha1, alpha2, beta1, beta2, beta3, prob1, x, y float64
if probability <= 0.5 {
prob1, alpha1, beta1 = probability, alpha, beta
} else {
prob1, alpha1, beta1, needSwap = 1.0-probability, beta, alpha, true
logbeta := logBeta(alpha, beta)
prob2 := math.Sqrt(-math.Log(prob1 * prob1))
prob3 := prob2 - (prob2*0.27061+2.3075)/(prob2*(prob2*0.04481+0.99229)+1)
if alpha1 > 1 && beta1 > 1 {
alpha2, beta2, prob2 = 1/(alpha1+alpha1-1), 1/(beta1+beta1-1), (prob3*prob3-3)/6
x = 2 / (alpha2 + beta2)
y = prob3*math.Sqrt(x+prob2)/x - (beta2-alpha2)*(prob2+5/6.0-2/(x*3))
beta3 = alpha1 / (alpha1 + beta1*math.Exp(y+y))
} else {
beta2, prob2 = 1/(beta1*9), beta1+beta1
beta2 = prob2 * math.Pow(1-beta2+prob3*math.Sqrt(beta2), 3)
if beta2 <= 0 {
beta3 = 1 - math.Exp((math.Log((1-prob1)*beta1)+logbeta)/beta1)
} else {
beta2 = (prob2 + alpha1*4 - 2) / beta2
if beta2 <= 1 {
beta3 = math.Exp((logbeta + math.Log(alpha1*prob1)) / alpha1)
} else {
beta3 = 1 - 2/(beta2+1)
beta2, prob2 = 1-beta1, 1-alpha1
if beta3 < lowerBound {
beta3 = lowerBound
} else if beta3 > upperBound {
beta3 = upperBound
alpha3 := math.Max(minCumulative, math.Pow(10.0, -13.0-2.5/(alpha1*alpha1)-0.5/(prob1*prob1)))
beta3 = betainvProbIterator(alpha1, alpha3, beta1, beta2, beta3, logbeta, lower, maxCumulative, prob1, prob2, upper, needSwap)
if needSwap {
beta3 = 1.0 - beta3
return (upper-lower)*beta3 + lower
// betainv is an implementation of the formula functions BETAINV and
func (fn *formulaFuncs) betainv(name string, argsList *list.List) formulaArg {
if argsList.Len() < 3 {
return newErrorFormulaArg(formulaErrorVALUE, fmt.Sprintf("%s requires at least 3 arguments", name))
if argsList.Len() > 5 {
return newErrorFormulaArg(formulaErrorVALUE, fmt.Sprintf("%s requires at most 5 arguments", name))
probability := argsList.Front().Value.(formulaArg).ToNumber()
if probability.Type != ArgNumber {
return probability
if probability.Number <= 0 || probability.Number >= 1 {
return newErrorFormulaArg(formulaErrorNUM, formulaErrorNUM)
alpha := argsList.Front().Next().Value.(formulaArg).ToNumber()
if alpha.Type != ArgNumber {
return alpha
beta := argsList.Front().Next().Next().Value.(formulaArg).ToNumber()
if beta.Type != ArgNumber {
return beta
if alpha.Number <= 0 || beta.Number <= 0 {
return newErrorFormulaArg(formulaErrorNUM, formulaErrorNUM)
a, b := newNumberFormulaArg(0), newNumberFormulaArg(1)
if argsList.Len() > 3 {
if a = argsList.Front().Next().Next().Next().Value.(formulaArg).ToNumber(); a.Type != ArgNumber {
return a
if argsList.Len() == 5 {
if b = argsList.Back().Value.(formulaArg).ToNumber(); b.Type != ArgNumber {
return b
if a.Number == b.Number {
return newErrorFormulaArg(formulaErrorNUM, formulaErrorNUM)
return newNumberFormulaArg(calcBetainv(probability.Number, alpha.Number, beta.Number, a.Number, b.Number))
// BETAINV function uses an iterative procedure to calculate the inverse of
// the cumulative beta probability density function for a supplied
// probability. The syntax of the function is:
// BETAINV(probability,alpha,beta,[A],[B])
func (fn *formulaFuncs) BETAINV(argsList *list.List) formulaArg {
return fn.betainv("BETAINV", argsList)
// BETAdotINV function uses an iterative procedure to calculate the inverse of
// the cumulative beta probability density function for a supplied
// probability. The syntax of the function is:
// BETA.INV(probability,alpha,beta,[A],[B])
func (fn *formulaFuncs) BETAdotINV(argsList *list.List) formulaArg {
return fn.betainv("BETA.INV", argsList)
// incompleteGamma is an implementation of the incomplete gamma function.
func incompleteGamma(a, x float64) float64 {
max := 32
@ -5836,317 +6208,10 @@ func (fn *formulaFuncs) EXPONDIST(argsList *list.List) formulaArg {
return newNumberFormulaArg(lambda.Number * math.Exp(-lambda.Number*x.Number))
// d1mach returns double precision real machine constants.
func d1mach(i int) float64 {
arr := []float64{
if i > len(arr) {
return 0
return arr[i-1]
// chebyshevInit determines the number of terms for the double precision
// orthogonal series "dos" needed to insure the error is no larger
// than "eta". Ordinarily eta will be chosen to be one-tenth machine
// precision.
func chebyshevInit(nos int, eta float64, dos []float64) int {
i, e := 0, 0.0
if nos < 1 {
return 0
for ii := 1; ii <= nos; ii++ {
i = nos - ii
e += math.Abs(dos[i])
if e > eta {
return i
return i
// chebyshevEval evaluates the n-term Chebyshev series "a" at "x".
func chebyshevEval(n int, x float64, a []float64) float64 {
if n < 1 || n > 1000 || x < -1.1 || x > 1.1 {
return math.NaN()
twox, b0, b1, b2 := x*2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
for i := 1; i <= n; i++ {
b2 = b1
b1 = b0
b0 = twox*b1 - b2 + a[n-i]
return (b0 - b2) * 0.5
// lgammacor is an implementation for the log(gamma) correction.
func lgammacor(x float64) float64 {
algmcs := []float64{
0.1666389480451863247205729650822, -0.1384948176067563840732986059135e-4,
0.9810825646924729426157171547487e-8, -0.1809129475572494194263306266719e-10,
0.6221098041892605227126015543416e-13, -0.3399615005417721944303330599666e-15,
0.2683181998482698748957538846666e-17, -0.2868042435334643284144622399999e-19,
0.3962837061046434803679306666666e-21, -0.6831888753985766870111999999999e-23,
0.1429227355942498147573333333333e-24, -0.3547598158101070547199999999999e-26,
0.1025680058010470912000000000000e-27, -0.3401102254316748799999999999999e-29,
nalgm := chebyshevInit(15, d1mach(3), algmcs)
xbig := 1.0 / math.Sqrt(d1mach(3))
xmax := math.Exp(math.Min(math.Log(d1mach(2)/12.0), -math.Log(12.0*d1mach(1))))
if x < 10.0 {
return math.NaN()
} else if x >= xmax {
return 4.930380657631324e-32
} else if x < xbig {
tmp := 10.0 / x
return chebyshevEval(nalgm, tmp*tmp*2.0-1.0, algmcs) / x
return 1.0 / (x * 12.0)
// logrelerr compute the relative error logarithm.
func logrelerr(x float64) float64 {
alnrcs := []float64{
0.10378693562743769800686267719098e+1, -0.13364301504908918098766041553133,
0.19408249135520563357926199374750e-1, -0.30107551127535777690376537776592e-2,
0.48694614797154850090456366509137e-3, -0.81054881893175356066809943008622e-4,
0.13778847799559524782938251496059e-4, -0.23802210894358970251369992914935e-5,
0.41640416213865183476391859901989e-6, -0.73595828378075994984266837031998e-7,
0.13117611876241674949152294345011e-7, -0.23546709317742425136696092330175e-8,
0.42522773276034997775638052962567e-9, -0.77190894134840796826108107493300e-10,
0.14075746481359069909215356472191e-10, -0.25769072058024680627537078627584e-11,
0.47342406666294421849154395005938e-12, -0.87249012674742641745301263292675e-13,
0.16124614902740551465739833119115e-13, -0.29875652015665773006710792416815e-14,
0.55480701209082887983041321697279e-15, -0.10324619158271569595141333961932e-15,
0.19250239203049851177878503244868e-16, -0.35955073465265150011189707844266e-17,
0.67264542537876857892194574226773e-18, -0.12602624168735219252082425637546e-18,
0.23644884408606210044916158955519e-19, -0.44419377050807936898878389179733e-20,
0.83546594464034259016241293994666e-21, -0.15731559416479562574899253521066e-21,
0.29653128740247422686154369706666e-22, -0.55949583481815947292156013226666e-23,
0.10566354268835681048187284138666e-23, -0.19972483680670204548314999466666e-24,
0.37782977818839361421049855999999e-25, -0.71531586889081740345038165333333e-26,
0.13552488463674213646502024533333e-26, -0.25694673048487567430079829333333e-27,
0.48747756066216949076459519999999e-28, -0.92542112530849715321132373333333e-29,
0.17578597841760239233269760000000e-29, -0.33410026677731010351377066666666e-30,
nlnrel := chebyshevInit(43, 0.1*d1mach(3), alnrcs)
if x <= -1 {
return math.NaN()
if math.Abs(x) <= 0.375 {
return x * (1.0 - x*chebyshevEval(nlnrel, x/0.375, alnrcs))
return math.Log(x + 1.0)
// logBeta is an implementation for the log of the beta distribution
// function.
func logBeta(a, b float64) float64 {
corr, p, q := 0.0, a, a
if b < p {
p = b
if b > q {
q = b
if p < 0 {
return math.NaN()
if p == 0 {
return math.MaxFloat64
if p >= 10.0 {
corr = lgammacor(p) + lgammacor(q) - lgammacor(p+q)
return math.Log(q)*-0.5 + 0.918938533204672741780329736406 + corr + (p-0.5)*math.Log(p/(p+q)) + q*logrelerr(-p/(p+q))
if q >= 10 {
corr = lgammacor(q) - lgammacor(p+q)
val, _ := math.Lgamma(p)
return val + corr + p - p*math.Log(p+q) + (q-0.5)*logrelerr(-p/(p+q))
return math.Log(math.Gamma(p) * (math.Gamma(q) / math.Gamma(p+q)))
// pbetaRaw is a part of pbeta for the beta distribution.
func pbetaRaw(alnsml, ans, eps, p, pin, q, sml, x, y float64) float64 {
if q > 1.0 {
xb := p*math.Log(y) + q*math.Log(1.0-y) - logBeta(p, q) - math.Log(q)
ib := int(math.Max(xb/alnsml, 0.0))
term := math.Exp(xb - float64(ib)*alnsml)
c := 1.0 / (1.0 - y)
p1 := q * c / (p + q - 1.0)
finsum := 0.0
n := int(q)
if q == float64(n) {
n = n - 1
for i := 1; i <= n; i++ {
if p1 <= 1 && term/eps <= finsum {
xi := float64(i)
term = (q - xi + 1.0) * c * term / (p + q - xi)
if term > 1.0 {
ib = ib - 1
term = term * sml
if ib == 0 {
finsum = finsum + term
ans = ans + finsum
if y != x || p != pin {
ans = 1.0 - ans
ans = math.Max(math.Min(ans, 1.0), 0.0)
return ans
// pbeta returns distribution function of the beta distribution.
func pbeta(x, pin, qin float64) (ans float64) {
eps := d1mach(3)
alneps := math.Log(eps)
sml := d1mach(1)
alnsml := math.Log(sml)
y := x
p := pin
q := qin
if p/(p+q) < x {
y = 1.0 - y
p = qin
q = pin
if (p+q)*y/(p+1.0) < eps {
xb := p*math.Log(math.Max(y, sml)) - math.Log(p) - logBeta(p, q)
if xb > alnsml && y != 0.0 {
ans = math.Exp(xb)
if y != x || p != pin {
ans = 1.0 - ans
} else {
ps := q - math.Floor(q)
if ps == 0.0 {
ps = 1.0
xb := p*math.Log(y) - logBeta(ps, p) - math.Log(p)
if xb >= alnsml {
ans = math.Exp(xb)
term := ans * p
if ps != 1.0 {
n := int(math.Max(alneps/math.Log(y), 4.0))
for i := 1; i <= n; i++ {
xi := float64(i)
term = term * (xi - ps) * y / xi
ans = ans + term/(p+xi)
ans = pbetaRaw(alnsml, ans, eps, p, pin, q, sml, x, y)
return ans
// betainvProbIterator is a part of betainv for the inverse of the beta function.
func betainvProbIterator(alpha1, alpha3, beta1, beta2, beta3, logbeta, lower, maxCumulative, prob1, prob2, upper float64, needSwap bool) float64 {
var i, j, prev, prop4 float64
j = 1
for prob := 0; prob < 1000; prob++ {
prop3 := pbeta(beta3, alpha1, beta1)
prop3 = (prop3 - prob1) * math.Exp(logbeta+prob2*math.Log(beta3)+beta2*math.Log(1.0-beta3))
if prop3*prop4 <= 0 {
prev = math.Max(math.Abs(j), maxCumulative)
h := 1.0
for iteratorCount := 0; iteratorCount < 1000; iteratorCount++ {
j = h * prop3
if math.Abs(j) < prev {
i = beta3 - j
if i >= 0 && i <= 1.0 {
if prev <= alpha3 {
return beta3
if math.Abs(prop3) <= alpha3 {
return beta3
if i != 0 && i != 1.0 {
h /= 3.0
if i == beta3 {
return beta3
beta3, prop4 = i, prop3
return beta3
// betainv is an implementation for the quantile of the beta distribution.
func betainv(probability, alpha, beta, lower, upper float64) float64 {
minCumulative, maxCumulative := 1.0e-300, 3.0e-308
lowerBound, upperBound := maxCumulative, 1.0-2.22e-16
needSwap := false
var alpha1, alpha2, beta1, beta2, beta3, prob1, x, y float64
if probability <= 0.5 {
prob1, alpha1, beta1 = probability, alpha, beta
} else {
prob1, alpha1, beta1, needSwap = 1.0-probability, beta, alpha, true
logbeta := logBeta(alpha, beta)
prob2 := math.Sqrt(-math.Log(prob1 * prob1))
prob3 := prob2 - (prob2*0.27061+2.3075)/(prob2*(prob2*0.04481+0.99229)+1)
if alpha1 > 1 && beta1 > 1 {
alpha2, beta2, prob2 = 1/(alpha1+alpha1-1), 1/(beta1+beta1-1), (prob3*prob3-3)/6
x = 2 / (alpha2 + beta2)
y = prob3*math.Sqrt(x+prob2)/x - (beta2-alpha2)*(prob2+5/6.0-2/(x*3))
beta3 = alpha1 / (alpha1 + beta1*math.Exp(y+y))
} else {
beta2, prob2 = 1/(beta1*9), beta1+beta1
beta2 = prob2 * math.Pow(1-beta2+prob3*math.Sqrt(beta2), 3)
if beta2 <= 0 {
beta3 = 1 - math.Exp((math.Log((1-prob1)*beta1)+logbeta)/beta1)
} else {
beta2 = (prob2 + alpha1*4 - 2) / beta2
if beta2 <= 1 {
beta3 = math.Exp((logbeta + math.Log(alpha1*prob1)) / alpha1)
} else {
beta3 = 1 - 2/(beta2+1)
beta2, prob2 = 1-beta1, 1-alpha1
if beta3 < lowerBound {
beta3 = lowerBound
} else if beta3 > upperBound {
beta3 = upperBound
alpha3 := math.Max(minCumulative, math.Pow(10.0, -13.0-2.5/(alpha1*alpha1)-0.5/(prob1*prob1)))
beta3 = betainvProbIterator(alpha1, alpha3, beta1, beta2, beta3, logbeta, lower, maxCumulative, prob1, prob2, upper, needSwap)
if needSwap {
beta3 = 1.0 - beta3
return (upper-lower)*beta3 + lower
// FINV function calculates the inverse of the (right-tailed) F Probability
// Distribution for a supplied probability. The syntax of the function is:
// FINV(probability,deg_freedom1,deg_freedom2)
func (fn *formulaFuncs) FINV(argsList *list.List) formulaArg {
// finv is an implementation of the formula functions F.INV.RT and FINV.
func (fn *formulaFuncs) finv(name string, argsList *list.List) formulaArg {
if argsList.Len() != 3 {
return newErrorFormulaArg(formulaErrorVALUE, "FINV requires 3 arguments")
return newErrorFormulaArg(formulaErrorVALUE, fmt.Sprintf("%s requires 3 arguments", name))
var probability, d1, d2 formulaArg
if probability = argsList.Front().Value.(formulaArg).ToNumber(); probability.Type != ArgNumber {
@ -6167,7 +6232,26 @@ func (fn *formulaFuncs) FINV(argsList *list.List) formulaArg {
if d2.Number < 1 || d2.Number >= math.Pow10(10) {
return newErrorFormulaArg(formulaErrorNUM, formulaErrorNUM)
return newNumberFormulaArg((1/betainv(1.0-(1.0-probability.Number), d2.Number/2, d1.Number/2, 0, 1) - 1.0) * (d2.Number / d1.Number))
return newNumberFormulaArg((1/calcBetainv(1.0-(1.0-probability.Number), d2.Number/2, d1.Number/2, 0, 1) - 1.0) * (d2.Number / d1.Number))
// FdotINVdotRT function calculates the inverse of the (right-tailed) F
// Probability Distribution for a supplied probability. The syntax of the
// function is:
// F.INV.RT(probability,deg_freedom1,deg_freedom2)
func (fn *formulaFuncs) FdotINVdotRT(argsList *list.List) formulaArg {
return fn.finv("F.INV.RT", argsList)
// FINV function calculates the inverse of the (right-tailed) F Probability
// Distribution for a supplied probability. The syntax of the function is:
// FINV(probability,deg_freedom1,deg_freedom2)
func (fn *formulaFuncs) FINV(argsList *list.List) formulaArg {
return fn.finv("FINV", argsList)
// NORMdotDIST function calculates the Normal Probability Density Function or

View File

@ -784,6 +784,10 @@ func TestCalcCellValue(t *testing.T) {
"=AVERAGEA(A1)": "1",
"=AVERAGEA(A1:A2)": "1.5",
"=AVERAGEA(D2:F9)": "12671.375",
"=BETAINV(0.2,4,5,0,1)": "0.303225844664082",
"=BETA.INV(0.2,4,5,0,1)": "0.303225844664082",
"=CHIDIST(0.5,3)": "0.918891411654676",
"=CHIDIST(8,3)": "0.0460117056892315",
@ -859,6 +863,14 @@ func TestCalcCellValue(t *testing.T) {
"=FINV(0.5,4,8)": "0.914645355977072",
"=FINV(0.1,79,86)": "1.32646097270444",
"=FINV(1,40,5)": "0",
"=F.INV.RT(0.2,1,2)": "3.55555555555555",
"=F.INV.RT(0.6,1,2)": "0.380952380952381",
"=F.INV.RT(0.6,2,2)": "0.666666666666667",
"=F.INV.RT(0.6,4,4)": "0.763454070045235",
"=F.INV.RT(0.5,4,8)": "0.914645355977072",
"=F.INV.RT(0.1,79,86)": "1.32646097270444",
"=F.INV.RT(1,40,5)": "0",
"=NORM.DIST(0.8,1,0.3,TRUE)": "0.252492537546923",
"=NORM.DIST(50,40,20,FALSE)": "0.017603266338215",
@ -2282,6 +2294,32 @@ func TestCalcCellValue(t *testing.T) {
"=AVERAGE(H1)": "AVERAGE divide by zero",
"=AVERAGEA(H1)": "AVERAGEA divide by zero",
"=BETAINV()": "BETAINV requires at least 3 arguments",
"=BETAINV(0.2,4,5,0,1,0)": "BETAINV requires at most 5 arguments",
"=BETAINV(\"\",4,5,0,1)": "strconv.ParseFloat: parsing \"\": invalid syntax",
"=BETAINV(0.2,\"\",5,0,1)": "strconv.ParseFloat: parsing \"\": invalid syntax",
"=BETAINV(0.2,4,\"\",0,1)": "strconv.ParseFloat: parsing \"\": invalid syntax",
"=BETAINV(0.2,4,5,\"\",1)": "strconv.ParseFloat: parsing \"\": invalid syntax",
"=BETAINV(0.2,4,5,0,\"\")": "strconv.ParseFloat: parsing \"\": invalid syntax",
"=BETAINV(0,4,5,0,1)": "#NUM!",
"=BETAINV(1,4,5,0,1)": "#NUM!",
"=BETAINV(0.2,0,5,0,1)": "#NUM!",
"=BETAINV(0.2,4,0,0,1)": "#NUM!",
"=BETAINV(0.2,4,5,2,2)": "#NUM!",
"=BETA.INV()": "BETA.INV requires at least 3 arguments",
"=BETA.INV(0.2,4,5,0,1,0)": "BETA.INV requires at most 5 arguments",
"=BETA.INV(\"\",4,5,0,1)": "strconv.ParseFloat: parsing \"\": invalid syntax",
"=BETA.INV(0.2,\"\",5,0,1)": "strconv.ParseFloat: parsing \"\": invalid syntax",
"=BETA.INV(0.2,4,\"\",0,1)": "strconv.ParseFloat: parsing \"\": invalid syntax",
"=BETA.INV(0.2,4,5,\"\",1)": "strconv.ParseFloat: parsing \"\": invalid syntax",
"=BETA.INV(0.2,4,5,0,\"\")": "strconv.ParseFloat: parsing \"\": invalid syntax",
"=BETA.INV(0,4,5,0,1)": "#NUM!",
"=BETA.INV(1,4,5,0,1)": "#NUM!",
"=BETA.INV(0.2,0,5,0,1)": "#NUM!",
"=BETA.INV(0.2,4,0,0,1)": "#NUM!",
"=BETA.INV(0.2,4,5,2,2)": "#NUM!",
"=AVERAGEIF()": "AVERAGEIF requires at least 2 arguments",
"=AVERAGEIF(H1,\"\")": "AVERAGEIF divide by zero",
@ -2375,6 +2413,14 @@ func TestCalcCellValue(t *testing.T) {
"=FINV(0,1,2)": "#NUM!",
"=FINV(0.2,0.5,2)": "#NUM!",
"=FINV(0.2,1,0.5)": "#NUM!",
"=F.INV.RT()": "F.INV.RT requires 3 arguments",
"=F.INV.RT(\"\",1,2)": "strconv.ParseFloat: parsing \"\": invalid syntax",
"=F.INV.RT(0.2,\"\",2)": "strconv.ParseFloat: parsing \"\": invalid syntax",
"=F.INV.RT(0.2,1,\"\")": "strconv.ParseFloat: parsing \"\": invalid syntax",
"=F.INV.RT(0,1,2)": "#NUM!",
"=F.INV.RT(0.2,0.5,2)": "#NUM!",
"=F.INV.RT(0.2,1,0.5)": "#NUM!",
"=NORM.DIST()": "NORM.DIST requires 4 arguments",

View File

@ -130,14 +130,17 @@ func TestOpenFile(t *testing.T) {
// Test boolean write
booltest := []struct {
value bool
raw bool
expected string
{false, "0"},
{true, "1"},
{false, true, "0"},
{true, true, "1"},
{false, false, "FALSE"},
{true, false, "TRUE"},
for _, test := range booltest {
assert.NoError(t, f.SetCellValue("Sheet2", "F16", test.value))
val, err := f.GetCellValue("Sheet2", "F16")
val, err := f.GetCellValue("Sheet2", "F16", Options{RawCellValue: test.raw})
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, test.expected, val)

View File

@ -429,6 +429,16 @@ func (c *xlsxC) getValueFrom(f *File, d *xlsxSST, raw bool) (string, error) {
defer f.Unlock()
switch c.T {
case "b":
if !raw {
if c.V == "1" {
return "TRUE", nil
if c.V == "0" {
return "FALSE", nil
return f.formattedValue(c.S, c.V, raw), nil
case "s":
if c.V != "" {
xlsxSI := 0

View File

@ -950,6 +950,10 @@ func TestNumberFormats(t *testing.T) {
assert.NoError(t, f.Close())
func TestRoundPrecision(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, "text", roundPrecision("text", 0))
func BenchmarkRows(b *testing.B) {
f, _ := OpenFile(filepath.Join("test", "Book1.xlsx"))
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {