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* Author: Cavium, Inc.
* Contact:
* Please include "LiquidIO" in the subject.
* Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Cavium, Inc.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* AS-IS and WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
* NONINFRINGEMENT. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* This file may also be available under a different license from Cavium.
* Contact Cavium, Inc. for more information
/*! \file octeon_device.h
* \brief Host Driver: This file defines the octeon device structure.
/** PCI VendorId Device Id */
#define OCTEON_CN68XX_PCIID 0x91177d
#define OCTEON_CN66XX_PCIID 0x92177d
/** Driver identifies chips by these Ids, created by clubbing together
* DeviceId+RevisionId; Where Revision Id is not used to distinguish
* between chips, a value of 0 is used for revision id.
#define OCTEON_CN68XX 0x0091
#define OCTEON_CN66XX 0x0092
/** Endian-swap modes supported by Octeon. */
enum octeon_pci_swap_mode {
/*--------------- PCI BAR1 index registers -------------*/
/* BAR1 Mask */
#define PCI_BAR1_ENABLE_CA 1
#define PCI_BAR1_MASK ((PCI_BAR1_ENABLE_CA << 3) \
/** Octeon Device state.
* Each octeon device goes through each of these states
* as it is initialized.
#define OCT_DEV_PCI_MAP_DONE 0x1
#define OCT_DEV_HOST_OK 0x9
#define OCT_DEV_CORE_OK 0xa
#define OCT_DEV_RUNNING 0xb
#define OCT_DEV_IN_RESET 0xc
/** Octeon Device interrupts
* These interrupt bits are set in int_status filed of
* octeon_device structure
#define OCT_DEV_INTR_DMA0_FORCE 0x01
#define OCT_DEV_INTR_DMA1_FORCE 0x02
#define OCT_DEV_INTR_PKT_DATA 0x04
#define LIO_RESET_SECS (3)
/*---------------------------DISPATCH LIST-------------------------------*/
/** The dispatch list entry.
* The driver keeps a record of functions registered for each
* response header opcode in this structure. Since the opcode is
* hashed to index into the driver's list, more than one opcode
* can hash to the same entry, in which case the list field points
* to a linked list with the other entries.
struct octeon_dispatch {
/** List head for this entry */
struct list_head list;
/** The opcode for which the dispatch function & arg should be used */
u16 opcode;
/** The function to be called for a packet received by the driver */
octeon_dispatch_fn_t dispatch_fn;
/* The application specified argument to be passed to the above
* function along with the received packet
void *arg;
/** The dispatch list structure. */
struct octeon_dispatch_list {
/** access to dispatch list must be atomic */
spinlock_t lock;
/** Count of dispatch functions currently registered */
u32 count;
/** The list of dispatch functions */
struct octeon_dispatch *dlist;
/*----------------------- THE OCTEON DEVICE ---------------------------*/
/** PCI address space mapping information.
* Each of the 3 address spaces given by BAR0, BAR2 and BAR4 of
* Octeon gets mapped to different physical address spaces in
* the kernel.
struct octeon_mmio {
/** PCI address to which the BAR is mapped. */
u64 start;
/** Length of this PCI address space. */
u32 len;
/** Length that has been mapped to phys. address space. */
u32 mapped_len;
/** The physical address to which the PCI address space is mapped. */
u8 __iomem *hw_addr;
/** Flag indicating the mapping was successful. */
u32 done;
#define MAX_OCTEON_MAPS 32
struct octeon_io_enable {
u32 iq;
u32 oq;
u32 iq64B;
struct octeon_reg_list {
u32 __iomem *pci_win_wr_addr_hi;
u32 __iomem *pci_win_wr_addr_lo;
u64 __iomem *pci_win_wr_addr;
u32 __iomem *pci_win_rd_addr_hi;
u32 __iomem *pci_win_rd_addr_lo;
u64 __iomem *pci_win_rd_addr;
u32 __iomem *pci_win_wr_data_hi;
u32 __iomem *pci_win_wr_data_lo;
u64 __iomem *pci_win_wr_data;
u32 __iomem *pci_win_rd_data_hi;
u32 __iomem *pci_win_rd_data_lo;
u64 __iomem *pci_win_rd_data;
struct octeon_console {
u32 active;
u32 waiting;
u64 addr;
u32 buffer_size;
u64 input_base_addr;
u64 output_base_addr;
struct octeon_board_info {
char name[OCT_BOARD_NAME];
char serial_number[OCT_SERIAL_LEN];
u64 major;
u64 minor;
struct octeon_fn_list {
void (*setup_iq_regs)(struct octeon_device *, u32);
void (*setup_oq_regs)(struct octeon_device *, u32);
irqreturn_t (*process_interrupt_regs)(void *);
int (*soft_reset)(struct octeon_device *);
int (*setup_device_regs)(struct octeon_device *);
void (*reinit_regs)(struct octeon_device *);
void (*bar1_idx_setup)(struct octeon_device *, u64, u32, int);
void (*bar1_idx_write)(struct octeon_device *, u32, u32);
u32 (*bar1_idx_read)(struct octeon_device *, u32);
u32 (*update_iq_read_idx)(struct octeon_device *,
struct octeon_instr_queue *);
void (*enable_oq_pkt_time_intr)(struct octeon_device *, u32);
void (*disable_oq_pkt_time_intr)(struct octeon_device *, u32);
void (*enable_interrupt)(void *);
void (*disable_interrupt)(void *);
void (*enable_io_queues)(struct octeon_device *);
void (*disable_io_queues)(struct octeon_device *);
/* Must be multiple of 8, changing breaks ABI */
/* Structure for named memory blocks
* Number of descriptors
* available can be changed without affecting compatiblity,
* but name length changes require a bump in the bootmem
* descriptor version
* Note: This structure must be naturally 64 bit aligned, as a single
* memory image will be used by both 32 and 64 bit programs.
struct cvmx_bootmem_named_block_desc {
/** Base address of named block */
u64 base_addr;
/** Size actually allocated for named block */
u64 size;
/** name of named block */
struct oct_fw_info {
u32 max_nic_ports; /** max nic ports for the device */
u32 num_gmx_ports; /** num gmx ports */
u64 app_cap_flags; /** firmware cap flags */
/** The core application is running in this mode.
* See octeon-drv-opcodes.h for values.
u32 app_mode;
char liquidio_firmware_version[32];
/* wrappers around work structs */
struct cavium_wk {
struct delayed_work work;
void *ctxptr;
size_t ctxul;
struct cavium_wq {
struct workqueue_struct *wq;
struct cavium_wk wk;
struct octdev_props {
/* Each interface in the Octeon device has a network
* device pointer (used for OS specific calls).
struct net_device *netdev;
/** The Octeon device.
* Each Octeon device has this structure to represent all its
* components.
struct octeon_device {
/** Lock for PCI window configuration accesses */
spinlock_t pci_win_lock;
/** Lock for memory accesses */
spinlock_t mem_access_lock;
/** PCI device pointer */
struct pci_dev *pci_dev;
/** Chip specific information. */
void *chip;
/** Number of interfaces detected in this octeon device. */
u32 ifcount;
struct octdev_props props[MAX_OCTEON_LINKS];
/** Octeon Chip type. */
u16 chip_id;
u16 rev_id;
/** This device's id - set by the driver. */
u32 octeon_id;
/** This device's PCIe port used for traffic. */
u16 pcie_port;
u16 flags;
#define LIO_FLAG_MSI_ENABLED (u32)(1 << 1)
#define LIO_FLAG_MSIX_ENABLED (u32)(1 << 2)
/** The state of this device */
atomic_t status;
/** memory mapped io range */
struct octeon_mmio mmio[OCT_MEM_REGIONS];
struct octeon_reg_list reg_list;
struct octeon_fn_list fn_list;
struct octeon_board_info boardinfo;
u32 num_iqs;
/* The pool containing pre allocated buffers used for soft commands */
struct octeon_sc_buffer_pool sc_buf_pool;
/** The input instruction queues */
struct octeon_instr_queue *instr_queue[MAX_OCTEON_INSTR_QUEUES];
/** The doubly-linked list of instruction response */
struct octeon_response_list response_list[MAX_RESPONSE_LISTS];
u32 num_oqs;
/** The DROQ output queues */
struct octeon_droq *droq[MAX_OCTEON_OUTPUT_QUEUES];
struct octeon_io_enable io_qmask;
/** List of dispatch functions */
struct octeon_dispatch_list dispatch;
/* Interrupt Moderation */
struct oct_intrmod_cfg intrmod;
u32 int_status;
u64 droq_intr;
/** Physical location of the cvmx_bootmem_desc_t in octeon memory */
u64 bootmem_desc_addr;
/** Placeholder memory for named blocks.
* Assumes single-threaded access
struct cvmx_bootmem_named_block_desc bootmem_named_block_desc;
/** Address of consoles descriptor */
u64 console_desc_addr;
/** Number of consoles available. 0 means they are inaccessible */
u32 num_consoles;
/* Console caches */
struct octeon_console console[MAX_OCTEON_MAPS];
/* Coprocessor clock rate. */
u64 coproc_clock_rate;
/** The core application is running in this mode. See liquidio_common.h
* for values.
u32 app_mode;
struct oct_fw_info fw_info;
/** The name given to this device. */
char device_name[32];
/** Application Context */
void *app_ctx;
struct cavium_wq dma_comp_wq;
struct cavium_wq check_db_wq[MAX_OCTEON_INSTR_QUEUES];
struct cavium_wk nic_poll_work;
struct cavium_wk console_poll_work[MAX_OCTEON_MAPS];
void *priv;
#define OCTEON_CN6XXX(oct) ((oct->chip_id == OCTEON_CN66XX) || \
(oct->chip_id == OCTEON_CN68XX))
#define CHIP_FIELD(oct, TYPE, field) \
(((struct octeon_ ## TYPE *)(oct->chip))->field)
struct oct_intrmod_cmd {
struct octeon_device *oct_dev;
struct octeon_soft_command *sc;
struct oct_intrmod_cfg *cfg;
/*------------------ Function Prototypes ----------------------*/
/** Initialize device list memory */
void octeon_init_device_list(int conf_type);
/** Free memory for Input and Output queue structures for a octeon device */
void octeon_free_device_mem(struct octeon_device *);
/* Look up a free entry in the octeon_device table and allocate resources
* for the octeon_device structure for an octeon device. Called at init
* time.
struct octeon_device *octeon_allocate_device(u32 pci_id,
u32 priv_size);
/** Initialize the driver's dispatch list which is a mix of a hash table
* and a linked list. This is done at driver load time.
* @param octeon_dev - pointer to the octeon device structure.
* @return 0 on success, else -ve error value
int octeon_init_dispatch_list(struct octeon_device *octeon_dev);
/** Delete the driver's dispatch list and all registered entries.
* This is done at driver unload time.
* @param octeon_dev - pointer to the octeon device structure.
void octeon_delete_dispatch_list(struct octeon_device *octeon_dev);
/** Initialize the core device fields with the info returned by the FW.
* @param recv_info - Receive info structure
* @param buf - Receive buffer
int octeon_core_drv_init(struct octeon_recv_info *recv_info, void *buf);
/** Gets the dispatch function registered to receive packets with a
* given opcode/subcode.
* @param octeon_dev - the octeon device pointer.
* @param opcode - the opcode for which the dispatch function
* is to checked.
* @param subcode - the subcode for which the dispatch function
* is to checked.
* @return Success: octeon_dispatch_fn_t (dispatch function pointer)
* @return Failure: NULL
* Looks up the dispatch list to get the dispatch function for a
* given opcode.
octeon_get_dispatch(struct octeon_device *octeon_dev, u16 opcode,
u16 subcode);
/** Get the octeon device pointer.
* @param octeon_id - The id for which the octeon device pointer is required.
* @return Success: Octeon device pointer.
* @return Failure: NULL.
struct octeon_device *lio_get_device(u32 octeon_id);
/** Get the octeon id assigned to the octeon device passed as argument.
* This function is exported to other modules.
* @param dev - octeon device pointer passed as a void *.
* @return octeon device id
int lio_get_device_id(void *dev);
static inline u16 OCTEON_MAJOR_REV(struct octeon_device *oct)
u16 rev = (oct->rev_id & 0xC) >> 2;
return (rev == 0) ? 1 : rev;
static inline u16 OCTEON_MINOR_REV(struct octeon_device *oct)
return oct->rev_id & 0x3;
/** Read windowed register.
* @param oct - pointer to the Octeon device.
* @param addr - Address of the register to read.
* This routine is called to read from the indirectly accessed
* Octeon registers that are visible through a PCI BAR0 mapped window
* register.
* @return - 64 bit value read from the register.
u64 lio_pci_readq(struct octeon_device *oct, u64 addr);
/** Write windowed register.
* @param oct - pointer to the Octeon device.
* @param val - Value to write
* @param addr - Address of the register to write
* This routine is called to write to the indirectly accessed
* Octeon registers that are visible through a PCI BAR0 mapped window
* register.
* @return Nothing.
void lio_pci_writeq(struct octeon_device *oct, u64 val, u64 addr);
/* Routines for reading and writing CSRs */
#define octeon_write_csr(oct_dev, reg_off, value) \
writel(value, oct_dev->mmio[0].hw_addr + reg_off)
#define octeon_write_csr64(oct_dev, reg_off, val64) \
writeq(val64, oct_dev->mmio[0].hw_addr + reg_off)
#define octeon_read_csr(oct_dev, reg_off) \
readl(oct_dev->mmio[0].hw_addr + reg_off)
#define octeon_read_csr64(oct_dev, reg_off) \
readq(oct_dev->mmio[0].hw_addr + reg_off)
* Checks if memory access is okay
* @param oct which octeon to send to
* @return Zero on success, negative on failure.
int octeon_mem_access_ok(struct octeon_device *oct);
* Waits for DDR initialization.
* @param oct which octeon to send to
* @param timeout_in_ms pointer to how long to wait until DDR is initialized
* in ms.
* If contents are 0, it waits until contents are non-zero
* before starting to check.
* @return Zero on success, negative on failure.
int octeon_wait_for_ddr_init(struct octeon_device *oct,
u32 *timeout_in_ms);
* Wait for u-boot to boot and be waiting for a command.
* @param wait_time_hundredths
* Maximum time to wait
* @return Zero on success, negative on failure.
int octeon_wait_for_bootloader(struct octeon_device *oct,
u32 wait_time_hundredths);
* Initialize console access
* @param oct which octeon initialize
* @return Zero on success, negative on failure.
int octeon_init_consoles(struct octeon_device *oct);
* Adds access to a console to the device.
* @param oct which octeon to add to
* @param console_num which console
* @return Zero on success, negative on failure.
int octeon_add_console(struct octeon_device *oct, u32 console_num);
/** write or read from a console */
int octeon_console_write(struct octeon_device *oct, u32 console_num,
char *buffer, u32 write_request_size, u32 flags);
int octeon_console_write_avail(struct octeon_device *oct, u32 console_num);
int octeon_console_read(struct octeon_device *oct, u32 console_num,
char *buffer, u32 buf_size, u32 flags);
int octeon_console_read_avail(struct octeon_device *oct, u32 console_num);
/** Removes all attached consoles. */
void octeon_remove_consoles(struct octeon_device *oct);
* Send a string to u-boot on console 0 as a command.
* @param oct which octeon to send to
* @param cmd_str String to send
* @param wait_hundredths Time to wait for u-boot to accept the command.
* @return Zero on success, negative on failure.
int octeon_console_send_cmd(struct octeon_device *oct, char *cmd_str,
u32 wait_hundredths);
/** Parses, validates, and downloads firmware, then boots associated cores.
* @param oct which octeon to download firmware to
* @param data - The complete firmware file image
* @param size - The size of the data
* @return 0 if success.
* -EINVAL if file is incompatible or badly formatted.
* -ENODEV if no handler was found for the application type or an
* invalid octeon id was passed.
int octeon_download_firmware(struct octeon_device *oct, const u8 *data,
size_t size);
char *lio_get_state_string(atomic_t *state_ptr);
/** Sets up instruction queues for the device
* @param oct which octeon to setup
* @return 0 if success. 1 if fails
int octeon_setup_instr_queues(struct octeon_device *oct);
/** Sets up output queues for the device
* @param oct which octeon to setup
* @return 0 if success. 1 if fails
int octeon_setup_output_queues(struct octeon_device *oct);
int octeon_get_tx_qsize(struct octeon_device *oct, u32 q_no);
int octeon_get_rx_qsize(struct octeon_device *oct, u32 q_no);
/** Turns off the input and output queues for the device
* @param oct which octeon to disable
void octeon_set_io_queues_off(struct octeon_device *oct);
/** Turns on or off the given output queue for the device
* @param oct which octeon to change
* @param q_no which queue
* @param enable 1 to enable, 0 to disable
void octeon_set_droq_pkt_op(struct octeon_device *oct, u32 q_no, u32 enable);
/** Retrieve the config for the device
* @param oct which octeon
* @param card_type type of card
* @returns pointer to configuration
void *oct_get_config_info(struct octeon_device *oct, u16 card_type);
/** Gets the octeon device configuration
* @return - pointer to the octeon configuration struture
struct octeon_config *octeon_get_conf(struct octeon_device *oct);