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DRAFT {dashing} Initial sync to dashing-cache.yaml 20190607222522 Recipes generated by superflore for all packages in ROS distribution dashing. This pull request was generated by issuing: superflore-gen-oe-recipes --upstream-repo --upstream-branch master --ros-distro dashing * ament-cmake-ros 0.7.0-1 * ament-cmake-auto 0.7.3-1 * ament-cmake-core 0.7.3-1 * ament-cmake-export-definitions 0.7.3-1 * ament-cmake-export-dependencies 0.7.3-1 * ament-cmake-export-include-directories 0.7.3-1 * ament-cmake-export-interfaces 0.7.3-1 * ament-cmake-export-libraries 0.7.3-1 * ament-cmake-export-link-flags 0.7.3-1 * ament-cmake-gmock 0.7.3-1 * ament-cmake-gtest 0.7.3-1 * ament-cmake-include-directories 0.7.3-1 * ament-cmake-libraries 0.7.3-1 * ament-cmake-nose 0.7.3-1 * ament-cmake-pytest 0.7.3-1 * ament-cmake-python 0.7.3-1 * ament-cmake-target-dependencies 0.7.3-1 * ament-cmake-test 0.7.3-1 * ament-cmake 0.7.3-1 * ament-index-cpp 0.7.0-1 * ament-index-python 0.7.0-1 * ament-clang-format 0.7.3-1 * ament-cmake-clang-format 0.7.3-1 * ament-cmake-copyright 0.7.3-1 * ament-cmake-cppcheck 0.7.3-1 * ament-cmake-cpplint 0.7.3-1 * ament-cmake-flake8 0.7.3-1 * ament-cmake-lint-cmake 0.7.3-1 * ament-cmake-pclint 0.7.3-1 * ament-cmake-pep257 0.7.3-1 * ament-cmake-pep8 0.7.3-1 * ament-cmake-pyflakes 0.7.3-1 * ament-cmake-uncrustify 0.7.3-1 * ament-cmake-xmllint 0.7.3-1 * ament-copyright 0.7.3-1 * ament-cppcheck 0.7.3-1 * ament-cpplint 0.7.3-1 * ament-flake8 0.7.3-1 * ament-lint-auto 0.7.3-1 * ament-lint-cmake 0.7.3-1 * ament-lint-common 0.7.3-1 * ament-pclint 0.7.3-1 * ament-pep257 0.7.3-1 * ament-pep8 0.7.3-1 * ament-pyflakes 0.7.3-1 * ament-uncrustify 0.7.3-1 * ament-xmllint 0.7.3-1 * ament-package 0.7.0 * angles 1.12.1-1 * apriltag 3.1.0-2 * behaviortree-cpp-v3 3.0.9-1 * behaviortree-cpp 2.5.2-1 * cartographer 1.0.0-1 * class-loader 1.3.1-1 * actionlib-msgs 0.7.0-1 * common-interfaces 0.7.0-1 * diagnostic-msgs 0.7.0-1 * geometry-msgs 0.7.0-1 * nav-msgs 0.7.0-1 * sensor-msgs 0.7.0-1 * shape-msgs 0.7.0-1 * std-msgs 0.7.0-1 * std-srvs 0.7.0-1 * stereo-msgs 0.7.0-1 * trajectory-msgs 0.7.0-1 * visualization-msgs 0.7.0-1 * console-bridge-vendor 1.2.0-1 * action-tutorials 0.7.6-1 * composition 0.7.6-1 * demo-nodes-cpp-rosnative 0.7.6-1 * demo-nodes-cpp 0.7.6-1 * demo-nodes-py 0.7.6-1 * dummy-map-server 0.7.6-1 * dummy-robot-bringup 0.7.6-1 * dummy-sensors 0.7.6-1 * image-tools 0.7.6-1 * intra-process-demo 0.7.6-1 * lifecycle 0.7.6-1 * logging-demo 0.7.6-1 * pendulum-control 0.7.6-1 * pendulum-msgs 0.7.6-1 * quality-of-service-demo-cpp 0.7.6-1 * quality-of-service-demo-py 0.7.6-1 * topic-monitor 0.7.6-1 * depthimage-to-laserscan 2.2.1-1 * example-interfaces 0.7.1-1 * examples-rclcpp-minimal-action-client 0.7.3-1 * examples-rclcpp-minimal-action-server 0.7.3-1 * examples-rclcpp-minimal-client 0.7.3-1 * examples-rclcpp-minimal-composition 0.7.3-1 * examples-rclcpp-minimal-publisher 0.7.3-1 * examples-rclcpp-minimal-service 0.7.3-1 * examples-rclcpp-minimal-subscriber 0.7.3-1 * examples-rclcpp-minimal-timer 0.7.3-1 * examples-rclpy-executors 0.7.3-1 * examples-rclpy-minimal-action-client 0.7.3-1 * examples-rclpy-minimal-action-server 0.7.3-1 * examples-rclpy-minimal-client 0.7.3-1 * examples-rclpy-minimal-publisher 0.7.3-1 * examples-rclpy-minimal-service 0.7.3-1 * examples-rclpy-minimal-subscriber 0.7.3-1 * fastcdr 1.0.9-2 * fastrtps 1.8.0-2 * fmi-adapter-examples 0.1.5-1 * fmi-adapter 0.1.5-1 * gazebo-msgs 3.3.1-1 * gazebo-plugins 3.3.1-1 * gazebo-ros-pkgs 3.3.1-1 * gazebo-ros 3.3.1-1 * gazebo-rosdev 3.3.1-1 * tf2-eigen 0.11.3-1 * tf2-geometry-msgs 0.11.3-1 * tf2-msgs 0.11.3-1 * tf2-ros 0.11.3-1 * tf2-sensor-msgs 0.11.3-1 * tf2 0.11.3-1 * gmock-vendor 1.8.9000-1 * gtest-vendor 1.8.9000-1 * camera-calibration-parsers 2.1.1-1 * camera-info-manager 2.1.1-1 * image-transport 2.1.1-1 * joy 2.3.2-1 * kdl-parser 2.2.0-1 * laser-geometry 2.0.0 * launch-ros 0.8.4-1 * launch-testing-ros 0.8.4-1 * ros2launch 0.8.4-1 * launch-testing-ament-cmake 0.8.3-1 * launch-testing 0.8.3-1 * launch 0.8.3-1 * librealsense2 2.16.5-1 * libyaml-vendor 1.0.0-1 * message-filters 3.1.2-1 * map-msgs 2.0.1 * nmea-msgs 2.0.0-1 * object-msgs 0.4.0-1 * ompl 1.4.2-1 * orocos-kdl 3.2.0-1 * osrf-pycommon 0.1.7-1 * osrf-testing-tools-cpp 1.2.1-1 * test-osrf-testing-tools-cpp 1.2.1-1 * pcl-conversions 2.0.0-1 * pluginlib 2.3.1-1 * poco-vendor 1.2.0-1 * python-qt-binding 1.0.1-1 * qt-dotgraph 1.0.5-1 * qt-gui-app 1.0.5-1 * qt-gui-core 1.0.5-1 * qt-gui-cpp 1.0.5-1 * qt-gui-py-common 1.0.5-1 * qt-gui 1.0.5-1 * action-msgs 0.7.4-1 * builtin-interfaces 0.7.4-1 * composition-interfaces 0.7.4-1 * lifecycle-msgs 0.7.4-1 * rcl-interfaces 0.7.4-1 * rosgraph-msgs 0.7.4-1 * test-msgs 0.7.4-1 * rcl-logging-log4cxx 0.2.1-1 * rcl-logging-noop 0.2.1-1 * rcl-action 0.7.4-1 * rcl-lifecycle 0.7.4-1 * rcl-yaml-param-parser 0.7.4-1 * rcl 0.7.4-1 * rclcpp-action 0.7.5-1 * rclcpp-components 0.7.5-1 * rclcpp-lifecycle 0.7.5-1 * rclcpp 0.7.5-1 * rclpy 0.7.3-1 * rcpputils 0.1.0-1 * rcutils 0.7.3-1 * rttest 0.7.1-1 * tlsf-cpp 0.7.1-1 * libcurl-vendor 2.1.0-2 * resource-retriever 2.1.0-2 * rmw-connext-cpp 0.7.2-1 * rmw-connext-shared-cpp 0.7.2-1 * rmw-fastrtps-cpp 0.7.3-1 * rmw-fastrtps-dynamic-cpp 0.7.3-1 * rmw-fastrtps-shared-cpp 0.7.3-1 * rmw-implementation 0.7.1-2 * rmw-opensplice-cpp 0.7.1-1 * rmw-implementation-cmake 0.7.1-1 * rmw 0.7.1-1 * robot-state-publisher 2.2.2-1 * ros-environment 2.3.0-1 * ros-testing 0.1.0-1 * ros2test 0.1.0-1 * ros-workspace 0.7.1-1 * ros1-bridge 0.7.2-3 * realsense-camera-msgs 2.0.4-2 * realsense-ros2-camera 2.0.4-2 * object-analytics-msgs 0.5.4-2 * object-analytics-node 0.5.4-2 * object-analytics-rviz 0.5.4-2 * ros2action 0.7.4-1 * ros2cli 0.7.4-1 * ros2component 0.7.4-1 * ros2lifecycle 0.7.4-1 * ros2msg 0.7.4-1 * ros2multicast 0.7.4-1 * ros2node 0.7.4-1 * ros2param 0.7.4-1 * ros2pkg 0.7.4-1 * ros2run 0.7.4-1 * ros2service 0.7.4-1 * ros2srv 0.7.4-1 * ros2topic 0.7.4-1 * ros1-rosbag-storage-vendor 0.0.6-2 * rosbag2-bag-v2-plugins 0.0.6-2 * ros2bag 0.1.2-1 * rosbag2-converter-default-plugins 0.1.2-1 * rosbag2-storage-default-plugins 0.1.2-1 * rosbag2-storage 0.1.2-1 * rosbag2-test-common 0.1.2-1 * rosbag2-tests 0.1.2-1 * rosbag2-transport 0.1.2-1 * rosbag2 0.1.2-1 * shared-queues-vendor 0.1.2-1 * sqlite3-vendor 0.1.2-1 * rosidl-generator-dds-idl 0.7.1-1 * rosidl-default-generators 0.7.0-1 * rosidl-default-runtime 0.7.0-1 * python-cmake-module 0.7.6-1 * rosidl-generator-py 0.7.6-1 * rosidl-runtime-py 0.7.6-1 * connext-cmake-module 0.7.2-1 * rosidl-typesupport-connext-c 0.7.2-1 * rosidl-typesupport-connext-cpp 0.7.2-1 * fastrtps-cmake-module 0.7.1-1 * rosidl-typesupport-fastrtps-c 0.7.1-1 * rosidl-typesupport-fastrtps-cpp 0.7.1-1 * opensplice-cmake-module 0.7.1-1 * rosidl-typesupport-opensplice-c 0.7.1-1 * rosidl-typesupport-opensplice-cpp 0.7.1-1 * rosidl-typesupport-c 0.7.1-1 * rosidl-typesupport-cpp 0.7.1-1 * rosidl-adapter 0.7.3-1 * rosidl-cmake 0.7.3-1 * rosidl-generator-c 0.7.3-1 * rosidl-generator-cpp 0.7.3-1 * rosidl-parser 0.7.3-1 * rosidl-typesupport-interface 0.7.3-1 * rosidl-typesupport-introspection-c 0.7.3-1 * rosidl-typesupport-introspection-cpp 0.7.3-1 * rqt-action 1.0.1-1 * rqt-console 1.0.1-1 * rqt-graph 1.0.1-1 * rqt-image-view 1.0.2-1 * rqt-msg 1.0.2-1 * rqt-plot 1.0.5-1 * rqt-publisher 1.0.5-1 * rqt-py-console 1.0.0-1 * rqt-service-caller 1.0.3-1 * rqt-shell 1.0.0-1 * rqt-srv 1.0.1-1 * rqt-top 1.0.0-1 * rqt-topic 1.0.0-1 * rqt-gui-cpp 1.0.4-1 * rqt-gui-py 1.0.4-1 * rqt-gui 1.0.4-1 * rqt-py-common 1.0.4-1 * rqt 1.0.4-1 * rviz-assimp-vendor 6.1.1-1 * rviz-common 6.1.1-1 * rviz-default-plugins 6.1.1-1 * rviz-ogre-vendor 6.1.1-1 * rviz-rendering-tests 6.1.1-1 * rviz-rendering 6.1.1-1 * rviz-visual-testing-framework 6.1.1-1 * rviz2 6.1.1-1 * sros2-cmake 0.7.0-1 * sros2 0.7.0-1 * system-modes-examples 0.1.4-1 * system-modes 0.1.4-1 * teleop-twist-joy 2.2.0-1 * teleop-twist-keyboard 2.3.0-1 * test-interface-files 0.7.1-1 * tinydir-vendor 1.1.0-1 * tinyxml-vendor 0.7.0-1 * tinyxml2-vendor 0.6.1-1 * tlsf 0.5.0-1 * uncrustify-vendor 1.2.0-1 * unique-identifier-msgs 2.1.0-1 * urdf 2.2.0-1 * urdfdom-headers 1.0.4-1 * urdfdom 2.2.0-1 * desktop 0.7.0-1 * ros-base 0.7.0-1 * ros-core 0.7.0-1 * cv-bridge 2.1.2-1 * image-geometry 2.1.2-1 * vision-opencv 2.1.2-1 * yaml-cpp-vendor 6.0.1-1:1
2019-05-07 05:36:38 +08:00
# Generated by superflore -- DO NOT EDIT
# Copyright 2019 Open Source Robotics Foundation
inherit ros_distro_${ROS_DISTRO}
inherit ros_superflore_generated
DESCRIPTION = "The auto-magic functions for ease to use of the ament buildsystem in CMake."
AUTHOR = "Dirk Thomas <>"
SECTION = "devel"
LICENSE = "Apache-2.0"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://package.xml;beginline=8;endline=8;md5=12c26a18c7f493fdc7e8a93b16b7c04f"
ROS_CN = "ament_cmake"
ROS_BPN = "ament_cmake_auto"
ament-cmake-native \
ament-cmake-native \
# Currently informational only -- see
# Bitbake doesn't support the "export" concept, so build them as if we needed them to build this package (even though we actually
# don't) so that they're guaranteed to have been staged should this package appear in another's DEPENDS.
SRC_URI = ";downloadfilename=${ROS_SP}.tar.gz"
SRC_URI[md5sum] = "e27d390c5e11a55612dda973d6ca4a9b"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "76740cdb80e665b87e70129ab0b9844164c9e8e8af203aa04de9a76c20ec2899"
S = "${WORKDIR}/ament_cmake-release-release-dashing-ament_cmake_auto-0.7.3-1"
ROS_COMPONENT_TYPE = "${@ros_distro__get_component_type('ament-cmake', d)}"
ROS_BUILD_TYPE = "ament_cmake"
# Allow the above settings to be overridden.
ROS_INCLUDES_TREE := "${@ros_superflore_generated__get_includes_tree('ament-cmake', d)}"
include ${ROS_LAYERDIR}/${ROS_INCLUDES_TREE}/ament-cmake/
include ${ROS_LAYERDIR}/${ROS_INCLUDES_TREE}/ament-cmake/ament-cmake-${PV}
include ${ROS_LAYERDIR}/${ROS_INCLUDES_TREE}/ament-cmake/${BPN}.inc
include ${ROS_LAYERDIR}/${ROS_INCLUDES_TREE}/ament-cmake/${BPN}-${PV}.inc
inherit ${ROS_COMPONENT_TYPE}_component
inherit ros_${ROS_BUILD_TYPE}