2014-08-19 15:09:47 +08:00
DESCRIPTION = "This package provides implementations of the Trajectory Rollout and Dynamic Window \
approaches to local robot navigation on a plane."
2013-10-14 15:54:42 +08:00
SECTION = "devel"
2014-05-23 03:07:27 +08:00
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://package.xml;beginline=14;endline=14;md5=01c2bc31767ccb3a68e12f02612b2a97"
2013-10-14 15:54:42 +08:00
DEPENDS = "angles costmap-2d dynamic-reconfigure geometry-msgs libeigen message-generation \
2014-08-19 15:09:47 +08:00
nav-core nav-msgs pcl-conversions pcl-ros pluginlib rosconsole roscpp rospy std-msgs tf \
2017-02-06 20:41:38 +08:00
voxel-grid visualization-msgs rostest"
2013-10-14 15:54:42 +08:00
require navigation.inc