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# Generated by superflore -- DO NOT EDIT
# Copyright 2019 Open Source Robotics Foundation
inherit ros_distro_${ROS_DISTRO}
inherit ros_superflore_generated
DESCRIPTION = "<p>opencv_apps provides various nodes that run internally OpenCV's functionalities and publish the result as ROS topics. With opencv_apps, you can skip writing OpenCV application codes for a lot of its functionalities by simply running a launch file that corresponds to OpenCV's functionality you want.</p> <ul> <li>You can have a look at all launch files provided here (be sure to choose the correct branch. As of Sept. 2016 indigo branch is used for ROS Indigo, Jade, and Kinetic distros).</li> <li>Some of the features covered by opencv_apps are explained in <a href="http://wiki.ros.org/opencv_apps">the wiki</a>.</li> </ul> <p>The most of code is originally taken from https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/tree/master/samples/cpp</p>"
AUTHOR = "Kei Okada <kei.okada@gmail.com>"
ROS_AUTHOR = "Kei Okada <kei.okada@gmail.com>"
HOMEPAGE = "https://wiki.ros.org"
SECTION = "devel"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://package.xml;beginline=17;endline=17;md5=d566ef916e9dedc494f5f793a6690ba5"
ROS_CN = "opencv_apps"
ROS_BPN = "opencv_apps"
cv-bridge \
dynamic-reconfigure \
image-transport \
message-generation \
nodelet \
roscpp \
sensor-msgs \
std-msgs \
std-srvs \
catkin-native \
cv-bridge \
dynamic-reconfigure \
image-transport \
message-runtime \
nodelet \
roscpp \
sensor-msgs \
std-msgs \
std-srvs \
cv-bridge \
dynamic-reconfigure \
image-transport \
message-runtime \
nodelet \
roscpp \
sensor-msgs \
std-msgs \
std-srvs \
# Currently informational only -- see http://www.ros.org/reps/rep-0149.html#dependency-tags.
compressed-image-transport \
image-proc \
image-view \
rosbag \
roslaunch \
rosservice \
rostest \
rostopic \
topic-tools \
# Bitbake doesn't support the "export" concept, so build them as if we needed them to build this package (even though we actually
# don't) so that they're guaranteed to have been staged should this package appear in another's DEPENDS.
SRC_URI = "https://github.com/ros-perception/opencv_apps-release/archive/release/melodic/opencv_apps/2.0.1-1.tar.gz;downloadfilename=${ROS_SP}.tar.gz"
SRC_URI[md5sum] = "424b941292bc77336340f2d7b31664da"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "11489debf5d3b3dc194472f483d67857db62f76665f6785ad4f55882c4e4d3dc"
S = "${WORKDIR}/opencv_apps-release-release-melodic-opencv_apps-2.0.1-1"
ROS_COMPONENT_TYPE = "${@ros_distro__get_component_type('opencv-apps', d)}"
ROS_BUILD_TYPE = "catkin"
# Allow the above settings to be overridden.
ROS_INCLUDES_TREE := "${@ros_superflore_generated__get_includes_tree('opencv-apps', d)}"
include ${ROS_LAYERDIR}/${ROS_INCLUDES_TREE}/opencv-apps/opencv-apps_common.inc
include ${ROS_LAYERDIR}/${ROS_INCLUDES_TREE}/opencv-apps/opencv-apps-${PV}_common.inc
include ${ROS_LAYERDIR}/${ROS_INCLUDES_TREE}/opencv-apps/${BPN}.inc
include ${ROS_LAYERDIR}/${ROS_INCLUDES_TREE}/opencv-apps/${BPN}-${PV}.inc
inherit ${ROS_COMPONENT_TYPE}_component
inherit ros_${ROS_BUILD_TYPE}