# scrub old ROS bin dirs, to avoid accidentally finding the wrong executables
-export PATH="`@(PYTHON_EXECUTABLE) -c \"import os; print(os.pathsep.join([x for x in \\\"$PATH\\\".split(os.pathsep) if not any([d for d in ['cturtle', 'diamondback', 'electric', 'fuerte'] if d in x])]))\"`"
+export PATH="`/usr/bin/env python -c \"import os; print(os.pathsep.join([x for x in \\\"$PATH\\\".split(os.pathsep) if not any([d for d in ['cturtle', 'diamondback', 'electric', 'fuerte'] if d in x])]))\"`"
if [ -n "$ROS_DISTRO" -a "$ROS_DISTRO" != "indigo" ]; then
echo "ROS_DISTRO was set to '$ROS_DISTRO' before. Please make sure that the environment does not mix paths from different distributions."