# Rebaseable Branch `morty-draft` **NOTICE:** This branch may be rebased without warning. You are advised to specify the `--rebase` option when pulling. As of 2019-06-01, this branch can be used to build ROS 2 **crystal** using OpenEmbedded **morty** on Ubuntu **bionic**. See [here](https://github.com/ros/meta-ros/wiki/OpenEmbedded-Build-Instructions) for instructions. # UNDER CONSTRUCTION! The original implementation of `meta-ros` for ROS 1 Indigo Igloo ( was transferred here on 2019-06-25. It is in the process of being upgraded to be able to build current ROS 1 and ROS 2 distros (Crystal Clemmys, Dashing Diademata, and eventually Melodic Morenia and Bouncy Bolson) from recipes generated by [superflore](https://github.com/ros-infrastructure/superflore/) and might not be usable for a little while. Please see this [wiki page](https://github.com/ros/meta-ros/wiki/Superflore-OE-Recipe-Generation-Scheme) for details of what is being done. Draft versions of these changes are in this branch. The original implementation has been retained in the [`legacy`](https://github.com/ros/meta-ros/tree/legacy) branch.