amcl is a probabilistic localization system for a robot moving in 2D. It implements the adaptive (or KLD-sampling) Monte Carlo localization approach (as described by Dieter Fox), which uses a particle filter to track the pose of a robot against a known map.
This node is derived, with thanks, from Andrew Howard's excellent 'amcl' Player driver.
A metapackage for geometry library suite.
Migration: Since ROS Hydro, tf has been "deprecated" in favor oftf2. tf2 is an iteration on tf providing generally the same feature set more efficiently. As well as adding a few new features.
As tf2 is a major change the tf API has been maintained in its current form. Since tf2 has a superset of the tf features with a subset of the dependencies the tf implementation has been removed and replaced with calls to tf2 under the hood. This will mean that all users will be compatible with tf2. It is recommended for new work to use tf2 directly as it has a cleaner interface. However tf will continue to be supported for through at least J Turtle.
Contains a node publish an image stream from single image file or avi motion file.
Contains a node that rotates an image stream in a way that minimizes the angle between a vector in some arbitrary frame and a vector in the camera frame. The frame of the outgoing image is published by the node.
This node is intended to allow camera images to be visualized in an orientation that is more intuitive than the hardware-constrained orientation of the physical camera. This is particularly helpful, for example, to show images from the PR2's forearm cameras with a consistent up direction, despite the fact that the forearms need to rotate in arbitrary ways during manipulation.
It is not recommended to use the output from this node for further computation, as it interpolates the source image, introduces black borders, and does not output a camera_info.
ROS Industrial libraries/plugins for filtering trajectories.
This package is part of the ROS Industrial program and contains libraries and moveit plugins for filtering robot trajectories.
Metapackage that contains commonly used 3rdparty toolset for jsk-ros-pkg
Metapackage that contains commonly used toolset for jsk-ros-pkg
Metapackage that contains commonly used messages for jsk-ros-pkg
Metapackage that contains model_tools package for jsk-ros-pkg
Metapackage that contains recognition package for jsk-ros-pkg
Metapackage that contains roseus package for jsk-ros-pkg
Metapackage that contains visualization package for jsk-ros-pkg
Kobuki message and service types: custom messages and services for Kobuki packages.
opencv_apps provides various nodes that run internally OpenCV's functionalities and publish the result as ROS topics. With opencv_apps, you can skip writing OpenCV application codes for a lot of its functionalities by simply running a launch file that corresponds to OpenCV's functionality you want.
The most of code is originally taken from
This package does not only wrapOpenHRP3but actually provides the built artifact from the code from itsmainstream repository. Being ROS-agnostic by itself, you can also use this via ROS together with the packages inrtmros_commonthat bridge between two framework.
OpenHRP3 (Open Architecture Human-centered Robotics Platform version 3) is an integrated software platform for robot simulations and software developments. It allows the users to inspect an original robot model and control program by dynamics simulation. In addition, OpenHRP3 provides various software components and calculation libraries that can be used for robotics related software developments(excerpts from here).
The package version number is synchronized to that of mainstream, based onthis decision.
This package representsOpenRTM-aistthat's built within ROS eco system. Although being ROS-agnostic by itself, you can use this via ROS together with the packages inrtmros_commonthat bridge between two framework.
OpenRTM-aist is anRT-Middleware-baseed, component-oriented software platform to robotics development that is made and maintained in AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) in Japan(excerpts from here)
Its development is happening The repository listed below is where the development of its ROS wrapper happening.
Python binding of OpenRTM-AIST (seeopenrtm_aistfor further information).
OpenRTM-aist is anRT-Middleware-baseed, component-oriented software platform to robotics development that is made and maintained in AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) in Japan(excerpts from here)
This package contains the robot model that is used by the realtime controllers insidecontroller manager. This robot model focuses on controlling the robot mechanism in a realtime control loop, and therefore it only contains the components of a robot that are relevant in realtime: the robot joints (with encoders, transmisisons and actuators) and the kinematic/dynamic model of the robot.
The pr2_mechanism_model package is well tested and is released with a stable API.
API for interacting with running RT-Components and managing RTM-based systems using OpenRTM-aist.
Migration: Since ROS Hydro, tf has been "deprecated" in favor oftf2. tf2 is an iteration on tf providing generally the same feature set more efficiently. As well as adding a few new features.
As tf2 is a major change the tf API has been maintained in its current form. Since tf2 has a superset of the tf features with a subset of the dependencies the tf implementation has been removed and replaced with calls to tf2 under the hood. This will mean that all users will be compatible with tf2. It is recommended for new work to use tf2 directly as it has a cleaner interface. However tf will continue to be supported for through at least J Turtle.